Energy & Buildings: Juan Gamero-Salinas, Nirmal Kishnani, Aurora Monge-Barrio, Jesús López-Fidalgo, Ana Sánchez-Ostiz

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Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

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The influence of building form variables on the environmental

performance of semi-outdoor spaces. A study in mid-rise and high-rise
buildings of Singapore
Juan Gamero-Salinas a,⇑, Nirmal Kishnani c, Aurora Monge-Barrio a, Jesús López-Fidalgo b,
Ana Sánchez-Ostiz a
School of Architecture, Department of Construction, Building Services and Structures, University of Navarra (UNAV), Calle Universidad, 31009 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Navarra (UNAV), Calle Universidad, 31009 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
School of Design and Environment, Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore (NUS), 8 Architecture Drive SDE4 #04-03, Singapore 117 356, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study delved on the role of semi-outdoor spaces (SOS), as form-based strategies, in providing
Received 24 July 2020 enhanced, thermally comfortable environments in highly dense urban contexts. A sample of sixty-
Revised 19 September 2020 three (63) SOS was studied, within four different mid-rise and high-rise buildings located in the
Accepted 5 October 2020
warm-humid tropical city of Singapore. It was found: (i) that SOS may act as thermal buffer spaces;
Available online 10 October 2020
(ii) that microclimate creation in SOS is linked to form, specifically to geometrical variables such as
void-to-solid ratio, height, height-to-depth ratio, height from ground level, green plot ratio and open
space ratio, which influence significantly the environmental factors of air temperature, mean radiant
Semi-outdoor space
Building form
temperature, air velocity and relative humidity; (iii) that some aforementioned geometrical variables
Environmental performance (height-to-depth ratio and open space ratio) are linked to thermal comfort when estimated with SET*
Passive design and PMV* thermal indices; (iv) and that thermal comfort (between 1 and +1 PMV*) can be achieved
Microclimate in SOS considering a typical Singaporean outdoor CLO of 0.3, especially for 1 MET (85.7% of SOS). In
Thermal comfort the context of Singapore, this study demonstrates that incorporating SOS to mid-rise and high-rise build-
High-rise buildings ing forms promotes the creation of thermally comfortable microclimates suitable for human activity,
Tropical climate even during the hottest hours.
Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction has warmed up by 0.7–0.8 °C over the last century, slightly less
than the global average, with warming predictions of 1–2 °C by
The Tropics, home to 40% of the world population, is charac- 2050 and 1–4 °C by 2100 [8]. According to the 5th Report of IPCC,
terised by consistent warmth and high humidity levels [1,2], there- temperature in Southeast Asia has been increasing at a rate of
fore, an increase in temperature due to climate change may have a 0.14 °C to 0.20 °C per decade since the 1960s, coupled with a rising
severe impact on the urban and building environments. In the number of hot days and warm nights, and a decline in cooler
tropical region the number of high-heat stress days and nights is weather [9]. Worldwide, 1 billion people face cooling access risks
extremely pronounced for both urban and rural environments [10]. Nonetheless, studies suggest that global energy demand for
[3]. Buildings in tropical contexts may suffer from overheating as air conditioning is projected to increase rapidly over the whole
shown in studies developed in locations such as Honduras, Thai- 2000–2100 period, mostly driven by income growth, however, in
land, Uganda and Myanmar [4–7], with a severity that increases Southeast Asia the energy demand for residential air conditioning
depending on the future weather scenario and varies depending could increase by around 50% due to climate change [11]. In order
on whether appropriate building designs are adopted for this cli- to face the challenge of future growth on cooling energy demand
matic context. According to climate models, the tropical region and of the associated increase of climatic vulnerability due to cli-
mate change, building sector adaptation measures are needed [12].
In Singapore, the urban heat island (UHI) effect exacerbates the
⇑ Corresponding author. already harsh tropical conditions [13,14]. Mitigation measures are
E-mail addresses: (J. Gamero-Salinas), being proposed to address the UHI effect, as well as to improve
sg (N. Kishnani), (A. Monge-Barrio), (J. López-
thermal comfort and reduce building energy consumption [15].
Fidalgo), (A. Sánchez-Ostiz).
0378-7788/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Among those mitigation strategies the following are highlighted: Brazil analysed some design variables related to the verandas inter-
(i) the incorporation of vegetation to buildings in terms of green vening in different forms of solar radiation incidence (e.g. orienta-
roofs and green facades, (ii) the consideration of urban geometry tion, height-to-depth ratio, sky view factor, albedo and emissivity on
aspects such as the geometrical configuration and shape of a build- surfaces, area) [25]. A simulation study on facade porosity showed
ing, (iii) the promotion of building porosity so as to maximize wind that loggias with large opening size significantly increase ventila-
permeability of the urban area, (iv) the consideration of surface tion rates [34].
coverage aspects such as the green plot ratio, (v) and the consider- Although current building policies in Singapore encourage the
ation of shading measures based on the building geometry and ori- incorporation of skyterraces as a way to promote social spaces in
entation. Citizens in Singapore have a higher preference for high-density contexts as well as urban greenery and wind porosity,
spending time outdoors than indoors, and are aware, support and few studies exist on the benefits of creating porous buildings
are willing to pay with their taxes UHI mitigation measures [16]. forms, and by doing so, of the associated thermal comfort that
Current urban policies in Singapore promote aforementioned mit- may result in such spaces. A CFD simulation study suggests that
igation measures by encouraging the use of skyterraces in build- skygardens located in mid-levels of high-rise buildings can provide
ings, which must be lushly landscaped and at least 40% of its better thermal comfort in summer conditions due to increased nat-
perimeter must be open [17]. The incorporation of skyterraces – ural wind speed and shading [35]. In office buildings the semi-open
semi-outdoor spaces - to buildings may help ‘green’ the urban transitional spaces are also effective in cooling the façade as well
habitat, as well as push the limits of passive design [18,19]. In [36]. In Singapore, forecourts that reinterpreted the veranda or an-
India, GRIHA 1Green Rating System implicitly promotes building jung of the traditional Malay kampong house, provided substantial
forms with a nature of openness and porosity so that natural venti- cooling of the environment and promoted social interaction [37].
lation can occur, as well as the placing of buffer spaces, such as cor- SOS may act as thermal buffers and interfere in reducing AC energy
ridors and terrace gardens, in order to reduce energy demand [20]. In demand in indoor environments that are adjacent to them, as
Costa Rica, RESET 2Green Building Standard explicitly gives points shown in a post-occupancy study about a high-rise and porous res-
for developing a spatial design that incorporates intermediate spaces idential building in Singapore that incorporated sheltered and
between interior and exterior [21]. thermally comfortable skyterraces [38].

1.2. Aim of the study

1.1. Semi-outdoor spaces
Given all the above, empirical data with field measurements on
Semi-outdoor spaces (SOS) are typically architectural features
the thermal behaviour of SOS especially in mid-rise and high-rise
found in buildings located in warm and hot climates, widely
contexts located in warm-humid climates is still needed. Buildings
known in literature as verandas/varandas, porch, galleries, balconies,
in highly dense cities such as Singapore incorporate skyterraces so
forecourts, corridors, passages, loggias, pilotis, semi-open spaces and
to make them more ‘porous’ and less ‘sealed’, with policies pro-
transitional spaces. SOS can be defined as transitional spaces that
moting it. However, a gap exists on whether these spaces provide
mediate between indoor and outdoor environments with a micro-
an environment suitable for human activity and on the character-
climate characterized by highly variable physical conditions
istics that make SOS in mid-rise and high-rise buildings provide a
[22,23], composed of man-made structures that moderate the
thermally comfortable environment. Do they offer an environment
effects of outdoor conditions [24], bringing protection from rainfall
suitable for typical social activities that can replace indoor air-
and undesirable radiation for both the envelope of the building and
conditioned (AC) spaces? And if they do, what characteristics of
the space it creates, as well as providing breezeways [25]. The role
the SOS promote a more comfortable environment? In this sense
of SOS as climatic moderators makes them an extension of living
this study poses the following research objectives: (1) to investi-
space and a place to favour social relations [23].
gate if SOS, as form-based strategies, are able to act as buffer
SOS appears in vernacular and historical architecture of many
spaces, (2) to characterize SOS based on geometric variables found
tropical regions. In Southeast Asia, the traditional Malay kampung
in literature in order to determine their influence on microclimatic
house, or ‘village house’, incorporates a semi-open front or back
environmental factors (air temperature, mean radiant tempera-
porch called anjung, which reduces the solar radiation in the house
ture, air velocity and relative humidity) and thermal comfort; (3)
by the use of large roof overhangs, as a form of ‘umbrella’ [26–28].
and based on in-situ measurements, to estimate the degree of ther-
In the Caribbean the semi-open shaded porch is also an element
mal comfort that occupants may achieve on SOS with typical light
found in the architecture of some ethnic groups [29]. In Cuba res-
idential buildings in Old Havana originally incorporated a central
inner courtyard, with SOS where the inhabitants could benefit
from higher air speed than inside the rooms [30]. SOS may also 2. Methodology
attenuate RH levels [31].
The building form plays a key role in providing passive out- 2.1. Building selection
comes, such as shade and natural ventilation [32], however, only
few studies delve into identifying the main attributes of form that Four buildings located in the tropical city of Singapore were
may enhance thermal comfort in SOS, which are focused in selected as case studies: School of the Arts (SO), OASIA Hotel
ground-level SOS of low-rise buildings and not in mid-rise or Downtown (OA), Kampung Admiralty (KA) and Skyville@Dawson
high-rise urban contexts. A study in Singapore has explored the (SV). They are prototypes that experiment with nature and build-
relationships between spatial settings and thermal environments ing form so to achieve environmental and thermal comfort out-
in different semi-open learning spaces, investigating the influence comes [39] (see Fig. 1).
of relevant design factors (e.g. void area, void-to-solid ratio, height, In summary, (i) School of the Arts (SO) is a project with a high-
height-to-depth ratio, orientation), finding that air temperature density design approach that incorporates three long rectangular
and wind speed can be influenced by them [33]. A case study in blocks separated by large open-ended horizontal breezeways, as
well as green screens that are environmental filters that may keep
Green Rating for Integrate Habitat Assessment the rooms cool; (ii) OASIA Hotel Downtown (OA) design approach
Requirements for Sustainable Building in the Tropics was to showcase a permeable tower wrapped in a double skin
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Fig. 1. From left to right: School of the Arts (SO), OASIA Hotel Downtown (OA), Kampung Admiralty (KA) and Skyville@Dawson (SV).

facade with green screens, introducing layers of breezeway atria to loggers and handheld equipment are shown in Figs. 2–5. Based on
create generous public areas for recreation and social interaction; ISO 7726 [43], Tmrt was calculated with the following equation:
(iii) Kampung Admiralty (KA) was thought as a vertical kampung,
" #0:25
with a fully porous, sheltered and shaded plaza in the lower layer  4 1:1  108 V 0:6  
plaza (breezewayatria) and a Community Park in the upper layer; T mrt ¼ T globe þ 273 þ a
 T globe  T a
and (iv) Skyville@Dawson (SV) is a project, where each home is
designed to be part of a sky village comprising one-unit thick res-  273 ð1Þ
idential towers connected by skyterraces and skygardens, sharing an
inner-voided breezeway tower that may facilitate horizontal and where Tglobe is globe temperature (°C), Va is air velocity (ms1), Ta is
vertical air flows and may act as a thermal buffer [40]. air temperature (°C), D is globe diameter (m) and e is the emissivity
Within these four (4) buildings, a sample of sixty-three (63) SOS of globe thermometer (0.95 for TESTO globe temperature
was identified and studied: 12 in SO (see Fig. 2), 16 in OA (see thermometer).
Fig. 3), 4 in KA (see Fig. 4) and 31 in SV (see Fig. 5).
2.3.2. Geometrical variables
2.2. Climate Based on a literature review, some geometrical variables (see
Table 3 and Fig. 6) were identified in order to study the role of
Singapore is located near the equator (1.3° N, 103.8° E) and is SOS in providing a thermally comfortable environment, some pre-
classified as a tropical rainforest climate (Af) according to viously used for studying semi-outdoor spaces, and others for
Köppen-Geiger (KG) classification. This study was developed dur- studying buildings and urban forms. These geometrical variables
ing the southwest monsoon season (June – September), with were calculated using a simplified model of all 63 SOS, as shown
south-easterly and southerly prevailing winds and common short from Figs. 2–5, based on floor and section plans, and on in-situ
duration showers/thunderstorms in the afternoon; high and uni- observations.
form temperatures and high humidity are experienced all year Regarding variables tested previously in semi-outdoor studies,
round [41], as shown in Table 1. Passive design strategies suited low levels of incident solar radiation are provided by deep veran-
for this climate include deep shade, airflow and lightweight mate- das [25], which affects air temperature. A simulation study on ter-
rials [42]. raced apartments also showed that an increase on terrace depth
can enhance up to 88% wind velocity on indoors [51]. A study in
semi-outdoor spaces has found that occupants perceived their
2.3. Measurements environment to be windier and more thermally comfortable when
having a high HDR, that VSR can increase ventilation and wind sen-
2.3.1. Environmental factors sation in SOS, and that air temperature and orientation are posi-
For all SOS, measurements of air temperature (Ta), relative tively correlated [33]. Since studied SOS were not all in ground
humidity (RH), globe temperature (Tglobe) and air velocity were level HFG was calculated to determine the influence that height
taken within the periods shown in Table 2. Outdoor air tempera- elevation has.
ture (Tout) measurements were also taken for each building, shel- Regarding variables tested for urban forms it has been demon-
tered from direct sun. Ta and RH measurements were taken with strated that shallow urban canyons are warmer than deeper ones
calibrated HOBO loggers (temperature accuracy: ±0.35 °C; RH [52], and that in urban canyons an increase in building height pro-
accuracy: ±2.5% from 10 to 90% RH), Madgetech RH Temp loggers vides a higher comfortable condition and an increase in wind speed
(temperature accuracy: ±0.5 °C; RH accuracy: ±3.0% from 25 to [53]. Other urban studies have shown that a higher OSRA increases
75% RH) and VelociCalc handheld air meter (temperature accuracy: the level of exposure to sky on building facades with high solar
±0.3 °C; RH accuracy: ± 3.0% from 5 to 95% RH). Globe temperature radiation heat gains [54]. Within the different varieties of volumet-
(Tglobe) and air velocity handheld measurements were taken using ric compactness [47], it has been found that the lower the value for
a TESTO 0.15 m globe temperature thermometer with a type K traditional volumetric compactness (VCT) the more efficient is the
thermocouple and a VelociCalc air velocity meter (accuracy: space keeping heat inside and reducing loss by the envelope in cold
±0.025 m/s), respectively. Loggers were programmed to take data climates [55], and the same for form factor (VCFF), which enables to
every 10 min for the mentioned periods, later transformed into compare independently of the size effect [55]. Literature also
hourly data. Handheld measurements were taken every hour shows that greenery lowers the mean radiant temperature of
between 10am and 4 pm in one (SO, OA & KA building) or two days buildings, reduces its energy cooling load, and reduces the urban
(SV building) of each mentioned period. Measurement locations of heat island effect [56,57].
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Fig. 2. Left: SOS studied in School of the Arts building (SO building), where yellow colour indicates voids. Right: Dimensions of SOS, measurement locations and shading
conditions (June 10, between 2 pm and 3 pm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Left: SOS studied in OASIA Hotel Downtown building (OA building), where yellow colour indicates voids. Right: Dimensions of SOS, measurement locations and
shading conditions (June 26, between 2 pm and 3 pm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

2.4. Data analysis KA building) or 2 days (in SV building). Rainy days were discarded
from the analysis since in those conditions all environmental fac-
Three levels of analysis were performed, which correspond to tors are modified.
the three main research objectives of this study, stated in Sec-
tion 1.1: Semi-outdoor spaces. The typically warm hour of 2 pm 2.4.1. Temperature difference between semi-outdoor spaces and
(between 2 and 3 pm), time at which all SOS are shaded and the outdoor conditions
influence of solar radiation can be ruled out (as shown in Figs. 2– Since measurements were performed in different periods for
5), was used as the reference time to assess the influence of geo- each building, Tout readings of each building were analysed statis-
metrical parameters of SOS on environmental factors and thermal tically so as to find if they differ significantly or not from each
comfort. This method of selecting a typical warm hour was also other. Since the sample was small (6 days of measurements)
used in another study on air temperature prediction at an estate Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test was performed, using kruskal.
level in Singapore [56,58]. test function with R software, for comparing the six Tout 2 pm read-
A typical value for all environmental factors was calculated for ings of all four building. In order to determine how effective SOS
each of the 63 SOS. A typical Ta, Tmrt and RH value was calculated are as thermal buffers, Mann-Whitney’s test for one sample was
for each individual SOS averaging all 2 pm readings. Also, a typical performed (using wilcox.test function with R software), comparing
air velocity value was calculated for each SOS averaging the wind the mean Ta of the group of SOS in each building with its respective
velocities measured from 10am – 4 pm for 1 day (in SO, OA and building Tout, and considering that the Ta data does not follow a
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Fig. 4. Left: SOS studied in Kampung Admiralty (KA building), where yellow colour indicates voids. Right: Dimensions of SOS, measurement locations and shading conditions
(July 09, between 2 pm and 3 pm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 5. Left: SOS studied in Skyville@Dawson building (SV building), where yellow colour indicates voids. Right: Dimensions of SOS, measurement locations and shading
conditions (July 24, between 2 pm and 3 pm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 1
Singapore weather data from Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS), mean values for 1981–2010 period [41].

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temperature, 24-hr mean (°C) 26.5 27.1 27.5 28.0 28.3 28.3 27.9 27.9 27.6 27.6 27.0 26.4
Temperature, mean daily maximum (°C) 30.4 31.7 32.0 32.3 32.2 32.0 31.3 31.4 31.4 31.7 31.1 30.2
Temperature, mean daily minimum (°C) 23.9 24.3 24.6 25.0 25.4 25.4 25.0 25.0 24.8 24.7 24.3 24.0
Relative humidity, 24-hr mean (%) 84.4 82.0 83.4 84.1 83.5 81.9 82.3 82.2 82.7 83.1 85.7 86.5
Wind speed, mean monthly/annual (m/s) 2.9 3.0 2.3 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.5 2.1 1.6 1.5 2.2

Table 2
Periods of study for each building.
normal distribution. Normality was tested using shapiro.test with R
Building Periods of study
software. A mean temperature difference (DT) between outdoor
School of the Arts (SO) June 10 – 16, 2019 conditions and SOS was calculated.
OASIA Hotel Downtown (OA) June 26 – July 02, 2019
Kampung Admiralty (KA) July 09 – 16, 2019
Skyville@Dawson (SV) July 24 – 30, 2019 2.4.2. Influence of geometrical variables on environmental factors
Discarded days due to rainy conditions (SO: June 12th; OA: June 29th; KA: July 9th The influence of geometrical variables on environmental factors
and July 16th; SV: July 24th) (Ta, Tmrt, air velocity and RH) was studied performing stepwise
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Table 3
Geometrical variables identified for studying semi-outdoor spaces.

Variable Definition Formula

Height It measures the semi-outdoor spaces from base to top (in meters) [33]. –
Depth It measures the distance (in meters) perpendicular from the outmost building contour [33]. –
Height-to-depth ratio (HDR) It measures the ratio between Height and Depth [33]. HDR ¼; height=depth
Void It measures the area of openings (m2) in the SOS [33]. –
Void-to-solid ratio (VSR) It measures the ratio between Void and Solid area of a space, where Solid is the amount of VSR ¼; void=solid
solid faces the Volume has (m2) [33]
Orientation It measures to which cardinal point a building or space is facing, in relation to the north up to –
south (0-180°).
Height from ground (HFG) It measures the distance of a semi-outdoor space from ground level (in meters). –
Open space ratio(area based) Adapted from a previous study [44], it measures the ratio between the area of the SOS (m2) OSRA ; ¼; SOS area=total floor area
and the total floor area where the semi-outdoor space is located (m2).
Open space ratio (perimeter Adapted from previous studies [45,46], it measures the ratio between the frontage (in meters) OSRP ¼; frontage=perimeter
based) exposed to outdoor conditions in the SOS and the total perimeter of the SOS (in meters).
Traditional volumetric Adapted from other studies [47,48], it measures the ratio between the volume surfaces of SOS VCT ; ¼; volume surface =volume
compactness (m2), as it was an envelope, and the Volume (m3) of the SOS.
Form factor Adapted from another study [47,48], and similar to the traditional volumetric compactness, it VCFF ; ¼;volume surface=volume

measures the ratio between the volume surfaces of SOS (m2), as it was an envelope, and the
Volume (m3) to the power of 2/3, in order to remove the size effect.
Green plot ratio (GPR) It measures the ratio between the total Leaf Area Index (LAI) to the total area of the space GPR ¼; LAI=SOS area
(m2) [49], where LAI is a common biological parameter defined as the single-side leaf area per
unit ground area. LAI ratios specified for grassland (1:1), shrubs (1:3) and trees (1:6) were
used as reference values [50].

Fig. 6. Measurements needed for computing geometrical variables (SOS 13 in OA building used as example).

multiple linear regressions, using stepAIC (MASS package) and lm key parameters in the estimation of thermal comfort [63]. Gagge’s
functions with R software. For the four models the variance infla- SET*, derived from this two-node model, is defined as the equiva-
tion factor (VIF) for all predictors in regression models were pro- lent dry bulb temperature of an isothermal environment at 50% RH
vided, using VIF function (regclass package). The models that in which a subject, while wearing clothing standardized for activity
resulted from the stepwise regressions were corrected in case of concerned, would have the same heat stress (skin temperature)
multicollinearity by removing highly correlated predictors (predic- and thermo-regulatory strain (skin wettedness) as in the actual
tors with a high VIF). For each model, an R2 value will be obtained, test environment [59,60]. Although SET* provides a tool for evalu-
which represents the proportion of the variance that is explained ating an environment it does not give a comfort scale [64]. In order
by the geometrical factors. to assess the degree of comfort in studied SOS Gagge’s version of
Fanger’s PMV (called PMV*) was used as a counterpart for SET*,
2.4.3. Thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces since it is a better index, in contrast to PMV, for measuring thermal
For outdoor thermal comfort evaluation the most common stress of the environment caused by heat loads, as well as to the
indices found in literature are SET* [59,60], PET [61] and UTCI physiological heat strain caused by changing humidity of the envi-
[62]. One of the most common approaches for the thermal comfort ronment and by changing vapor permeability properties of cloth-
evaluation of thermal comfort in semi-outdoor environments is to ing worn [60]. Thermal comfort standards such as ISO 7730 [65],
use the two-node model of the human thermoregulatory system, EN16798-1 [66] and ASHRAE Standard 55 [67] include both fixed
which considers the skin temperature and skin wettedness as the (e.g. PMV/PPD) and adaptive thermal comfort models designed

J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

for indoor conditions, not transferable for semi-outdoor or outdoor than Tmrt (see Table 4). RH values ranged between 57.8 and 79.2%.
environments [68], therefore were not used for the evaluation. The typical air velocity for all SOS was found to be 0.87 m/s, with
Respectively, SET* and PMV* were calculated using calcSET and air velocities that ranged between 0.17 and 2.10 m/s. In this study
calcPMVStar functions (comf package) with R software. [69]. Mea- significant correlations were found between some environmental
sured environmental factors (Ta, Tmrt, air velocity and RH) were factors as shown in Appendix A section, Table A5. It was found that
introduced in the function. A CLO value of 0.3 was considered for RH is negatively correlated to Ta (r = -0.425, p < .001), Tmrt (r = -0.494,
all calculations, considering studies suggesting it as the typical p < .001) and air velocity (r = -0.309, p = .014), as well as that air veloc-
clothing value in outdoor and semi-outdoor urban spaces of Singa- ity is positively correlated with Tmrt (r = +0.531, p < .001). Regarding
pore [70,71]. Three SET* and three PMV* calculations were per- studied geometrical variables, SOS were found to have diverse char-
formed for each SOS only differing in MET values for slight acteristics (see Table 5).
activities (sitting = 1 MET; standing = 1.5 METs; and slow walking
at 0.9 m/s: 2 METs), considering that the metabolic activity values
3.1. Temperature difference between semi-outdoor spaces and outdoor
in SOS may be higher than the sedentary behaviour typical of
indoors [22]. MET values may also vary depending on the building
use (e.g. residential, hotel, educational). For instance, in OA build-
Readings of Tout at 2 pm in all four buildings were found not to
ing occupants may use the SOS for relaxing near the pool or lounge
be significantly different between each building when performing
area (1 MET), in SV building for sitting and talking (1 MET – 1.5
Kruskal-Wallis test (p = .155), although measured in different peri-
METs), and in SO buildings they may be used for studying, as well
ods. When performing Shapiro-Wilk test it was found that Ta in
as for running and playing (approximately 3 METs, not addressed
SOS at 2 pm were not normally distributed (p = .005). In all four
in this study).
buildings the mean Ta of SOS was significantly lower than their
respective Tout when performing Mann-Whitney’s test for one
2.4.4. Influence of geometrical variables on thermal comfort sample, as shown in Table 6.
The influence of geometrical variables on thermal indices (SET*
and PMV*) was studied performing stepwise multiple linear
regressions, using lm and stepAIC (MASS package) function with 3.2. Influence of geometrical variables on environmental factors
the R software. For the six models (three models per thermal
index) the variance inflation factor (VIF) was also provided. Models As shown in Table 7 and Appendix A section (Table A1,
were corrected in the event that multicollinearity was detected. Table A2, Table A3 and Table A4), when performing multiple linear
For each model, an R2 value will be also obtained. Table 7
Summary of the models having the environmental factors as dependent variables.
3. Results Model Dependent variable R2 p-value (p)
Model 1 Ta at SOS at 2 pm 0.504 p < .001
At the typically warm hour of 2 pm where all studied SOS (n = 63) Model 2 Tmrt at SOS at 2 pm 0.668 p < .001
are sheltered from solar radiation, as shown from Figs. 2–5, Ta was Model 3 Typical air velocity at SOS 0.480 p < .001
found to be in average 1.08 °C lower than Tout, as well as 2.68 °C lower Model 4 RH at SOS at 2 pm 0.701 p < .001

Table 4
Descriptive statistical results of studied environmental factors.

Outdoors Semi-outdoor spaces (n = 63)

Tout Ta Tmrt Air velocity RH
Mean 30.80 °C 29.72 °C 32.40 °C 0.87 m/s 70.09%
Std Dev 0.43 °C 0.60 °C 1.77 °C 0.53 m/s 5.54%
CV 1 1.40% 2.02% 5.46% 60.92% 7.90%
Minimum 30.55 °C 28.45 °C 28.15 °C 0.17 m/s 57.81%
Maximum 32.40 °C 31.95 °C 36.62 °C 2.10 m/s 79.18%
Coefficient of variation

Table 5
Descriptive statistical results of studied geometrical variables.

Mean 12.6 m 12.9 m 1.18 1.18 90.9° 57.5 m 0.66 0.09 0.27 0.68 6.17
Std Dev 12.1 m 11.2 m 0.69 0.54 56.4° 45.3 m 1.21 0.07 0.14 0.38 1.14
CV 1 96.03% 86.8% 58.47% 45.76% 62.05% 78.78% 183.33% 77.78% 51.85% 55.88% 18.48%
Minimum 2.3 m 2.0 m 0.06 0.22 0° 0m 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.18 4.82
Maximum 36.0 m 48.0 m 2.61 2.07 180° 156.5 m 3.82 0.38 0.49 1.43 9.84
Coefficient of variation.

Table 6
Comparison per building between Ta in SOS and Tout.

Building (number of SOS) Tout Ta DT p-value (p)

SO (n = 12) 30.86 °C 29.85 °C 1.01 °C p < .001
OA (n = 16) 30.55 °C 29.20 °C 1.35 °C p < .001
KA (n = 4) 32.40 °C 29.99 °C 2.41 °C p = .011
SV (n = 31) 30.69 °C 29.90 °C 0.79 °C p < .001

J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Table 8
Descriptive statistical results of SET* and PMV*

MET = 1 MET = 1.5 MET = 2 MET = 1 MET = 1.5 MET = 2
Mean 26.43 °C 28.05 °C 29.51 °C +0.63 +0.94 +1.26
Std Dev 1.11 °C 1.34 °C 1.42 °C 0.42 0.38 0.38
Minimum 24.65 °C 25.57 °C 26.67 °C 0.10 +0.21 +0.49
Maximum 29.73 °C 30.61 °C 32.02 °C +1.81 +1.67 +1.92

regressions it was found that geometrical variables can signifi- both open space ratio variables (OSRA and OSRP) influence environ-
cantly influence the environmental factors. Regarding Ta, the geo- mental factors. On the one hand, OSRP was found to be negatively
metrical variables of VSR, HFG and OSRA explained 50.4% of the correlated with air velocity. On the other hand, OSRA was found to
variations; regarding Tmrt, VSR, HDR, GPR, HFG and height explained be positively correlated with Ta and negatively correlated with RH.
66.8% of the variations; regarding air velocity, HDR and OSRP
explained 48.0% of the variations; and regarding RH, VSR, HDR, 3.3. Thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces
HFG, GPR and OSRA explained 70.1% of the variations. Both versions
of volumetric compactness, traditional volumetric compactness The degree of thermal comfort achieved in SOS was estimated
(VCT) and form factor (VCFF) were not found to influence any of based on measurements of Ta, Tmrt, air velocity and RH (assuming
the environmental factors. a CLO of 0.3, and three different MET values). The SET* mean value
Regarding geometrical variables previously tested for SOS, this for all SOS fell within the ‘neutral’ category for 1 MET (+0.63) and
study found a negative correlation between HFG and Ta, as well a 1.5 METs (+0.94), and within the ‘slightly warm’ category for 2
positive correlation between HFG and RH and Tmrt. It was found METs (+1.26), as shown in Table 8. Thermal comfort varied
also that GPR is negatively correlated with Tmrt and positively cor- depending on the activity type as shown in Fig. 7. None of SOS fell
related with RH. Results show that VSR is positively correlated with on the ‘warm’ category (between +2 and +3 PMV*). For 1 MET,
Ta and Tmrt and negatively correlated with RH. A positive correla- 14.29% of all SOS fell on the ‘slightly warm’ category, percentage
tion was found between HDR and the environmental factors of Tmrt that gradually increased to 50.79% for 1.5 METs, and to 74.60%
and air velocity, as well as negative correlation between HDR and for 2 METs. For 1 MET, 85.71% of SOS fell between 1 and +1
RH. Also, a positive correlation was found between height and Tmrt. PMV*, percentage that gradually increased to 49.21% for 1.5 METs,
Regarding geometrical variables used tested previously on and to 25.40% for 2 METs.
urban environmental performance studies, this study found that SET* and PMV* were found to be positively and highly corre-
lated for all three activity types, as shown in Appendix A section
Table A6. For the sample of 63 SOS obtained in this study, Table 9
shows that among all four environmental factors air velocity has a
higher and negative correlation with both thermal indices (PMV*
and SET*) for all activity types. RH is positively correlated with
SET*, especially for 1.5 and 2 METs, and positively correlated with
PMV* for all activity types. Tmrt is negatively correlated with SET*,
especially for 1.5 and 2 METs, and negatively correlated with PMV*
for all activity types. No significant correlation was found between
Ta and both thermal indices.

3.4. Influence of geometrical variables on thermal comfort

Results also show the influence of geometrical variables on esti-

mations of thermal comfort based on the thermal indices of SET*
and PMV*. As shown in Appendix A section, Table A7 and
Table A8, HDR and OSRP are the only variables that explained sig-
nificantly the variations of SET* and PMV* when performing multi-
ple regressions. The geometrical variable of HDR is negatively
correlated with both thermal indices, while OSRP is positively cor-
Fig. 7. Thermal comfort estimation in measured SOS depending on different related with them. As shown in Table 10, these two geometrical
activity levels, based on Gagge’s PMV* index.
variables explained the variations of SET* by 26.4%, 42.2% and

Table 9
Pearson linear correlation (r) between thermal indices and environmental factors.


(1 MET) (1.5 METs) (2 METs) (1 MET) (1.5 METs) (2 METs)
Ta r = 0.008 r = 0.008 r = +0.016 r = 0.048 r = 0.031 r = 0.002
p = .952 p = .948 p = .903 p = .711 p = .810 p = .988
Tmrt r = 0.138 r = 0.372 r = 0.472 r = 0.390 r = 0.510 r = 0.564
p = .282 p = .003 p < .001 p = .002 p < .001 p < .001
Air velocity r = 0.799 r = 0.911 r = 0.920 r = 0.884 r = 0.922 r = -0.914
p < .001 p < .001 p < .001 p < .001 p < .001 p < .001
RH r = +0.157 r = +0.334 r = +0.427 r = +0.383 r = +0.464 r = +0.518
p = .220 p = .007 p < .001 p = .002 p < .001 p < .001

J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Table 10 and that Ta, RH and air velocity are considered the main environ-
Summary of the models having SET* and PMV* thermal índices as dependent variable. mental factors that affect thermal comfort in semi-outdoor envi-
Model Dependent variable R2 p-value (p) ronments [71,72], greater importance was given to Ta over Tmrt
Model 5a SET* (1 MET) at 2 pm 0.264 p < .001 in order to assess the role of SOS as buffer spaces. In this study a
Model 5b SET* (1.5 METs) at 2 pm 0.422 p < .001 mean DT value of 1.01 °C, 1.35 °C, 2.41 °C and 0.79 °C was found
Model 5c SET* (2 METs) at 2 pm 0.468 p < .001 between SOS and outdoors, for SO, OA, KA, and SV buildings,
Model 6a PMV* (1 MET) at 2 pm 0.430 p < .001 respectively. It is worth to note that the mean DT values shown
Model 6b PMV* (1.5 METs) at 2 pm 0.506 p < .001
Model 6c PMV* (2 METs) at 2 pm 0.515 p < .001
in Table 6 are six-day averaged values representing the typical
thermal behaviour of each SOS at 2 pm, however, higher DT values
were experienced in SOS of each building during some days, with
some SOS experiencing DT values above 2 °C. In some SOS of SO
building (e.g. SOS1), KA building (e.g. SOS32) and OA building
46.8%, and the variations of PMV* by 43.0%, 50.6% and 51.5%,
(e.g. SOS15, SOS20, SOS27, SOS28) the thermal environment may
respectively, for 1 MET, 1.5 METs and 2 METs.
be slightly influenced by leakage of cool air coming from adjacent
AC spaces. However, results are in line to what other studies sug-
4. Discussion gest. For instance, at pedestrian level pilotis are able to reduce
SET* by 6–10 °C and air temperature as much as 2–3 °C during
This study assessed the design intention of all four studied the hot summer of Guangzhou city [78]. Another study in the
buildings on providing thermally comfortable environments with- humid subtropical city of Wuhan showed that SET* can be
out the need to rely solely on indoor spaces acclimatized by decreased down to 9 °C under shaded pilotis during summer [79].
mechanical systems. These buildings opened up to climate, reinter-
preting the vernacular Malay veranda and following a contempo- 4.2. Influence of geometrical variables on environmental factors
rary language, through SOS adapted to tropical mid-rise and
high-rise building forms [39]. The 63 SOS mentioned in this study Considering the multiple regression models (Model 1 – Model
could be categorised in the following types: breezeway atria, 4) only for explanatory purposes it was found that geometrical
breezeway courtyards, skyterraces/skygardens and corridors with or variables can explain the variations in Ta, Tmrt, air velocity and
without greenery [40]. Although thermal comfort may vary accord- RH by 50.4%, 66.8%, 48.0% and 70.1%, respectively. The R2 values
ing each type of SOS, findings suggest that porous building forms found are limited to the geometrical variables addressed in each
with SOS of this kind should be promoted for mid-rise and high- model, to the characteristics found in all 63 SOS, and to the condi-
rise buildings located in the warm-humid tropical context of Singa- tions where the variables were tested (shaded SOS at 2 pm with a
pore since it was found that they may deliver environmental and measured mean outdoor temperature oscillating between 30.6 and
thermal comfort benefits through the creation of microclimates, 32.4 °C, as shown in Table 6, not considering rainy days; outdoor
which are linked to geometrical variables. RH values between 81.9 and 82.3%, and outdoor mean wind veloc-
As shown in a study based on field surveys conducted in SOS of ity values between 2.0 and 2.4 m/s [41]). Each coefficient in the
Singapore, thermal comfort in semi-outdoor environments is multivariate regressions has a physical meaning, for instance, in
affected mainly by the interdependent relationship that exists model 1 when VSR increases one unit Ta increases 0.229 (22.9%
between the three environmental parameters of Ta, RH and air of a unit). It is worth to note that negative and positive signs of
velocity [71,72]. In outdoor environments, Ta, air velocity and solar the predictors in each multiple regression model are in line with
radiation are considered the main influential factors that deter- what literature suggest for those variables. Other variables, not
mine thermal comfort [73], with solar radiation having a greater addressed in this study, that may influence the thermal behaviour
potential to change subject thermal sensation than air movement in SOS are building material properties such as albedo and emissiv-
[74]. Nonetheless, in contrast to an outdoor environment, semi- ity, as well as urban morphology characteristics such as urban den-
outdoor environments may receive low levels of solar radiation if sity, sky view factor and incident solar radiation [54,56,80,81].
shaded [37,75]. In consequence, Tmrt may have a lower importance Trade-offs were found between high and low levels of openness
than it has in outdoor environments, and instead, air velocity may in SOS. On the one hand, results show that the higher HDR the
have a higher importance. In this study it is also shown that SOS do higher the air velocity, however, SOS may also experience higher
not restrict air motion [76], on the contrary, it is very likely they Tmrt as HDR or height increases. High Tmrt values due to high HDR
promote it due to geometrical characteristics that conduct natural and height values may be directly related to a high sky view factor
air flows. On the effect of solar radiation in studied SOS a mean dif- [80,82] and a lower self-shading effect of SOS from solar exposure.
ference of 2.68 °C was found between Tmrt and Ta during the typi- Lower RH values due to higher HDR values may also be explained
cally warm hour of 2 pm, results that are very close to what has also to a higher openness to the sky and solar exposure. It is worth
been reported in a previous study developed in forecourts and cor- noting that this study shows that HDR is correlated with the envi-
ridors, where a difference of 1.8 °C was found between Tmrt and Ta ronmental factors of Tmrt, air velocity and RH, opposite to another
for SOS with greenery, and of 3.3 °C for SOS without greenery [77]. study where no correlation was found between HDR and the envi-
As shown in Figs. 2–5 one measurement point of Ta, Tmrt, RH and ronmental factors of Ta and air velocity [33].
air velocity was taken for some SOS with large characteristics (e.g. A previous study found no relationship between VSR and Ta and
SOS2 & SOS3 in SO building), and should be considered as a limita- that VSR is positively correlated with air velocity (R2 = 0.53) [33].
tion, however, for many SOS that were quite large two or even This study demonstrates that VSR is positively correlated with Ta
three measurement points were taken. and Tmrt, and negatively correlated with RH, which may be
explained by more sky exposure and solar radiation coming into
4.1. Temperature difference between semi-outdoor spaces and the space, increasing Ta and Tmrt, as well as lowering RH, however,
outdoors it did not identify VSR as a variable that significantly explains air
Considering that SOS in this study were shaded during the per- In this study it was found that the higher the SOS is from ground
iod of assessment (2 pm), that solar radiation levels are lower in level the lower the temperature it experiences, which may be
semi-outdoor environments when compared to outdoors [75], explained due to a lower effect of the UHI in SOS with a higher ele-
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

vation. A reduction of approximately 0.90 °C in temperatures was ratio variables (OSRP and OSRA) were correlated to some environ-
found for those SOS located in SV building with a higher HFG mental factors. The variable OSRA explained the variations in Ta
(100 m above ground), when compared to SOS located at ground and RH, which may be due to a higher openness to sky and solar
level; and for OA building, located in the high-rise and high- radiation, with higher OSRA resulting in higher Ta as well as in
density Central Business District (CBD) area of Singapore with lower RH. Originally, OSRP was used to measure the degree of
hot temperatures due to UHI effect [13], a temperature reduction openness of a plot calculating the portion of the plot boundary
of 0.60 °C was found between measured SOS at higher levels where transition from the plot to the street network takes place
(156 m above ground) and measured SOS closer to ground (83 m [45,46], but in this study this variable was found to be useful for
above ground level). However, it was also found that the higher assessing the environmental performance of SOS, showing that
the SOS is from ground level the higher Tmrt, which may be the lower the frontage (exposed to outdoors) in relation to the total
explained to a higher openness to sky (or sky view factor) with less perimeter of the SOS, the higher the air velocity. It is very likely
shade coming from surrounding buildings as the elevation of the that a funnel effect that enhances air velocity may be taking place
SOS increases [56,58]. In this study no correlation was found due to a lower OSRP, ‘squeezing’ the wind through the narrow void.
between HFG and air velocity, and urban density may be a possible
cause for this [83]. 4.3. Thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces
No correlation was found in the present study between orienta-
tion and Ta, Tmrt or RH, which may be explained due to similar Gagge’s SET*, based on the two-node model of human thermal
shaded conditions found between 2 and 3 pm in all 63 SOS, with regulation, is one of the most common indices for evaluating ther-
a sun tilted to northwest (with high solar angles that oscillated mal comfort in semi-outdoor environments [63,64,74,78,79,86–
between 69.0°  54.5° and solar azimuths between 305°  331°) 90]. It is considered the best predictor of observed thermal sensa-
during the periods of study (June 10 – July 31). Out of the 63 tion votes in semi-outdoor environments [87], as well as a very
SOS, only 5 (7.9%) have their frontage voids facing northwest. useful index for broadly explaining subject’s thermal preferences
The degree of openness of studied SOS may also explain why orien- concerning physical microclimatic parameters in outdoor and
tation and those environmental factors are not correlated since semi-outdoor environments [89]. Occupants of semi-outdoor envi-
some SOS of the sample are ‘opened’ to more than one orientation. ronments expect more comfortable conditions than do occupants
Additionally, in this study no correlation was found between orien- of outdoor environments and expect a range of thermal conditions
tation and air velocity, and it is very likely that the urban density wider than on an indoor context [24,70,74]. In that sense, the ther-
may be a factor influencing the results [83], with buildings block- mal indices of PET and UTCI were not used since they are com-
ing natural wind flows. Although no correlation was found monly used for measuring heat stress in outdoor environments,
between orientation and the environmental factors at the hour of although they have been used for studying semi-outdoor environ-
study (2 pm) results obtained from other variables suggest that ori- ments [91,92]. The thermal index of Fanger’s PMV was not used
entation may be an important parameter to consider for SOS. For either since it was developed for indoor spaces, although has been
instance, it is very likely that SOS with high HDR, high VSR or high used also for studying SOS [93]. OUT_SET*, an adaptation of SET*
OSRA with east- or west-facing frontage voids may increase heat for outdoor settings, was not used in this study either since it
discomfort because of solar radiation coming from lower solar was primarily developed for outdoor conditions also [94], although
angles, increasing therefore Tmrt. The heat discomfort that these it has also been used for assessing thermal comfort in SOS [24,75].
above-mentioned conditions may cause may exacerbate even Gagge’s PMV* is considered the counterpart of SET*, however, it
more discomfort if they lack increased air movement. Nonetheless, is a less known index and it has been scarcely used in literature
findings of a previous study suggest that orientation is a relevant [95]. Nonetheless, it is one of the most advanced heat budget mod-
variable to consider in SOS, with a positive correlation found els since it improves the latent heat fluxes of Fanger’s PMV [62].
between Ta and the prevailing wind orientation coming mainly Although it is widely common to find in literature regarding out-
from south during the period of study (June and July) [33]. door environments Gagge’s conciliation of SET* with Fanger’s
In this study a positive correlation was found between GPR and PMV (comfortable: 20–26 °C SET; slightly warm: 26–30 °C SET;
VSR (r = +0.372, p = .002), as well as between GPR and HDR (r = warm: 30–34 °C SET; hot: 34–37 °C; and very hot/intolerable:
+0.435, p < .001), indicating that in this study SOS with higher level >37 °C SET) [60,96,97], in this study PMV* was used instead since
of porosity and openness also allowed higher presence of greenery. Fanger’s PMV is based primarily in terms of heat load and its
Only 36 (57.1%) out of the 63 SOS incorporated greenery. Similar to response by definition to changes in relative humidity or vapour
the results of a study in an outdoor setting where outdoor air tem- pressure is minor [60].
perature was found to be reduced by higher GPR [56], the present Thermal comfort estimations are in line with the thermal com-
study in semi-outdoor settings demonstrated also that the higher fort upper thresholds suggested for SOS by other studies: 32 °C
the GPR in SOS the lower Tmrt is. Findings are in line with what lit- SET* [88] and 32.8 °C SET [74]. Only one SOS (SOS7 in SO building)
erature suggests for the role that vegetation holds in improving exceeded the threshold of 32 °C as shown in Table 8, however,
environmental conditions, providing shade and lower solar heat when computed for PMV* it results in +1.92 PMV*, within the
gains in building surfaces [57,84] due to its low heat capacity ‘slightly warm’ category (between +1 and +2 PMV*). If SOS are to
[85]. RH was also found to increase in studied SOS, which may be promoted as spaces for social interaction in buildings located
be due to added moisture in the air via plant evapotranspiration in highly dense cities with warm climates, and considering that
[84]. It is worth to note that calculations of GPR are merely based Singaporeans have a higher preference for spending time outdoors,
on the generalized rounded values of LAI shown in Table 3. it is of outmost importance that they provide environmental con-
This study also tested variables previously measured in urban ditions suitable for that purpose. Thermal dissatisfaction is gener-
environmental performance studies, among them traditional volu- ally measured with people voting +2 or +3 on the ASHRAE thermal
metric compactness (VCT), form factor (VCFF), perimeter-based open sensation scale [67]. Overheating may occur when a given propor-
space ratio (OSRP) and area-based open space ratio (OSRA). Results tion (say 20%) vote +2 or +3 on the ASHRAE scale [98]. Considering
suggest that both volumetric compactness indicators (VCT and VCFF) the latter, this study shows that regardless the activity level all
may not be useful for assessing environmental performance at the measured SOS are below the ‘warm category’ (between +2 and
‘semi-outdoor space level’, since no multiple regression model con- +3 PMV*) threshold, as shown in Fig. 7, and are able to provide
sider them a significant predictor. In this study both open space comfortable environmental conditions even at the typically warm
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

hour of 2 pm where SOS are shaded. There is no overheating risk indicator of OSRP was not only correlated with air velocity but also
regardless the activity types. correlated with the thermal indices of SET* and PMV*. A positive
Since SET* and PMV* estimations were found to be negatively correlation was found between OSRP and the estimated SET* and
correlated with air velocity, as shown in Table 9, some SOS had PMV* values, which means that the lower the frontage in relation
low SET* and PMV* values due to high air velocity values, even if to the total SOS perimeter, the more comfortable occupants may be
having high Tmrt values. In this study SOS that experienced high in SOS, especially due to an increase in air velocity most likely tak-
air velocities also experienced high Tmrt values (r = +0.531, ing place due to a funnel effect.
p < .001) as shown in the Appendix A section, Table A5, which
may explain why Tmrt is also significantly and negatively correlated
with SET* and PMV*. Based on the above, to promote thermal com- 5. Conclusions
fort, it is very important that SOS serve not only as thermal buffers
that reduce air temperature and incoming solar radiation, but also The present study measured 63 semi-outdoor spaces (SOS) in
promote air movement, as it is suggested in other semi-outdoor four different mid-rise and high-rise buildings located in the
studies [33,93]. SET* and PMV* estimations were also found to be warm-humid tropical city of Singapore, and provides new findings
positively correlated with RH showing that higher humidity levels on the role of SOS, as form-based strategies, in delivering environ-
can increase thermal discomfort, however, no correlation was mental and thermal comfort outcomes. The findings of this study
found between the thermal indices and Ta, although Ta and RH are as follows:
are negatively correlated (r = -0.425, p < .001) as shown in the
Appendix A section, Table A5. The latter may be occurring due to  SOS act as thermal buffer spaces, with air temperature signifi-
how Gagge’s SET* and PMV* are computed, where higher impor- cantly lower than outdoors, with a mean typical DT of
tance is given to the responsiveness to changing humidity and to 1.01 °C, 1.35 °C, 2.41 °C and 0.79 °C for School of the Arts
the vapour permeability of the clothing worn [60]. (SO), OASIA Hotel Downtown (OA), Kampung Admiralty (KA)
Out of the 63 studied SOS only 2 have fans installed and its and Skyville@Dawson (SV), respectively.
influence on the air velocity behaviour was not considered rele-  As shown in the multiple regression analyses, SOS can be char-
vant. In SO building SOS2 had its fans turned off during the period acterized by geometrical variables, which are able to explain
of measurements, and in KA building SOS29 air velocities were low variations in both environmental factors (Ta, Tmrt, air velocity
even with fans. This measurement-based study proves that SOS and RH) and thermal comfort indices (SET* and PMV*).
can passively enhance thermal comfort by increasing air velocity  Variations in Ta can be explained (R2 = 0.504) by the geometrical
(as well as lowering Ta, Tmrt and RH) by its own geometrical means, variables of void-to-solid ratio (VSR), height from ground level
however, results regarding air velocities should be taken carefully (HFG) and area-based open space ratio (OSRA). Variations in Tmrt
since measurements were quite limited (for each SOS six measure- can be explained (R2 = 0.668) by the geometrical variables of
ments between 10am and 4 pm, for 1 or 2 days). This wind velocity void-to-solid ratio (VSR), height-to-depth ratio (HDR), green plot
enhancement in SOS may be of benefit considering the generally ratio (GPR), height from ground level (HFG) and height. Varia-
light wind conditions of Singapore (<2.5 m/s) [41]. Thermal com- tions in air velocity can be explained (R2 = 0.480) by the geo-
fort (between 1 and +1 PMV*) can be achieved in 85.7% of SOS metrical variables of height-to-depth ratio (HDR) and
of studied mid-rise and high-rise buildings considering a CLO of perimeter-based open space ratio (OSRP). Variations in RH can
0.3 and especially for 1 MET, percentage that may be related to a be explained (R2 = 0.701) by the geometrical variables of void-
previous survey-based study developed in SV building where to-solid ratio (VSR), height-to-depth ratio (HDR), height from
91.7% of surveyees say to feel thermally comfortable in skyterraces, ground level (HFG), green plot ratio (GPR) and area-based open
with a microclimate linked not only to thermal comfort but also to space ratio (OSRA).
self-reported energy use and social interaction [38].  Based on the estimated percentage of SOS falling within the
‘neutral’ categories (between 1 and +1 PMV*), thermal com-
4.4. Influence of geometrical variables on thermal comfort fort was found to be achieved in 85.7% of SOS, considering 1
MET and a CLO of 0.3, with air velocity playing an important
Results show that those geometrical variables correlated with role on providing thermal comfort. None exceeded the limit of
air velocity (HDR and OSRP) are also correlated with the thermal +2 PMV* (warm category).
indices of SET* and PMV*. Considering the multiple regression  The geometrical variables of height-to-depth ratio (HDR) and
models (Model 5a, 5b and 5c and Model 6a, 6b and 6c) only for perimeter-based open space ratio (OSRP) explained the varia-
explanatory purposes it was found that HDR and OSRP can explain tions of thermal comfort, when estimated with SET* (R2 ranging
the variations in estimated SET* by 26.4%, 42.2% and 46.8%, and the between 0.264 and 0.468, which varied depending on the activ-
variations in estimated PMV* by 43.0%, 50.6% and 51.5%, respec- ity level) and PMV* (R2 ranging between 0.430 and 0.515, which
tively, for 1 MET, 1.5 METs and 2 METs. In model 6a, for instance, varied depending on the activity level).
when HDR increases one unit PMV* decreases 0.201 (20.1% of a
unit). This study links form to the creation of microclimate which
The present study found that HDR is negatively correlated to depends on specific geometrical variables that help protect from
SET* and PMV*, as shown in Appendix A section, Tables A7 and solar exposure, enhance wind movement, and allow intensive
A8, which means that the higher HDR the more comfortable occu- greenery. Findings provide a better understanding of SOS which
pants may be in SOS, likely due to an increase in air velocity, can help designers explore design strategies focused on creating
although in this sample (n = 63) Tmrt may also increase. The latter thermally comfortable spaces in mid-rise and high-rise buildings.
was similarly shown in a previous study where height and HDR In this way architects and designers may consider studied geomet-
were negatively correlated to PMV thermal sensation votes rical variables in early design stages to achieve high environmental
(R2 = 0.13 and R2 = 0.07, respectively) as well [33]. This previous performance and thermal comfort in SOS. In addition, the use of
study also found a negative correlation between VSR and PMV ther- SOS should be encouraged by building codes and studied geomet-
mal sensation votes (R2 = 0.12), not found in the present study, rical variables should be considered by policymakers when devel-
which may be explained due to the fact that no relationship was oping policies focused on the environmental performance of
found between VSR and air velocity either. The urban performance buildings.
J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Since in this study diverse types of SOS were measured (breeze- Declaration of Competing Interest
way atria, breezeway courtyards, skyterraces/skygardens and corri-
dors with or without greenery) future studies should further The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
investigate this aforementioned taxonomy in order to find how cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
microclimates and thermal comfort may vary according to types to influence the work reported in this paper.
and how the influence of geometrical variables may vary according
each type. Thermal comfort estimations shown in this study, based
on SET* and PMV* thermal indices, should be further validated
with post-occupancy thermal comfort surveys in SOS with similar
settings. Although SOS were shaded, with results suggesting that
We extend our gratitude to the Friends of the University of
air velocity plays a higher role than Tmrt on providing thermal com-
Navarra for the scholarship supporting corresponding author’s
fort, further research should also delve on the role of SOS as ther-
PhD programme. Likewise, to University of Navarra, Obra Social
mal buffer spaces considering not only Ta but also Tmrt and global
‘la Caixa’ and Caja Navarra Bank Foundation for their Mobility Pro-
radiation. In order to develop predictive statistical models for ther-
gram grant given to the corresponding author that allowed his
mal comfort evaluation in SOS, future studies should single out the
research stay at National University of Singapore (NUS). Special
variables used to characterize the SOS by means of building energy
thanks to Mr. Wong Mun Summ, founding director of WOHA Archi-
simulations. In this study some SOS were contiguous, however, the
tects, for supporting this research and managing the access to stud-
effect of this adjacency, which may be beneficial, should be further
ied buildings. We would like to deeply thank the managers and
studied. Last, further research should also deepen on the effect of
executives of School of the Arts (SOTA) and Far East Hospitality
porous building forms with SOS on cutting down energy consump-
Management of OASIA Hotel Downtown, Singapore for allowing
tion by AC, increasing indoor thermal comfort and reducing indoor
the access to each respective building. We also acknowledge the
overheating risk in warm-humid tropical contexts.
kind permission from the Housing & Development Board (HDB)
and Tanjong Pagar Town Council to access the public housing
CRediT authorship contribution statement shown in this paper (Kampung Admiralty and Skyville@Dawson).
Finally, we acknowledge the work of Megha Jagdish Bilgi and Bha-
Juan Gamero-Salinas: Conceptualization, Methodology, Inves- vya Hemant Gandhi, former students of the NUS Master of Science,
tigation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review Integrated Sustainable Design (Msc ISD), for their collaboration
& editing, Visualization, Project administration. Nirmal Kishnani: during the measurements stage of all four studied buildings.
Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Writing - review &
editing, Supervision. Aurora Monge-Barrio: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Resources, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
Jesús López-Fidalgo: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Appendix A
review & editing. Ana Sánchez-Ostiz: Conceptualization, Method-
ology, Resources, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.

Table A1
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on Ta (Model 1).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
(Intercept) 29.801651 0.156659 – p < .001
VSR 0.229348 0.108355 0.2070185 p = .039 1.14
HFG 0.009623 0.001295 0.7243118 p < .001 1.13
OSRA 2.287618 0.790223 0.2687342 p = .005 1.02
VIF should be less than (1 / (1 - R2)) = 1 / (1 – 0.504)) = 2.016.

Table A2
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on Tmrt (Model 2).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
(Intercept) 29.578696 0.379597 – p < .001
VSR 1.003109 0.275520 0.3076479 p = .002 1.22
HDR 1.063811 0.260795 0.4442801 p < .001 2.03
GPR 1.040728 0.135513 0.7217491 p < .001 1.51
HFG 0.012785 0.003365 0.3269789 p < .001 1.27
Height 0.047975 0.014693 0.3261997 p = .002 1.71

Table A3
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on air velocity (Model 3).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
(Intercept) 1.23526 0.14145 – p < .001
HDR 0.18841 0.06698 0.2649722 p = .007 1.02
OSRP 2.18785 0.34290 0.6009868 p < .001 1.02

J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

Table A4
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on RH (Model 4).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
(Intercept) 80.014221 1.235702 – p < .001
VSR 5.643044 0.824994 0.5538095 p < .001 1.25
HDR 4.051442 0.607951 0.5414308 p < .001 1.26
HFG 0.037190 0.009932 0.3043508 p < .001 1.26
GPR 2.149662 0.401095 0.4770462 p < .001 1.51
OSRA 29.229477 5.772975 0.3733300 p < .001 1.04
VIF should be less than (1 / (1 - R2)) = (1 / (1 – 0.701)) = 3.341

Table A5
Pearson linear correlation (r) between environmental factors.

Ta Tmrt Air velocity RH

Ta – r = 0.217p = .088 r = +0.081p = .526 r = 0.425p < .001
Tmrt r = 0.217p = .088 – r = +0.531p < .001 r = 0.494p < .001
Airvelocity r = +0.081p = .526 r = +0.531p < .001 – r = 0.309p = .014
RH r = 0.425p < .001 r = 0.494p < .001 r = 0.309p = .014 –

Table A6
Pearson linear correlation (r) between thermal indices.

PMV*, 1 MET PMV*, 1.5 METs PMV*, 2 METs

SET*, 1 MET r = +0.956 p < .001 – –
SET*, 1.5 METs – r = +0.984 p < .001 –
SET*, 2 METs – – r = +0.991 p < .001

Table A7
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on SET* (Model 5a, 5b and 5c).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
SET* with 1 MET
(Intercept) 26.0363 0.3547 – p < .001
HDR 0.3789 0.1679 0.2528464 p = .028 1.02
OSRP 3.1482 0.8598 0.4103366 p < .001 1.02
SET* with 1.5 METs
(Intercept) 27.4051 0.3787 – p < .001
HDR 0.5554 0.1793 0.3076523 p = .003 1.02
OSRP 4.8695 0.9180 0.5268890 p < .001 1.02
SET* with 2 METs
(Intercept) 28.6654 0.3873 – p < .001
HDR 0.5702 0.1834 0.2962758 p = .003 1.02
OSRP 5.6427 0.9390 0.5727268 p < .001 1.02
VIF should be less than (1 / (1 - R2)) = (1 / (1 – 0.264)) = 1.359 for 1 MET; (1 / (1 – 0.422)) = 1.730 for 1.5 METs; and (1 / (1 – 0.468)) = 1.879 for 2 METs

Table A8
Multivariate regression measuring the influence of geometrical variables on PMV* (Model 6a, 6b and 6c).
Variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized Coefficient p-value (p) VIF
Coefficients Std. Error
PMV* with 1 MET
(Intercept) 0.48746 0.11730 – p < .001
HDR 0.20118 0.05554 0.3572317 p < .001 1.02
OSRP 1.43576 0.28436 0.4979781 p < .001 1.02
PMV* with 1.5 METs
(Intercept) 0.7707 0.1001 – p < .001
HDR 0.1895 0.0474 0.3672452 p < .001 1.02
OSRP 1.4665 0.2427 0.5552015 p < .001 1.02
PMV* with 2 METs
(Intercept) 1.06154 0.09789 – p < .001
HDR 0.17495 0.04635 0.3435738 p < .001 1.02
OSRP 1.51014 0.23730 0.5792715 P < .001 1.02
VIF should be less than (1 / (1 - R2)) = (1 / (1 – 0.430)) = 1.754 for 1 MET; (1 / (1 – 0.506)) = 2.022 for 1.5 METs; and (1 / (1 – 0.515)) = 2.060 for 2 METs.

J. Gamero-Salinas, N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio et al. Energy & Buildings 230 (2021) 110544

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