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Metrologia 27, 3-10 (1990) metrologia © Springer-Verlag 1990 | this copy incorporates textual corrections detailed in Metrologia 2, | 107 4950) The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) H. Preston-Thomas resident of the Comité Consulta de Thermométtie and Vice-President ofthe Comité International des Poids et Mesures Division of Physics, National Reteatch Council of Canada, Ottara, KIA 0S} Canada Received: October 24, 1989 Introductory Note ‘The official French text of the ITS-90 is published by the BIPM as part of the Procés-verbaux of the Comité Inter- national des Poids et Mesures (CIPM). However, the English version of the text reproduced here has been au- thorized by the Comité Consultatif de Thermométrie (CCT) and approved by the CIPM. ‘The International Temperature Scale of 1990 The International Temperature Scale of 1990 was adopt- ced by the International Committee of Weights and Mea- sures at its meeting in 1989, in accordance with the re- quest embodied in Resolution 7 of the 18th General Conference of Weights and Measures of 1987. This scale supersedes the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (amended edition of 1975) and the 1976 Provi- sional 0,5 K to 30K Temperature Scale. 1. Units of Temperature ‘The unit of the fundamental physical quantity known as thermodynamic temperature, symbol 7, is the kelvin, symbol K, defined as the fraction 1/273,16 of the thermo: dynamic temperature of the triple point of water Because of the way earlier temperature scales were defined, it remains common practice to express a temper- ature in terms of its difference from 273,15K, the ice point. A thermodynamic temperature, T, expressed in this way is known as a Celsius temperature, symbol ¢, defined by: PC = T/K-27315 a) * Comptes Rendus des Seances de ia Tiezitme Conférence Géné- rale des Poids et Mesures (1967-1968), Resolutions 3 and 4 p. 104 ‘The unit of Celsius temperature is the degree Celsius, symbol °C, which is by definition equal in magnitude to the kelvin.'A difference of temperature may be expressed in kelvins or degrees Celsius. ‘The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) defines both International Kelvin Temperatures, symbol Too, and International Celsius Temperatures, symbol fo The relation between Ty, and too is the same as that between T and t, ie, fg0/"C = Tyo /K~273,15 2 The unit of the physical quantity Tyg is the Kelvin, symbol K, and the unit of the physical quantity fy is the degree Celsius, symbol °C, asi the ease forthe thermody- namic temperature T and the Celsius temperature f 2. Principles of the International ‘Temperature Seale of 1990 (ITS-90) ‘The ITS-90 extends upwards from 0,65 K to the highest temperature practicably measurable in terms of the Planck radiation law using monochromatic radiation, The ITS-90 comprises a number of ranges and sub-ranges throughout each of which temperatures Tyg are defined. Several of these ranges or sub-ranges overlap, and where such overlapping occurs, differing definitions of Ty, exist: these differing definitions have equal status. For measure- ‘ments of the very highest precision there may be detect- able numerical differences between measurements made at the same temperature but in accordance with differing, definitions. Similarly, even using one definition, at a tem- perature between defining fixed points two acceptable interpolating instruments (e.g. resistance thermometers) may give detectably differing numerical values of Toa. In virtually all cases these differences are of negligible practi- cal importance and are at the minimum level consistent with a scale of no more than reasonable complexity: for further information on this point, see “Supplementary Information for the ITS-90" (BIPM-1990). 02 7 2% ’ $ -ood- | & cod = 5 oa | L 300 ° 300~«400~—~SC«O tao/"€ ‘The ITS-90 has been constructed in such a way that, throughout its range, for any given temperature the nu- ‘merical value of Tyo is a close approximation to the nu- ‘merical value of T according to best estimates at the time the scale was adopted. By comparison with direct mea- surements of thermodynamic temperatures, measure- ments of Tyy are more easily made, are more precise and are highly reproducible. ‘There are significant numerical differences between the values of Typ and the corresponding values of Te, ‘measured on the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68), see Fig. 1 and Table 6. Similarly there were differences between the IPTS-68 and the Inter- national Practical Temperature Scale of 1948 (IPTS-48), and between the International Temperature Scale of 1948 (ITS-48) and the International Temperature Scale of 1927 (ITS-27), See the Appendix and, for more detailed infor- ‘mation, “Supplementary Information for the ITS-90”. 3. Definition of the International Temperature Seale of 1990 Between 0,65 K and 50 K Tyy is defined in terms of the vvapour-pressure temperature telations of *He and “He. Between 30K and the triple point of neon (24,5561 K) Tyo is defined by means ofa helium gas ther- mometer calibrated at three experimentally realizable temperatures having assigned numerical values (defining fixed points) and using specified interpolation procedures. Between the tiple point of equilibrium hydrogen (13,8033 K) and the freezing point of silver 961,78°O) Tyo is defined by means of platinum resistance thermometers calibrated at specified sets of defining fixed points and using specified interpolation procedures Fig. 1. The diferences (¢yy—tua) 8 @ gases function of Celsivs temperatute 59 Above the freezing point of silver (961,78°C) Ty is, defined in terms of a defining fixed point and the Planck radiation law. The defining fixed points of the ITS-90 are listed in Table 1. The effects of pressure, arising from significant depths of immersion of the sensor or from other causes, ‘on the temperature of most of these points are given in Table 2, 3.1. From 0,65 K to 5,0 K: Helium Vapour-Pressure Temperature Equations In this range Ty is defined in terms ofthe vapour pressure p of *He and “He using equations of the form: TylK = Aa 3: As (p/Pa)—BYC ® ‘The values of the constants Ay, A,, B and C are given in ‘Table 3 for *He in the range of 0,65 K to 32 K, and for Fle in the ranges 1,25.K to 2,1768 K (the 2 point) and 2,768 K to 50K. 3.2, From 3,0 K to the Triple Point of Neon (24,5561 K) Gas Thermometer In this range Tyg is defined in terms of a *He or a *He gas thermometer of the constant-volume type that has been calibrated at three temperatures. These are the triple point of neon (24,5564 K), the triple point of equilibrium hydrogen (13,8033 K), and a temperature between 3,0 K, and 5,0 K. This last temperature is determined using @ He or a “He vapour pressure thermometer as specified in Sect. 3,1 Table 1, Defining fixed points of the ITS-90 ‘Num- ‘Temperature Sub- State W; (Tyg) ber stance TroiK tye" 1 305 -2701St0 He V — 268,15 2 13,8033 2893467 eH, T0001 190 07 3 wi? 25615 oH, Vv (or fle) (or G) 4 203 w-29985 oH, (or ie) (or G) 5 24S561 249,599 eT .008 449 74 6 east “2187916 0, T —qusi 718 08 7 3088 1893402 ArT Onis 839 75, 8 43156-3884 He Tet 142 IT 9 316 oot HOT 1,000 000 00 10 3029146 79,7646 Ga M18 138 9 114207485 15659985 In F609 B01 5, 42 -S0S078 231908 Sn F882 797 68 13 @6TT 419597 Zn F568 917 30, 14 933473600323 ALF 3.376 008 45123499 96.78 ARF 4.286 420 53, 16 133733106418 AUF 7 S777 08 "All substances except *He are of natural isotopic composition, eH, is hydrogen atthe equilibrium concentration of the ortho- and para-molecuar forms ‘For complete definitions and advice on the realization of these various states, se “Supplementary Information fr the TTS-90". The symbols have the following meanings: V: vapour pressure point T: triple point (temperature at which the soli, lig and vapour ‘phases ae in equilibrium); G: gas thermometer point; M, F-melting Point, freezing point (temperature, ata pressure of 101 325, at Which the solid and liquid phases are in equliriom) ‘Table2. Eifect of pressure on the temperatures of some defining fixed points * Substance Assigned Temperature —_Vaation valuc of with pressure, p with depth, 1 equilibsiom (@7)4py conan Temperature (10-® KPa)" 10"? Kom ToIK eHydrogen (1) 13,8033 34 025 Neon (1) 24556116 19 Onyeen() 54358412 45 ‘Argon (T) 83,8058 25 3 Mercury (I) 2343156 1 waer(T) 27316 75, 073 Gallium aonsi4s —20 -12 Tngiam aosass 49 33 Tin sosos 33 22 Zine ous 43 27 Aluminiom 933473710 16 Silver 123493 60 54 Gold 133733 61 10 Copper Bent 33 26 * Equivalent to millikelvins per standard atmosphere ‘+ Equivalent to milikelvins per mete of liguid * The Reference pressure for melting and freezing points isthe standard atmosphere (p= 101 325 Pa). For tiple points (7) the pressure effect is a consequence only of the hydrostatic head of liquid in the eal 5 ‘Table 3. Values of the constants for the helium vapour preture [Bgs.(3), and the temperature range for which each equation, ieat fied by is et of constants is valid He “He “He 065K 032K 125K to 21768 K 21768 K to 50K Ay 1953 4474392 408 3146 631 A, 0980106 O27 453 1357 655 A, 0616 380 0,166 756 oats 923, 4s 0372 6920050 988 001 159 AL 0151 656.026 514 O16 348, AS 0002 263001 975 001 826 A, 0005 396 9017 976 1,00 4325 4; 0988 966 005 08 0,00 4973 a 0013 259 ° As ° o pear 56 103 c 43 28 19 5.2.1, From4,? K1o the Triple Point of Neon (24,5561 K) with “He as the Thermometric Gas. In this range Tyo is defined by the relation: Top =atbptep?, @ ‘where p is the pressure in the gas thermometer and a, 5 and c are coefficients the numerical values of which are ‘obtained from measurements made at the three defining fixed points given in Sect. 3.2, but with the further restric= tion that the lowest one of these points lies between 4,2 K and 50K. 3.2.2, From 3,0 K to the Triple Point of Neon (24,5561 K) with *He or *He as the Thermometric Gas. For a *He gas thermometer, and for a *He gas thermometer used below 4.2K, the non-ideality of the gas must be accounted for explicitly, using the appropriate second virial coefficient By (Tog) OF By (Too). In this range Tyo is defined by the relatio atbptep TFB GONV io here pis the pressure in the gas thermometer, a b and are coefficients the numerical values of which are ob- tained from measurements at thee defining temperatures as given in Sect. 3.2, N/V is the gas density with N being ‘the quantity of gas and V the volume ofthe bulb, xis 3 ‘ot 4 according to the isotope used, and the values of the second vital coeficients are given by the relations For *He, BgTaim? mol" = {16,69~33698 (Tay/K)* (6) 91,04 (Top /K)"? — 13,82 (Tao/K)~5} 10°8. Toy For “He, Bg (Tygh'm? mot”! = {16,08 374,05 (Tyo/K)~* ~~ 383,53 (Tyo/K)* + 1799,2 (Too /K) > =4033,2 (Tyo/K)"*-+3252,8 (Tyo/K)~*} 10 (6b) ‘ Tabled. The constants Ay, As; By, By Co, Cy; Dy and D, in the reference functions of equations (9a), (9b} (10a), and (0b) respec- tively Ay —213534029 By 04183324722 B,, 0.091 173 542 4, 338324720 B, 01240975303 Bi, 0001 317 696 4; ~1801 43597 B, 0.209 10871 By 0.026025 526 4, 071727204 B, 0190439972 Aq 0503-44027 By 0,142 648 498 A, —0'618 99395 8, 0.077993 465, ‘Ag —0053 32322 B o.012475 611 A; 028021362 B, ~0032267 127 Ay 00715224 B 0075 291 522 4, ~029302865 B, —0,056 470.670 Aig 04459872 Byy 0076201 285 Ay 0118 68632 By, 0,123 893 208 ‘Au, ~0052 481 34 B,, ~0,029 201 193, Go 278157258 Dy «9930854 CG 464650916 D, 472418020 013714390 D, 37.684.494 000649767 D, 7472018 Cy 00023448 D, 2920828 Cl 0005 11868 BD, 00s 184 C goors7982 D, —0963 864 C) —ooo2087 bp, —0188 732 Gy 0100046122 Dy 0,191 203, 000045724 D, a.089 025, ‘The accuracy with which Ty, can be realized using Eqs. (4) and (5) depends on the design of the gas thermometer and the gas density used. Design criteria and current good practice required to achiove a selected accuracy are given in “Supplementary Information for the ITS-90" 3.3. The Triple Point of Equilibrium Hydrogen (13,8033 K) to the Freezing Point of Silver (961,78°C): Platinum Resistance Thermometer In this range Ty is defined by means ofa platinum resis- tance thermometer calibrated at specified sets of defining fixed points, and using specified reference and deviation functions for interpolation at intervening temperatures, ‘No. single platinum resistance thermometer can provide high accuracy, or is even likely to be usable, over all ofthe temperature range 13,8033 K to 961,78°C. The choice of temperature range, or ranges, from among those listed below for which a particular thermometer can be used is normally limited by its construction, For practical details and current good practice, in pacticular concerning types of thermometer available, their acceptable operating ranges, probable accuracies, permissible leakage resistance, resistance values, and thermal treatment, soe “Supplementary Information for the ITS-90”. It is particularly important to take aecount of the appropriate heat treatments that should be fol lowed each time a platinum resistance thermometer is subjected to a temperature above about 420°C. ‘Temperatures are determined in terms of the ratio of the resistance R (Tog) at a temperature Typ and the tance R (273,16 K) at the triple point of water. This ratio, W (Too) i W (Too) = R (Too)! (273,16 K) o ‘An acceptable platinum resistance thermometer must bbe made from pure, strain-free platinum, and it must sat- isfy at least one of the following two relations: W (29,7646 °C)z 1,118 07, (Ba) W (—38,8344°C) <0,844 235, (@b) ‘An acceptable platinum resistance thermometer that is to be used up to the freezing point of silver must also satisfy the relation W (961,78°C) 24,2844 . Bo) In cach of the resistance thermometer ranges, Tyo is ‘obtained from W, (Ty) as given by the appropriate refer- ence function (Eqs.(9b) or (10b)}, and the deviation W (Tye) —W, (Tyo). At the defining fixed points this devia- tion is obtained directly from the calibration of the ther- ‘mometer: at intermediate temperatures itis obtained by ‘means of the appropriate deviation function {Eqs. (12), (13) and (14)). () — For the range 13,8033 K to 273,16 K the following reference function is defined oe af Cf316 Ket. An inverse function, equivalent to Eq.(9a) to within 0, mK, is: In 1, (Too pga Sp, | Has —00557 nonmaioK = B+ ¥ a] | er} The values of the constants Ao, Ay, By and B, are given in Table 4. A thermometer may be calibrated for use throughout this range or, using progressively fewer calibration points, for ranges with low temperature limits of 24,5561 K, 54,3584 K and 83,8058 K, all having an upper limit of 273,16 K, (i) — For the range 0°C to 961,78°C the following refer- cence function is defined: W, (Tg) = Cot EG [= . | (10a) Aninvers function, equivalent io equation (104) o with- nots mk is . W, (Too) 2,64 + 0g oiK-21.15 (100) 2 Note that this definition of (Ta) dies from the corresponding efition used in the ITS-29, 178-48, 1PTS-48, and IPTS-68: fr all of these earlier scales W(T) was defined in terms of reference {temperature of O°C, which since 1954 has itself been defined as MASK A thermometer may be calibrated for use throughout this range or, using fewer calibration points, for ranges with upper limits of 660,323°C, 419,527°C, 231,928°C, 156,5985°C or 29,7646°C, all having a lower limit of 0°C (ii) ~ A thermometer may be calibrated for use in the range 2343156 K (—38,8344°C) to 29,7646°C, the cali- bration being made at these temperatures and at the triple point of water. Both reference functions (Eqs. (9) and (10)} are required to cover this range ‘The defining fixed points and deviation functions for the various ranges are given below, and in summary form in Table 5. 334. The Triple Point of Equilibrium Hydrogen (13.8033 K) 10 the Triple Point of Water (273,16 K). ‘The thermometer is calibrated at the triple points of equi- librium hydrogen (13,8033 K), neon (24,5561 K), oxygen (64,3584 K), argon (83,8058 K), mercury (2343156 K), and water (273,16 K), and at two additional temperatures close to 17,0 K and 20,3 K. These last two may be deter- mined either: by using a gas thermometer as described in Sect.32, in which case the two temperatures must lie within the ranges 169 K to 17,1 K and 20,2 K to 20 K respectively; or by using the vapour pressure-temperature relation of equilibrium hydrogen, in which ease the two temperatures must lie within the ranges 17,025K to 17,085 K and 20,26 K to 20,28 K respectively, with the precise values being determined from Eqs. (1 a) and (11 b) respectively: Tyo/K —17,035 = (p/kPa—33,3213)/13,32 To/K—2027 = (p/kPa—101,292/30 The deviation function is: W (Tag)—W, (Tog) = a{W (Too)—1}+b[H (Tyo) 1P +3 ella Toot * (2) (tay (116) with values for the coefficients a, b and c; being obtained from measurements at the defining fixed points and with n=? For this range and for the sub-ranges 33.1.1 10 33.1.3, the required values of 1Y;(Ty,) are obtained from Eq, (9a) or from Table 1, 33.1.1. The Triple Point of Neon (24,5561 K) to the Triple Point of Water (273,16 K). The thermometer calibrated at the triple points of equilibrium hydrogen (13,8033 K), neon (24,5561 K), oxygen (54,3584 K), argon (83,8058 K), mercury (234,3156 K) and water (273,16 K), The deviation function is given by Eq, (12) with values for the coefficients a, 5, c,, c, and c, being obtained from ‘measurements at the defining fixed points and with The Triple Point of Oxygen (54,3584 K) t0 the Diple Point of Water (273,16 K). The thermometer is > ‘This deviation function {and also those of Fg. (13) and (14)} may tbe expressed in terms of Heather than W; for this procedure see “Supplementary Information for ITS-90" 7 ‘Table, Deviation functions and calibration points for platinum resistance thermometers in te various ranges in which they define Too Ranges with an upper limit of 273.16 K Se Lower Deviation funetions Calibration tion temper points sure limit (see Tablet) Tik 3B1 138033 a (T)—1) 4107 (Toq)—1P 2-9 +E alla wityo", m=? 3341 245861 Asfor334 with egney=n=0 25-9 3312 543584 Asfor 334 with 9 gaqaeanesn0, 3343 83,8058 alHY g)—1] 1 “+I (Ta) ka WT) 1 Ranges witha lower limit fC See Upper Deviation unetions Calibration tion temper. points ature init (Gee Tablet) re 33.2% 96178 aH Tag)—N+BEW (I5q)—1° 9, 12-15 +610" Uo) —10°+€16 (Tog) = W 600523") 3321 660323 As for 332 with «0 912-14 3322 419527 Asfor332 wihe=d=0 911213 3323231928 Asfor332withe=d=0 9.1112 3324 1565985 AS for332 with be=d=0 9,11 3323 27646 Asfor 332 with 9.10 Range from 234.3156 K (~38,8344°C) to 20,7646°C 333 As for 33.2 with ¢ 8-10 * Calibration points 9, 12-14 are used with d=0 for tos 600,323°C; the values ofa, 6 and e ths obtained are retained for ‘9 660,323°C, with d being determined from calioration point 15 calibrated at the triple points of oxygen (54,3584 K), argon (83,8058 K), mercury (234,3156K) and water @73,16k), ‘The deviation function is given by Fa, (12) with values for the coeflicients a, b and c, being obiained from mea- surements at the defining fixed points, with cy 0 and with n=1. 3.3.13. The Triple Point of Argon (83,8058 K) to the Triple Point of Water (273,16 K). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple points of argon (83,8058 K), mer- ccury (234,3156 K) and water (273,16 K), ‘The deviation function is W (Too) — We (Too) = a[W (Too) —1] +O[W (Too)—M] 1 W (Too) (13) ‘with the values of a and b being obtained from measure- ments at the defining fixed points. 3.3.2. From 0°C to the Freezing Point of Silver (961,78°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple 8 point of water (0,01°C), and at the freezing points of tin (231,928°O), zinc (419,527°C), aluminium (660,323°C) and silver (961,78°C). ‘The deviation function is: W/(Iyo)~ We (Tyo) = aL (Toa)—1]-+b[W (Tyo) 1}? (14) +e[W (Too) 1P +4 (W (Taq) — W (660,323 °C) For temperatures below the freezing point of aluminium 4=0, with the values of a, band c being determined from the measured deviations from W,(Tyo) at the freezing points of tn, zinc and aluminium. From the freezing point of aluminium to the freezing point of silver the above values of a, b and c are retained and the value of d is, determined from the measured deviation from W, (Th) at the freezing point of silver. For this range and for the sub-ranges 33.2 t0 33.2.5 the required values for W,(Tyo) are obtained from Eq. (10a) or from Table 1. From 0°C to the Freezing Point of Aluminiwn (660 323°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple point of water (0,01 °C), and at the freezing points of tin (231,928°C), zine (419,527°C) and aluminium (660,323 °C). The deviation function is given by Eq. (14), with the values of a, b and c being determined from measurements at the defining fixed points and with d=0. From 0°C to the Freezing Point of Zinc (419527°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple point of water (0,01 °C), and at the freezing points of tin (231,928 °C) and zine (419,527°O), ‘The deviation function is given by Eq. (14) with the values of a and b being obtained from measurements at the defining fixed points and with c: 3.3.23. From_0°C to the Freezing Point of Tin (231,928°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple point of water (0,01 °C), and atthe freezing points of indi- uum (156,5985°C) and tin (231,928 °C). ‘The deviation function is given by Eq. (14) with the values of a and b being obtained from measurements at the defining fixed points and with c=d=0. 3.3.24. From 0°C to the Freezing Point of Indium (156,5985°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple point of water (0,01 °C), and at the freezing point of indium (156,5985°C). ‘The deviation function is given by Eg, (14) with the value ofa being obtained from measurements at the defin- ing fixed points and with b=c=d=0. From 0°C to the Melting Point of Gallium (29,7646°C). The thermometer is calibrated at the triple point of water (0,01 °C), and at the melting point of galli- ‘um (29,7646°C). The deviation function is given by Eq. (14) with the value ofa being obtained from measurements at the defin- ing fixed points and with b=c=d=0. 3.3.3, The Triple Point of Mercury (—38,8344°C) to the ‘Melting Point of Gallium (29,7646°C). Te thermometer is calibrated at the triple points of mercury (—38,8344°C), and water (001°C), and at the melting point of gallium (29,7646°C) "The deviation function is given by Eq. (14) with the values of a and b being obtained from measurements at the defining fixed points and with c=d=0. The required values of W;(Tgq) are obtained from Eqs. (9a) and (10a) for measurements below and above 273,16 K respectively, or from Table 1 34, The Range Above the Freezing Point of Silver (961,78°C): Planek Radiation Law Above the freezing point of silver the temperature Toy is defined by the equation: Ly(Toa) __ eX (C24 Too) "1 Ty [Too Ol” exp (312 Teal) where Tyy (X) refers to any one of the silver {Tyo (Ag) =1234.93K), the gold (Too(Au)= 1337,33 K} or the ‘copper’ {Tyo (Cu)=1357,77 K} freezing points* and in which L,(Teo) and L,[Ty9(X)] are the spectral concen- trations ofthe radiance ofa blackbody atthe wavelength {in vacuo) A at Tyy and at Tyo(X) respectively, and ¢,=0014388 m-K. For practical details and current good practice for optical pyrometry, see “Supplementary Information for the ITS-90" (BIPM-1990). as) 4, Supplementary Information and Differences from Earlier Scales ‘The apparatus, methods and procedures that will serve to realize the ITS-90 are given in “Supplementary Informa- tion for the ITS-90”. This document also gives an account of the earlier International Temperature Seales and the numerical differences between successive scales that in- clude, where practicable, mathematical funetions for the differences Tyo — Tyg. A number of useful approximations to the ITS-90 are given in “Techniques for Approximating the ITS-90", ‘These two documents have been prepared by the Comité Consultatif de Thermométrie and are published by the BIPM; they are revised and updated periodically. ‘The differences Tyo-Tyy are shown in Fig. 1 and ‘Table 6. The number of significant figures given in Table 6 allows smooth interpolations to be made. However, the reproducibility of the IPTS-68 is, in many areas, substan- tially worse than is implied by this number. * The Tha values ofthe feezing points of silver, gold and copper are beloved fo be self comsistent to such a degree thatthe substittion ‘of any one of them in pace of one of the other two asthe reference {emperature Top (X) will not result in sgnifiant diflerences inthe measured values of Ty ‘Table 6, Differences betveen ITS-90 and EPT-76, and between ITS-90 and IPTS-68 for specified values of Ty and top Tyo~ Trak TooIK © 1 2 3 ‘4 8 9 ° 05 10 =20 20 8 9 0008-0000 = 0.08 0,008 0.006 0.006 ‘001 aon 09079007 0008 ons 0.008008 090 ao 80 0 oo aoa 0012 gor 0.00503 tof -0 90 100 ‘oor 0.008 ° 0.010 0012 toh © 0 ° 0016 0004 100 0937 0039 200 =01040 =0039 500 ope —o.046 400 = oes oor 500 0104 =412 600 02 a6 700 036 os 800 oa 003 900, =o14 08 1000 025 = 026 fof oo 300 1000 049 06 2000 Hats 1 cnt 3000 210 2a =248 * A dlacontinity inthe fist derivative of (gga) OOS ata temperalU Of fq = 630,6° which (yg —ty9)= —0425°C Appendix The International Temperature Scale of 1927 (ITS-27) ‘The International Temperature Seale of 1927 was adopted by the seventh General Conference of Weights and Measures to overcome the practical dificlties ofthe direct realization of thermodyramic ‘temperatures by gas thermometry, and as a universally acceptable replacement for the differing existing national temperature sales. ‘The ITS-27 was formulated so a to allow measurements of temper ature to be made precisely and reproducibly, with as close an ap- proximation to termodynamic temperatures as could be deter- mined at that time. Between the oxygen boiling point and the gold {rezing point it was based upon a number of reproducible termper- atures fixed points, to which nunpercal values weee assigned, and {wo standard interpolating instruments, Bach of thee interpolating instruments was calibrated at several of the fixed points, this giving the constants forthe interpolating formula in the appropriate tem perature range. A platinum resistance thermometer was ted for the ower part and a platinum chodium/platinum thermocouple for {temperatures above 660°C. For the region above the god freezing point, temperatures were defined in tems ofthe Wien radiation law: ‘m practice, this invariably resulted in the selection of an optical pyfometet as the realizing instrument. ‘The International Temperature Scale of 1948 (ITS-48) The International Temperature Scale of 1948 was adopted by the ninth General Conference. Changes from the ITS-27 wer: the low- ‘er limit of the platinum resistance thermometer range was changed from —190°C to the defined oxygen boing point of ~182,97°C, and the junction ofthe platinum resistance thermometer range and the thermocouple range became the measured antimony freezing ‘point (about 630°C) in place of 660°C; the silver Ireezing point was defined as being 960,5°C instead of 960,5°C; the gold freeing Point replaced the gold melting point (1063°C); the Planck radiae tion law replaced the Wien la; the value assigned to the second radiation constant became 1,438 x 10"? m-K in place of 1,432 40° m=; the permitted ranges forthe constants ofthe interpola- 10 tion formulae forthe standard resistance thermometer and thermo- couple were modified; the limitation on AT for optical pyrometry (4T-2310- m- K) was changed to the requirement that “visible” radiation be used The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948 (Amended Edition of 1960) (IPTS-48) ‘The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948, amended edition of 1960, was adopted by the eleventh General Conference: the tenth General Conference had already adopted the triple point fof water ae the sole point defining the kevin, the unit of thermody mic temperature. In addition to the introduction of the word tical" the modifications to the [TS-48 were: the tiple point of water, defined as being 0,01°C, replaced the melting point of ice fas the calibration point in ths region; the fteezing point of zinc, Sefined as being 419,508°C, became a preferred alternative to the ‘sulptur boing point (444,6°C) as a calibration point; the permitted ‘anges for the constants of the interpolation formulse forthe stan- ‘ard resistance thermometer and the thermocouple were further ‘modified; the restriction to “visible” radiation for optical pyrome- tay was removed. Inasmuch asthe numericel values of temperature on the [PTS- 448 were the same as on the ITS-48, the former was nota revision of| the scale of 1948 but merely an amended form of it. ‘The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68) ‘In 1968 the International Committee of Weights and Measures promulgated the Intemational Practeal Temperature Scale of 1968, hhaving been empowered to.d0 80 by the thirteenth General Confer- cence of 1967-1968. The IPTS-68 incoporated. very extensive ‘changes from the IPTS-48. These included numerical changes, de- signed to Pring it more neatly in accord with thermodynamic tem- peratures, that were sulicientl lage to be apparent fo many users. Other changes were as follows: the lower limit of the seale was extended down to 13,81 K; at even lower temperatures (0, K to 5.2K), the use of (wo helium vapour pressure seales was recom- ‘mended; six new defining fixed points were introduced ~ the triple ‘point of equilibrium hydrogen (13,81 K) an intermediate equiibri- tam hydrogen point (17,042 K), the normal boiling point of equlib- rium hydrogen (20,28 K), the boiling point of neon (27,102 K), the {ciple point of oxygen (54,361 K), and the freezing point of tin (@31,9681°C) which became a permitted alternative to the boiling point of water; the boiling point of sulphur was deleted; the values Sssigned to four fied points were changed ~ the boiling point of ‘oxygen (90,188 K), the freezing point of zinc (419,58°C), the feez- ing point of ser (961,93"C), and the freezing point of gold (4064,43°C); the interpolating formulae for the resistance ther- Imometer range became mich more complex; the value asigned (0 the second radiation constant ¢, became 14388 x10"? m-K; the ‘permitted ranges ofthe constants fr the interpolation formulae for the resistance thermometer and thermocouple were again modified The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (Amended Edition of 1975) (IPTS-68) ‘The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, amended caiton of 1975, was adopted by the fifteenth General Conference in 1975, As was the case for the IPTS-48 with respect to the TTS-48, the IPTS-68(75) introduced no numerical changes. Most of the ‘extensive extural changes were intended only to clanfy and simplify its use, More substantive changes were: the oxygen point was de- fined as the condensation point rather than the boiling point; the tale point of argon (83,798 K) was introduced as a permited ternative to the condensation point of oxygen; new values of the iotopic composition of naturally occurring neon were adopted the recommendation to use values of given bythe 1958 “Hie and 1962 Hie vapour-pressure scales was resting The 1976 Provisional 0,5 K to 30 K Temperature Scale (EPT-76) ‘The 1976 Provisional 0,5 K to 30 K Temperature Scale was into- duced to meet two important requirements: these were 10 provide ‘means of substantially reducing the errors (with respect to corre- Ssponding thermodynamic values) below 27 K that were then known 1 exist in the IPTS-68 and throughout the temperature ranges of the “He and "He vapour pressure scales of 1958 and 1962 respctive- ly, and to bridge the gap between 52 K and {3,81 K in which there had not previously been an international scale. Other objectives in ‘devising the ETP-76 were “that it should be thermodynamically ‘smooth that it should be continuous with the IPTS-68 at 27,1 K, find that ie should agree with thermodynamic temperature 7 as Closely a these two conditions allow” In contrast with the IPTS-68, fand to ensure its rapid adoption, several methods of realizing the ETP-76 were approved. These included: using @ thermodynamic {interpolation instrument and one or more of eleven asigned refer~ tence points: taking differences from the TPTS-68 above 13,81 K; taking differences from helium vapour pressure scales below SK, land aking differences from certain wellestalishod laboratory tealee, Because there was a certain "Lack of internal consistency” it ‘was admited that “slight ambiguities between realizations” might be introduced. However the advantages gained by adopting the [EPT-T6as a working sale until such time as the IPTS.68 should be revised and extended were considered to outweigh the disadvan- tages

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