Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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New kids on
the block
Hardcore punkers
Comeback Kid might be
based out of Winnipeg,
but their members live
in four different cities
across North America.
For them, being on the
road eight to 10 months
of the year makes per-
fect sense.

low low
>> pg.5
1 1
high high
Accepting bribes for favourable report cards since 1906 6 8


Four Tim Hortons becoming fair trade stations

Locations will change following Tim Hortons’ decision to nix self-serve franchises
Cheryl Stone the company, explained. She noted
NEWS EDITOR the company had currently only
offered to provide coffee. It would be
Tim Hortons is about to have some up to Western’s Hospitality Services
competition. Beginning in Septem- to approve other products, such as
ber, four of the self-serve kiosks on baked goods.
campus currently serving Tim Hor- “Any opportunities we get, we’d
tons coffee will be replaced with a be willing to explore,” Gordon-Green
fair trade option. said.
According to Kevin McCabe, “We went for a tour of the spaces
associate director and financial con- and our design people are working
troller for Hospitality Services, Tim on something.”
Hortons is no longer willing to fran- McCabe noted the physical Tim
chise coffee self-serves, leaving stu- Hortons locations continued to be
dents in Althouse College, Elborn popular on campus and many of
College, Talbot College and the Ivey them had just been renovated so
building without their fix. changing that space was unlikely.
“It’s certainly something we have “This is where we’re going to
been looking at for our self-serve start. Where we’re going to finish is
[locations],” McCabe explained. He anyone’s guess,” Gordon-Green said.
noted when Tim Hortons said they She noted the organization had
were moving out, they actively been on campus previously as a cof-
sought either a fair trade brand or fee sponsor for many charity events.
local chain to take their place. She also felt being a local company
Fair trade coffee is purchased at a motivated Hospitality Services to
higher price than regular coffee, approach them.
often with the goal of enriching the Currently, any agreement made
lives of those who are farming it. between a franchise and Hospitality Nyssa Kuwahara GAZETTE
The Little Red Roaster, an inde- Services means Western is paying a
pendent coffee company based in fee to use the franchise and includes option.” Council, explained fair trade coffee but cheaper isn’t always better,”
London, was one of the companies a royalty on sales. However, they do Currently, all residences have fair has been at The Spoke for several Armour noted.
approached with taking over the not necessarily look for the most trade coffee options. Starbucks, years. He noted it was not the cheap- Armour is working on a cam-
newly available spaces. ethical option. Williams and The Spoke also offer est option for The Spoke to stock, paign to promote fair trade coffee in
“For us, it would be really great to “There’s still very few things that fair trade options. but many customers liked it because The Spoke as an ethical option.
ease in with coffees and teas,” are fair trade,” McCabe explained. Jeff Armour, food and beverage of the taste. “We want to be sure people
Kendra Gordon-Green, president of “There really isn’t any different manager for the University Students’ “There’s always cheaper options, understand what [fair trade] means.”

London e-waste campaign ramps up as semester comes to a close

Gloria Dickie “Electronics also contain valu- 14-city tour, with London as the last
NEWS EDITOR able resources — like metal, glass, stop. Over that two-day event [in
and plastic — which can be London], we collected over 35 met-
While dumping your old, broken- reclaimed and used again,” Hochu ric tons of e-waste, which is close to
down computer monitors and tele- noted. five tractor-trailer loaders. Of the 14
vision sets on the curb may seem There are currently 21 OES- cities we visited where we had a des-
like a convenient option, Carol approved collection sites in London, ignated collection event, London
Hochu, executive director of the and Nicole Bakker, EnviroWestern ranked number three,” Hochu said.
Ontario Electronic Stewardship, is co-ordinator, noted InfoSource also Bakker stressed the need for stu-
urging students to consider other collects small electronics and cell dents to recycle their e-waste, not-
methods as second semester comes phones. ing much of this waste would other-
to an end. “Electronics recycling on campus wise be shipped to places such as
The OES is an organization man- is mostly confined to these small Guiyu, China, where people work for
dated by the Ontario government to items due to EnviroWestern’s limit- low wages in poor working condi-
develop and implement an electron- ed storage capacity, and the recy- tions, using acid, fire, and other
ic waste recycling program for con- cling of larger items is mostly for crude methods to extract the metals.
sumers and businesses. office appliances like old computer “It’s a continued call for actions
“The whole goal of the program is monitors that some labs or universi- for folks on campus and beyond to
to divert waste electronics from land- ty offices will dispose of in bulk.” continue to participate in the pro-
fills into safe and responsible recy- But, according to Hochu, the OES gram, not only in the London area,
cling programs,” Hochu explained. accepts roughly 44 broad categories but across the province and wher-
Waste electronics often contain of electronics, including radios, ever they might be headed this sum-
hazardous substances that aren’t cameras, speakers, DVD players, mer,” Hochu concluded.
dangerous while in use. But when telephones, and turntables. “Do the world a favour and recy-
electronics end up in landfills, haz- As it turns out, Londoners are cle your electronics.”
ardous components like mercury in some of the most passionate e- Students can find information
Corey Stanford GAZETTE light bulbs or leaded glass can leech waste recyclers in the province. regarding their closest collection site at
Electronic waste recycling programs attempt to reclaim valuable resources con- into the soil, contaminating water, “Last fall, we had a mobile elec- www.recycleyourelectronics.ca
tained in electronics, like metal, glass, and plastic. land, and air. tronics recycling van that went on a
2• thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Caught on Camera

Meghan Bhatia GAZETTE

ed the uniquely titled “Purple Finale” in the University Community Centre yesterday. The day featured free food, an oxy-
gen bar and musical performances.


with London dips despite Although London saw a signifi-

improvements cant improvement in all categories,
MoneySense magazine recently it did not improve as dramatically as
released the 2011 list of the top Cana- other Canadian cities according to
dian cities to live in. London has MoneySense’s online statistics.
dropped on the list from 12 down to “The quality of life [in London]
next 14. has gone up in recent years,” Harold
Usher, Ward 12 councillor for Lon-
don, said.
Email us at
Usher explained one downfall of
uwo.ltpb@gmail.com the city is that real estate prices have
gone up in recent years. But, he
noted, this could be connected with
“The general cost of living is
going up worldwide,” Usher said.
Solution to puzzle on page 7 London’s results in MoneySense
also showed a decrease in unem-
ployment rate. Usher explained the
recent stimulus project increased
jobs for Londoners. Construction
has been a major contributor to the
increase in jobs, he added.
“Londoners are now enjoying a
better quality of life,” Usher said.
— Danielle Veale

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thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011 •3

Student Legacy Challenge Wave, Spoke have

results presented tonight record-setting years
Gloria Dickie
Student Legacy Fund Lauren Pelley
year and had actually lost $211,575 by
February 2010.
Total Spent: $137,268 This year’s record profits are the
After months of preparation, Mus- It’s official – The Spoke and Wave are result of various changes to
tang’s Den is finally ready to hit The back on top. The final numbers are increase efficiency in both estab-
Wave tonight. New signage technology still being tallied, but early figures lishments — with a main focus on
Mustang’s Den is the University in UCC - $20,000 show both University Students’ The Spoke’s menu.
Students’ Council’s solution to the Choose Your Own Adventure Council-owned eateries had record- One element of increasing sales
leftover $175,000 of unclaimed bus Conference - $10,000 breaking profits last month. was trying out new menu items on a
pass refund cheques. The initiative, By Feb. 28, the year-to-date prof- temporary, rotating basis to see which
Accessibility audit of Housing Services for
known as the Student Legacy Chal- it for The Spoke alone was nearly ones fared the best.
students with disabilities - $1,600
lenge, asked students to propose $30,000. While a statement of earn- Rygier said the entire menu actu-
ideas on how best to spend the USC Working Station ings for March wasn’t ready by press ally changed from last year, which
money, culminating in the final pre- $8,000 time, USC officials say it was the also provided a big sales boost.
sentation of ideas at The Wave in a USC Council Lounge for USC officials to mingle and eatery’s most profitable month ever. “[We] took off a bunch of menu
format similar to the television pro- discuss council business - $3,000 Ely Rygier, vice-president finance items that were very hard to pro-
gram Dragons’ Den. for the USC, is projecting The duce [and] didn’t have quick turn-
The approved ideas will be pre- Free video games and pool tables Spoke’s year-end profit for 2011 will around time,” he said, adding they
sented tonight — where students can inside The Spoke - $15,000 be upwards of $50,000. were replaced with quicker options
ask questions — and the USC will vote Capital injection for BizInc, an entrepreneurship support “The Wave also had its best like grilled cheese sandwiches,
to pass them on Wednesday night. service to develop student business ideas - $20,000 month ever — of all time — in March,” which proved popular.
“A lot of things were rejected,” Pat Rygier added. “What we’ve got down there right
Searle, senator-at-large, explained of A community garden and outdoor green space Though final numbers aren’t in, now is, after a couple of combina-
at King’s University College - $16,368
the submissions. USC food and beverage manager tions and permutations, a menu that
“We rejected anything that didn’t A mobile dental service for Jeff Armour said The Wave’s profits works,” Rygier said.
have a lifespan longer than a year, children in need - $10,000 this year are up 10 per cent from The USC also pushed for consis-
because we wanted to see some- three years ago, back when Rick tent programming. Rygier said cut-
Bus shelter at
thing as a legacy. We also didn’t Weldon - $5,800 McGhie nights were still held there. ting expensive, unpopular events
approve anything that was a charity, The spike in profits represents a made room for the current lineup —
or events that were offsetting the Before and after school programs for London children. wind of change for both University live band karaoke on Tuesdays, Rick
costs of operating, because we didn’t Money goes towards supplies and books - $1,500 Community Centre eateries, which McGhie on Wednesdays and Wired
think it was right to support one A shed for the King’s snowblower for the KUCSC ice rink for years have suffered from fluctu- Fridays.
charity over another.” and materials to maintain the rink - $3,000 ating and uncertain revenues. Last During March, only two days of
He explained it was great when year, profits took a dip due to a com- the entire month weren’t booked for
more than one student presented Installing solar panels on the UCC roof to power bination of factors. events or USC programming.
USC operations and services - $16,000
the same idea because it helped the “Last year we had the recession, Rygier also said debit machines
USC understand there was a legiti- Plants added to the UCC H1N1, bus strike, renovation — a per- in The Spoke are becoming a reality.
mate need for the initiative. $1,000 fect storm of terribleness,” Armour The USC is installing machines this
Overall, $37,732 remains to be said. “In restaurant industry, it’s the summer that are also capable of
spent. worst thing that can happen to you, handling credit cards down the road.
$5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Mustang’s Den will take place to not be open in September.” “We’re going to finish the year
tonight at 7 p.m. in The Wave. Source: University Students’ Council The Spoke was in the red last strong,” Rygier said.
Stuart A. Thompson GAZETTE

You could get money back. File your taxes and find out.
4• thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Opinions I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about
us, I will stop telling the truth about them.
— Adlai Stevenson


our vote
Vote Compass is a free online application
designed to help users gain a sense of where their
opinions align politically. The results are based
on responses to a series of questions about
national issues.
As the federal election campaign enters its sec-
ond week, a new application has emerged as a tool
for voters to help align themselves with political
Vote Compass is a sensible starting point for vot-
Letters to the editor
ers who are mildly to moderately informed about
the election. It selects hot button issues that might Warm and fuzzies
not be addressed directly in the platforms that par- To the Editor:
ties are currently promoting. Topics such as mili- I read you on the bus, to make my
tary presence in the Arctic or abortion are some of cramped trips home more bearable. I
the broader issues comprising Vote Compass’ ques- read you while waiting in the lengthy
tions. Tim’s Lineups when that one person
takes a bit too long to take get their
Votes are often based on the general ideologies change together. I read you when class
associated with parties without taking a closer look SlutWalk London is happening Sunday to protest the idea that sexual assault has something gets overwhelmingly boring. I read you
at their individual stance on specific issues. Vote to do with what you wear. In January, a representative of the Toronto Police said, “Women to warm up for course readings.
Compass helps lay it all out and is a good place to should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.” Critics say his comments place I’ve been doing this since first year
start for voters wanting to learn more about where blame on the victims. Overall, we agree. No man has the right to sexually assault a woman, and I regret not having written to you
regardless of what she’s wearing. And in no way does a woman wearing a short skirt or a low- earlier. I may not agree with some of your
their opinions align.
cut top suggest she’s asking to be verbally harassed or physically assaulted. But what sort of articles and I may feel guilty for laughing
And while it’s frustrating, it’s also reasonable for statement do we make with the clothes we wear? at your sometimes-inappropriate comics,
such an application to be over-simplified. These but I appreciate you. You encourage crit-
kinds of tools are flawed by design. Surveys are Spring is here and with it comes skirts Clothing speaks volumes — and so does a ical thought, you introduce a different
simple by nature and will always skim over the sur- and tank tops. Unfortunately, they also lack of it. Let’s face it, dressing like a Vic- point-of-view and angle.
face of complex issues, but this is necessary for bring unwanted glances from passersby. toria’s Secret model on the sweaty Ceeps You give me Sudoku so I don’t feel like
A short skirt is apparently an invita- dance floor has a certain sexual conno- I completely fail at math. You encourage
them to function at all. tion for a young woman to become a pri- tation attached to it. me to check out a new local band and be
Those in the know are always hopeful — often vate show for anyone who happens to be So why do women complain when men knowledgeable about my city and my
idealistically — that young people will vote, get walking down the street. Rather than start treating them like sexual objects? school.
informed, or at least read a story or two about the simply moving on with their lives, it Sexual predators are not the norm Thank you for keeping me informed,
election. Unfortunately, we’re a resoundingly apa- seems stopping, staring or catcalling are and the majority of men are decent guys. entertained and open-minded. Good luck
common courses of action. But they’re also sexual beings, and the in 2012! (According to the Mayan calen-
thetic demographic and this election comes at a
I hate to break it to the world, but there idea that they can completely refrain dar, you’ll need the luck.)
time when exams and essays will often win out over are people behind those tube tops and from ogling a near-naked woman – par- —Yasmine Brahimi
our civic duty. miniskirts — people who just happen to like ticularly while under the influence of Psych & Linguistics IV
This tool can be an elegant starting point, lever- tube tops and mini skirts. People who don’t alcohol – is a laughable notion.
aging the internet and social media, which our gen- necessarily like being stared at and judged. Of course, there’s a line that should be
eration loves, to point us in a direction of a party I don’t think it’s a lot to ask people not drawn. Sexual assault is unequivocally Meatro caps off
to stare at a woman when she chooses to wrong and catcalling women on Rich- ‘great year’
that will mostly align with our thoughts and stances wear a favourite skirt out to the bar. The mond is juvenile. But ladies, don’t blame
on big ticket issues. problem isn’t with her wearing a men for focusing on your body instead of To the Editor:
It’s in this way that Vote Compass could be the miniskirt, it’s the way those around her your brain when that’s what you’re show- I read every word, indeed every character,
perfect tool for our generation. It takes a selec- react. She’s turned into some sort of ing off on a night out. of Friday’s Meatro.
tion of fundamental issues, ignoring party biases, impromptu art exhibit instead of the liv- As women, we need to consider our I laughed aloud more than 20 times. I
ing, breathing student who may have just choices. If you’re busting out of a bustier, plan to laminate it and keep it as the defin-
and aligns users with a party based on their
finished her midterm. don’t tell me you’re not trying to titillate. itive summation of my UWO experience.
responses. This is, if nothing else, a better basis Many people argue women are “ask- Looking sexy often implies you’re look- Thank you all for a great year of Gazette.
for a vote than arguably worse information com- ing for it” when they wear their miniskirt ing for sex. And even if you’re not, dress- —Jacob Aitken
ing from campaign propaganda. For young voters out to the bar and are ogled. But what ing in such a suggestive fashion is like PoliSci IV
trying to become informed and navigate their really needs to be asked is why we’re holding a sign saying, “Look at my body!”
way through complex and often overwhelming okay with a peek of skin becoming an I say this as a modern woman who Dear Life
invitation to treat women like meat. enjoys wearing the latest trend, be it high
election information, a simple, accessible way to Would people be allowed to act same heels or short skirts. But I’m under no Your anonymous letters to life
start thinking about how we want to vote is a way if she were in her sweats? illusions that men will look at me the
valuable asset. A woman should be able to wear same way if I’m wearing a mini-dress Dear Life,
You can try Vote Compass for yourself at whatever she chooses without the fear of instead of a turtleneck. No I don’t care about how tanned you
federal.votecompass.ca being judged or gawked at. It shouldn’t And I can’t fault them for that – I are, where you plan to travel once
matter if she’s wearing her sweatpants or choose my own outfits. school is over, or how much you drank
—The Gazette Editorial Board a tube top. last night. We’re in a library, shut up.

Editorials are decided by a majority of the editorial board and Gazette Composing & Gazette Advertising
thegazette are written by a member of the editorial board but are not nec- Ian Greaves, Manager Mark Ritchie
Gloria Dickie
Jesse Tahirali
Volume 104, Issue 96 essarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member.
www.westerngazette.ca Maja Anjoli-Bilić Karen Savino Monica Blaylock Photography
All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not nec-
Cheryl Forster Diana Watson Cheryl Stone Corey Stanford
essarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors
or staff. Kaleigh Rogers Nyssa Kuwahara
Stuart A. Thompson www.westerngazette.ca Gazette Staff 2010-2011
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To submit a letter, go to westerngazette.ca and click on “Con- Arts & Life Editorial Cartoonist
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thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011 •5

Arts&Life saywhat?
“We go to the gym together, so one thing we both use is Mineral
Ice. We massage it into each other.”
>> Fergie, about her husband Josh Duhamel

Indescribable music from Comeback Kid

Lauren Chan Though the band is based out doing what we set out to do from
GAZETTE STAFF of Winnipeg, not all the band the very beginning. Obviously,
members live there. How does we’re older now and in certain ways
Hardcore punk band Comeback Kid that affect the band? we’ve grown up. As far as our musi-
has been playing shows together Two of the band members live in cal style goes, we always want to
since 2003. Eight years later, they’ve Winnipeg, I live in Toronto, our bass take what we love from hardcore
got a pretty good grip on their career. player lives in North Carolina and and combine it with the influences
They tour for a good majority of our other guitar player lives in Min- we grew up with. We try to take our
every year, and to them, it’s like liv- neapolis. We’re a band that’s on the genre and progress it.
ing on cloud nine. Minutes after road eight to 10 months out of the
landing in Toronto front man year so if we all lived in the same city If you could describe your music
Andrew Neufeld took the time to it would probably be the same thing. in one word, what would it be?
talk to the Gazette. We’d say, “See ya later,” for a week or One word can’t describe it.
two then meet back up for tour.
Comeback Kid just wrapped up You guys have a lot of hardcore
touring in South America and When did you all come togeth- fans. What makes a great fan
Mexico and are about to start er and decide to really take off and what do you appreciate
your “Through The Noise” Euro- with Comeback Kid? about your fans?
pean tour. Is the band con- Our first practice was probably in If someone’s into our band I like it
stantly on tour? 2000 and our first tour was in 2003. when they actually want to talk to
Yeah, we just had our “Sick of It I booked our first two-month tour in you. It’s one thing when people just
All” tour through Brazil, Chile, Canada and the States; it was really want to take a picture of you and it’s
Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Sao successful and we took that as a sign another when they’re actually inter-
Paulo is probably one of our that we should really focus on this ested. It’s cool when someone wants
favourite places — the crowd has band. In 2004, we went to Europe some insight about who we are as
passion that is second to none. After for the first time and realized that people or as a band.
that we did four days in Mexico then our brand of hardcore could work
we walked across the border to San everywhere. Do you make music more for
Diego and got on a flight at LAX. It yourselves or your audience?
was pretty awesome — it kind of flew What about Comeback Kid has Well, we want to make music that
right by. We’ve always tried to be a changed since your debut makes us feel something. It’s going
band that plays as many interna- album, Turn It Around, in 2003? to be what we’re into, obviously. On
tional shows as possible. I think I’d like to say the concept of our
we’ve played in over 40 countries. band has stayed the same. We’re still >> see KID pg.6 FILE PHOTO

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6• thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tokyo Police Club gets crowd moshing

Kate Wilkinson

Worth the Cash:

Lupe Fiasco
Concert-goers at the London Music Atlantic Records
Hall were treated to three Canadian
indie rock-bands on Saturday night After a four-year hiatus, a series of
with Dinosaur Bones and Hollerado delays and supposed artistic com-
opening for headliner Tokyo Police promise, Lupe Fiasco has returned
Club. with his third full album.
The opening set of Toronto-based In what was supposed to be his
band Dinosaur Bones created a flur- last record before moving on to other
ry of activity in front of the stage for endeavours, finishing Lasers proved
some excited fans. The venue began a long and difficult process including
to fill as the audience trickled in, lis- a protest at Atlantic Records head-
tening to the band’s mid-tempo quarters by his fans. There were
tracks and upbeat choruses. whispers throughout production
The energy in the venue rose that the balance of creative control
considerably in anticipation for the had tipped in the label’s favour.
Manotick, Ontario band Hollerado. This is evident on tracks such as
Courtesy of Chrissy Piper
A large group began pushing their “Words I Never Said” and single “The
way to the stage when the band was Dead Weather. to concert etiquette, any encores drum had a solo and even creating Show Goes On” where Lupe goes off
tuning up. It’s a rare sight to see an Hollerado’s set was incredibly would be reserved for the headlin- a small mosh pit near the end of on being chained to a deal he does
opening band cause as much excite- energetic. When they weren’t per- ers, Tokyo Police Club. the show. not want to complete.
ment as the headliner. forming their songs they were crowd Hailing from Newmarket, Tokyo A notable feature of Saturday The album sounds like a record
The reaction was warranted. Hav- surfing. They played as loudly as Police Club has been building a night’s concert overall was none of company’s attempt to record a mix
ing only released their first full- possible during improvised instru- strong and steady fan base since their the three bands took much time to of every hip-hop, pop-trend of 2010
length album Record in a Bag last mental sessions and set off confetti formation in 2005. While not as rau- talk about themselves or their set and 2011.
year, Hollerado is one of the up-and- cannons. cous as Hollerado, the band’s Satur- list, instead choosing to play contin- In past efforts, Fiasco has been at
coming bands in the Canadian music As they left the stage, the crowd day night set was true to both their uously from one song to the next. his best on tracks like “Daydreamin’”
scene. They were recently nominated called for another song. Lead dedicated fan base as well as those The experience was more about the and “The Coolest,” which featured
for New Group of the Year at the 2011 singer Menno Versteeg came back less familiar with their material. music than the bands themselves — a piano-string melodies mixed with a
Juno Awards and in 2009 were hand- to the microphone to apologetical- The crowd was eager to partic- feature of showmanship not lost on live drum feel and a rapper flowing
picked by Jack White to open for The ly remind the crowd that according ipate, clapping whenever the kick- the appreciative crowd. about what he knows best. On
Lasers, he ditches that introspective
style in favour of Euro-club beats
and soaring auto-tune melodies.
Plainly put, his attempt at a tran-
sition has failed. It’s not that Fiasco is
trying too hard — it’s that he isn’t try-
ing at all.
Although he returns with the
expected politically-fueled rhymes
about everything from the war on
Student Harvest Special terror to Rush Limbaugh, the hiatus
has not been kind to the Chicago
4 Pizzas
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Fleetwood Mac —
“Go Your Own Way”
With a driving drumbeat, lush har-
monies and a swelling guitar
it’s more than just a great single – it’s
an anthem for rocky break-ups
– Lauren Pelley
The Pittsburgh-born folk artist
recently released his fifth full-length
album Gold in the Shadow where his
soft vocals accompanied by the gui-
rapper’s musical integrity. Fiasco
sounds as if he’s in pain from the
whole process and the album suffers
as a result.
2 FREE dipping sauces crescendo, “Go Your Own Way” is tar, banjo and piano are exemplified. — Tim Spratt
one of the standout tracks from William Fitzsimmons — One of the more fast-paced
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Fleetwood Mac’s critically acclaimed
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and vocalist Lindsey Buckingham
“The Winter from Her Leaving”
You might recognize the soothing
sounds of William Fitzsimmons
from Grey’s Anatomy, which fea-
tured two songs off his earlier
songs on the album, “The Winter
from Her Leaving,” explores themes
of lost love and longing — common
subjects heard throughout his work.
— Nicole Gibillini Kid writes for
3-169 Wharncliffe Rd. S lets loose on this single. albums.
For Delivery CALL He’d been off again, on again with
fellow band member, Stevie Nicks,
the record
519-438-9999 and their fighting during the album’s
More specials online: pierospizza.ca production was a constant chal- >> continued from pg.5
lenge. Meanwhile, vocalist Christine
McVie and bassist John McVie had the other hand, we make music that
just divorced after almost eight years we think would translate live and is
Teach English of marriage and drummer Mick
Fleetwood was dealing with his own
fun to play. We want the audience to
be able to latch onto it and create a
Abroad drama after learning his wife —
thankfully, not a band member — had
fun show environment. We have the
songs on every record that we know
an affair with his best friend. are the bangers. There are a lot of
In the end, “Go Your Own Way” songs that we don’t play live,
was released as the album’s first sin- because they’re written just for the
gle in 1976 and paved the way for record.
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thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011 •7

Perry has 47 goals, 93 points

>> continued from pg.8 Almost all of that is due to Perry. He’s done virtually everything for
He leads the league with 47 goals, and the Ducks this year, especially since
take a huge step back. And at the sits in third with 93 points overall. the all-star break.
start of the season, they did. But it’s been his play down the The true definition of the most
As if things couldn’t get worse for stretch that has been inspired. He is valuable player is a player whose
the Ducks, perennial all-star Ryan on a nine-game point streak and has team would be screwed without him.
Getzlaf and star goalie Jonas Hiller scored two points a game in that span. With all due respect to Daniel Sedin,
missed a good portion of the season He has 23 goals this year that the Canucks would be alright without
because of injury. have either sent games to overtime him. Without Perry, the Ducks would
Yet the Ducks are in a great posi- or won games for the Ducks. He is be nowhere near the playoff picture.
tion to make the playoffs, currently tied for the league lead in game– In other words, Corey Perry has
sitting in seventh place in the West- winning goals and has one of the been the best NHL player in 2010-
ern Conference. highest ice time totals in the league. 2011. FILE PHOTO

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Frosh, Soph, Senior, Grad Student
4 BDRM BRAND new Red Brick townhouses, apart-
ments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 Today’s difficulty level: SENIOR
brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets,
open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and
For solution, turn to page 2
networked for high speed internet! Located in great
student areas. Act fast- these won’t last. For more
information call Zach at 519-854-0505. zachs@lon-
4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These
4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 wash-
rooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright
and have huge closets. Free parking and property
management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505.
4 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer
include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive clos-
ets. Networked for Internet and parking included.
These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John
anytime at 519-859-5563 or email johnm@london-

4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford.

10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to
campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors,
two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All
new appliances including washer/dryer and dish-
washer. Call John at (519) 859-5563 or email
johnm@londonproperty.ca with questions or to book
a tour.
8• thegazette • Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sports factattack
The Butler Bulldogs made it back to the NCAA national champi-
onship game this year. They become the first mid-major to pull
off the feat since Bill Russell’s San Francisco Dons team in 1956
returned to the title game.

Kaitlyn McGrath “I wish we could have won the Why did you start playing football?
SPORTS EDITOR Vanier Cup,” he shared. “The Yates In Grade 10, I was a fat kid so my
Cup for our football team is obvi- older brother convinced me to go
Six years, three Yates Cups, and ously special every time we win one, out and try out for the high school
countless hours practicing — Adrian but we have a bigger goal on our team.
Kaiser has many fond memories mind.”
playing football for the Western In 2008, his third year playing for What does the football team do on
a Saturday night?
Mustangs. But six years ago, it might the Mustangs, Kaiser did get a
We like to go to The Ceeps, have
not have happened. chance to compete for the Vanier
some food and have some drinks
“I was originally going to go to Cup. Unfortunately, the Mustangs
and spend some time with our fam-
[McMaster] and then a couple weeks were overwhelmed by the talented
ilies right after the game, until about
before I decided, I changed my mind Laval squad and were easily defeat-
9 o’clock when The Ceeps gets kind
and I was going to come to Western,” ed 44-21. of crazy then the dance floor gets
Kaiser said. “That was kind of an eye opener going.
Even then, football wasn’t in the to our whole team in general
forefront of his mind. Kaiser wasn’t because we thought we were pretty How did it feel after you played
actually recruited by the Mustangs good that year and we got it handed your last game at TD Waterhouse?
to play for the team, but after a sum- to us by them,” he said about his TD has been my home for five
mer of playing for the Forest City team’s loss that year. years so it definitely has a place in
Thunderbirds, Kaiser decided to give But the Mustangs would learn my heart every time I step on that
football a shot. from their mistakes as they got field. I was happy we won my last
After contacting Mustangs’ another crack at the Laval Rouge et game at Western so I think that if we
defensive co-ordinator Paul Glea- Or this year. Despite the defence had lost it would have been a lot
son, Kaiser went to the football try- standing tall, the Mustangs were more emotional.
outs as a walk-on, made the team unable to overcome Laval. Even
and the rest is history. with the loss, Kaiser doesn’t have Can you describe your relationship
Of course after five years the any regrets about the game itself. with head coach Greg Marshall?
linebacker has experienced an “We played them our hardest and I’ve got a pretty good relationship
abundance of success with the Mus- I personally can’t say that I could with coach Marshall. He coaches the Corey Stanford GAZETTE FILE PHOTO
tangs, but Kaiser insists his favourite have done anything else in that offence and he’s also the head coach Just in case the Ottawa Gee-Gees weren’t sure who won the Yates Cup, Adrian
memory of playing occurred in his game, and I know that most guys on so he doesn’t yell at me too much Kaiser (#56) decided to tell them. Mustangs linebacker Adrian Kaiser celebrated the
final year. the team would say the exact same unless I really make a mistake. Off team’s victory in the Yates Cup last November. He graduates this year, having won
the field he is an amazing person,
“This year when [Lirim Hajrul- thing,” Kaiser said. “They were truly the Ontario championship three times and having won the Mitchell Bowl once.
he’s the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.
lahu] kicked that field goal in the a better team than us on that day by
Yates Cup right at the end — that was two points which is tough to swal-
What is your funniest memory with
a rollercoaster of emotion, so that low.”
the team?
was a good memory to have.” But what has been tougher for
Twice the bus has caught on fire.
Kaiser is referring to the last sec- Kaiser is knowing that his time at The one time the wheel caught on
ond field goal that lifted the Mus- Western has come to an end and his fire, three years ago a couple of the
tangs against the favoured Ottawa football career has come to a close. offensive linemen panicked and they
Gee-Gees in the Ontario University Kaiser will graduate teachers college were jumping out the emergency
Athletics’ Yates Cup. The 26-25 vic- this year and intends to pursue a windows. Seeing a couple of 300-
tory gave Western their third cup career as a high school football pound guys trying to jump out those
victory in four years. coach. But after five years, it’s going windows was kind of funny.
As Kaiser approaches the end of to take him a little while to let go of
his career at Western, he has a lot to his playing days. If you could play another year at
be proud of. But for the self-pro- “I’ll miss being in the locker room Western, would you?
fessed competitor, he is still leaving with the guys every day, just having One hundred per cent — I would
Western with one regret. that time with them.” play 20 more years here if I could. Naira Ahmed GAZETTE

Ducks star Perry deserves Hart Trophy nod

overall in each of those categories.
You could even make a case for
Da Silva Sidney Crosby, who was putting up
Bullet Mario Lemieux-esque numbers
before he suffered a concussion that
has kept him out since early Janu-
ary. Basically, he played half the sea-
Daniel Da Silva son and is still 26th overall in league
SPORTS EDITOR scoring, averaging over 1.5 points
dan@westerngazette per game.
But the real MVP this season has
There have been a lot of spectacular been none other than Anaheim
performances in the NHL this year, Ducks forward Corey Perry. He has
making it a pretty fantastic race for been a good player throughout his
the Hart Trophy — also known as the five-year career but he has gone to a
NHL regular season MVP. whole new level this year.
Right now, Vancouver Canucks The Ducks have been in transi-
forward Daniel Sedin is probably the tion pretty much since they won the
front-runner for the award, taking it Stanley Cup in 2007. With former
from his twin brother Henrik. As of captain Scott Niedermayer — one of
GAZETTE FILE PHOTO writing this, Daniel is the only person the greatest NHL defencemen ever
HEY USA, REMEMBER WHEN CANADA WON GOLD AT THE 2010 OLYMPICS? GOOD TIMES. Ducks forward Corey Perry, who in the league who has broken the — retiring, the team was expected to
helped Canada win gold at the Olympics last year, has had a Hart Trophy-calibre season this year, leading Anaheim toward 100-point mark, with 41 goals and 59
the playoffs. assists. That would put him third >> see PERRY pg.7

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