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(d) sudden contraction of diameter of pipe

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines occurss

8. Cippoletti weir is
GPSC - Assistant Engineer (Civil) (a) a semi-circular weir
(06 - 09 -2015) (b) a trapezoidal weir with side slopes of 1
1. In flow net, flow lines and equipotential lines horizontal and 4 vertical
(a) meet at rigth angles to one another (c) a rectengular weir
(b) meet at any angle to one another (d) a trapezoidal weir with side slopes of 4
(c) can meet one another at any angle horizontal and 1 vertical
(d) meet at 45 degree to one another 9. Viscosity of fluid is a function of
2. During the quick condition (a) Temerature (b) Weight
(a) cohesionless soil is consolidated (c) Velocity (d) Density
(b) cohesive soil is consolidated 10. A jet of water of 0.1m2 cross sectional area
(c) cohesionless soil loses its shear strength impinges normally on a fixed plate with a ve-
(d) coesionless soil changes its structure locity of 30m/sec, how much would be the
3. A rectangular tank 5 meters long ant two meters force in texerted on the plate?
wide contains water upto a depth of 2.5 meter. (a) 9000 (b) 900/g
The pressure on the base of the tank would be (c) 90 (d) 90/g
(a) 25 t (b) 12.5 t 11. A Hydrolic ram with supply head of 2.5 m to-
(c) 50 t (d) 37.5 t tal water suppling 1000 liters/min, discharge 100
4. A vertical wall with height of 8 m subjected to litres/ min and delivery head of 15 meters. What
water pressure on one side with depth of wa- is the value of Rankin’s effeciency?
ter as 6m. Total pressure on the vetical wall (a) 75% (b) 25%
would be (c) 50% (d) None of the above
(a) 9 t (b) 72 t 12. Vane pump is a type of
(c) 36 t (d) 18 t (a) jet pump (b) air lift pump
5. In Bernoulli’s equation, kinetic energy is rep- (c) rotary pump (d) none of the above
resented by the term
(a) Z i.e. head
(b) v2/(2g) where V is velocity and g is gravi- GWSSB - Additional Assistant Engineer(Civil)
tational acceleration (27 - 12 -2015)
(c) p/w where p is pressure and w is specific 13. A differential manometer is usd to measure
gravity (a) pressure in Venturimeter
(d) none of the above (b) difference of pressure between two points
6. In orifice, the co-efficient of discharge is in a pipe
(a) actual discharge /area of orifice (c) atmospheric pressure
(b) Area of office/actual discharge (d) pressure in pipes
(c) theroreticale discharge / actual discharge 14. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is
(d) actual discharge / Theoreticale discharge known as
7. When liquid is flowing through a long pipe, a (a) Match number
ware hammer effect will be developed if (b) Euler Number
(a) valve fitted at far and of pipe is opened (c) Reynold Number
suddenly (d) Froude number
(b) valve fitted at far and of pipe is closed 15. Occurrence of flow under gravity through a cir-
suddenly cular pipe is the case of
(c) sudden expansion of diameter of pipe (a) tube flow (b) orifice flow
occurss. (c) channekl flow (d) pipe flow
16. If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its
original position, when given a small angular (c) viscosity (d) velocity gradient
dispalacement, the body is said to be in 26. The condition of stable equilibrium for a float-
(a) unstable equilibrium ing body is ........
(b) None of three mentioned here (a) The metacentre M coincides with the centre
(c) neutral equilibrium of gravity G
(d) stable equilibrium (b) The centre of buoyancy B is above centre
17. orificed are used to measure of gravity G
(a) rate of flow (c) The metacentre M is below cnetre of gravity
(b) None of three mentioned here G
(c) velocity (d) The metacentre M is above centre of gravity
(d) pressure G
18. Bernoulli’s equation is applied to 27. Venturimeter is used to measure.........
(a) Pitot tube (a) discharge
(b) All of three mentioned here (b) average velocity
(c) Venturimeter (c) velocity at a point
(d) Orifice meter (d) pressure at a point
19. Notch is a device used for measuring 28. Notch is a device used for measuring .......
(a) Velocity throughta pipe (a) rate of flow through pipes
(b) Velocity through a small channel (b) rate of flow through a small channel
(c) Rate of flow through pipes (c) an axial flow reaction turbine
(d) Rate of flow through a small channel (d) a radial flow reaction turbine
29. Kaplan turbine is ........
ITI Supervisor Instructor Civil and Constrution (a) an impulse turbine
(27 - 03 -2016) (b) a radial flow impulse turbine
20. Potential energy and kinetic energy are type of (c) an axial flow reaction turbine
(a) Electrical energy (b) Magnetic enertgy (d) a radial flow reaction turbine
(c) Thermal energy (d) Mechanical energy
21. The measure very low pressure, which GPSC - Assistant Engineer (Civil) R & B
insturment is generally used? (01 - 05 -2016)
(a) Manometer (b) Barometer 30. A pilot tube is used to measure the
(c) Piezometer (d) Psychometer (a) discharge through a pipe
22. The instrument used for measuring the velocity (b) velocity of flow at the required point in a
of flow is known as - pipe.
(a) Orificemeter (b) Pitot tube (c) Presure difference between two pints in a
(c) Venturimeter (d) Notchmeter pipe.
23. Which of the following devices is usually used (d) total pressure of liquid flowing in a pipe.
in measuring pipe flow? 31. The maximum hydraulic efficiency of an impulse
(a) Pilot tube (b) Orifice meter turbine is ....... where,  = angle of a blade tip
(c) Venturi meter (d) Mouth piece at outlet. (k = 1)
24. The depth of flow before and after the hydrau-
1  cos  1  cos 
lic jump together is known as - (a) (b)
2 2
(a) alternate depth (b) conjugate depth
(c) sequent depth (d) normal depth 1  sin  1  sin 
(c) (d)
2 2
GWSSB - Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil) 32. Reynold’s number is the ratio of the inertia force
(22 - 05 -2016) to the
25. Poise is the unit of ......... (a) elastic force
(a) mass density (b) kinematic viscosity (b) gravity force
(c) surface tension force (c) new PVC pipe (d) new tilting flume
(d) viscous force 41. Flow through an earth dam is an example of
33. A convergent mouth piece has the maximum (a) confined flow (b) unconfined flow
value of coefficient of discahreg (Cd) is about (c) turbulent flow (d) all of the above
(a) 0.60 (b) 0.95
(c) 0.80 (d) 0.50p - 7 GPSC - Govt. Polytechnic Lecturer (Civil)
(16 - 10 -2016)
GPSC - Assistant Professor (Civil) 42. An object weighs 100 N in air and 75 N in
(28 - 08 -2016) water when fully submerged in it. The specific
34. Cavitation is caused by gravity of the object is
(a) impurities (a) 4.0 (b) 2.5
(b) envionmental changes (c) 4.5 (d) 1.25
(c) high pressure 43. Hydraulic jump involves
(d) high vacuum (a) Sub critical flow (b) Super critical flow
35. An open tank contains 1.0 m deep water with (c) Critical flow (d) None of the above
50 cm oil of specific gravity 0.8 above it. The 44. The metacentric height of a body equals dis-
maximum pressure acting on the side wall of tance between
the tank will be: (a) The metacentre and centre of gravity
(a) 8 kPa (b) 10 kPa (b) The centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy
(c) 12 kPa (d) 14 kPa (c) The centre of buoyancy and metacentre
36. choose the correct set of dimensions of vis- (d) None of the above
cosity that are equivalent (where, F, M, L, T 45. Coefficient of discharge (cd) is defined as
are dimensions for force, mass, length and time Theorotical disch arg e
respectively). (a) Actual disch arg e
(a) FL-2 T, ML-1 T-1 (b) FL-2 T, ML-2 T-1
(c) FL-2 T, ML-1 T-2 (d) FL-2 T, ML-2 T-2 Designed disch arg e
37. Hydraulic jump is used in hydraulic structures (b) Actual disch arg e
Actual disch arg e
(a) increasing the depth of folw (c)
(b) refucing the energy of flow Theorotical disch arg e
(c) decreasing the velocity of flow (d) None of the above
(d) reducign turbulence 46. Dynamic viscosity has the dimensions as
38. A cubical block of 1 m side length floats in (a) MLT-2 (b) ML-1T-1
-1 -2
water, the depth of immersion being 0.4 m. if (c) ML T (d) M-1L-1T-1
the specific gravity of water is 1.0, then the
mass of the block is: GIDC - Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(a) 40 kg (b) 100 kg (12 - 11 -2016)
(c) 400 kg (d) 1000 kg 47. Mach number (M) in term of flow velocity (V)
39. In laminar flow through a pipe, discharge var- and sonic velocity (C) is given as
ies as (a) C/V (b) V/C
(a) Linearly with viscosity (c) V /C (d) C2/V
(b) linearly with pressure drop 48. A Francis turbine is an
(c) the square of radius (a) Inward flow reaction turbine
(d) inversely as shear stress (b) Inward flow impulse turbine
40. Which pipe will show higher Manning’s coeffi- (c) Outward flow reaction turbine
cient? (d) Outward flow impulse turbine
(a) old steel pipe (b) new steel pipe 49. What is the value of Cavitation Parameter (  )

if net positive suction head (NPSH) is 3.6 m (d) Froude’s number
and net head (H) is 30 m. 64. The momentum correction factor ‘  ’ is used
(a) 0.12 (b) 8.33 in accont for
(c) Zero (d) None of these (a) Change in direction of flow
50. Reynold number (Re) for pipe flow is given by (b) Change in total energy
 VD  (c) Non-unifomr distribution of velocities at
(a) (b) inlet and outlet section
  VD
(d) Change in mass rate of flow
 65. A flow net is a graphical representation of stream
(c) (d) None of these
D lines and equipotential lines such that these lines
51. The Darcey friction factor (f) for viscous lami- (a) Intersect each other orthogonally curvilinear
nar flow in pipe in terms of Reynold nu,ber (Re) squares
is (b) Intersect each other at various different
(a) 64 / Re (b) 24 / Re angles forming irregualr -shaped nets
(c) 16 / Re (d) 1 / Re (c) Indicate the direction and magnitude of
(d) None of above
GIDC - Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil)
66. In open channel, the specific energy is
(12 - 11 -2016)
(a) The total energy per unit discharge
52. Chezy’s formula is used to determine
(b) The total energy measured above a horizontal
(a) Head loss due to friction in pipe
(b) Velocity of flow in open channel
(c) The total energy measured with respect
(c) Velocity of flow in pipe
to the channel bottom which is taken as
(d) None of the above
(d) The kinetic energy plotted above the free
MGVCL - Junior Engineer (Civil)
(05 - 03 -2017)
67. The boundary layer exists in which of the fol-
60. Open channels supported over tresels, are gen-
lowing ?
erally known as
(a) Flow of real fluids
(a) raised canals (b) aqueducts
(b) Flow of ideal fluids
(c) syphons (d) flumes
(c) Flow over flat surfaces only
(d) Pipe flow only
GIDC - Assistant Engineer (Civil)
68. The drag and lift forces experienced by an ob-
(26 - 03 -2017)
ject placed in fluid stream are due to
61. Surface Tension is expressed in
(a) Pressure and turrbulence
(a) N/m (b) N/m2
(b) Viscosity and turbulence
(c) N2/m (d) N/m3
(c) Pressure and viscosity
62. The scale effects in models can be
(d) Pressure and gravity
(a) Positive only
69. In case of turbulent flow, the loss or head is
(b) Negative only
approximately proportional to
(c) Both positive ad negative
(a) Velocity (b) (velocity)1/2
(d) None of the above
(c) (velocity)3/4 (d) (velocity)2
63. _______ is the square root of the ratio of the
70. Are those which are capable or working under
inertia force to the pressure force
heads less than 30 m.
(a) Reynolds number
(a) Low head turbine
(b) Mach’s number
(b) Medium head turbine
(c) Euler’s number
(c) High head turbine

(d) None of the above (a) Where the pressure is zero
71. Dynamic velocity has the dimensions as (b) Where the total energy is zero
(a) MLT-1 (b) ML-1T-1 (c) Where the velocity of flow reduces to zero
(c) ML-1T-2 (d) M-1L-1T-1 (d) Where the total energy is maximum
72. The gases are considered incompressible when 80. According to the direction f flow through run-
Mach number is ner, Pelton turbine is
(a) equal to 1.0 (b) equal to 0.5 (a) Tangential flow impulse turbine
(c) equal to 0.3 (d) equal to 0.73 (b) Radial flow impulse turbine
73. The condition of stable equilibrium for a float- (c) Axial flow impulse turbine
ing body is (d) Mixed flow impulse turbine
(a) the metacentre M coincides with the centre 81. Type of Jump occurs for froude number F1 =
of gravity G’ 4.5 to 9.0
(b) The metacentre M is below centre of gravity (a) Steady (b) Strong
G (c) Undular (d) Oscillating
(c) The metacentre M is above centre of gravity 82. The friction drag is primarily due to
G (a) Pressure distribution over the body sur-
(d) The centre of buoyancy B is above centre face
of gravity G (b) Separation of boundry layer
74. Hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L.) represents the (c) Shear stresses generated due to viscous
sum of action
(a) Pressure head and kinetic head (d) Weight component in the direction of the
(b) kinetic head and datum dead flow
(c) Pressure head. Kinetic head and datum 83. The length of the hydraulic jump is found to be
head (a) 10 to 15 times, depth of jump
(d) Pressure head and datum head (b) 1 to 2 times depth of jump
75. Kinematic similarity between model and pro- (c) 5 to 7 times depth of jump
totype means (d) Has no relation to the depth of jump
(a) The similarity of forces 84. Kaplan turbine is
(b) The ismilarity fo shape (a) an impulse turbine
(c) The similarity of motion (b) a radial flow impulse turbine
(d) The similarity of discharge (c) an axial flow reaction turbine
76. If the velocity, pressure, density, etc., change (d) a radial flow reaction turbine
at a point with respect to time,. the flow is called
(a) uniform (b) compressible GMB - Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(c) unsteady (d) incompressible (25 - 06 -2017)
77. Venturi-meter is used to measure 85. Viscosity of gases
(a) discharge (a) decreases with decrease in fluid temperature
(b) average velocity (b) increases with decrease in fluid temperature
(c) velocity at a point (c) does not change with fluid temperature
(d) pressure at a point (d) is dependent on pressure
78. An orifice is called a large orifice if water head, 86. Standard atmospheric pressure in terms of
is water column is
(a) twice the diameter of the orifice (a) 9.81 m (b) 8.75
(b) thrice the diameter of the orifice (c) 12.35 m (d) 10.33 m
(c) four times the diameter of the orifice 87. The point through which the resulant hydro-
(d) five times the diameter of the orifice static force acts is called
79. A stagnation point is a point (a) centre of gravity
(b) metacentre
(c) centre of pressure (c) 10.33 m (d) 7.75 m
(d) centre of buoyancy 96. Hydraulically efficient channel cross-section is
88. A streamline is a line drawn in the flow region one which
such that (a) has maximum possible slope consistent
(a) there is no flow across the line with the topography
(b) it is always parallel to the main direciton (b) has the minimum hydraulic resistance
of flow (c) has maximum wetted perimeter
(c) the velocity potential is constant on this (d) carries maximum discharge under given
line condition of slope, roughness and flow
(d) the tangent drawn at any point on the line area
indicates the direction of velocity 97. A cipolletti weir is
89. the stagnation pressure is the sum of (a) a rectangular weir with sharp edges
(a) vacuum pressure and static pressure (b) a high triangular notch
(b) static pressure and dynamic pressure (c) a trapezoidal notch with sides slopint at
(c) dynamic pressure and vaccume pressure 45o
(d) absolute pressure and dynamic pressure (d) a trapezoidal notch with sides included at
90. Cavitation in fluid flow occurs when 1H : 1V
(a) the total energy decreases suddenly 98. The dynamic force exerted by a fluid jet of
(b) the total energy suddenly increases corss-sectional area A and velocity V on a flat
(c) the velocity head reduces to zero plate moving with velocity u adn held at right
(d) the pressure of flow decreases to a value angle to the direction of jet is
close to its vapour pressure (a)  AVu (b)  A(V  u ) 2
91. Kinematic similarity between model and pro-
totype is (c)  A(V  u ) u (d)  A(V  u ) u
(a) the similarity of shape
(b) the similarity of forces influencing the fluid
motion GMB - Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(c) the similarity of streamline pattern (25 - 06 -2017)
(d) the similarity of area 99. Newton’s law of viscosity gives relation be-
92. The existence of boundary layer is on account tween -
of (a) Stress and strain of fluid
(a) fluid density (b) fluid viscosity (b) Shear stress and rate of regular deformation
(c) fluid turbulence (d) surface tension of fluid
93. The discharge (in m3/s) for laminal flow through (c) Pressure, velocity and viscosity
a pipe of diameter 0.04 m having a centreline (d) Viscosity and angular deformation
velocity of 1.5 m/s is 100. Pitot tube is used to measure _____ of folowing
(a) 3 / 5000 (b) 3 / 2500 water
(a) Pressure (b) kinetic energy
(c) 3 /10000 (d) 3 / 59
(c) Velocity (d) Acceleration
94. A stremaline body is defined as a body about
101. If flow through pipe is laminar, its Reynold’s
number will be
(a) the flow separation is supressed
(a) RN > 4000
(b) the flow is laminar
(b) RN < 2000
(c) the flow is along stramlines
(c) RN = 2000 to 4000
(d) the drag is zero
(d) RN > 5000
95. In order to have a continuous flow through a
siphon, no portion of the pipe be higher than
(a) 10 m (b) 5.5 m

102. In Bernoulli’s equation, term gives -
(a) Potential energy 3. 1m
(b) Pressure energy o
45 45o

(c) Kinetic energy of unit volume

(d) None of the above
103. Hydraulic jump is used - 1m
(a) to increase rate of discharge 4.
(b) to decrease rate of discharge
(c) to decrease velocity of flow Which of the following sequences shows their
(d) to decrease energy of flow hydraulic radii, arranged in descending order?
104. For the most economic rectangular channel (a) 4-3-2-1 (b) 4-1-3-2
section (c) 1-2-3-4 (d) 1-2-4-3
(a) b = 2d (b) b = d 108. If ‘f’ is friciton faction, then Chezy’s coefficient
(c) b = 1.5d (d) b = 3d is proprotional to
105. For no tension at the base of a dam, the result- (a) f (b) f
ant (R) must cut the base in the centreal ______
portion. 1 1
(c) (d) f
(a) b/6 (b) b/4 f
(c) b/3 (d) b/5 109. The distance y from pipe boundary, at which
the point velocity is equal to average velocity
GSSB - Municipal Engineer (Civil) for turbulent flow, is
(08 - 10 -2017) (a) 0.223 R (b) 0.423 R
106. It has been observed for critical depth Ycr in a (c) 0.577 R (d) 0.707 R
rectangular channel carrying a constant dis- 110. Which of the following fluids can be classified
charge that as non-Newtonian?
1. Specific energy is maximum 1. Kerosene oil 2. Diesel oil
2. Froude number = 1.0 3. Human blood 4. Toothpaste
3. Specific energy = 1.33 ycr 5. Water
4. Specific force is minimum Select the correct answer using the codes given
Which of the above observation are correct below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 (c) 2 and 5 (d) 1 and 5
107. Water can flow with 1 m depth in alternatively 111. fo laminar flow in a pipe of circular corss - sec-
four channels of different sections as shown tion, the Darcy’s frictin factor is
below: (a) directly proportional to Reynolds number
and independent of pipe wall roughness
(b) directly proportional to pipe wall
1m rougbness and independent of Reynolds
1. number
2.4 M
(c) inversely proportional to Reynolds number
and directly proportional to pipe wall
(d) none of tha above
2. 1m

GSSB - Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil) (i) Vorticity (ii) Velocity potential
(17 - 09 -2017) (iii) Stream Function
112. Energy equation is usually applicable to Which of these parameters exit both in rota-
(a) Laminar flow (b) Turbulent flow tional and irrotational flows
(c) Steady flow (d) Non-uniform flow (a) i and ii (b) ii and iii
113. The isntrument used for measuring the velocity (c) i and iii (d) i, ii and iii
of flow, is known as 121. Which of the following pair is incorrectly
(a) Venturimeter (b) Pilot tube matche
(c) Orifice meter (d) None of these (a) Piezometric Head : Sum of daum head and
114. Water displaced by a floating wooden block pressure head
of density 0.75 and siz 5 m long, 2m wide and (b) Dynamic Head : Sum of datum head and
3 m high, is velocity head
(a) 17.5 m3 (b) 22.5 m3 (c) Stagnation Head : Sum of pressure head
(c) 25 m 3
(d) 17.5 m 3 and velocity head
115. The flow in the open channel is said to be criti- (d) Total Head : Sum of piezometric head an
cal if the Froude number is dynamic head
(a) Less than 1.0 (b) Equal to 1.0 122. Hot wire anemometer is used for measuring
(c) Greater than 1.0 (d) None of the above which of the following parameter
(a) Turbulence (b) Pressure
(c) Mean velocity (d) Discharge
GPSC - Engineer Service (Civil) 123. Law sprinkler can be best explanined by which
(24 - 12 -2017) of the following equation of property?
116. The cavitation and pitting can be prevented by (a) Energy equation (b) Continuity equation
creating which one of the following conditions? (c) Moment of momentum principle
(a) Reducing the pressure head (d) Impulse-momentum principle
(b) Reducing the velocity head 124. The terminal velocity of a sphere settling in a
(c) Increasing the elevation head viscous fluid varies as
(d) Reducing the piezometric head (a) the Reynolds number
117. Maximum pressure rise due to water hammer (b) the square of its diameter
in a pipeline is (c) its diameter
(Note : a = area of the pipe, V = Velocity, g = (d) viscisoty of the fluid
acceleration due to gravity, t = time period, 125. Two identical pumps, each capable of deliver-
length of the pipe line) ing 0.2 cumec, against a head of 30 m, are
(a) aV / 2g 2
(b) aV / 2g connection in parallel. The resulting discharge
(c) LV /gt 2
(d) LV / gt will be
118. Choose the best option for the Newtonian fluid (a) 0.4 cumec against a head of 30 m
(a) Frictionless and incompressible (b) 0.4 cumec against a head of 60 m
(b) Viscosity is invariant with shear stress (c) 0.2 cumec against a head of 30 m
(c) Viscosity decreases at higher shear stress (d) 0.2 comec against a head of 60 m
(d) Viscosity increases at higher shear stress 126. If th evelocity of flow as well as the diameter of
119. which one of the following pressure units rep- the flowing pipe are respectively doubled head
resent the least pressure loss thereafter be
(a) Millibar (b) Mm of Hg (a) Halved (b) Doubled
(c) N / mm 2
(d) Kgf /cm 2 (c) Increase 4 times (d) No change
120. Consider the following parameters related to 127. Wber number can be best connected to which
fluid flow: of the following
(a) Formation of liquid droplet
(b) High speed flow of a gas
(c) Flow in closed conduits (a) Width of river (b) Velocity of river
(d) sloping interface between fluids of different (c) Depth of river (d) Lenght of river
densities 139. If Reynold’s number is less than 1, then
128. Euler number is related to (a) Viscous forces are very strong as com-
(a) Inertia force and pressure force pared to inertial forces
(b) Inertia force and elastic force (b) Viscous forces are very weak
(c) Inertia force and viscous force (c) Viscous forces are equla to inertail forces
(d) Inertia force and gravity force (d) Flow is turbulent in saturated soils
129. The gases are considered incompressible when 140. When the coefficient of roughnesss is increase
Mach number is from 0.01 to 0.02, the gradient of a pipe of a
(a) equal to 1.0 (b) equal to 0.5 given diameter to carry the same flow at the
(c) more than 0.3 (d) less than 0.2 same velocity should be
130. Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the law of con- (a) increased by 4 times
servation of (b) incresed by 2 times
(a) Mass (b) Momentum (c) decreased by 2 times
(c) Energy (d) None of the above (d) dercresed by 4 times
131. The flow in open channel is laminar if the 141. The tendency of a small drop of fallen water to
Reynold number is remain in a spherical from is due to the prop-
(a) equal to 2000 erty of
(b) between 500 - 2000 (a) Viscosity (b) Adhesion
(c) less than 500 (c) Surface tension (d) Gravimetric pull
(d) more than 4000 142. Mercury is used in barometers because
132. Hyraulic Gradien line represents the sum of (a) it is a perfect liquid
(a) Pressure Head and kinetuc Head (b) its volume changes uniformly with tempera-
(b) Kinetic Head and Elevation Head ture
(c) Pressure Head, Kinetic Head and Elevation (c) it is a liquid metal
Head (d) it gives less height of column for high pres-
(d) Pressure Head and Elevation Head sure
133. Boundary layer thickness is the distance from 143. The Euler’s equatin for steady flow of an ideal
the surface of the solid body in the direction fluid along a stream line is based on Newton’s
perpendicular to flow where the velocity of fluid (a) First law of motiion
is equal to (b) Second law of motion
(a) Free stream velocit (c) Third law of momentum
(b) 0.5 times the free stream velocity (d) Law of friction
(c) 0.5 times the diameter 144. In a venturimeter, the ratio between throat di-
(d) 0.3 times the diameter ameter and pipe diameter is generally adopted
136. Hydraulic jump occurs when flow changes from as
(a) Super-critical to sub-critical (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4
(b) Sub-critical to super-critical (c) 1 : 6 (d) 1 : 8
(c) Critical to turbulent 145. In a free vortex, velocity
(d) Laminar to turbulent (a) decreases with radius
137. Pressure measured with the help of peizometer (b) increases with radius
tube is (c) initially decreases than increases
(a) Atmospheric Pressure (d) remains constant
(b) Gauge Pressure 146. For laminar flow between parallel plates sepa-
(c) Absolute Pressure rated by a discharge of 2h, head loss varies
(d) Vacuum Pressure (a) directly as h (b) inversely as h
138. Echo sounder is used to measure (c) directly as h 2
(d) inversely as h2
147. Which one of the following is the prupose of lar if both the systems have
providing a surge tank in a pipeling carrying (a) Similarity of forces
water? (b) Similarity of motion
(a) To store water (c) Similarity of shape
(b) To increase pressure throughout the pipeline (d) Similarity of discharge
(c) To store overflowing water 155. In water hammer in rigid pipe, the velocity of
(d) To protect the pipline against water ham- pressure wave in terms of bulk modulus (K)
mer and density (  ) can be obtained by
 1 
(a) (b)
k  k
GPSC - Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(17 - 09 -2017) 1 k k
148. Kinematic viscosity has the dimensiion as (c) (d)
  
(a) MLT-2 (b) ML-1T2
156. Knematics of fluid describes
(c) ML-1T-1 (d) L2T-1
(a) the fluid motion considering the forces
149. The resultant hydrostatic force on a submerged
causing the motion
body acts through a point known as
(b) the fluid motion without consideration of
(a) Centre of pressure
the nature of forces causing the motion
(b) Centre of gravity
(c) the fluid without motion
(c) Centre of buoyancy
(d) the forces on floating body
(d) Metacenter
157. In an long pipeline flowing fluids, which of the
150. In steady flow
followings is causing minor loss?
(a) Velocity is constant along the flow direc-
(a) Pipe material
tion with distance at any time
(b) pipe slope
(b) Velocity increses at constant rate at a point
(c) Valves and Bends
with time
(d) D-W Friction factor
(c) Velocity is constant at a point with time
158. A surge tank is provided in a hydroelectric
(d) Rate of change or velocity remain con-
power station to
stant alone flow direction at any time
(a) increase the net head across the turbine
151. In a venturimeter installed in a horizontal pipe
(b) reduce water hammer problem in the head
the pressure is maximu at
race tunnel
(a) Entry point of convergent section
(c) reduce firctional losses in the system
(b) Midpoint of convergent section
(d) to provide acces to flow system
(c) Midpoint of divergent section
159. The growth of the turbulent boundary layer
(d) Throat section
thickness as compared to the laminar bound-
152. The velocity distribution in laminar flow through
ary layer takes place
circular pipe follows
(a) increase the net head across the turbine
(a) Logarithmic profile
(b) reduce water hammer problem in the head
(b) Linear profile
race tunnel
(c) Parabolic profile
(c) reduce frictional losses in the system
(d) Constant velocity profile
(d) to provide access to flow system
153. Froude’s number is the ratio of
160. In open channel flow, cirtical flow occurs at
(a) Logarithmic profile
contant discharge when
(b) Linear profile
(a) specific energy is 1 m
(c) Parabolic profile
(b) specific energy is minimum
(d) Constant velocity profile
(c) the bed gradient is 1%
154. The model and prototype are dynamically simi-
(d) depth is minimum

161. In mild slope channel with uniform flow, the
HGL GWSSB - Additional Assistant Engineer(Civil)
(a) coincides with the bed (17 - 06 -2018)
(b) is above the free surface 169. The range for co-efficient of discharge (Cd) for
(c) coincides with the free surface venturi-meter is
(d) is below the free surface (a) 0.6 to 0.7 (b) 0.7 to 0.8
162. For a hydraulically efficient rectangular open (c) 0.8 to 0.9 (d) 0.95 to 0.99
channel section, the width to depth ratio is 170. Hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L) represent the
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0 sum of
(c) 1.33 (d) 2.0 (a) Pressure head and kinetic head
163. Darcy Weisbach friction factor for head loss (b) Kinetic head and datum head
computation can be obtained from (c) Pressure head, kinetic head and datum
(a) Moody’s diagram head
(b) Strange curve (d) Pressure head and datum head
(c) specific energy diagram 171. Froude’s number is defined as the ratio of
(d) Blench’s curve (a) Inertia force to viscous force
164. Two identical pumps operating in parallel (b) Inertia force to gravity force
(a) boosts the discharge (c) Inertia force to elastic force
(b) boosts the head (d) Inertia force to pressure force
(c) boosts both the discharge and head 172. The cirtical depth (hc) is given by
(d) delivers same discharge and head that of 1/2 1/3

single pump q q

(a)   (b)  
165. In impulse turbine the total energy at inlet is g g
(a) pressure energy and kinetic energy 1/3 2/3
(b) pressure energy  q2   q2 
(c)   (d)  
(c) kinetic energy  g   g 
(d) mechanical energy 173. The rate of now through a V-notch varies as
166. To avoid cavitation in reaction turbine
(a) H (b) H
(a) the minimum pressure in the passage of a
flow should always be more than the vapour (c) H 3/2 (d) H 5/2
pressure of the water at the working tempera-
(b) the velocity should be high GSECL - Junior Engineer(Civil)
(c) the discharge should he constant (18 - 02 -2018)
(d) the speed of turbine should be less that 179. In the Bernoulli equation, used in pipe flow,
runaway speed each term represents _______.
167. The underground power houses are found to (a) Energy per unit volume
be more economical than an equivalent surface (b) Energy per unit weight
power station due to (c) Energy per unit flow length
(a) low temperature (d) Energy per unit mass
(b) low noise pollution 180. A single acting reciprocating pump running at
(c) less the amount of concrete is required 50 rpm has the diameter of the piston as 200
compared to a surface power station mm and stroke lengt 400 mm. the theoretical
(d) better foundation condition discharge of the pump is ______.
168. The unit of coefficient of transmissiblity is (a) 10.5 lit/sec (b) 5.25 lit/sec
(a) m2 / s (b) m / s (c) 21 lit/sec (d) 62 lit/sec
(c) unit less (d) m /s2 181. The depth of now for maximum discharge
through a cirular channel of 1.0 m diameter is
(a) 1.5 (b) 9 m
(c) 0.95 m (d) 1.7 m

GPSC - Assistant Engineer(Civil)

(04 - 03 -2018)
182. The specific speed of a turbine is defined as
the speed of a unit of such a size that it
(a) delivers unit discharge at the unit head
(b) delivers unit discharge at the unit power
(c) produces unit power for unit head
(d) none of these
183. Stremlines and Equipotential lines are lines that
(a) Can be drawn graphically for viscous flow
around any boundary
(b) Form meshes of perfect squares
(c) Are orthogonal wherever they meet
(d) Can be determined mathematically for all
boundary conditions


1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b)

8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c)
15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d) 21. (a)
22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (b)
29. (c) 30. (b) 31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (d)
36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (a)
43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (a)
50. (a) 51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (d)
57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d) 61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (c)
64. (c) 65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (d)
71. (b) 72. (d) 73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (c) 77. (a)
78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (a) 81. (a) 82. (c) 83. (c) 84. (c)
85. (a) 86. (d) 87. (c) 88. (d) 89. (b) 90. (d) 91. (c)
92. (b) 93. (c) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (d) 98. (b)
99. (b) 100. (c) 101. (b) 102.(c) 103.(b) 104.(a) 105.(c)
106. (d) 107. (b) 108. (d) 109.(a) 110.(b) 111. (c) 112 (c)
113. (b) 114. (b) 115. (b) 116.(b) 117.(c) 118. (c) 119 (a)
120. (c) 121. (b) 122. (a) 123.(c) 124.(b) 125.(a) 126.(b)
127. (a) 128. (a) 129. (d) 130.(c) 131.(c) 132.(d) 133.(d)
134. (d) 135. (a) 136. (a) 137.(b) 138.(c) 139.(a) 140.(a)
141. (c) 142. (d) 143. (b) 144.(a) 145.(a) 146.(d) 147.(d)
148. (d) 149. (a) 150. (c) 151.(d) 152.(c) 153.(b) 154.(a)
155. (d) 156. (b) 157. (c) 158.(b) 159.(b) 160.(b) 140.(a)
141. (c) 142. (d) 143. (b) 144.(a) 145.(a) 146.(d) 147.(d)
148. (d) 149. (a) 150. (c) 151.(d) 152.(c) 153.(b) 154.(a)
155. (d) 156. (b) 157. (c) 158.(b) 159.(b) 160.(b) 161.(c)
162. (d) 163. (a) 164. (a) 165.(c) 166.(a) 167.(c) 168.(a)
169. (d) 170. (d) 171. (b) 172.(c) 173.(d) 174.(a) 175.(b)
176. (a) 177. (a) 178. (a) 179.(b) 180.(a) 181.(c) 182.(c)
183. (c)


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