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What about you, what do you do?  Are you a student?  Do you work?  Where do
you work?
You might answer I'm a student, or I work at a clothing store. 
Because these might be usual activities for you. how do we form the present
simple?  Well, it's not called the present simple for no reason. 
It's actually pretty simple to form.  You take the base form of the verb, and that's it. 
For example, I teach English. 
Teach is the base form of the verb to teach. 
The only exception here is the third person singular.
We form the present continuous by using the verb be in the present form. 
That's am, are, or is, and  then adding the base verb + ing.

1. Increase Professional Knowledge And Training

Those who are looking for work want to make sure they have the right skills.
People who have a job can use new skills to grow in their role. One way to
increase your knowledge is to take a college class.
2. Increase Salary
Taking steps to earn more money can make you more excited about your job.
Wanting to earn more can also motivate you to find a new job.
3. Improve A Difficult Process Or Relationship
Make changes to improve it. Improving a process or relationship that is frustrating
you will make your work experience happier. This goal can lead to a more
rewarding work life.
4. Have New Experiences
Trying something new can mean volunteering in your town or at work. A new experience
can help spark your interest in your job. It can also lead to new opportunities.
5. Be A Leader
Many people want to be a leader in their career. Determining these steps will help make it
Specific — Have a specific, clear focus. “Make some networking connections” is not
Measurable — Make sure you have a way to measure your progress. Ask yourself the
following questions about your goal: How much? How many? How will I know when it is
accomplished? Try questions that focus on something that can be counted.
Attainable — Goals should be attainable, or possible to reach. A goal is attainable when
the steps are planned clearly and you have enough time to complete them
Relevant — A relevant goal is one that really matters to you and is important. Is it worth
the energy? Is this the right time? Does your career goal fit into your life goals and future
plans? Is there anything you will need to reach your goal that you don't currently have?
Timely — A goal should have a clear timeline. This will help keep you focused. Decide
when do you want to start working on your goal. Then ask yourself: When should I
complete each step?
Here are a few tips for reaching your SMART goal:
Make A List
Set Deadlines
Reward Yourself
Have A Goal Partner

There are also websites that focus only on jobs like in the US, Also,
many larger companies have information on their websites about job openings, so
you can go directly to the website of the company where you'd like to work.
So when searching through job advertisements, look for job titles related to your
area of training, experience or interest. So now let's look at some of the parts of the
job advertisement. Say I am interested in helping people and I am organized
It is normal to try and narrow your job search to the field or area where you want to
work or where you have training. For example, school teacher, or office
receptionist, or truck driver, or nurse.

When you begin looking for a job, you're probably going to search for jobs in job
advertisements. You will usually find these advertisements in newspapers and on
Internet job sites.
When you begin your job search, you might first look for jobs in a local newspaper
where you live.
In the United States, many newspapers are now online and you can find many jobs
There are also websites that focus only on jobs like in the US, Also,
many larger companies have information on their websites about job openings, so
you can go directly to the website of the company where you'd like to work.
So when searching through job advertisements, look for job titles related to your
area of training, experience or interest. So now let's look at some of the parts of the
job advertisement. Say I am interested in helping people and I am organized

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