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"The unexamined life is not worth living.

" is one of Socrates most famous statement

which I've heard since I was a youngster and which I really do believe a hundred
percent true back then, but as of now, I realized that this statement does have a degree
of truth to it but was exaggerated because I agree that examining our decisions and
views in life and evaluating if they are correct or the proper thing to do is a vital element
of life, but I believe that was an overstatement because it looks that Socrates believes
that people who do not examine their lives should not live; the fact that we are human
beings implies that we are imperfect, and we occasionally fail to reflect on our actions.
However, this does not mean that our lives are no longer worth living since at the end of
the day, we will still learn how to fix our mistakes and making mistakes is sometimes a
necessary part of life in order to learn how to do the right thing next time.

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