How To Raiden

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The Raiden Shogun is a firm believer of what she believes to be eternity—a place in which

everything is kept the same, regardless of what goes on. She is honorable in her conduct and is
revered by the people of Inazuma.

The Raiden Shogun exists in two forms—Raiden Ei, her true identity, and the Shogun, a puppet
created by Ei to act as the ruler of Inazuma in her stead while she meditates in the Plane of
Euthymia. This puppet follows a set of directives programmed into her, which are extremely hard to
modify even by Ei herself. The Shogun is cold and stern in personality, even callous at times; she is
limited in emotional expression, has no likes and dislikes, and has no need for recreation.[6] The
Shogun thinks of herself as Ei's assistant,[7] and does exactly as she wishes, no more and no less;
she cannot act without Ei's direction, and if her usual functions are disabled, the Shogun becomes
incapable of doing anything even including cooking as demonstrated during the playable Raiden
Shogun who cannot cook. Due to her limited protocols and Ei's indifference for anything other than
her goal of eternity, the puppet can easily be manipulated by outside forces. For example, the Kujou
Clan and the Fatui tricked her into initiating and maintaining the Vision Hunt Decree.
While Ei has a more stern demeanor than the average person, she is notably more emotive and
sociable than the Shogun. Unlike the Shogun, Ei has preferences, such as a love for sweets. Due to
her dedication to eternity, Ei is wary of the idea of change. However, she shows curiosity rather than
disdain when it comes to new things, such as the appearance of the Traveler[8] and the customs of
the modern world.[9] Due to having lost many of her loved ones over the centuries, Ei is driven by a
fear of further loss, wanting to preserve Inazuma for all eternity. To this end, she sealed herself in
the Plane of Euthymia to keep herself from the effects of erosion, while she created the puppet
Shogun to be immune to the decay of the physical body.[10] While in the Plane of Euthymia, Ei was
indifferent to anything that did not affect her pursuit of eternity and had a low opinion of human
ambition due to ambition leading to loss and suffering, thus making it incompatible with
eternity.[11] Even in the Plane of Euthymia, however, she could not truly escape loneliness, as she
was happy to see her friend Yae Miko again.[12]
Ei has a weakness against desserts and sweet things. Her view is that desserts can't pose any
serious obstacle to her pursuit of Eternity. Yae Miko and Venti also mention this, with the Anemo
Archon even suggesting that the Traveler bring her desserts to exploit the said vulnerability. During
her story quest, when asked by Traveler, Ei explained that since humans enjoyed desserts, she
should enjoy it as well.

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