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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2011; 15: 538-542

The effect of lavender oil on serum testosterone

levels and epididymal sperm characteristics of
formaldehyde treated male rats
Department of Anatomy, nönü University, School of Medicine, Malatya (Turkey)
Department of Anatomy, Fırat University, School of Medicine, Elazığ (Turkey)
Department of Anatomy, Mustafa Kemal University, Tayfur Ata Sökmen Medical Faculty, Hatay
Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Fırat University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Elazığ (Turkey)
Department of Anatomy, Balıkesir University School of Medicine Balıkesir (Turkey)

Abstract. – Background and Objec- with cigarette smoke and exhaust gas and also
tivies: In this study, the harmful effects of can be naturally found in atmosphere. FA, when
formaldehyde (FA) on serum testosterone levels inhaled, causes harmful effects by joining into
and epididymal sperm characteristics were in-
vestigated. In addition, possible protective effect the structure of macromolecules like protein,
of lavender oil was evaluated. DNA and RNA1-3.
Materials and Methods: For this purpose, 21 Formaldehyde is intensely used in anatomy,
adult male Wistar-Albino rats were used. The histology and pathology laboratories. Along with
rats of group I was used as control group. The this, in process of producing various materials
rats of group II were exposed FA (10 ppm/1 hour) like paint, plastic, wallpapers, woodworks, glues,
for 35 days. The rats of group III inhaleted laven-
der oil (1 ml/1 hour) with FA.
cleaning materials used in houses, toothpaste and
Results: While the testosterone levels, the epi- shampoo, FA is made use of4-6. So in almost any
didymal sperm concentration and the progressive kind of ambiance exposure to FA is possible
sperm motility were significantly decreased, the through inhalation.
abnormal sperm rate was significantly increased On various experimental researches, it has
in FA treated group when compared to control been reported that formaldehyde has harmful ef-
group. However, in group III, the epididymal sperm fects on various systems like respiratory system,
concentration and the progressive sperm motility
were significantly increased, the abnormal sperm nervous system and digestion system 7-9. This
rate was significantly decreased in comparison substance which also has negative effects on re-
with the FA treated group. productive system, causes infertility10-12. On re-
Conclusion: It can be expressed that serious searches made on experiment animals, it has
damages occured via formaldehyde exposure in been reported that FA exposure damages the
reproductive system and that the lavender oil morphological structure of testicles and causes a
had protective effects against these damages.
fall in serum testosterone levels. Besides, it has
Key Words: been mentioned in these research reports that
formaldehyde decreases sperm amount and mo-
Formaldehyde, Epididymis, Lavender oil, Testos-
terone, Rat.
bility and increases abnormal sperm amounts13-16.
Usage of pure essential oils for treatment pur-
poses which are derived from aromatic plants is
called aromatherapy. One of the oils that are of-
ten used in aromatherapy applications is lavender
Introduction oil. This oil which is obtained by means of steam
distillation contains up to 30-40% linalool, and
Formaldehyde (FA) is an opaque and pungent 35-55% lynyl acetate. Additionally this oil con-
substance. FA, (CH2O) a member of aldehyde tains tanins, caffeic acide and terpenic substances
family, is released into the ambience together like geraniol, borneol, and ocaliptol17-19.

538 Corresponding Author: Evren Köse, MD; e-mail:

Effects of lavender oil on FA-intoxicated testes

Lavender oil which is used by public physi- Neubauer, Weber, UK) using a modification of
cians in treatments of disorders like various in- the hemocytometric method described by Turk et
fections, anxiety, stomach aches and kidney al25 and Sönmez et al26. Briefly, the right epi-
problems also has an aphrodisiacal effect19-21. didymis was finely minced using anatomical
On recently made researches, it has been in- scissors in 1mL of physiological saline (NaCl,
formed that lavender volatile oil creates sedative, 0.9%) in a Petri dish. It was completely squashed
hypnotic and hypotensive effects on humans22-24. with tweezers for 2 min. Then, it was incubated
Along with this, it has been also informed that at room temperature for 5 min to provide the mi-
lavender volatile oil is used for infertility gration of all spermatozoa from epididymal tis-
treatment20. However, in literature scans we have sue to the fluid. After incubation, the epididymal
made, no experimental work on lavender oil’s ef- tissue-fluid mixture was filtered via a strainer to
fects on reproductive system has been encountered. separate the supernatant from tissue particles.
And, on the research we made on rats, FA tox- The supernatant fluid was drawn into the capil-
icity on reproductive system has been examined. lary tube up to 0.5 line of the pipette designed for
In addition, possible protective effects of laven- counting red blood cells. The solution containing
der oil against to FA toxicity have also been ap- 5 g sodium bicarbonate, 1 mL formalin (35%,
preciated. v/v) and 25 mg eosin per 100 mL distilled water
were pulled up to 101 lines of the pipette. Ap-
proximately 10 mL of the diluted sperm suspen-
sion was transferred to counting chambers of he-
Materials and Methods mocytometer and allowed to stand for 5 min. The
sperm cells in both chambers were counted with
Adult male Wistar rats (weighing 310-320 g, the help of light microscope at the magnification
n=21) comprised the study material. All proce- of 200X.
dures were approved by the Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committee of the Medical School, Determination of Epididymal
Fırat University, Turkey. The animals were divid- Sperm Motility
ed into three groups. The rats in Group I (n=7) The percentage of progressive sperm motili-
were used as the controls. While the rats in ty was evaluated using a light microscope with
Group II were exposed to FA (10 ppm/1 hour – heater table as described by Sönmez et al 27.
formalin, Sigma-Aldrich formaldehyde 37% so- For this process, a slide was placed on micro-
lution, Deisenhofen, Germany) for 35 days, the scope and allowed to warm to a temperature of
rats in Group III inhaled lavender oil (1 ml/1 35°C on a heating table. Several droplets of
hour – Mecitefendi, zmir, Turkey) along with Tris buffer solution [Tris (hydroxymethyl)
FA. At the end of the experiment, all the animals aminomethane 3.63 g, glucose 0.50 g, citric
were killed by means of decapitation. The blood acid 1.99 g, and distilled water 100 mL] were
samples taken from the rats were used to deter- dropped on the slide and a very small droplet of
mine the serum testosterone levels. And the epi- fluid obtained from the left cauda of epididymis
didymis tissue samples were utilized for sperm with a pipette was added on this solution and
count, sperm motility and abnormal sperm rate. mixed with a cover-slip. The percentage of pro-
gressive sperm motility was visually evaluated
Serum Testosteron Analysis using a score ranging from 0 to 100% under
Serum was stored at –20°C for analysis. The magnification.
serum testosterone level was assayed using Coat-
a-Count Radioimmunoassay kit (Active Testos- Determination of Percentage of
terone RIA DSL-4000, Diagnostic System Labo- Abnormal Spermatozoa
ratories Inc, Texas, USA) and expressed as To determine the percentage of morphologi-
ng/mL. cally abnormal spermatozoa, the slides stained
with eosin-nigrosin (1.67 g eosin, 10 g nigrosin,
and 2.9 g sodium citrate per 100 ml distilled wa-
Determination of Epididymal ter) were prepared. After preparation, the slides
Sperm Concentration were viewed under a light microscope at 400
The epididymal sperm concentration was de- magnification. For each animal, 300 sperm cells
termined with a hemocytometer (Improved were examined on each slide27.

E. Köse, M. Sarsilmaz, S. Meydan, M. Sönmez, . Kuş, A. Kavakli

Statistical Analysis Table I. Serum testosterone levels of all groups (ng/dl)

All the statistical analyses were undertaken (means ± SD, n = 7).
with the statistical software package SPSS, ver-
Group Testosterone levels (ng/dl)
sion 12.00 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). For all
group evaluations, Kruskall Wallis test was used. Group I 3.89 ± 1.33
For intergroup comparisons, Mann-Whitney U test Group II 0.75 ± 0.24a
was used. The level of significance was set at Group III 1.28 ± 0.52
p<0.05. Quantitative data are expressed as means a
p<0.05, compared with group I.
± standard deviations (SD) and shown in tables.

Formaldehyde has been shown to present neg-
Biochemical Findings ative effects on the respiratory, digestive, and
In the comparisons of the FA exposed rats nervous systems, skin, and eyes and have muta-
with the controls, the serum testosterone levels of genic and carcinogenic characteristics7-9,28-30. Ad-
the FA exposed groups were significantly lower ditionally FA has negative effects on reproduc-
than those of the controls (p<0.05). Moreover, in tive system. It has been shown in the experimen-
the group that inhaled FA and lavender oil, the tal researches that, both systemic and external FA
serum testosterone levels increased compared to applied was shown to inflict changes on testicu-
the rats exposed to FA. However, this increase lar morphology and spermatogenetic cells10-16.
was not seen statistically significant (Table I). In our study, there were decreases in the total
spermatozoa counts and sperm motility of the an-
Spermiogram imals that were exposed to FA only. Similarly,
After the right epididymis of each rat was pre- Zhou et al31, in their study where FA inhaled by
pared by a special hemocytometric method, it the animals (8 ppm for two weeks), reported re-
was evaluated under a microscope with duced sperm counts and motility but increased
Neaubauer glass, and thus, the total sperm counts abnormal sperm counts. In other experimental
were determined. Sperm motility and abnormal studies, intraperitoneally-applied FA was shown
sperm counts were determined using the samples to have negative effects on the sperm count and
from the left cauda of epididymis, which were motility 13,32,33. Damage to the seminipherous
evaluated via a microscope with a heating plate. tubule, in which the sperms develop, negatively
The epidydimal sperm counts and sperm affected the sperm count; i.e. the sperm count re-
motility of the rats that were exposed to FA sig- duced. Tang et al32 and Zhou et al33 have suggest-
nificantly decreased compared to the control ed that intraperitoneal FA causes atrophy and de-
group (p<0.05). In addition, the sperm counts of generation in the seminiferous tubule, which
the rats in this group also increased (p<0.05). leads to reductions in the sperm counts. The find-
The epidydimal sperm counts and sperm motili- ings of the sperm analyses in our study are com-
ty of the rats that were exposed to lavender oil and patible with the findings of earlier studies.
FA significantly increased compared to that of the The serum levels of testosterone, which has an
group that exposed to FA only and the abnormal important role in the reproductive functions, are
sperm count improved (p<0.05) (Table II). also negatively affected by FA exposure. In the

Table II. Sperm concentration, sperm motility and rate of abnormal sperm of all groups. (mean ± SD, n = 7).

Groups Sperm concentration (106/g) Sperm motility (%) Rate of abnormal sperm (%)

Group I 321.20 ± 35.06 83.83 ± 7.75 5.53 ± 1.23

Group II 223.15 ± 12.26a 72.14 ± 5.33a 15.10 ± 2.13a
Group III 272.04 ± 19.83b 78.29 ± 3.25b 9.25 ± 1.25b

p<0.05, compared with other groups; bp<0.05, compared with group II.

Effects of lavender oil on FA-intoxicated testes

work by Chowdhury et al34 and Zhou et al33, in- regeneration has been spotted on epididymis
traperitoneally applied FA led to significant re- sperm characteristics of rats that have been im-
ductions in the serum testosterone levels. Simi- plemented lavender oil along with FA formalde-
larly, with the inhalation form of FA, Özen et al35 hyde exposure. We think that this regeneration is
reported a significant reduction in the testos- a result of lavender oil’s antioxidant effect as ex-
terone levels. All of these studies emphasized plained above.
that the damage in the Leydig cells caused the In conclusion, it has been shown in this work
decreases in the testosterone levels. In our inves- that the negative effects that occur as a result of
tigation, the serum testosterone levels of the rats FA exposure in the parameters belonging to re-
that were exposed to FA only significantly re- productive functionalities, is prevented by
duced due to the damage in the Leydig cells. In lavender oil application. Two mechanisms take
our previously study36 with FA toxicity on testes, part in appearance of this protective effect. The
we showed that FA had harmful effects on semi- first one has shown up after lavender oil has af-
niferous tubule and Leydig cells. fected hypothalamus and septal nuclei by means
Lavender oil has sedative, anxiolytic, anti-con- of olfactory tract. And the second one is that an-
vulsive, antimicrobial, spasmolytic, and antioxi- tioxidant activity that lavender oil holds has
dant due to its contents as linalool and lynyl ac- made a protective effect against the oxidative
etate17,20-24,37. In traditional medicine, it has been effect that formaldehyde has created.
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