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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 035331 共2004兲

Inverse flux quantum periodicity of magnetoresistance oscillations in two-dimensional short-period

surface superlattices
X. F. Wang,1 P. Vasilopoulos,1 and F. M. Peeters2
Department of Physics, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8
Departement Natuurkunde, Universiteit Antwerpen (Campus Drie Eiken), B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium
共Received 30 July 2003; revised manuscript received 15 October 2003; published 29 January 2004兲
Transport properties of the two-dimensional electron gas 共2DEG兲 are considered in the presence of a
perpendicular magnetic field B and of a weak two-dimensional 共2D兲 periodic potential modulation in the 2DEG
plane. The symmetry of the latter is rectangular or hexagonal. The well-known solution of the corresponding
tight-binding equation shows that each Landau level splits into several subbands when a rational number of
flux quanta h/e pierces the unit cell and that the corresponding gaps are exponentially small. Assuming the
latter are closed due to disorder gives analytical wave functions and simplifies considerably the evaluation of
the magnetoresistivity tensor ␳ ␮ ␯ . The relative phase of the oscillations in ␳ xx and ␳ y y depends on the
modulation periods involved. For a 2D modulation with a short period ⭐100 nm, in addition to the Weiss
oscillations the collisional contribution to the conductivity and consequently the tensor ␳ ␮ ␯ show prominent
peaks when one flux quantum h/e passes through an integral number of unit cells in good agreement with
recent experiments. For periods 300– 400 nm long used in early experiments, these peaks occur at fields 10 to
25 times smaller than those of the Weiss oscillations and are not resolved.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.035331 PACS number共s兲: 73.20.At, 73.21.⫺b, 73.61.⫺r

I. INTRODUCTION integral number of unit cells as was recently observed

experimentally.11 Here we show that these oscillations result
In the last decade the magnetotransport of the two- from the interplay between band conduction and collisional
dimensional electron gas 共2DEG兲, subjected to periodic po- conduction. A new contribution to the latter opens up as hop-
tential modulations, has attracted considerable experimental1 ping between cyclotron orbits which are separated by an in-
and theoretical2,3 attention. For one-dimensional 共1D兲 modu- tegral multiple of the modulation period and have the same
lations novel oscillations of the magnetoresistivity tensor ␳ ␮ ␯ position relative to the modulation lattice. This contribution
have been observed, at low magnetic fields B, distinctly dif- is appreciable only in short-period superlattices and accord-
ferent in period and temperature dependence from the usual ingly could not be resolved in early experiments on long-
Shubnikov–de Haas ones observed at higher B. These novel period superlattices.
In the next section we derive the one-electron eigenfunc-
oscillations reflect the commensurability between two length
tions and eigenvalues for rectangular and hexagonal modu-
scales: the cyclotron diameter at the Fermi level 2R c
lations; we also present the density of states. The analytical
⫽2 冑2 ␲ n e ᐉ 2 , where n e is the electron density, ᐉ the mag- and numerical results for the corresponding conductivity or
netic length, and a the period of the potential modulation. resistivity components are presented in Sec. III. Numerical
The situation is similar but less clear-cut for 2D modulations results are given in Sec. IV and concluding remarks in
from both a theoretical4 –7 and an experimental7–9 point of Sec. V.
view. To date most of the experimental results pertinent to
2D modulations7–9 with square or hexagonal symmetry have
indicated strongly that the predicted10 fine structure of the II. EIGENVECTORS, EIGENVALUES, AND DENSITY
Landau levels is not resolved. Magnetotransport theories per- OF STATES
tinent to this case are rather limited4,7,8 in contrast with those
for 1D modulations. We consider a 2DEG, in the (x,y) plane, in the presence
Recent observations9 call for additional theoretical work of a perpendicular magnetic field B⫽Bẑ and of a 2D peri-
since they could not be fully explained by earlier semiclas- odic potential modulation U(x,y). The electrons are consid-
sical theories.4 In this paper we develop, along the lines of ered as free particles with an effective mass m * . In the ab-
Ref. 3, the relevant quantum-mechanical magnetotransport sence of the modulation the normalized one-electron
theory of the 2DEG for precisely the case that the fine struc- eigenfunction, in the gauge A⫽(0,Bx,0), is given by
ture of the Landau levels is not resolved. Our goal is to e ik y y ␾ n (x⫹x 0 )/ 冑L y , where ␾ n (x⫹x 0 ) is the well-known
explain recent experimental results11 on 2D, short-period (a harmonic-oscillator function, centered at ⫺x 0 ⫽⫺ᐉ 2 k y , and
⬃1000 Å) surface superlattices with mobility ␮ in the inter- L y is the sample’s width.
mediate range, i.e., ␮ ⬃100 m2 /V s. The symmetry of the 2D In the presence of a sinusoidal 1D modulation one can use
modulation is taken to be rectangular or hexagonal. A brief perturbation theory2,3 to evaluate the energy spectrum and
semiclassical account, pertinent to the former symmetry, was eigenfunctions. Alternatively, one can use a tight-binding
reported in Ref. 4共b兲. New magnetoresistance oscillations are scheme, along the lines of Ref. 10, and look for solutions of
found to occur when one flux quantum h/e passes through an the one-electron Hamiltonian H 0 ⫽(p⫹eA) 2 /2m *

0163-1829/2004/69共3兲/035331共11兲/$22.50 69 035331-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society


⫹V x cos(Kxx) that are linear combinations of the unperturbed

(V x ⫽0) ones: 兩 ␸ nk y 典 ⫽ 兺 p A p 兩 n,k y ⫹pG 典 , where G is a suit-
able wave vector introduced here for convenience and
兩 n,k y ⫹pG 典 is the unperturbed state (K x ⫽2 ␲ /a x , and a x is
the modulation period along x). As in Ref. 10 we take G
⬅K y ⫽2 ␲ /a y with a y the modulation period along y. The
summation over p has to be extended to all integer p values
such that ⫺L x /2ᐉ 2 ⭐k y ⫹pK y ⭐L x /2ᐉ 2 , where L x is the
length. For p⫽0 we have the limits for k y as ⫺a x /2ᐉ 2 ⭐k y
⭐a x /2ᐉ 2 . Then the tight-binding equation 具 n,k y ⫹pK y 兩 H 0
⫺E 兩 ␸ nk y 典 ⫽0, in which mixing of different Landau levels n
is neglected, gives acceptable solutions for the coefficients
A p as A p ⫽A 0 exp(i␰p). The new states are labeled with the
additional quantum number ␰ (0⭐ ␰ ⭐2 ␲ ): 兩 ␺ nk y ␰ 典 FIG. 1. Energy spectrum as a function of the wave vectors k x
⫽A 0 兺 p exp(i␰p)兩n,ky⫹pKy典. The orthonormality condition and k y for n⫽0,␣ ⫽1, V x ⫽2V y ⫽1 meV. The modulation wave
具 ␸ nk y ␰ 兩 ␸ nk y ␰ ⬘ 典 ⫽ ␦ ␰␰ ⬘ gives ␰ ⫽2 ␲␯ ᐉ 2 K y /L x →k x ᐉ 2 K y , ␯ vectors K x and K y are shown by the thick arrows.
being an integer, and A 0 ⫽ᐉ(K y /L x ) 1/2 by normalization.
The energy spectrum obtained in this way is the same as that E nk ␰ ⫽E n ⫹V y F n 共 u y 兲 cos ␰ , 共4兲
obtained by perturbation theory.2,3
where ␰ ⫽(2 ␲␯ /L x )ᐉ K y ⬅ᐉ K y k x . In both cases the unper-
2 2
We will now use this information to obtain the corre-
turbed Landau levels broaden into bands „with a bandwidth
sponding eigenvectors and eigenvalues for a 2D modulation
equal to 2 关 V x 兩 F n (u x ) 兩 ⫹V y 兩 F n (u y ) 兩 兴 and 2V y 兩 F n (u y ) 兩 , re-
spectively…, which oscillate with magnetic field B and 共large兲
index n, cf. Refs. 2 and 3. The energy spectrum given by Eq.
A. Rectangular symmetry 共3兲, plotted in Fig. 1 for n⫽0, ␣ ⫽1, V x ⫽2V y ⫽1 meV, is a
We assume the following one-electron Hamiltonian: periodic function of k x and of k y since ␰ ⫽ᐉ 2 K y k x and x 0
⫽ᐉ 2 k y . Notice that the arguments of the cosines in Eq. 共3兲
H 0 ⫽ 共 p⫹eA兲 /2m * ⫹V x cos共 K x x 兲 ⫹V y cos共 K y y 兲 , 共1兲 can be shifted by 2 ␲ ␣ , ␣ integer.
One important consequence of this nonzero bandwidth is
where K ␮ ⫽2 ␲ /a ␮ ( ␮ ⫽x,y); a x and a y are the periods that the mean velocities v x and v y , which vanish in the
along the x and y directions, respectively. absence of modulation, are now finite: from v ␮
In the gauge chosen, A⫽(0,Bx,0), the second term of Eq. ⫽dE nk ␰ /បdk ␮ , ␮ ⫽x,y, we obtain
共1兲 is not diagonal in k y and therefore 兩 n,k y 典 is not a conve-
nient basis set. But as in the 1D case we can look for solu- v x ⫽⫺ 共 ᐉ 2 K y V y /ប 兲 F n 共 u y 兲 sin ␰ 共5兲
tions of Eq. 共1兲 in the form 兩 ␸ n,k y 典 ⫽ 兺 p A p 兩 n,k y ⫹pK y 典 as
described above. This choice of eigenfunctions is also sug-
gested by the fact that V y cos Kyy connects the unperturbed v y ⫽⫺ 共 ᐉ 2 K x V x /ប 兲 F n 共 u x 兲 sin共 K x x 0 兲 . 共6兲
state 兩 nk y 典 with only the states 兩 n,k y ⫾K y 典 . In this case the
Equations 共5兲 and 共6兲 lead to a finite diffusion or band con-
equation 具 n,k y ⫹pK y 兩 H 0 ⫺E 兩 ␸ n,k y 典 ⫽0, in which mixing of
ductivity which is absent when the modulation is not present,
different Landau levels is neglected, takes the form cf. Sec. II.
Equation 共2兲 is the same as Harper’s equation but the
V x F n 共 u x 兲 cos共 2 ␲ p ␣ ⫹K x x 0 兲 A p ⫹ 21 V y F n 共 u y 兲共 A p⫹1 ⫹A p⫺1 兲 coefficients V ␮ F n (u ␮ ) depend on the magnetic field. For B
⫽ 共 E⫺E n 兲 A p , 共2兲 values other than those pertaining to Eq. 共3兲 it has been
shown by Hofstadter12 (a) for the case of constant coefficients
where ␣ ⫽2 ␲ ᐉ 2 /a x a y , E n ⫽(n⫹1/2)ប ␻ c is the ‘‘unper- and by Claro and Wannier,12 (b) for the case that the latter
turbed’’ eigenvalue, and ␻ c ⫽ 兩 e 兩 B/m * the cyclotron fre- depend on B 共hexagonal modulation兲, that the energy spec-
quency. Further, F n (u ␮ )⫽exp(⫺u␮/2)L n (u ␮ ),L n (u ␮ ) is the trum resulting from the numerical solution of Eq. 共2兲, i.e., E,
Laguerre polynomial and u ␮ ⫽ᐉ 2 K ␮2 /2. shows, when E is measured in units of V ␮ F n (u ␮ ), a non-
The solution of Eq. 共2兲 gives the eigenvalues E and the trivial structure: for ␣ ⫽i/ j, i, j being integers, each Landau
eigenvectors A p . We see immediately that for ␣ integer the level is split into j subbands and Eq. 共2兲 is periodic with
equation admits the exponential solutions A p ⫽A 0 e i ␰ p , with period j. Here, in view of the reported experiments7–9 which
A 0 and ␰ given above. This is also the case for those values did not indicate that this fine structure of the energy spectrum
of ␣ for which F n (u x ) vanishes since u x ⫽2 ␲ 2 ᐉ 2 /a 2x was resolved, we will assume that this is indeed the case, i.e.,
⫽ ␲ (a y /a x ) ␣ . In the former case we have in samples of not exceptionally high mobilities, such as those
of Ref. 5, the small gaps mentioned above are closed due to
E nk ␰ ⫽E n ⫹V x F n 共 u x 兲 cos共 K x x 0 兲 ⫹V y F n 共 u y 兲 cos ␰ 共3兲 disorder and justify the assumption below, see Sec. II C. That
is, we assume that the Landau levels are bands. Now from
and in the latter the numerical solution of Eq. 共2兲 we know that the band-


the correction to the unperturbed energy E n by the modula-

tion V x cos Kxx⫹Vycos Kyy using the classical equations of
motion x(t)⫽x 0 ⫹R c sin(␻ct⫹␸),y(t)⫽y0⫹Rccos(␻ct⫹␸); x 0
and y 0 are the classical center coordinates, R c is the cyclo-
tron radius, ␻ c ⫽ 兩 e 兩 B/m * , and ␸ is a phase factor. Without
loss of generality we may take ␸ ⫽0. Then, if T is the period
of the cyclotron motion, a straightforward evaluation gives

具 U 典 ⫽ 共 1/T 兲 冕
dt 关 V x cos K x x 共 t 兲 ⫹V y cos K y y 共 t 兲兴

⫽V x J 0 共 K x R c 兲 cos K x x 0 ⫹V y J 0 共 K y R c 兲 cos K y y 0 , 共7兲

where J 0 (x) is the Bessel function of order zero. In the weak

magnetic field limit K ␮ R c Ⰷ1, Eq. 共7兲 reduces to Eq. 共3兲 for
large n, i.e., for weak B. It is obvious that these three ap-
proximate ways of deriving the energy spectrum do not
‘‘see’’ its fine structure resulting from an exact numerical
evaluation of the finite difference, Eq. 共2兲, for ␣ ⫽i/ j. There-
fore, they are applicable if the corresponding small gaps are
closed due to disorder.
FIG. 2. Energy spectrum, obtained from the exact solution of
Eq. 共2兲, in 共a兲 and 共c兲, as a function of the wave vectors k x and k y B. Hexagonal symmetry
for n⫽0. The corresponding approximate spectrum, given by Eq. We assume that the Hamiltonian is given by
共3兲, is shown in 共b兲 and 共d兲. In 共a兲 and 共b兲 we have ␣ ⫽1/2 and ␣
⫽2/3, in 共c兲 and 共d兲 ␣ ⫽2/3. The periods a x ⫽a y ⫽800 Å pertain to
the experiment of Ref. 11.
H 0 ⫽ 共 p⫹eA兲 2 /2m * ⫹V x cos K x xcos K y y
⫹V y 共 1⫹cos 2K y y 兲 /2. 共8兲
width corresponding to ␣ ⫽i/ j cannot exceed the value ob-
tained from Eq. 共3兲 or Eq. 共4兲. Therefore, for computational For V x ⫽V y ⫽V 0 this reduces to the model studied experi-
convenience, we will assume that the energy spectrum is mentally by Fang and Stiles.7 If x and y are interchanged the
given by Eq. 共3兲 and the eigenfunctions by 兩 ␺ nk y ␰ 典 energy spectrum, with K y ⫽2 ␲ /a and K x ⫽2 ␲ / 冑3a, of the
⫽A 0 兺 p e ip ␰ 兩 n,k y ⫹pK y 典 . corresponding tight-binding equation has been studied nu-
In Fig. 2 we compare the energy spectrum obtained by merically, for all values of the magnetic field, by Claro and
exactly solving Eq. 共2兲 with the one given by Eq. 共3兲. We do Wannier12 and has the same structure as that of the square
so because in the conductivity calculations we will use Eq. symmetry. Here, in line with the case of rectangular symme-
共3兲, as an approximation that will be justified, for all mag- try, we assume that the small gaps of the energy spectrum are
netic fields or values of ␣ . The exact spectrum for ␣ ⫽i/ j is closed due to disorder and use again the tight-binding de-
composed of j minibands. It’s dependence on k x , which does scription of Sec. II A. Corresponding to Eq. 共2兲 we now ob-
not appear in Eq. 共2兲, is obtained by introducing appropriate tain
new basis states, in the manner of Ref. 13, with 兩 k x 兩
⭐ ␲ /ia x and 兩 k y 兩 ⭐ ␲ /a y restricted in the magnetic Brillouin 1
V F 共 u ⫹u y 兲关 cos共 2 ␲ p ␣ ⫹ ␥ 兲 A p⫹1
zone. As can be seen, the two spectra are quite different from 2 x n x
each other. The corresponding difference in the density of
states is much weaker if a small broadening is included, see Vy
⫹cos共 2 ␲ p ␣ ⫺ ␥ 兲 A p⫺1 兴 ⫹ F 共 4u y 兲关 A p⫹2 ⫹A p⫺2 兴
Sec. II C below. For ␣ integer, however, the exact spectrum 4 n
and that given by Eq. 共3兲 coincide; the result is shown in
Fig. 1. ⫽ 共 E⫺E n ⫺ 12 V y 兲 A p , 共9兲
There are two alternative, approximate ways to obtain Eq.
共3兲. First, we take V y ⬇0 and use the corresponding 1D tight- where ␥ ⫽K x ᐉ 2 (k y ⫹K y /2). When ␣ is integer Eq. 共9兲 has
binding states 兩 n,k y , ␰ 典 to obtain the energy spectrum given the solution A p ⫽A 0 exp(i␰p) with A 0 and ␰ given in Sec. II A
by E n ⫹V x F n (u x )cos(Kxx0). We then use first-order perturba- and the eigenvalue E is given by
tion theory, involving the states 兩 nk y ␰ 典 , to evaluate the en-
ergy correction to this spectrum due to the term V y cos Kyy 1
E nk ␰ ⫽E n ⫹ V y ⫹V x F n 共 u x ⫹u y 兲 cos ␥ cos ␰
for V y Ⰶប ␻ c ⫹V x ; the result is identical with that given by 2
Eq. 共3兲. Second, since these new oscillations of the magne-
toresistance have been observed in weak magnetic fields and 1
⫹ V y F n 共 4u y 兲 cos 2 ␰ , 共10兲
for weak modulations, we attempt a classical evaluation of 2


where ␰ ⫽ᐉ 2 K y k x . We notice that for K x ⫽2 ␲ /a and K y

⫽2 ␲ 冑3a, i.e., the usual hexagonal modulation, we have
F n (u x ⫹u y )⫽F n (4u y )⫽F n (8 ␲ 2 ᐉ 2 /3a 2 ).
As in the rectangular case, we see that the Landau levels
have broadened into bands with a bandwidth equal to
关 2V x 兩 F n (u x ⫹u y )⫹V y 兩 F n (4u y ) 兩 兴 that oscillates with mag-
netic field and 共large兲 n. Again the mean velocities v x and v y
are finite

v x ⫽⫺ 共 V y ᐉ 2 K y /ប 兲 F n 共 4u y 兲 sin 2 ␰ ⫺ 共 V x ᐉ 2 K y /ប 兲
⫻F n 共 u x ⫹u y 兲 cos ␥ cos ␰ , 共11兲 FIG. 3. Density of states vs energy for V x ⫽V y ⫽0.5 meV, a x
⫽800 Å with a y ⫽800 Å and a y ⫽1600 Å for the solid and dotted
curves, respectively. The dash-dotted curve is the result for a 1D
v y ⫽⫺ 共 V x ᐉ 2 K x /ប 兲 F n 共 u x ⫹u y 兲 sin ␥ sin ␰ ; 共12兲
modulation along the x direction with the same period and modu-
this has important consequences for transport and will be lation strength as in the 2D case. The magnetic field is B
detailed in the next section. ⫽0.64 T.

C. The density of states and 共11兲. The DOS for the hexagonal modulation is not
shown since it is similar to the one shown in Fig. 3.
The energy spectra given by Eqs. 共3兲 and 共10兲 are quali- In Fig. 4 we compare the DOS obtained from the exact
tatively different from the unmodulated spectrum, given by energy spectrum with that obtained using Eq. 共3兲. In this
E n , and from the corresponding 1D modulation spectrum, comparison we include a level broadening by replacing ␦ (E)
given by E n ⫹F n (u x )cos Kxx0. These differences are also re- in the definition of D(E) by ␲ ⌫/(E 2 ⫹⌫ 2 ). In Fig. 4共a兲 we
flected in the density of states 共DOS兲 defined by D(E) show the influence of the level broadening on the DOS for
⫽2 兺 nk y ␰ ␦ (E⫺E nk y ␰ ). For a 2D modulation with rectangular ␣ ⫽2/3 and different values of ⌫ specified in the caption. As
symmetry, corresponding to Eq. 共3兲, the DOS becomes can be seen, the subband structure disappears with increasing
⌫ and the exact and approximate result approach each other.

兺 冕0

2␲ That is, the gaps between the minibands in each Landau level
D 共 E 兲 ⫽D 0 d ␰ 兵 关 V x F n 共 u x 兲兴 2 are closed with increasing level broadening. Notice that this
happens for quite small values of ⌫ compared to the cyclo-
⫺ 关 E⫺E n ⫺V y F n 共 u y 兲 cos ␰ 兴 2 其 ⫺1/2, 共13兲 tron energy which is about 1 meV in this example. As shown
in 共c兲, the same behavior of the DOS occurs for ␣ ⫽1/2.
while for the one with hexagonal symmetry, corresponding Notice also that this closeness between the exact and ap-
to Eq. 共10兲, the DOS is given by proximate DOS occurs despite the drastic difference in the

兺 冕0 再

D 共 E 兲 ⫽D 0 d ␰ 关 V x F n 共 u x ⫹u y 兲 cos ␰ 兴 2

⫺ E⫺E n ⫺
关 1⫹F n 共 4u y 兲 cos 2 ␰ 兴 冊冎
2 ⫺1/2

where D 0 ⫽L y L x / ␲ 3 ᐉ 2 . The quantities within the curly
brackets in Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 must be positive.
In Fig. 3 we plot the DOS, given by Eq. 共13兲, for various
values of the parameters a x , a y ,V x , and V y . For compari-
son we also show the DOS 共dash-dotted curve兲 correspond-
ing to the 1D modulation. The latter exhibits Van Hove sin-
gularities at the edges of each Landau level 共band兲 reflecting
the 1D nature of the electron motion in this band, since v x
⫽0 while v y ⫽0, cf. Refs. 2 and 3. This is not the case for
the 2D modulation: the electron motion is two dimensional, FIG. 4. 共a兲 Density of states vs energy for ␣ ⫽2/3 and energy
since both v x and v y are different from zero, cf. Eqs. 共5兲 and level width ⌫⫽0 共thin curves兲 and ⌫⫽1 K 共thick curves兲. The
共6兲. That is, in the 2D case the DOS is finite, see also Refs. solid and dotted curves are, respectively, the exact and approximate
4共b兲. As shown there, the DOS is qualitatively the same as results. The DOS for ␣ ⫽1 in 共b兲 and ␣ ⫽1/2 in 共c兲 is plotted,
the one shown in Fig. 3 if the periods are the same and the respectively, for ⌫⫽1.1 K and ⌫⫽1.5 K obtained from ⌫
strengths are varied. This can be immediately deduced from ⫽(eប/m * ) 冑B/ ␲ ␮ . The parameters used are the same as those in
the factors V x F n (u x ) and V y F n (u y ) that appear in Eqs. 共3兲 Fig. 2.


corresponding energy spectra shown in Fig. 2. In addition, as The resistivity tensor ␳ ␮ ␯ is given in terms of the conduc-
shown in 共b兲, for integer ␣ the exact and approximate results tivity tensor ␳ ⫽ ␴ ⫺1 . We will use the standard expressions
for the DOS are identical. ␳ xx ⫽ ␴ y y /S, ␳ y y ⫽ ␴ xx /S, and ␳ yx ⫽⫺ ␳ xy ⫽⫺ ␴ yx /S with S
⫽ ␴ xx ␴ y y ⫺ ␴ xy ␴ yx .
B. Analytical evaluations
A. Basic expressions
The scattering mechanism enters the conductivity expres-
For weak electric fields E, i.e., for linear responses, and sions 共15兲 and 共16兲 through the relaxation time ␶ (E ␨ ) and the
weak scattering potentials the conductivity tensor ␴ ␮ ␯ ( ␻ ) in transition rate W ␨␨ ⬘ , respectively; in contrast, Eq. 共17兲 is
the one-electron approximation has been evaluated in detail independent of the scattering when the latter is weak.14
in Ref. 3: ␴ ␮ ␯ ( ␻ )⫽ ␴ ␮d ␯ ( ␻ )⫹ ␴ ␮nd␯ ( ␻ ), ␮ , ␯ ⫽x,y. The con- We assume that the electrons are scattered elastically by
tribution ␴ ␮d ␯ ( ␻ ) stems from the diagonal part of the density randomly distributed impurities. This type of scattering is
operator ␳ . In a suitable basis 具 J ␮d 典 ⫽Tr( ␳ d J ␮ )⫽ ␴ ␮d ␯ E ␯ , dominant at the low temperatures of the reported experi-
where J ␮ is the current density and ␴ ␮nd␯ ( ␻ ) comes from the ments. Further, we expand the impurity potential in Fourier
nondiagonal part of ␳ ( ␳ ⫽ ␳ d ⫹ ␳ nd ). In general ␴ ␮d ␯ ( ␻ ) components, i.e., U(r⫺R)⫽ 兺 qU qexp关iq•(r⫺R) 兴 , with
⫽ ␴ ␮di␯f ( ␻ )⫹ ␴ ␮col␯ ( ␻ ), where ␴ ␮di␯f ( ␻ ) indicates diffusive con- U q⫽2 ␲ e 2 / ⑀ (q 2 ⫹k s2 ) 1/2 corresponding to the screened im-
tributions and ␴ ␮col␯ ( ␻ ) collisional contributions. For the dif- purity potential U(r)⫽(e 2 / ⑀ r)exp(⫺ksr); r and R are the
fusive contribution we have electron and impurity positions, respectively, q⫽q x x̂⫹q y ŷ,
⑀ is the dielectric constant, and k s the screening wave vector.
␤e2 Diffusive contribution. For weak modulation potentials V x
⍀ 兺
␴ ␮di␯f 共 0 兲 ⫽ f ␨ 共 1⫺ f ␨ 兲 ␶ 共 E ␨ 兲v ␮␨ v ␯␨ , 共15兲 and V y , which is pertinent to most of the reported experi-

ments, we may use 兩 ␨ ⬎⫽ 兩 n,k y , ␰ 典 to evaluate the velocity
provided that the scattering is elastic or quasielastic, and for matrix elements appearing in Eq. 共15兲; the latter are given by
the collisional one Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲 for rectangular symmetry and by Eqs. 共11兲
and 共12兲 for hexagonal symmetry. As for the relaxation time
e2 ␶ (E ␨ ), it is defined by 1/␶ (E ␨ )⫽ 兺 ␨ ⬘ W ␨␨ ⬘ ( v ␨ ⫺ v ⬘␨ )/ v ␨ .
␴ ␮col␯ 共 0 兲 ⫽ 兺
f 共 1⫺ f ␨ ⬘ 兲 W ␨␨ ⬘ 共 ␣ ␮␨ ⫺ ␣ ␮␨⬘ 兲 2 ,
2⍀ ␨␨ ⬘ ␨
共16兲 Though the Landau levels broaden into bands, this definition
fails at the flat-band conditions, when v ␨ ⫽ v ␨⬘ ⫽0. For this
for both elastic ( f ␨ ⫽ f ␨ ⬘ ) and inelastic ( f ␨ ⫽ f ␨ ⬘ ) scattering. reason we estimate it from the lifetime given by 1/␶ (E ␨ )
W ␨␨ ⬘ is the transition rate between the unperturbed one- ⫽ 兺 ␨ ⬘ W ␨␨ ⬘ . In the limit k s Ⰷq, we obtain ␶ ⫽ ␶ (E ␨ )
electron states 兩 ␨ 典 and 兩 ␨ ⬘ 典 , ⍀ the volume of the system, e ⬇( ␲ ᐉ 2 ប 2 /N I U 20 ) 1/2, where N I is the 2D impurity density
the electron charge, ␶ (E ␨ ) the relaxation time, and ␣ ␮␨ and U 0 ⬇2 ␲ e 2 / ⑀ k s . However, at weak magnetic fields we
⫽ 具 ␨ 兩 r ␮ 兩 ␨ 典 the mean value of the ␮ component of the posi- may use ␶ as constant and estimate it from the zero-field
tion operator when the electron is in state 兩 ␨ ⬎ and has ve- mobility ␮ : ␶ ⫽ ␶ 0 ⫽ ␮ m * /e.
We now use Eqs. 共5兲, 共6兲, and 共15兲 with 兺 k
locity v ␮␨ ⫽⬍ ␨ 兩 v ␮ 兩 ␨ ⬎. Equation 共15兲 describes transport a /2ᐉ 2
through extended states whereas Eq. 共16兲 deals with trans- →(L y / ␲ ) 兰 0 x dk y and 兺 ␰ →(L x / ␲ a x ) 兰 20 ␲ d ␰ . The result
port through localized states and is absent in semiclassical for ␴ xx
di f
The nondiagonal contribution ␴ ␮nd␯ ( ␻ ) to the conductivity e 2 ␤␶
is given by
␴ xx
di f
⬇ K 2 ᐉ 4 V 2y
h ប␲ax y 兺n e ⫺u 关 L n共 u y 兲兴 2

␴ ␮nd␯ 共 ␻ 兲 ⫽
2iបe 2

f 共 1⫺ f ␨ ⬘ 兲 具 ␨ 兩 v ␮ 兩 ␨ ⬘ 典
⍀ ␨⫽␨⬘ ␨
⫻ 冕 ␰冕 2␲

ax /
ᐉ 2 dk y f nk y ␰ 共 1⫺ f nk y ␰ 兲 sin2 ␰ . 共18兲

1⫺e ␤ (E ␨ ⫺E ␨ ⬘ ) 1 The component ␴ di y y is given by Eq. 共18兲 with x and y inter-


⫻具 ␨ ⬘ 兩 v ␯ 兩 ␨ 典 lim . changed, and sin ␰ replaced by sin2(ᐉ2Kxky)⫽sin2(Kxx0). In

E ␨ ⫺E ␨ ⬘ ⑀ →0 E ␨ ⫺E ␨ ⬘ ⫹ប ␻ ⫹i ⑀ the limit of vanishing V y Eq. 共18兲 gives the result of a 1D
共17兲 modulation, ␴ xx
di f
⫽0. If we neglect the weak k y and ␰ depen-
dence of the factor f nk y ␰ (1⫺ f nk y ␰ ) we obtain the simplified
If we use the identity f ␨ (1⫺ f ␨ ⬘ )exp关␤(E␨⫺E␨⬘)兴⫽f ␨⬘(1 expression
⫺f ␨), Eq. 共17兲 takes the form of the well-known Kubo-
Greenwood formula. e 2 ␤␶ 2 2 2
Apart from their use in Ref. 3 for the 1D modulation case, ␴ xx
di f

h ប y
K ᐉ Vy 兺n e ⫺u 关 L n共 u y 兲兴 2 f n共 1⫺ f n 兲 .

the above formulas have also been successfully applied to 共19兲

various situations of electronic transport, such as hopping
conduction,14 (a) Aharonov-Bohm effect,14 (b) quantum Hall The corresponding expression for ␴ di
is given by Eq. 共19兲
effect,14 (c) etc. with x and y interchanged.


For hexagonal symmetry we use K x ⫽2 ␲ /a and K y ␦ 共 E nk y ␰ ⫺E n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y (K x ⫹q x ) 兲

⫽2 ␲ / 冑3a. The results for ␴ xxdi f
and ␴ di f
y y are similar to Eq.
共18兲 and can be easily obtained using Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲 for ⬇ ␦ „共 n⫺n ⬘ 兲 ប ␻ c ⫹2F n 共 u x 兲 V x sin c x 共 K y ⫺q y /2兲
the velocities. The result for ␴ di
y y , corresponding to Eq. 共19兲,
⫻sin c x 共 k y ⫹K y ⫺q y /2兲 ⫹2F n 共 u y 兲 V y
is given by Eq. 共19兲 with K y V y replaced by K 2x V 2x /2 and that
2 2

for ␴ xx
di f
by ⫻sin c y 共 K x ⫺q x /2兲 sin c y 共 k x ⫹K x ⫺q x /2兲 …. 共25兲

␴ xx
di f
e 2 ␤␶ 2 2
h ប
K y V y 1⫹ 冉
V 2x
2V 2y
e ⫺u 冊 兺n 关 L n共 u 兲兴 2
f n 共 1⫺ f n 兲 ,
The shift by ᐉ 2 K x K y ⫽2 ␲ ␣ , ␣ integer, in Eq. 共25兲 and in the
factor f nk y ␰ (1⫺ f n ⬘ k ⬘ ␰ ⬘ ) was made to stress the formal valid-
ity of Eqs. 共24兲 and 共25兲 for ␣ integer. If we do not make it,
we must put K x ⫽K y ⫽0 in the sine factors and change
where u⫽8 ␲ ᐉ /3a . 2 2 2
E n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y (K x ⫹q x ) to E n ⬘ ,k y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y q x wherever it ap-
Collisional contribution. To evaluate this contribution to pears. For ␣ close to an integer though one can reinstate K x
order V ␮2 we must use the perturbed wave function to order and K y in Eqs. 共24兲 and 共25兲 as shown.
V ␮ . The procedure for evaluating Eq. 共16兲 is identical with We now remark that the largest contribution to the inte-
that corresponding to the 1D modulation detailed gral over u in Eq. 共24兲 comes from very small values of q x
previously.3 We have again 具 ␨ 兩 x 兩 ␨ 典 ⫺ 具 ␨ ⬘ 兩 x 兩 ␨ ⬘ 典 ⫽ᐉ 2 (k y and q y due to the factor exp(⫺u) or the factor 1/冑␲ 2 nu in
⫺k ⬘y ); the only new ingredient are the following matrix ele- the asymptotic expression e ⫺u 关 L n (u) 兴 2 ⬇cos2(2冑nu
ments: ⫺ ␲ /4)/ 冑␲ 2 nu. In addition, for the usual 2D systems we
have k s ⬇108 /m which is much larger than these small values
具 nk y ␰ 兩 y 兩 nk y ␰ 典 ⫽⫺ ␰ /K y 共21兲
of q x and q y . With that in mind and in order to reduce the
and numerical work, we replace the ␦ function 共25兲 by a Lorent-
zian of width ⌫ and neglect in it and in the factor f nk y ␰ (1
兩 具 nk y ␰ 兩 e iq•r兩 n ⬘ k ⬘y ␰ ⬘ 典 兩 2 ⫽ 共 n!/n ⬘ ! 兲 u n ⬘ ⫺n e ⫺u ⫺ f n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y (K x ⫹q x ) ) the terms ⬀q x or ⬀q y . Alterna-
tively, we may expand the ␦ function in powers of q x and
⫻ 关 L nn ⬘ ⫺n 共 u 兲兴 2 ␦ ␰ , ␰ ⬘ ⫹c y q x ␦ k y ,k ⬘ ⫺q y , q y ; then by far the leading contribution comes from the

共22兲 zero-order term given by Eq. 共25兲 with q x ⫽q y ⫽0. In addi-

tion, we neglect the term q 2 in U q . Further, from the sum
where u⫽ᐉ 2
(q 2x ⫹q 2y )/2
and c y ⫽ᐉ K y . 2
over n ⬘ we consider only the terms n ⬘ ⫽n and n ⬘ ⫽n⫾1; the
We now use Eqs. 共16兲, 共20兲, and 共21兲, and the standard term n ⬘ ⫽n gives the dominant contribution, about 90%.
expression for the transition rate Then the integral over u can be evaluated and Eq. 共24兲 takes
the form
兺q U q2兩 具 nk y ␰ 兩 e iq•r兩 n ⬘ k ⬘y ␰ ⬘ 典 兩 2 ␦ 共 E nk ␰ ⫺E n ⬘k ⬘␰ ⬘ 兲 .

W ␨␨ ⬘ ⫽ y y

␴ col
yy ⬇
e 2 ␤ N I U 20 ⌫
h 2 ␲ 2a x 兺n 共 2n⫹1 兲 冕 ␰冕 2␲

a x /ᐉ 2

dk y

We use the spectrum 共3兲 and shift the argument of the co-
sines by ᐉ 2 K x K y ⫽2 ␲ ␣ , ␣ integer, in the ␦ function as well
as in the factor f nk y ␰ (1⫺ f n ⬘ k ⬘ ␰ ⬘ ). Then Eq. 共16兲 takes the
⫻ 关 D n,n ⫹ 共 n⫹1 兲 D n,n⫹1 ⫹nD n,n⫺1 兴 , 冎 共26兲

form where

␴ col
yy ⬇
e 2 ␤ N I U 20
h 4a x 兺
n,n ⬘
冕 0

due ⫺u u n ⬘ ⫺n⫹1 关 L nn ⬘ ⫺n 共 u 兲兴 2
D n,n ⬘ ⫽ f nk y ␰ 共 1⫺ f n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y , ␰ ⫺c y K x 兲 / 关共 E nk y ␰

⫺E n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y , ␰ ⫺c y K x 兲 2 ⫹⌫ 2 兴 . 共27兲

⫻ 冕 ␰冕
ax /

ᐉ 2 dk y f nk y ␰ As a result, when 2 ␲ ᐉ 2 /a x a y ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽ is an integer, the sec-
ond and third terms in the argument of the ␦ function in Eq.
⫻ 共 1⫺ f n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y (K x ⫹q x ) 兲 共25兲 vanish and entail n⫽n ⬘ , i.e., the response is strongest
when one flux quantum passes through an integral number of
⫻ ␦ 共 E nk y ␰ ⫺E n ⬘ ,k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫺c y (K x ⫹q x ) 兲 . 共24兲 cells as observed.8,11 In this case the factor 关 (•••) 2 ⫹⌫ 2 兴 in
Eq. 共27兲 becomes ⌫ 2 .
We proceed as follows. For weak magnetic fields involved in A qualitative understanding of the enhancement of the
the problem the Landau-level index n is large and the major collisional conductivity for integer ␣ ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽ is as follows.
contributions to the sum over n ⬘ come from n ⬘ values close In this case only scattering between the states 兩 k y , ␰ 典 and
n. With the asymptotic expansion of the Laguerre polynomi- 兩 k y ⫹K y ⫹q y , ␰ ⫹cy(K x ,q x ) 典 is allowed, cf. Eq. 共24兲. These
als, e ⫺u/2L n (u)⬇( ␲ 2 nu) ⫺1/4cos(2冑nu⫺ ␲ /4), it is an excel- states correspond to cyclotron orbits separated by a distance
lent approximation to take F n (u ␮ )⬇F n ⬘ (u ␮ ). Then the ␦ ␣ a x which is a multiple of the lattice period. One example is
function becomes shown in Fig. 5 for two orbits that encircle a unit cell. As


FIG. 5. Scattering between two cyclotron orbits which encircle

one unit cell.

shown, the orbits are in the same relative position with re-
spect to the modulation lattice and correspond to electron
states of the same energy. Since impurity scattering is an
elastic process that leads to hopping between states of the
same energy, the hopping between such cyclotron orbits for FIG. 6. Resistivity components ␳ xx and ␳ y y as a function of the
integer ␣ contributes the most to the conduction and en- magnetic field B for fixed V x ⫽0.5 meV and varying V y . The dotted
hances the collisional conductivity. On the other hand, for ␣ curve is the 1D limit obtained with V y ⫽0. The prominent peaks in
the 2D case are marked by the integral value of ␣ ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽.
not an integer the position of the two orbits involved in the
scattering process relative to the modulation lattice changes;
accordingly the enhancement mentioned above is weakened. a x →a, u x ⫽u y ⫽u⫽8 ␲ 2 ᐉ 2 /3a 2 , and of course the different
For those values of the magnetic field for which F n (u x ) energy levels 关Eq. 共10兲兴 that enter the factor f nk y ␰ .
vanishes we use the same wave functions and the spectrum
共4兲. If the modulation periods are the same, we have IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS
F n (u x )⫽F n (u y )⫽0, n→n ⬘ , and Eq. 共26兲 holds with
D n,n⫾1 →0. If the modulation periods are not equal or if We now present results for the various resistivity compo-
⌽ 0 /⌽ is not an integer, Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲 hold only ap- nents ␳ ␮ ␯ using the standard expressions given at the end of
proximately. With all that in mind, the assumption that the Sec. III A, and evaluating numerically the conductivities
small gaps are closed due to disorder, and for computational given by Eqs. 共18兲, 共26兲, and 共27兲. For Figs. 3–7, and 10 we
convenience, we use Eq. 共26兲 as an approximation for all use the parameters of Ref. 11. They are electron density n s
fields. ⫽4.5⫻1015/m2 , temperature T⫽5.5 K or T⫽1.6 K, a x
For the hexagonal modulation we obtain again Eq. 共26兲 ⫽a y ⫽804 Å, and mobility ␮ ⫽70 m2 /V s. The correspond-
but now the energy spectrum is given by Eq. 共10兲. Further, ing parameters for Figs. 8 and 9, taken from Ref. 5, are n s
a x and u y are replaced by a and u⫽8n 2 ᐉ 2 /3a 2 , respectively.
For ␴ xxcol
the result is given by Eq. 共26兲 with a x replaced by a;
u remains the same.
The Hall conductivity. The evaluation of Eq. 共17兲 for ␻
⫽0 is readily performed with the states 兩 nk y ␰ 典 and the en-
ergy levels given by Eq. 共3兲 or Eq. 共10兲. The only difference
with the previous3 calculation is that a factor exp关i(ky
⫺k⬘y )/Ky兴␦␰,␰⬘ appears on the right-hand side of Eq. 共17兲 of
Ref. 3 now written as 具 nk y ␰ 兩 V ␮ 兩 n ⬘ k ⬘y ␰ ⬘ 典 . For rectangular
symmetry we obtain 关 ␴ yx (0)⬅ ␴ yx 兴

兺n 共 2n⫹1 兲 冕0
e 2 2ᐉ 2 a x /2ᐉ 2
␴ yx ⫽ dk y
h ␲ax

冕 2␲ f nk y ␰ ⫺ f n⫹1,k y ␰ FIG. 7. Resistivity component ␳ xx as a function of the magnetic

⫻ d␰ , 共28兲 field B for fixed V x ⫽V y ⫽0.5 meV and different periods a y as in-
0 关 1⫹␭ nx cos共 K x x 0 兲 ⫹␭ ny cos ␰ 兴 2
dicated. The solid curves give the total resistivity, the dotted ones
the diffusive contribution, and the dash-dotted ones the collisional
where ␭ n ␮ ⫽V ␮ e ⫺u ␮ /2L n⫹1 (u ␮ )/ប ␻ c , ␮ ⫽x,y. We notice contribution. The thinner curves in panel 共d兲 are for the 1D limit
that for V y ⫽0 we obtain the previous 1D result.3 We also (V y ⫽0). The prominent peaks in the 2D case are marked by the
remark that Eq. 共28兲 is valid for hexagonal symmetry with integral values of ␣ .


FIG. 10. The same as in Fig. 9 but for temperature T⫽1.6. The
FIG. 8. The same as in Fig. 7 but for the resistivity component lower panel shows the collisional contribution 共solid curve兲 and the
␳yy . diffusive one 共dotted curve兲; the upper panel shows their sum.

⬀B1/2 as in Fig. 6 but with the period a y being doubled from

⫽5.1⫻1015/m 2 , temperature T⫽4.2 K, a x ⫽a y ⫽2820 Å, panel to panel as indicated. The solid curves give the total
and mobility ␮ ⫽140 m2 /V s. The relaxation time at zero resistivity, the dashed ones the diffusive contribution, defined
magnetic field, ␶ 0 , is estimated from the sample mobility as by ␳ ␮␮
di f
⫽ ␴ ␯␯
di f
/S, and the dotted ones the collisional contri-
␶ 0 ⫽m * ␮ /e. Then the level width is ⌫⫽(eBN I U 20 / ␲ ប) 1/2 bution, defined by ␳ ␮␮ col
⫽ ␴ ␯␯
/S. Notice how the prominent
⫽(eប/m * ) 冑B/ ␲ ␮ . peaks move to lower fields with increasing a y as explained
In Fig. 6 we plot ␳ xx and ␳ y y as a function of the magnetic after Eq. 共26兲; in panel 共d兲 they have disappeared. The 1D
field B with V x ⫽0.5 meV for constant ␶ ⫽ ␶ 0 . As indicated, limit shown in panel 共d兲 is obtained with V y ⫽0 and the
the various curves correspond to different V y and the dotted difference in the B dependence between ␳ xx and ␳ y y is re-
one, marked 1D, represents the 1D limit obtained with V y lated to that of the corresponding conductivity contributions.
⫽0. The prominent peaks in the 2D case, marked by the One of them, ␴ xx di f
given Eq. 共18兲, is affected drastically by
integral value of ␣ , result from the collisional contribution to changing V y and/or the period a y which enters the factor
the conductivity. The smaller peaks, between these values of sin2␰, the others very weakly.
␣ , correspond to the commensurability or Weiss oscillations. We now look more closely at the experimental results of
Notice how the prominent peaks of ␳ xx , in the 2D case, Refs. 8 and 5 with the parameter sets specified above. The
remain rather insensitive to changes in V y : this is so because parameters V x and V y are not known. In Fig. 6 we have
they result from the collisional contribution ␴ col y y which de- shown the total resistivity for V x ⫽V y ⫽0.5 meV, constant ␶
pends very weakly on V y through the energy spectrum. The ⫽ ␶ 0 . In Fig. 9 we plot again ␳ xx versus B but now we show
apparently drastic difference between the two figures results the contributions ␳ xx di f
and ␳ xx
as well. In addition, we take
from the fact that ␴ ␮␮ Ⰶ ␴ xy makes S change little and ␳ xx V x ⫽V y ⫽1 meV, and 1/␶ ⬃⌫⬃B 1/2. Because ␴ ␯␯ di f
Ⰶ ␴ ␯␯
⫽ ␴ y y /S while ␳ y y ⫽ ␴ xx /S. Upon reducing V y the contribu- the difference in the total resistivity is very small between
tion ␴ xxdi f
⬃V 2y , given by Eq. 共18兲, is affected drastically the two sets of modulation strengths. However, the oscilla-
whereas ␴ col y y is not. tion amplitudes in ␳ ␮␮ col
are higher in the present case and ␳ xx
In Figs. 7 and 8 we plot again ␳ xx and ␳ y y as a function of increases more slowly with B as observed.8 Upon closer in-
the field B with V x ⫽V y ⫽0.5 meV, for the same ␶ and ⌫ spection we see that the prominent peaks, marked by the
integral values of ␣ , result entirely from the collisional con-
tribution ␴ ␯␯ col
. As can be seen in Fig. 3 of the following
paper, the amplitudes and positions of these peaks agree
well with the experimental results. Notice also how the
Weiss oscillations of ␳ xx di f
and ␳ xx
, between these peaks, are
in antiphase. These experimental results for ␳ y y and ␳ xx are
for two orthogonal crystal directions 关 011兴 and 关 011̄ 兴 taken
from different samples. They have similar structures and the
curves may be fitted theoretically using slightly different po-
tentials. A direct comparison between experimental and the-
oretical results is made in Fig. 9 of the following paper11 for
␶ ⫽ ␶ 0 but qualitatively the agreement is the same for ␶
FIG. 9. Resistivity component ␳ xx as a function of the magnetic ⬀B ⫺1/2. Notice, however, that the theoretical oscillation am-
field B for fixed V x ⫽V y ⫽1 meV and T⫽5.5 K. The solid curves plitudes and the overall value of ␳ xx in the low-B region,
give the total resistivity, the dotted ones the diffusive contribution, below ␣ ⫽2, agree less well with the experimental ones than
and the dash-dotted ones the collisional contribution. The prominent those in the high-B region.
peaks are marked by the integral values of ␣ ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽. In Ref. 11 results are given for temperature 1.6 K and


FIG. 13. The same as in Fig. 9 with the parameters of Ref. 5 and
V x ⫽V y ⫽0.2 meV.
FIG. 11. Resistivity component ␳ xx as a function of inverse
agreement with the experimental 2D results of Ref. 5 is very
magnetic field 1/B. The curves are marked as in Fig. 10. The inset
good: below approximately B⫽0.5 T we have the Weiss os-
shows the peak position versus 1/B.
cillations and above it the Shubnikov–de Haas ones. One
noticeable feature here is the absence of the prominent peaks
otherwise the same parameters. We show the calculated ␳ xx
for integral values of ␣ . This is so because the much longer
for this case in Fig. 10. As can be seen, lowering the tem-
periods involved make ␣ ⫽2 ␲ ᐉ 2 /a x a y integer for much
perature makes visible all prominent peaks marked by ar-
smaller values of B. For instance, ␣ ⫽1 occurs at B
rows for ␣ ⫽1, . . . ,8. Their positions occur at fields B
⫽0.05 T and the corresponding peak is not resolved. The
⫽0.64, 0.32, 0.21, 0.16, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, and 0.08 T and
agreement is also as good if we use a x ⫽a y ⫽3650 Å and
compare very well with the experimental ones, see Fig. 6 in
otherwise the same parameters pertaining to another sample.
the following paper.11 To see more clearly the oscillations we
Reference 5 reported results also for 1D modulations. As
replot, in Fig. 11, the resistivities in the low-field region of
mentioned earlier, we can obtain the 1D limit from the
Fig. 10 as a function of 1/B.
present 2D results by considering a vanishing V y . In Fig. 14
The temperature dependence of the oscillations is shown
we show the 1D limit of the total ␳ xx and ␳ y y for a x
in Fig. 12. The solid, dotted, and thin solid curves correspond
⫽2820 Å, V x ⫽0.5 meV, and V y ⫽0. Although the agree-
to T⫽5, 10, and 20 K, respectively. As can be seen, these
ment between theory and experiment is very good, it must be
new oscillations are more robust than the Weiss oscillations
noticed that it is obtained with V x ⫽0.5 meV and not V x
and persist at T⫽20 K. However, their damping with T is
weaker than the observed one.11 ⫽0.2 meV that we used in Fig. 13. Since the 1D or 2D
modulations are produced by illumination of the samples, we
In Fig. 13 we plot ␳ xx in the manner of Fig. 9 but for the
expect them to have the same strength. If we use V x
parameters of Ref. 5 involving the much longer periods a x
⫽0.2 meV we can obtain good agreement if we use a ␶
⫽a y ⫽2820 Å. The modulation strengths are V x ⫽V y
smaller by about a factor of 2 in Eq. 共18兲. As stated in Refs.
⫽0.2 meV and very close to those used in Refs. 5 and 6. The
5 and 6, this may be an indication that in this very high
mobility samples the fine structure of the energy spectrum,
which the present theory neglects, is partially resolved. How-
ever, the experimental data were taken at T⫽4.2 K and, as
no such fine structure has been observed above millikelvin
temperatures, alternative explanations have been

FIG. 12. Resistivity component ␳ xx as a function of the mag- FIG. 14. The 1D resistivity component ␳ ␮␮ as a function of the
netic field B. The solid, dotted, and thin solid curves correspond to magnetic field B obtained with a x ⫽2820 Å, V x ⫽0.5 meV, and
T⫽5, 10, and 20 K, respectively. V y ⫽0.


depend very weakly on the value of the modulation strengths

V x and V y . Upon increasing the period along one direction
we showed how they move to lower fields. Accordingly, for
periods between 3000 Å and 4000 Å these peaks occur at
much smaller magnetic fields and are not resolved.5 The
agreement between our results and the experimental ones, as
presented in Ref. 8 and detailed in the preceding paper,11 is
good for the peak positions at all fields. The oscillation am-
plitudes agree well at relatively high fields but less well at
low fields. As shown in Fig. 12, these oscillations are quite
robust with respect to the temperature but their damping with
temperature is weaker than the observed one.
Between the oscillations for ␣ ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽ integer we have
the Weiss oscillations. The relative phase between those of
FIG. 15. The Hall resistivity ␳ yx vs magnetic field B with the ␳ xx and those of ␳ y y depends on the values of the modulation
parameters of Fig. 9. The inset shows the derivative d ␳ yx /dB vs B. strengths, cf. Fig. 6 in which the period is the same for all
curves, and of the modulation periods, cf. Figs. 4 and 5 in
Finally, in Fig. 15 we show the Hall resistivity ␳ yx for the which the modulation strengths are the same for all panels.
parameters of Fig. 9. As in the case of 1D modulations, it We notice that as V y becomes smaller and smaller than V x ,
exhibits very weak oscillations. They are better seen in the the oscillations resemble more closely those corresponding
inset which shows the derivative d ␳ yx /dB versus B. The to 1D weak modulations,15 cf. Fig. 6. The results for the
triangles on the x axis mark the positions of the integral latter can be extracted from the present 2D ones if we take
values of ␣ for which enhanced oscillations are observed. the modulation strength along one direction to be zero.
The relative phase between ␳ xx and ␳ y y for 1D and 2D
modulations depends strongly on the ratio of the modulation
V. CONCLUDING REMARKS strengths V x and V y . Since one resistivity component van-
We presented a theory of magnetotransport in 2D super- ishes for 1D modulations, this conclusion could not be
lattices using the energy spectrum and wave functions that reached by studying only the latter. Similar results were re-
result from the tight-binding difference equation when the ported in Ref. 6.
parameter ␣ ⫽⌽ 0 /⌽ is an integer. As emphasized in the text
and supported with the results for the DOS shown in Fig. 4,
the description holds approximately for all fields if we as- This work was supported by the Canadian NSERC Grant
sume that the small gaps in the energy spectrum are closed No. OGP0121756, the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction
due to disorder. The reasonable-to-good agreement with the Poles 共IUAP兲, the Flemish Concerted Action 共GOA兲 Pro-
experimental results strongly supports this assumption. gram, and the EU-CERION program. We also thank A. Long
As detailed in the text, the prominent peaks, for ␣ and J. H. Davies for stimulating discussions and important
⫽⌽ 0 /⌽ integer, result from the collisional contribution to clarifications concerning the experimental results of the fol-
the conductivity ␴ col
y y , require sufficiently short periods, and lowing paper.

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