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Presentation Day of Graduation Project (Confirmed by department): 2021/6/9

※ Except for the structural design, it has foundation design. A tight deadline! Please spend enough time on the graduation project, otherwise you will

get a very low mark, or you cannot pass it, meaning you cannot receive a bachelor degree from this university.

Structural Design (due time: 2021/5/20)

Dr. Qihao HAN, Wei ZENG

Works (-2021/5/20)
1. Finish the layout drawings of beam, column and slab (using A2 paper or AutoCAD).
1.1 Grid layout should consist with the architectural drawings
 Dimension should be presented with unit of mm
 From left to right (horizontal direction), mark it with 1, 2, 3...From lower to higher (vertical direction), mark it with A, B, C...
 Architectural tick should be used for the arrowheads.

Architectural tick
Figure 1. Description of dimension type

1.2 Dimensions of beams and columns determined by the estimated equations (see the appendix A)
1.3 Drawing title, student information…should be included.
Figure 2. Layout drawing of beam, column and slab (4.160m-29.360m)
Figure 3. Layout drawing of beam, column and slab (33.500m)
2. Draw calculating diagram of one frame (Microsoft Visio is recommended), and present it in the Microsoft Word.



Figure 4. Calculating diagram (units in mm)

3. Calculate the total vertical dead loads q (q=qw+qg) by using Excel file (Annex 1 Vertical dead loads on the beam)
(a) Vertical loads from infilled wall qw.
(b) Vertical loads from beam self-weights qg.
4. Calculate the internal forces (bending moments) of beams and columns under vertical loads.
4.1 Bending moment (using moment distribution method, distribute the unbalanced bending moment, and transfer 0.5 times of moment to the

other side) If you cannot understand moment distribution method, just use the (ql2)/12 to present the end moment of beam.
Note: The clockwise bending moment (+), counterclockwise bending moment (-).
(1) Calculate bending moments of ends of beams (Mf) (at end is (ql2)/12, at center is (ql2)/24)

(a) Linear distributed loads (b) Bending moments at the ends of beam
Figure 3. Bending moment of statically indeterminate beam under distributed load
(2) Calculate the liner stiffness of members by using Excel file (Annex 2 Liner stiffness of members)
 Aj
(3) Calculate moment distribution coefficient of beam-column joint based on rotational stiffness (Sij=4EI/l=4i, where i is the linear stiffness).


Figure 4. Description of moment distribution method

Moment distribution coefficient can be determined by:
S Aj
 Aj 

 Aj 1

M Aj   Aj M

where M is the unbalanced bending moment.

(4) Calculate distributed bending moment (Md) based on the moment distribution coefficient
(5) Transfer the moment to the other side (Mt)
(6) Calculate final bending moment (M=Mf +Md + Mt)
5. Draw internal forces (bending moment) of one frame (frame can be the same with part 2) (Microsoft Visio is
recommended), and present it in the Microsoft Word. Or write it on the paper by hand.
6. Reinforcement details based on the bending moments by using Excel file (Annex 3 Reinforcement details of beam)
7. Draw reinforcement details of beam cross-section (Microsoft Word is recommended, or write it on A4 paper by hand).
Appendix A

1、Structure type

RC frame structure (recommended), RC shear wall structure, RC frame-shear wall structure, masonry structure.

(a) RC frame structure (b) RC frame-shear wall structure

Figure 1 Structure type

2、Material used in members

Table 1 Reinforcements used in members

Member Main reinforcements (Longitudinal) Stirrup reinforcements
Beam/Column HRB400 HPB300
Slab HRB400 --
Note: Design yield strength of HRB400 is 360 N/mm2, design yield strength of HPB300 is 270 N/mm2

3、Dimensions of members

3.1 Beam (depth, width)

Span of primary beam (L) should be within 5-8 m, the depth of beam cross-section (h), and the width of beam cross-section (b). b should be more than

200 mm, and ratio of depth and width should be less than 4.
1 1
h  (  )L
12 8 (1)

1 1
b  (  )h
3 2 (2)

b (3)

h (4)

3.2 Column (width)

Length of a side should be larger than 400 mm, ratio of larger width and smaller width should be less than 4.
Dimension of cross-section of column is estimated with axial compression ratio (ACR)
f c Ac (5)

f c is the axial compressive strength of column; Ac is the cross-section area of column;  is the limit value of axial compression ratio, seismic Level-1

frame,   0.65 ; seismic Level-2 frame,   0.75 ; seismic Level-3 frame,   0.85 .

Table 2 Seismic level

Fortification intensity
6 7 8 9
Height (m)  24  24  24  24  24  24  24
Frame structure 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Large-span frame structure 3 2 1 1

N c  1.25C  N (6)

C is the factor. C=1, intermediate column; C=1.1, side column; C=1.2, corner column
 is the amplification factor considering the earthquake, 7 degree seismic fortifications,   1.05 ; 7 degree seismic fortifications,   1.10 . N is the

standard value of axial forces under vertical loads.

N  nAq (7)

n is the number of stories, A is the dependent area of column, q is the standard value of vertical loads (included live loads).
Square section or rectangular section is recommended.
3.3 Slab (thickness)
Thickness of slab t, span of slab Lb. Longer span is , shorter span is Lx .

One-way slab: Lx

Ly Ly
 2 3 2
Two-way slab: Lx , Lx
(a) One-way slab (b) Two-way slab
Figure 2 Differences of one-way slab and two-way slab
 30
For one-way slab: t ;

 40
For two-way slab: t ;

80mm  t  150mm
Table1 The minimum thickness of slab
Slab type Minimum thickness
Roof slab 60
Residual building slab 60
One-way slabs
Industrial building slab 70
Carriageway slab 80
Two-way slabs 80
Masonry structure, ring beam and constructional column should be included to ensure the integrity and good seismic performance.
Figure 3 Description of masonry structure

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