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Write the opposite of the words in the table using the prefixes:

expensive possible legal  approve relevant different  exact reliable
 locked  behave  logical organized finished judge honest legible

connected usual fortune efficient able comfortable sensitive loyal

2. Make the opposite of the following adjectives by adding the correct prefix
from the list. Then complete the sentences below.

adjectives  smoking;  legible;  pleasant;  sensitive;  lucky;  responsible;  possible;  patient

prefixes  in- ; non- ; im- ; il- ; ir- ; un-


1. David is considered an ________________ person because he doesn't care about his colleagues feelings.
2. I can't read Bob's letter; his handwriting is quite _________________________.
3. Teenagers hate being considered ______________________ by their parents..
4. I'm very busy this afternoon. It is ____________________  for me to meet you before 6pm.
5. She can't stand smoking; that's why she always seats in the __________________ areas in restaurants.
6. Sarah has been quite ___________________ lately. She burnt her hand in the oven and broke her leg on
her way back home from work.
7. Most students have bad marks in the Maths test, which was rather  __________________ for their teacher.
8. Fans are waiting for the football team at the airport. They are getting __________________ at the delay.

3. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences must be
used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
1. He is such a _____________________driver. I'm sure he'll have an accident. (CARE)
2. I'm sorry to ____________________with you but you're wrong. (AGREE)
3. She is a very _____________________ writer. (CREATE)
4. My grandmother told me a very _______________________story. (INTEREST)
5. Be ___________________ in crossing the road! (CARE)
6. This garden is full of _________________________ flowers. (BEAUTY)
7. It’s ______________________ to talk on the phone while driving. (LEGAL)
8. Pink is a very ________________________ singer. (SUCESS)
9. My parents bought a very ________________________ car. (EXPENSE)
10. I'm really _____________with computers. I always do something wrong. (HOPE).

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