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Bulleted Notes: Read and familiarize until the last part.

PPST-Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers

NCBTS-National Competency Based Teacher Standard

PQF-Philippine Qualifications Framework

PD-Presedential Decree

RA-Republic Act

NESC-New Elementary School Curriculum

NSEC-New Secondary Education Curriculum

BESRA-Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda

RBEC-Revised Basic Education Curriculum

K-12-Kinder to Grade 12

NSAT-National Secondary Assessment Test

NAT-National Achievement Test

SMART-Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound

HOTS-Higher Order Thinking Skills

LOTS-Lower Order Thinking Skills

CHED-Commission on Higher Education

TESDA-Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

DepEd-Department of Education

PAGASA-Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration

PRC-Philippine Regulatory Commission

MTB-MLE- Mother Tongue Based Multi Lingual Education

OBE-Outcome Based Education

Amor con Amor se paga- love begits love

Sine qua non- very important and indispensable

veni vidi vici- I came, I saw, I conquer

quo vadis- where are you going

Lingua Franca-common language

Loco parentis- in place of a parent

Connoisseur- expert judge in matters of taste

Soiree- evening party

Madame- Mesdames


Manila times- oldest existing newspaper

Panchantantra- collection of indian fables

Middle ages- era of knights and castles in English literature

Rabindranath tagore- first Asean writer

Book burning- 1st literary demonstration

Renaissance- rebirth in French

Commemorates the life of Abraham Lincoln- O captain! My captain

Uncle tom’s cabin- triggered the American civil war

Euripides- greek dramatist/ author of Alcestis

Great sphinx (Egypt)- half lion half human

Comparative and Superlative- adjectives with inflectional morphemes

Great grandfather of rizal-Chinese

Grandmother of rizal- Spanish Japanese

Cockfighting- principal form of entertainment

Confucious- not a religious leader

Bubonic plague- black death

ISIS- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

TRAIN LAW- Tax reform acceleration and inclusion

LASER- light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation

PAR- Philippine area of responsibility

GAD- Gender and Development

SCUBA- Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

Coron Palawan- best scuba diving place

Mindanao- land of promise

Stratification- grouping, layering, stratifying society

Excise tax- tax paid for commodity

Juan Masha’ ika- introduced islam in the phil.

Abu bakr- founded sultanate karim ul’makdhum

N. V. M Gonzales- the bamboo dancers

Amado Hernandez- isang dipang langit

Carlos P. Romulo- Pulitzer prize for journalism

Bienvinedo Lumbrera- Tales of manuvu and Rama

Rolando Tinio- Larawan/ Gamitin mo ako

Edith L. Tiempo- Bonsai

Catalino brocka- tinimbang ka ngunit kulang/maynila sa kuko ng liwanag

Juan Nakpil- Reconstruction of rizal house/Quiapo church

Pablo Antonio- FEU Administration

Leandro locsin- folk arts theatre

Lope de vega- national theatre in spain

Fr. Andres de Urdaneta- discovered galleon trade route

Napoleon Abueva- father of modern sculpture/ the transfiguration

Guillermo Tolentino- UP Oblation/ the bonifacio monument

Levi celerio- music using a leaf

Leonor Orosa Goquingco- the trailblazer/ mother of phil. Theatre

Ismael bernal- the genius of phil. Cinema/ himala

Manila- distinguished and ever loyal city

Kalayaan- newspaper of katipunan

Ilustrados- wealthy and educated Filipino

Subsidy/ Situado- annual subsidy of Mexican gov’t to the phil.

Spain claimed phil by- right of discovery and right of conquest

Primary objectives of katipunan- civic, political, moral

Graphics- maps, illustrations, symbols

Skimming- gist

Scanning- find particular piece of info

Intensive- slow reading done with a lot of concentration

Extensive- leisure

Literal- explicitly states what it means

Interpretative- relationship of ideas


• Article 1: National Territory

• Article 2: Declaration of Principles and State Policies

• Article 3: Bill of Rights

• Article 4: Citizenship

• Article 5: Suffrage

• Article 6: Legislative Department

• Article 7: Executive Department

• Article 8: Judicial Department

• Article 9: Constitutional Commission

• Article 10: Local Government

• Article 11: Accountability of Public Officers

• Article 12: National Economy and Patrimony

• Article 13: Social Justice and Human Rights

• Article 14: Education Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports

• Article 15: The Family

• Article 16: General Provisions

• Article 17: Amendments of Revision

• Article 18: Transitory Provision

Ecosystem - an area whose chemical, physical and biological traits and forms of energy present like air,
water and soil including the organisms big and small are interrelating in a natural way showing specific
characteristics that distinguish the area from adjacent communities.

Community – applied to the assemblage of organisms.

Biomes – the most extensive communities which occupy a wide geographic area.

Conservation – the planned and wise use of water, forests and other natural resources so that they will
not be wasted.

Recycling – using something more than once.

Pollution- contamination of air, water or soil

Deforestation – cutting down of most of the trees from a forested land

Reforestation – planting of new trees in the place where the other trees have been cut down.

Groundwater – water that flows in the spaces between soil particles and rocks.

Fossil fuel – anything that comes from once living matter deep in the earth such as coal, gas and oil.

Endangered species – organisms whose population is so reduced that they are threatened with

Extinction – complete disappearance of species of a plant or animal from the earth.

Causes of Extinction

1. Environmental change

2. Human activities such as hunting, fishing and clearing of lands and forests

3. Pollution

Biodegradable – substances which can be broken down by the decomposing action of living organisms
like bacteria.

Non-biodegradable – substances that cannot be broken down by decomposers.

Ozone depletion – ozone layer is destroyed

Global warming – increase in earth’s temperature due to a build-up of certain gases in the atmosphere.

Greenhouse effect – warming of the earth caused by certain gases that form a blanket in the
atmosphere high over the earth.

Compost heap – a pile of food scraps and yard wastes broken down by worms, tiny insects and other
microorganisms which can be used to enrich the soil.

Acid rain – rainfall with a pH less than 5.6 in a measuring scale that runs from 0-14.

El Nino – applied to the change in the circulation of pacific currents caused by the dropping of pressure
in the giant high pressure system centered near East Pacific of South America.

La Nina – opposite of El Nino

Sustainable Development – applied to the idea of securing the needs of the present but without
compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.

Branches of Biology

Acarology—study of order acarian comprising ticks and mites.

Actinobiology — study of radiation effect on living organisms.

Aerobiology—study of airborne biological particles and their movement and impact on human, animal
and plant health.

Agriculture- it deals with the cultivation of crops and the improved methods of farming.

Agrology — study of the customs of uncivilized people .

Agrobiology—study of plant nutrition and growth and crop production in relation to soil management.

Agrology—the branch of soil science dealing with the production of crops.

Agronomy — branch of agriculture that deals with field crop production and soil management.

Agrostology — It is the study of grasses.

Anatomy – concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
Andrology—branches of science and medicine dealing with male reproductive functions under
physiological and pathological conditions.

Angiology —medical specialty which studies the diseases of the circulatory system and of the lymphatic

Anthology — study of flower and flowering plant.

Anthropology — scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and present.

Aphidology — one specializing in the study of aphids.

Araneology—it is the study of spiders.

Arboriculture—cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other
perennial woody plants.

Arthrology — Study of joints.

Bacteriology — Study of bacteria.

Batrachology—It is the study of frog.

Biochemistry — Study of chemical aspect of living organims.

Biocimatology—The study of climatic effects on biological processes and organisms.

Biometrology—Study of effects of atmospheric changes on living organisms.

Bionformatics — It is branch of science concerned with development and application of computing

system and technology in order to make novel observation about biological processes.

Bionics—It is study of problem solving by humans, animals and its technical application.

Biotechnology — It is the controlled use of biological agents such as micro-organisms or cellular

components for beneficial use.

Breeding biology —Breeding is art and science of changing and improving the heredity of plant and

Bryology — It is the study of bryophytes. Computational biology. Systematic development, application

and validation of computational hardware solution for building simulation models of bilogical systems.

Cardiology - Study of heart.

Cell Biology — The study of structure, functions, reproduction, energy dynamics, transport mechanism
and life history of cell is called cell biology.

Chirology — It deals with communication system with deaf and mute by sign languages.

Chondrology — Study of cartilage.

Chromatology — Study of pigments.

Chronobiology—Study of biology of cyclic physiological phenomena.

Cnidology — Study of coelenterates or Cnidarians Characteristics

Conchology — Study of shells.

Cosmology—Science of structure and evolution of universe.

Craniology — Study of skull.

Cryobiology — It is the study of effect of low temperature on living organisms.

Ctetology — Study of acquired characters of organisms.

Cytology — It deals with the study of structure and functions of cell.

Dendrology — It is the study of shrubs and trees.

Dermatology — Study of skin.

Desmology—Study of structures and anatomy of ligaments.

Developmental biology — It deals with the study of processes by which organisms undergo progressive
and orderly changes in structure as well as physiology during their entire life cycle.
Developmental morphology — It deals with the developmental aspects of plants.

Dysteleology — It is the study of appearance of vestigial organs due to evolution.

Ecology – the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical

Embryology – the study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus.

Entomology – scientific study of insects

Genetics – study of heredity

Herpetology – study of reptiles and amphibians

Histology – study of plant and animal tissues

Molecular Biology - studies the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules.

Morphology – deals with the form and structure of an organism or any of its parts.

Mycology – study of fungi

Ornithology –study of birds

Paleontology– dealing with the fossils of long-deceased animals and plants

Physiology– deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or
cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.

Parasitology – study of parasites

Taxonomy– science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all plants, animals and
microorganisms of the world.


1.Kidneys = Filters wastes from blood

2.Urinary bladder = Stores liquid wastes

3.Ureters = Carry waste from kidneys to bladder

4.Urethra = Carry liquid waste of body

5.Large intestine = Absorb water and mineral and stores waste

6.Small Intestine = Absorb nutrients

7.Rectum = From here Solid feces pass out the body through anus

8.Pancreas = Sends enzyme through a duct into small intestine

9.Liver = supply energy to the body

10.Phyranx = Carry food to esophagus

11.Trachea = Pass air from lungs

12.Slaviary glands = Release Saliva

13.Gallbladder = Store bile

14.Stomach = Mixes and mashes food

15.Epiglottis = Prevent food and liquids from entering lungs

16.Diaphragm = Allows lungs to expand

17.Esophagus = Bring food and water from your mouth to stamach

18.Capillaries = Connects arterioles and venules ,enabling the exchange of water ,oxygen,carbon
dioxide,and other nutrients and wastes.

President of the Philippines

1. Emilio Aguinaldo- pinakabatang naging presidente.

2. Manuel L. Quezon- Ama ng Wikang Pambansa (TAGALOG)

3. Jose P. Laurel- puppet republic

4. Sergio Osmeña- pinakamaiksing termino (307 days)

5. Manuel Roxas- unang presidente ng Third Republic

6. Elpidio Quirino- Hukbalahap

7. Ramon Magsaysay- namatay sa plane crash

8. Carlos Garcia- first filipino policy

9. Diosdado Macapagal- incoraptible president

10. Ferdinand Marcos- pinakamahabang termino (21 years) at kilala sa MARTIAL LAW

11. Corazon Aquino- kauna-unahang babaeng presidente at housewife.

12. Fidel V. Ramos- asin law (iodized salt)

13. Ejercito Estrada- nagkaroon ng kasong plunder at first artist na naging presidente.

14. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo- BEC, stable economy at proffesor

15. Benigno Aquino III- K to 12, SAF44, Dengvaxia

16. Rodrigo R. Duterte- tiger of asia at unang presidente na taga-Mindanao

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