MODULE 2 (Lesson 1)

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IGNACIO, Janina Grace March 29, 2021


You have learned about child find in the third stage. Now, let us try to explore the
situations below using the things that you have learned.

Instruction: Read and analyze the given situation. Answer each of the questions

1. What the parents should do to their child with special needs?

Parents should first embrace their child's condition, as recognition will

undoubtedly assist them in recognizing and doing what is best for their child. Parents
should accept their children's weaknesses. Isolating them because you think it's best
for them, because you think it's the best way to keep them safe from others, or
because you're ashamed of your child's condition? Is that why you've locked them
up? In any case, it is never a good option for a disabled child. Children with
disabilities suffer greatly as a result of their birth conditions. You, as parents, should
have a sense of affection, support, and care because that's what they need the most.
Finally, never take away a child's right to play and connect with other children
because even small things can have a huge effect and bring them joy.

2. How would child find program helps the identified children with disabilities?

The government's early intervention services will then support them with
learning disorders and developmental delays. These services assist parents in
assessing whether or not their young children are on track. The programs will then
link families with adequate resources early in the child's life, if needed. Since it
provides care for free to those who are registered, Child Find gives hope to both the
child with special needs and his or her families. Children with disabilities benefit
immensely from child find because it provides a sense of "belonging" to children
with special needs by providing an atmosphere that can meet their educational

3. Describe the implication of child find program to the children with special needs.

Child Find is a legal requirement that all children with disabilities who may
be eligible for special education services be identified by schools. Any child from
birth to age 21 is protected by Child Find. Any child that the school knows or believes
may have an impairment must be evaluated. The importance of child find for those
with special needs is that it allows them to live and experience the lives of other
children, especially in education.

4. Suggests coping strategies that will help the parents to understand the situation of their child
with special needs. Your answer could be in bullet form.

1. Organize your time by making a priority list. Set aside the things that aren't
important and focus more on your child.

2. Maintain a good outlook at all times. Rather than being cynical, positivity can
assist a parent in making positive and correct choices for their child and in
comprehending their child's circumstances.

3. Knowing your child's diagnosis is important, but it's much better if you, as a
parent, begin treating your child right away, as prevention is often better than cure.

4. Learn to embrace your child's illness because the more you know about it, the
better prepared you would be to make educational choices about them.

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