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Activity II: Group Work
1. Divide the class into 5 groups. What are major arguments of the Nationalists
(the Pro-passage of the bill)? What are major arguments of the
Conservatives (the Anti-Passage of the bill)? In your assessment, who won
in the passage of the law R.A. 1425? Why?

What are major arguments of the Nationalists (the Pro-passage of the bill)?
Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto, Nationalists, presented a strong
argument for the passing of the Rizal Bill, arguing that Rizal's novels and essays should
be read by all generations since they include a strong sense of nationalism and
morality. To let the Filipino, know the sacrifices and suffering of the past people and
events that will help and connect today’s life and future. Also, Rizal wants to
disseminate what really the word ‘freedom’ means and aimed at inculcating
consciousness in the Filipino.
What are major arguments of the Conservatives (the Anti-Passage of the bill)?
The major argument raised by Senator Rodrigo, a Conservative, was, the books
of Rizal, specifically, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, were written to directly
attack and ridicule the Catholic church. He states, that it violates the Canon Law of
1933, he also argues that the books are clearly anti-Catholic. Whereit clearlyviolates the
law, that the church should be separated from the state, as it was clearly stated in
the1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Article II, Section 6, which is still the core and
backbone ofour country as of today. As he stated that “Let us not create a conflict
between nationalism andreligion, buetween the government and the church.”
The Catholic Church opposes the law requiring students to study Rizal's books
Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo, arguing that it would infringe on their right to
freedom of conscience and religion. The Catholic Church encouraged its followers to
write to their congressman and senators expressing their opposition to the Rizal law,
and later staged symposiums. Fr. Jesus Cavanna claimed in one of these symposiums
that the novels belonged in the past and that teaching them would misrepresent current
conditions. Catholics have the right to refuse to read them, according to radio pundit
Jesus Paredes, since it would "endanger their salvation."

In your assessment, who won in the passage of the law R.A. 1425? Why?
Base on the information that I was able to gather, the Nationalists won in the
passage of the law Republic Act No. 1425. Although both statements have points about
the bill since they are connected with the thoughts of the bill expressing things about
Religion and morality that should be protected and spread by the Filipinos. The
Nationalists was still able secure the winning spot since the bill is now a law, which only
means that they won in the passage. And also because they have a very strong

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