Gabriel Garcia Pronu

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1. Hi was born in aracataca, Magdalena, Colombia.

On march, six, Naitin Twenyseven, hi was ei

Colombian ruaiter and yornalist. Hi was Nawn Ess Gabo, end familiar and bay his friends ess gabito
2. Garcia marquez bigan his cariir ess ei yornalist wail estading loo at iuniversity. In naitin
Fouryeitgh end naitin fourynain he rout for tha niwspeiper iuniversal of Cartagena.
3. His first istory, tha third resigneichon, was publish in naitin fouryseven in tha niwspeiper tha
vywer. Ei yiar leirer. Hi bigan his yornalist work for tha seim niwspeiper. His first works guer oll
short istoris publish in tha seim niwspeiper from naitin fouryseven to naintin fiftytw. During this
yiars hi publish ei toural of fiftin istoris
4. Recift tha nobel prais for literatur in naitin eiry tw, according to rha swidish academis laudeichon,
“for his novels and short istoris, in guich tha fantastic and tha rial ar combaind in ei cuait world of
rich imayineichon, riflaiting tha laif and conflics of ei continen.
In Naitin nairynain hi was daignous wit lymfatic cáncer
5. Guidaud ei daut, hi has bin ei karacter dad wil mark tha jistory of Colombia end literatur.
Hi has bin tha Crieiror of mor dan ten novels, oll of dem preised bay crirics end tha pipol hu inyoined
his Works
Hi has bin for tha last tweny yiars ess guan of tha most important raiters exponent end of literatur
Tudey hi is rimenber for his fantastic istoris dad marked meny lovers of literatur, hi has meny istoris
dad ar incredibol end meik his legacy iven greirer.

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