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2 billion kWh
saved from
1986 a 2020
+ EFFICIENCY Federal Government
+ SUSTAINABILITY program coordinated
Procel Results
Base year 2020 by the Ministry of
Mines and Energy
and implemented by
Promotes national
awareness of the
efficient use of
electric energy and
manages its waste.

Develops and
makes available,
together with Procel
partners, the means and
information needed for
society to save energy.
More information, publications,
Contributes to energy computer tools and news at:
safety and reduction of R$ 3.47 billion
environmental impacts. invested
since 1986
Launch of Energy savings represented
Procel Seal 14.86% of residential consumption and
4.64% of total electricity consumption in Brazil
Buildings More than 9,000
face-to-face interviews
within the Procel Seal
Perception Survey
94 projects
22.02 billion kWh registered in the first
two public calls for the Publication of the
in energy savings, Lab Procel program Integrated Management
equivalent to the annual Manual of Public
energy consumption Lighting Solid Waste
of 11.13 million 1.36 million tCO2e avoided,
households which corresponds to using 593,000 people reached
467,000 vehicles by the dissemination of the new
in one year Energia que Transforma project

5 online workshops
160 micro and small for presenting and debating
Peak demand enterprises benefited proposals for the Ten-Year
reduction of by the Brasil Mais Energy Efficiency Plan
7,262 MW Produtivo program

Data based on 2020 statistics

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