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Volume 63, Number 3, 536–543

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dysmenorrhea and
Diagnosis and
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Management in
*Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital; and †Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ohio State University College of
Medicine, Columbus, Ohio

Abstract: Dysmenorrhea is common in adolescents.

Most have primary dysmenorrhea and respond to Dysmenorrhea
empiric treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain, is the
drugs and/or hormonal therapies. Infrequently, patients most common gynecologic complaint
have persistent symptoms requiring further evaluation among adolescents and young women, and
including a pelvic examination, ultrasonography, and/
or diagnostic laparoscopy. The most common cause of the leading cause of recurrent short-term
secondary dysmenorrhea in adolescents is endometrio- school or work absenteeism.1 Prevalence
sis. Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, inflamma- rates vary depending on the demographics
tory condition with no surgical or medical cure. of the populations studied and the severity of
Treatment is individualized and typically includes symptoms. Dysmenorrhea impacts between
surgical diagnosis with resection and/or ablation limited
to visible lesions followed by hormonal suppressive 60% and 93% of adolescents and up to 42%
therapy in an attempt to relieve symptoms, limit disease of adolescents report severe symptoms.2
progression, and protect fertility. Multidisciplinary Despite the high prevalence of dysmenorrhea
attention to comorbidities and pain management as and documented negative impact quality of
well as patient education and support are important. life, many patients do not seek care, under-
Key words: dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, adolescent,
laparoscopy, hormonal suppression report their symptoms, and/or are under-
treated. Adolescents may not perceive benefit
or interest from encounters with health care
Correspondence: Geri Hewitt, MD, The Ohio State
professionals regarding menstrual concerns.3
University, Room 526, 395 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, Because of these dynamics, inserting
OH. E-mail: questions into routine adolescent health
The author declares that there is nothing to disclose. care encounters about menstrual-related


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Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis 537

symptoms improves both identification ovulatory cycles. Following progesterone

of symptomatic patients and monitoring withdrawal premenstrually, phospholipids
response to therapy.3 are released from the cell membrane, includ-
ing omega-6 fatty acids. A cascade follows
where the enzyme phospholipase A2 converts
Symptoms and Conditions the fatty acids to arachidonic acid, cyclo-
Associated With oxygenase converts the arachidonic acid to
prostaglandins, and lipoxygenase converts
Dysmenorrhea the prostaglandins to leukotrienes.3 An in-
Lower abdominal cramping pain is easily flammatory response, mediated by these
recognized as a symptom of dysmenorrhea. prostaglandins and leukotrienes, produces
However, clinical recognition of the wide both the menstrual cramps and systemic
range of symptoms associated with dysme- symptoms. Prostaglandin F2alpha causes
norrhea increases identification of patients potent vasoconstriction and myometrial con-
who may benefit from therapeutic interven- tractions, leading to uterine ischemia and
tions. Generalized abdominal pain, vomiting, pain. The intensity of the menstrual cramps
loss of appetite, dyschezia, and diarrhea are and dysmenorrhea-associated symptoms are
common gastroenterologic symptoms. Pa- directly proportional to the amount of pros-
tients may also report associated generalized taglandin F2alpha released.4 Urinary leuko-
aching, weakness, leg aches, low back pain, triene levels are increased in adolescent girls
headaches. Additional symptoms attributable with dysmenorrhea.6
to dysmenorrhea include sleeplessness, dizzi-
ness, depression, irritability, and nervous-
ness.4 Patients with dysmenorrhea are more Evaluation of Dysmenorrhea
likely to be diagnosed with depression and/or The evaluation of an adolescent with
anxiety as well as premenstrual syndrome.5 dysmenorrhea begins with a history including
menstrual, sexual, gynecologic, medical, sur-
gical, psychosocial, and family history.
Primary Versus Secondary “Alone time” between the provider and the
Dysmenorrhea patient as well as an explanation of confiden-
Dysmenorrhea may be either primary or tiality practices should be explained and
secondary. About 90% of impacted patients incorporated into the evaluation. While tak-
have primary dysmenorrhea, defined as dys- ing the history, the clinician assesses the
menorrhea in the absence of pelvic pathol- likelihood of primary versus secondary ame-
ogy. Primary dysmenorrhea is a results of norrhea by learning about duration, timing,
pathophysiologic changes occurring through- and severity of menstrual cramps and other
out the menstrual cycle,3 including excess associated symptoms; impact symptoms have
synthesis of prostaglandins and secretion of on the quality of life and level of functioning;
prostaglandins into the endometrial fluid in response to previous therapies; and family
girls and women who experience significant history of endometriosis. Primary dysmenor-
dysmenorrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhea, in rhea is more likely that secondary dysmenor-
contrast, is due to varying underlying gyne- rhea to being just before or concurrent with
cologic etiologies, most commonly endome- the onset of menstrual bleeding, and to be
triosis, and obstructive Mullerian anomalies. worst on the first or second day of flow, with
Understanding the pathophysiology of subsequent improvement. Clues that raise
primary dysmenorrhea aids in appreciating concern for secondary dysmenorrhea include
therapeutic options. Primary dysmenorrhea failure to respond to first-line treatments,
is the result of cyclic prostaglandin and symptoms presenting shortly after menarche,
leukotriene production by the uterus during associated heavy menstrual bleeding and/or
Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
538 Hewitt

TABLE 1. Clinical Findings Raising In patients with a history suggesting

Suspicion of Secondary primary dysmenorrhea who have never
Dysmenorrhea been sexually active, a pelvic examination
Symptoms occurring with the onset of or shortly is not necessary.3–5 and empiric treatment
after menarche should be initiated (Fig. 1). Response to
Associated heavy menstrual bleeding therapy reinforces the diagnosis of pri-
Presence of acyclic pelvic pain
Family history of endometriosis
mary dysmenorrhea. Suspicion of secon-
Presence of a renal anomaly dary dysmenorrhea may require further
Symptoms unresponsive to nonsteroidal anti- evaluation, but the initiation of therapy
inflammatory drugs and/or hormonal medications should not be delayed.
Patients who have been sexually active
require a pelvic examination to rule out pelvic
acyclic pain, sexual activity, family history of inflammatory disease. Anytime the patient’s
endometriosis, or a known renal anomaly3 history reveals clues suggesting secondary
(Table 1). dysmenorrhea, a pelvic examination should

FIGURE 1. Approach to the evaluation and management of an adolescent with dysmenorrhea.

With permission from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.5
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Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis 539

be attempted. With education and support Treatment of Primary

adolescents who have never been sexually Dysmenorrhea
active are often able to tolerate a pelvic Treatment options including nonhormo-
examination.5 Endometriosis is the most nal medications, hormonal therapies, and
common etiology of secondary dysmenor- complementary and alternative regimens
rhea and most affected adolescents have may be used alone or in combination.
early-stage disease.5 Therefore, while a Patient’s desire for contraception and
bimanual examination may elicit pelvic gynecologic comorbidities, such as heavy
tenderness (particularly in the cul-de-sac menstrual bleeding, often influence pri-
posterior to the uterus) suggesting endo- oritization and choice of interventions.
metriosis, uterosacral, or cul-de-sac nod-
ularity, uterine fixed retroversion, or
endometriomas are rarely identified.3 Pel-
vic examination may also help identify Nonhormonal Medications
obstructive Mullerian anomalies associ- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ated with dysmenorrhea such as uterine (NSAIDs) interrupt the cyclooxygenase-
didelphys with obstructing hemivagina mediated prostaglandin production and
or a noncommunicating functional uterine are considered first-line treatment for
horn. dysmenorrhea.5 NSAIDs are more effec-
Pelvic imaging with pelvic ultrasound tive than placebo is relieving pain asso-
(transabdominal or transvaginal) is indi- ciated with primary dysmenorrhea. No
cated when patients do not respond to one individual NSAID has a better effi-
standard therapies for primary dysmenor- cacy or safety profile in treating primary
rhea or have symptoms and/or physical dysmenorrhea.8 If the initial NSAID does
findings suggestive of secondary dysme- not provide relief, patients should be
norrhea. A normal study does not rule out encouraged to try an alternative agent.
superficial endometriosis, but pelvic imag- A common reason adolescents do not
ing can identify structural abnormalities respond to NSAIDs is delayed initiation
associated with dysmenorrhea such as of use in the cycle and subtherapeutic
obstructive Mullerian anomalies, ovarian dosing. Educating the patient and poten-
cysts or endometriomas, and uterine pol- tially her family about the correct use of
yps or leiomyomata. Pelvic ultrasound is the medications is critical; parents and
the first-line imaging tool for dysmenor- physicians may need to work with school
rhea; pelvic magnetic resonance imaging personnel to authorize patients to self-
(MRI) may be required to further delin- medicate while at school, although an
eate obstructive Mullerian anomalies. NSAID with a longer half-life, such as
MRI is not cost-effective as a first-line naproxen (12 to 17 h), may obviate the
screening tool; like ultrasound, MRI is unable need to redose during school hours.5
to identify early-stage endometriosis.5 NSAIDs are most effective when initiated
Diagnostic laparoscopy may be required 1 to 2 days before the onset of menses and
to confirm some etiologies of secondary taken as weight-specific doses on a rou-
dysmenorrhea such as endometriosis, pelvic tine schedule (not PRN) through the first
inflammatory disease, adhesions, and/or 2 to 3 days of bleeding.5 Some patients do
obstructive Mullerian anomalies.7 Laparo- not respond to NSAIDs despite adequate
scopy is reserved for patients with suspected adherence due to either molecular etiol-
anatomic abnormalities suspected on pelvic ogies or the presence of underlying secon-
examination and/or radiologic studies or dary causes of dysmenorrhea.9
patients who have failed standard medical Acetaminophen, acetaminophen with caf-
therapies. feine, and acetaminophen and pamabrom in
Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
540 Hewitt

combination have all been shown superior to use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone ago-
placebo in treating dysmenorrhea.7 Acetami- nists (GnRHa) or antagonists are not recom-
nophen has fewer gastrointestinal side effects mended to treat primary dysmenorrhea in
and can be used in addition to NSAIDs. adolescents due to concerns about bone
Opioids should not be used to treat dysme- mineralization.5
norrhea because of risks of physical depend-
ence, addiction, and hyperalgesia.5
Alternative and
Hormonal Therapies Complimentary Agents
A wide range of alternative and compli-
Hormonal therapies, either alone or in
mentary agents have been suggested as a
combination with nonhormonal medica-
treatment for primary dysmenorrhea and
tions and/or alternative and complemen-
patients’ use of and response to these
tary agents, are another first-line option
agents should be elicited. Unfortunately,
to treat primary dysmenorrhea. All hor-
there is a paucity of high-quality research
monal contraceptives are beneficial in
about many of the suggested modalities.
alleviating dysmenorrhea; the most likely
Many alternative or complimentary options
mechanism is decreasing prostaglandin
have undergone Cochrane review without the
and leukotriene production by either limiting
quality of evidence to endorse the recom-
endometrial proliferation and/or ovulation.
mendation.7 Currently, the strongest evidence
Evidence supports the use of combination
supports the use of local heat and exercise to
estrogen and progestin methods such as the
improve dysmenorrhea symptoms. Given the
pill, patch, or ring as well as progestin-only
low cost and safety record of both exercise
methods such as depot medroxyprogesterone
and heat, as well as the additional health
acetate, the contraceptive implant, and levo-
benefits of exercise, both should be routinely
norgestrel intrauterine systems.5
recommended.5 With only limited (and some-
There is no strong evidence that one
times conflicting) evidence of benefit, dietary
single hormonal therapy is most effective,
supplements, transcutaneous electrical nerve
and therefore, patient preference after
stimulation, behavioral interventions, high
counseling about all methods should drive
dose vitamin D, yoga, herbal supplements,
decision making. If the first method chos-
and acupuncture are not currently recom-
en is not acceptable due to adherence, side
mended as a first-line alternative or com-
effects, or lack of improvement in symp-
plimentary modalities to treat primary
toms, another method should be tried.
Using combination methods in an ex-
tended cycle regimen may lead to an
earlier alleviation of symptoms, but cyclic
use is as beneficial long term.10 One study Follow-up and Treatment
did show levonorgestrel intrauterine sys- Failure
tem compared with combination oral Patients benefit from regularly scheduled
contraceptive pills to be more effective follow-up appointments to monitor side
in treating dysmenorrhea.11 effects, adherence, and response to ther-
Noncontraceptive hormonal therapies can apy. A successful intervention is defined
be helpful for patients and/or families who not by the complete absence of any pain
are reluctant to use a contraceptive method to or discomfort, but rather full participa-
treat dysmenorrhea. Norethindrone acetate, tion in school, sports, and social functions
5 mg daily, is as effective as cyclic combina- and few, if any, trips to urgent care of
tion hormonal contraceptive pills to treat emergency departments with dysmenor-
dysmenorrhea in young women.12 Empiric rhea symptoms. An adequate response to
Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis 541

therapy reinforces the diagnosis of pri- have been several case series reporting a
mary dysmenorrhea. significant proportion of adolescents with
If patients continue to have pain, ad- rASRM Stage III and IV disease, including
herence should be assessed seeking input deep infiltrating disease and endometrio-
from both the patient and her parent or mas.14 All stages and types of endometriosis
guardian. Adolescents are frequently less have now been reported in adolescents, and
adherent with medication schedules and endometriosis is no longer considered only
may have a conflict with parents over early-stage disease in this age group.
medication use.5 Patients should be en-
couraged to try alternative NSAIDs and
hormonal agents if their initial choices are Treatment of Endometriosis
not helpful. As shown in Figure 1, pa-
There is currently no clear evidence re-
tients experiencing pain despite adherence
garding the most effective treatment op-
with NSAIDs and hormonal agents for at
tions for adolescent endometriosis, and
least 3 to 6 months require additional
therefore, treatment should be individu-
evaluation for potential etiologies of sec-
alized with a focus on restoring function
ondary dysmenorrhea.
by minimizing symptoms, suppressing the
progression of the disease, and preserving
fertility. The mainstay of treatment is
Endometriosis medical, including hormonal therapies
Endometriosis is the most common cause of
combined with NSAIDs; GnRHa may
secondary dysmenorrhea in adolescents.5
benefit some older adolescents. Surgical
While the exact prevalence of endometriosis
interventions focus primarily on initial
in adolescents in unknown, in patients under-
diagnosis combined with conservative
going laparoscopy for dysmenorrhea unre-
treatment. Multidisciplinary care address-
sponsive to hormonal therapy and NSAIDs,
ing both comorbidities and chronic pain
approximately two thirds of patients will be
management as well as patient and family
diagnosed with endometriosis.13 Risk factors
education, and support play important
for adolescent endometriosis include an af-
roles in therapeutic plans.5
fected first-degree family member, an ob-
structive Mullerian anomaly, and increased
exposure to menstruation including earlier
menarche.14 Role of Surgery
The most common symptoms of adoles- Surgical interventions have a limited role in
cent endometriosis are dysmenorrhea and the management of adolescent endometriosis.
chronic pelvic pain. Adolescents with endo- Many patients with dysmenorrhea unrespon-
metriosis may experience dyspareunia if they sive to hormonal therapies and NSAIDs or
are sexually active, and they are more likely chronic pelvic pain with is a high index of
than adults to experience acyclic pelvic suspicion for endometriosis undergo diagnos-
pain.14 Similar to primary dysmenorrhea, tic laparoscopy. The advantages of diagnostic
endometriosis is an inflammatory mediated laparoscopy include confirmation of any
estrogen-dependent disorder, stimulated by suspected pathology as well as an opportu-
estrogen production from both the ovaries nity to treat with either ablation or excision of
and endometriotic implants.5 visible lesions. A negative diagnostic laparo-
In earlier studies, adolescent endometriosis scopy may reassure any patient with dysme-
had been primarily reported as mild or early- norrhea and/or chronic pain and particularly
stage disease (revised American Society of those with anxiety or somatization. Tradi-
Reproductive Medicine State, rASRM Clas- tionally, early diagnosis and treatment of
sification Stage I or II).14 More recently there endometriosis has been advocated to help
Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
542 Hewitt

minimize disease progression and protect due to subsequent symptomatic adhesion

fertility. formation.16
Endometriosis in adolescents most com-
monly presents in early-stage disease and
with clear or red lesions as opposed to the Medical Therapies
powder burn lesions identified in older pa- Adolescent endometriosis is a chronic con-
tients. Lesions suspicious for endometriosis dition with the potential for progression.5
should be biopsied for pathologic confirma- After surgical diagnosis and conservative
tion and additionally resected or coagulated. surgical treatment, hormonal suppressive
Two surgical techniques described to more therapy is continued or initiated to manage
readily identify adolescent endometriosis symptoms, decrease the likelihood of pro-
include moving the laparoscopy within gression, and potentially protect fertility.5 As
millimeters of the peritoneum and filling the evidence is lacking regarding one single best
pelvic with saline and “diving in” with the agent or treatment plan, choice of hormonal
laparoscope.15 There is currently no evidence suppressive therapy can be individualized
in adolescents whether surgical resection or based on the need for contraception, patient
coagulation is more advantageous. The ad- preference, and contraindications to com-
hesive disease should be lysed at the time of bined hormonal methods. All contraceptive
laparoscopy as potential sources of pain. methods, as well as norethindrone acetate,
In addition, diagnostic laparoscopy is have demonstrated benefit.5,17 Patients often
an ideal time to consider the placement of benefit from trialing different hormonal
a levonorgestrel intrauterine device to therapies and extended cycle preparations.
treat dysmenorrhea symptoms in patients Some adolescents with endometriosis have
regardless of whether endometriosis is persistent symptoms despite conservative sur-
identified at the time of surgery, partic- gical therapy and hormonal suppression and
ularly in girls who are virginal or hesitant may benefit from GnRHa treatment in
about in-office insertion.5 There is no combination with add-back therapy. Daily
definitive surgical cure for adolescent add-back therapy with conjugated equine
endometriosis. After diagnosis and treat- estrogen (0.625 mg) with norethindrone ace-
ment during the initial laparoscopy, tate (5.0 mg) is superior to norethindrone
treatment turns to hormonal suppre- acetate (5.0 mg) alone in both improving
ssive therapy. Repeat laparoscopies are quality of life and maintaining bone mineral
avoided unless in attempts to treat symp- density in adolescents with endometriosis.18,19
tomatic endometriomas or deep, infiltrat- GnRHa treatment is typically reserved for
ing disease.15 older adolescents with surgically proven en-
There is currently no evidence regard- dometriosis given concerns about the accrual
ing “peritoneal stripping” as a treatment of bone mineral density during adole-
modality for adolescent endometriosis. scence.14,15 Dual-energy x-ray absorptiom-
The American College of Obstetricians etry is not indicated before initiation of
and Gynecologists does not endorse its GnRHa therapy or after treatment of
use in adolescents given the lack of evi- <12-month duration.5 Weight-bearing ex-
dence regarding both short-term and ercise and supplementation with calcium
long-term outcomes, as well as concerns and vitamin D should be encouraged
with the potential for adhesion formation during GnRHa therapy. Hormonal sup-
leading to bowel obstruction, infertility, pression should resume after a course of
and/or chronic pain. Recent case reports GnRHa therapy.5
and expert opinion also discourage the gonadotropin-releasing hormone antago-
use of “extensive peritoneal excision” of nists are a newer class of drugs being used to
early-stage endometriosis in adolescents treat endometriosis. No trials have been done
Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis 543

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