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Exercise 6. Give counterexamples to each of the following false statements.

1. If n is a whole number, then n2 + n + 11 is a prime number.

 The number 10 is a whole number, If n =10, then 102 + 10 + 11 = 100 + 10 + 11 =

121. The number 121 is not a prime number. Therefore, n = 10 is a

2. If a number is divisible by 15, then it is an odd number.

 The number 120 is divisible by 15 but it is not an odd number. This means that
120 is a counterexample of the given statement.

3. If a number is divisible by 3, then it is also divisible by 15.

 Number 51 is a number that is divisible by 3 but is not divisible by 15. Number 51

is a counterexample. Therefore, the given statement is false.

4. If a positive number is decreased by 20, then the result is a positive number.

 When decreased by 20, a positive number 13 will not result in a positive number.
The positive number 13 is a counterexample. Therefore, the given statement is

5. If a negative number is increased by 10, then the result is a positive number.

 If the negative number -19 is increased by 10, the result is not a positive number.
Hence, -19 is a counterexample, and the given statement is false.

6. If a number is divisible by both 2 and 10, then it is also divisible by 20.

 Number 450 is divisible by both 2 and 10, however, it is not divisible by 20. This
fact means that the number 450 is a counterexample.

7. If a number divisible by 3 is multiplied to another number divisible by 3, then the

result is odd.

 The numbers 18 and 6 are both divisible by 3. If we multiply 18 by 6, the result is

not odd. The number 18 multiplied by 6 is a counterexample. Therefore, the given
statement is false.

8. If a number divisible by 5 is multiplied to another number divisible by 5, then the

result is even.
 Both 15 and 25 are divisible by 5, but if we multiply 15 by 25, the result is not even.
The number 15 multiplied by 25 is a counterexample. This evidence shows that
the statement is false.

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