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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200

Growth of pure and doped TeO2 crystals for

scintillating bolometers
I. Dafineia,, M. Diemoza, E. Longoa, Á. Péterb, I. Földvárib
INFN, Sezione di Roma e Dipartimento di Fisica, Università ‘‘La Sapienza’’; P-le Aldo Moro 2, 00185-Roma, Italy
Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Budapest, Hungary
Received 3 June 2005; received in revised form 14 July 2005; accepted 2 August 2005
Available online 22 August 2005


Double-beta decay hybrid detectors (scintillating bolometers) are prospective sensitive tools for nuclear and particle
physics investigations. For this goal, the bolometric capability of crystals should be combined with extrinsic
scintillation. Tellurium dioxide (TeO2) crystals have well established, suitable properties to be conveniently used as
bolometers. A first attempt to grow doped TeO2 crystals to increase their scintillation was performed. Preliminary room
temperature transmission and luminescence measurements showed the incorporation of different dopants in TeO2 host
r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 07.57.Kp; 29.40.Wk; 29.40.n; 23.40.s

Keywords: Tellurium dioxide; TeO2; Scintillating bolometers; Double-beta decay

1. Introduction tors or scintillators [1]. Bolometers are character-

ized by very low-energy threshold, high-energy
High-precision measuring of small energy quan- resolution, sensitivity for non-ionizing events and
tities generated by gamma particles, electrons or possibility to distinguish the types of interaction
recoiling nuclei is of high interest both in nuclear (alpha particle/electron, nuclear recoil/electron,
and particle physics. The key element in such etc.) when used in conjunction with conventional
measurements is often the use of a bolometer techniques.
instead of conventional detectors like semiconduc- Specific nuclei exhibit characteristic double-beta
decay (DBD), as 130Te, with the spectrum end
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 06 30483146; point at 2.5288 MeV. The detection of a sharp
fax: +39 06 30486119. energy peak at 2.5288 MeV would be a clear
E-mail address: (I. Dafinei). signature of a neutrinoless DBD, where all the

0168-9002/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

196 I. Dafinei et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200

energy is taken by the two decay electrons. The distorted rutile structure with asymmetric covalent
discovery of the neutrinoless DBD would be the Te–O bonds [3]. Crystals grown from TeO2
signature of the Majorana nature of neutrinos. 99.99% purity powder (melting point at 733 1C)
Tellurium dioxide (TeO2) provides a unique are colorless and highly transparent in the range of
combination of a bolometric detector with a 350 nm–5 mm. The density of grown crystals is
DBD source since the natural abundance of 6.04 g/cm3, in accordance with the density calcu-
Te is rather high (33.87%). Thus the lated from measured lattice constants: a ¼
expensive enrichment procedure typical for other 4:8088 A( and c ¼ 7:6038 A.(
elements can be avoided. The growth of scintillat- The main applications of TeO2 are related to its
ing TeO2 crystals may open the possibility to excellent acousto-optical properties. Studies on
realize a hybrid detector (scintillating bolometer) dopants and impurities in TeO2 lattice were made
able to separate events due to radioactivity in order to understand their influence on acousto-
background, thus enhancing substantially the optic properties of TeO2 crystals [4–7]. No studies
sensitivity to a neutrinoless double-beta decay on luminescence or scintillation properties of TeO2
measurement. were found in the literature.
Although luminescence measurements on TeO2 As a general rule for selecting the activator for
crystals are not reported in the literature, a an extrinsic scintillator, two criteria should be
scintillation signal in a TeO2 bolometer operated taken into consideration: luminescence properties
at 20 mK was put in evidence [2]. The measured of the free ion and its incorporation to the host
light yield was quite low (0.67% that of BGO), lattice. In the particular case of possible DBD
rather marginal to separate between alpha parti- application supplementary constraints are im-
cles and gamma photons at energies close to the posed by the fact that only dopants having stable
expected Qbb(130Te) level (2.5 MeV). There is no isotopes are acceptable because of the request of
indication on the spectrum or on the decay extremely low–radioactivity background condi-
characteristics of this scintillation. The emission tions of such experiments. Moreover, the incor-
should be situated in the transparency range of the poration of uneven ions in the TeO2 lattice is to be
crystal (350–1600 nm), and the decay time in the avoided because of the possible problems encoun-
order of a few milliseconds. The spectral limits tered when cooling paramagnetic materials at very
given above are defined by the TeO2 absorption low temperatures (the working temperature of
edge and the nature of the optical detector (Ge DBD bolometers is of the order of 10 mK). On the
photo-detector). The luminescence may be of other hand, TeO2 scintillation-bolometer synthesis
excitonic nature or produced by a defect, for for DBD application is somehow simplified by the
example V5 O (oxygen vacancy with one trapped fact that practically no restriction is to be imposed
electron). Whatever the nature of this scintillation, on the emission spectrum and/or on the decay time
a larger light output would be welcome for an of the activator ion. The limitation of the
improved discrimination power on particles. This scintillation spectrum comes only from the host
can be done only by doping the TeO2 crystal with lattice transmission spectrum and the relatively
an activator. The present work gives the results of high values of TeO2 refractive indices (no: 2.4–2.2;
the first attempt to grow doped TeO2 crystals as ne: 2.6–2.4 in the 400–1000 nm spectral region) [8].
potential scintillating material to be used in DBD Possible activators for a TeO2 scintillator will
experiments. therefore be ions having emission peaks in the
l4400 nm spectral region for a best possible light
2. TeO2 general properties and guidelines for the For the selection of Te4+–substituting dopant,
synthesis of a TeO2 extrinsic scintillator ionic radius, oxidation number, coordination
number, type of outer atomic shell, electro-
Paratellurite (a-TeO2) crystal belongs to the negativity and chemical hardness of II–VI ions of
tetragonal space group D44 (P41212) having a all elements should be taken into account. Table 1

I. Dafinei et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200 197

Table 1
Search for Te substituent in TeO2 lattice

Atom Atom Electron config. Oxi. no. Coord. no. IonicR (Å) Free ion emission Stable Dev. ionR
no. of element range (nm) isot. (%) (%)

Fe 26 [Ar] 3d6 4s2 2 4 0.64 100.000 3.0

Pb 82 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2 2 4 0.64 98.600 3.0
Pd 46 [Kr] 4d9 5s1 2 4 0.64 100.000 3.0
V 23 [Ar] 3d3 4s2 3 6 0.64 99.750 3.0
Nb 41 [Kr] 4d4 5s1 5 6 0.64 100.000 3.0
Ta 73 [Xe] 4f14 5d3 6s2 5 6 0.64 99.988 3.0
Fe 26 [Ar] 3d6 4s2 3 6 0.645 100.000 2.3
Mn 25 [Ar] 3d5 4s2 3 6 0.645 202–627 100.000 2.3
Co 27 [Ar] 3d7 4s2 2 6 0.65 100.000 1.5
Pb 82 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2 4 4 0.65 98.600 1.5
Mo 42 [Kr] 4d5 5s1 4 6 0.65 75.530 1.5
Mo 42 [Kr] 4d5 5s1 5 4 0.65 75.530 1.5
Mg 12 [Ne] 3s2 2 5 0.66 200–9900 100.000 0.0
Mn 25 [Ar] 3d5 4s2 2 6 0.66 204–350 100.000 0.0
Te 52 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p4 4 4 0.66 33.606 0.0
Zr 40 [Kr] 4d10 5s1 4 5 0.66 479–634 97.200 0.0
W 74 [Xe] 4f14 5d4 6s2 4 6 0.66 55.440 0.0
Rh 45 [Kr] 4d8 5s1 3 6 0.665 100.000 0.8
Mn 25 [Ar] 3d5 4s2 2 4 0.67 204–350 100.000 1.5
Co 27 [Ar] 3d7 4s2 2 5 0.67 100.000 1.5
Ag 47 [Kr] 4d10 5s1 3 4 0.67 100.000 1.5
Ti 22 [Ar] 3d2 4s2 3 6 0.67 100.000 1.5
Au 79 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1 3 4 0.68 100.000 3.0
Ir 77 [Xe] 4f14 5d7 6s2 3 6 0.68 100.000 3.0
Ru 44 [Kr] 4d7 5s1 3 6 0.68 100.000 3.0
Ru 44 [Kr] 4d7 5s1 3 6 0.68 100.000 3.0
Nb 41 [Kr] 4d4 5s1 4 6 0.68 203–225 100.000 3.0
Ta 73 [Xe] 4f14 5d3 6s2 4 6 0.68 99.988 3.0

Free ion emission range is given only in the rows corresponding to the four selected elements (bold characters).

gives the list of possible Te4+ substitutes in TeO2 3. Experimental results and discussion
lattice within 3% ionic radius compatibility. The
isotopes stability and free ion emission spectrum 3.1. Crystal growth and samples preparation
criteria reduce further the list to four possible
elements (Mg, Mn, Nb, Zr), evidenced in Table 1 Paratellurite crystals were grown by the balance
with bold characters. Zirconium was chosen in controlled Czochralski method. The description of
spite of its potential radioactivity given by 96Zr the growth apparatus is given in Ref. [9]. A
isotope, which is double-beta active with a half-life resistance heating, open-air furnace was employed.
of 3.9  1019 years. Taking into account the low For the growth, 6N purity TeO2 was used.
doping concentration (103 in the melt), the Tellurium oxide raw material was synthesized by
segregation coefficient (o101) and the 2.8% a conventional chemical method starting from 5N
abundance of 96Zr isotope, the presence of Zr in purity Te metal (Asarco Company) in the Re-
TeO2 crystals may give beta events approximately search Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics
104 times less than Te, which may be considered a (Budapest, Hungary). Crystals were grown from a
marginal effect in this phase of the study. Pt crucible of 46 mm diameter, using 180–220 g

198 I. Dafinei et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200

charge of TeO2. Mg, Mn, Nb and Zr dopant were

added to the raw material powder in oxide form
and 104–103 mol/mol concentrations. Crystals
were pulled along the /1 1 0S direction, in sizes of
22 mm diameter and about 55–65 mm length. For
the measurements, samples were cut with a
diamond saw and X-ray oriented with a precision
better than 0.51. Polished surfaces were prepared
by a standard method using SiC for grinding and
AB Alpha Alumina (Buehler Linde A 0.3 m) for
polishing. Special care was taken to avoid nuclea- Fig. 1. 104 mol/mol ZrO2 doped TeO2 crystal: (a) as grown
tion of cracks at sample edges along (1 0 0) and boule, (b) (1 1 0) slice cut from the bottom with spiral
morphology of the dopant rich solute entrapment.
(0 1 0) TeO2 cleavage planes.
Paratellurite (TeO2) structure, especially the
asymmetric covalent Te–O bonds, limits the
substitutional incorporation of the dopants to observed (Fig. 1a). The breakdown of the interface
extremely low, and results in very low segregation stability appeared nearly at the same length of the
coefficients (k102). In order to avoid constitu- pulled out boules both for 104 and 103 mol/mol
tional supercooling, doped crystals have to be dopant concentration. The occurrence of the
grown under high thermal gradient with growth constitutional supercooling at a critical melt level
conditions similar to that of the high-temperature in the crucible indicates the appearance of
solutions growth. Otherwise the rejected solute convective instability rather than the dopant
decreases the freezing point of the melt and the concentration in the melt exceeds the solid
instable growth conditions disintegrate the growth solubility limit in the matrix. The spiral morphol-
interface. Tellurium dioxide has rather high vapor ogy of the dopant rich solute entrapment corre-
pressure above the melting point. The high lates with a forced upward hydrodynamic flow in
temperature gradient at the solid–liquid interface the melt towards the crystal interface (Fig. 1b).
inevitably means high temperature gradient across High temperature gradients at the solid–liquid
the gaseous–liquid interface and can cause large interface are sources of stress. During the growth,
gaseous convection. To avoid the incorporation of as the crystal is cooled down, the heat transfer
the gas bubbles to the crystals the control of the mechanism changes from predominantly radiative
liquid convection is important. Previous studies to conductive. With the alteration of isotherms
[10] have shown that for the growth of bubble free from planar to non-planar, hoop stresses are
TeO2 crystals, a near flat, shallow concave shape created in the crystal, especially at the top of the
of the solid–liquid interface is optimal. cylindrical area. Above 400 1C [11], in the elasticity
In our experimental set-up the crystals were range these stresses promote the formation of
grown under 15–20 1C/cm axial gradient with dislocations, below it to brittle fracture.
0.65–0.70 mm/h pulling rate. At the constant Due to the very low segregation coefficients, the
22 mm diameter part of the crystal with seed built-in concentration of any dopant in TeO2 is
rotation adjusted in the range of 26–28 rpm, a near often below the limit for chemical analysis [12,13].
flat growth interface could be maintained. Starting Till the present, only a few ions like Fe or Cr were
from 180 g charge of TeO2, crack and bubble free apt to incorporate to the TeO2 crystal with
crystal could be grown for all of the dopants, used concentration high enough for direct spectroscopic
with a yield of 50–67 wt% (length of 35–40 mm). investigations [4,5]. The main purpose of the
All the pure and doped crystals were colorless. present work was to find the way of growing
Pulling out more than 60–65 wt%, in the bottom doped TeO2 crystals to be further studied as
part of the crystals the full sequence of transition potential scintillating bolometers for double-beta
from smooth interface to a cellular form can be decay experiments.

I. Dafinei et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200 199

3.2. Optical transmission measurements with the perturbation of the lowest energy host
excitons by dopants. Fig. 2a shows the absorption
Optical absorption spectra were measured on spectra of the undoped and Mg, Mn, Nb and Zr
2–10 mm thick slices by a JASCO V550 spectro- doped TeO2 crystals. A slight shift of the cut-off
meter with a resolution of 1 nm. All spectra were edge position and a well-observable increase of
recorded at 300 K, with incident light propagating absorption were recorded in the lower part of the
parallel to the /0 0 1S optical axis of the crystal. spectra. The most dominant change was detected
Even if the given impurity shows no distinct for niobium doping where, as shown in Fig. 2b the
absorption bands in the transparency range of the concentration dependence could also be followed
crystal, optical absorption gives information on on the spectra. The impact of Zr doping on the
the incorporation since the slope of the short absorption even at concentrations of 103 mol in
wavelength absorption edge of the oxide crystals is
very sensitive to impurities. This is mainly related
1.5 λemiss=420nm

Nb10-3 TeO2:Nb
Intensity (a.u.) 0.21
Mn10-4 TeO2
Abs.coeff. (cm-1)

1.0 TeO2:Zr

Zr10-3 0.5

undoped 0.11

Mg3x10-4 320 340 360 380


0.0 250 300 350 400
340 360 380 400 420 (a) wavelength (nm)
(a) wavelength (nm) 1
1.5 λexcit=330nm

Nb 10-3
Intensity (a.u.)
Abs.coeff. (cm-1)

Nb 10-4


0.0 350 400 450 500 550
340 360 380 400 420 (b) wavelength (nm)
(b) wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. Room temperature photoluminescence spectra of pure
Fig. 2. (a) Absorption spectra of undoped, Mg, Mn, Nb and Zr and doped TeO2 samples. (a) Excitation spectra for 420 nm
doped TeO2 cystals. (b) Absorption spectra of undoped, 104 emission (320–380 nm wavelength region enlarged in the inset)
and 103 mol/mol Nb doped TeO2 cystals. and (b) emission spectra for 330 nm excitation.

200 I. Dafinei et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 554 (2005) 195–200

the melt was low and the role of Mg was within the In spite of the generally accepted difficulties,
measuring error. doped TeO2 crystals were successfully grown at the
Research Institute for Solid State Physics and
3.3. Photoluminescence measurements Optics (Budapest, Hungary). The incorporation of
Mg, Mn, Nb and Zr dopants is demonstrated
Photoluminescence spectra were measured at through optical absorption and photolumines-
room temperature using a Perkin Elmer LS55 cence measurements performed at room tempera-
Luminance Spectrometer on 10  10  1 mm3 ture. The successful doping of TeO2 crystals with
slices having the major faces (1 1 0) oriented and potential scintillation activators is a guarantee for
optically polished. Samples were positioned with the improvement of light yield at low temperatures
one of the major faces at grazing geometry with where the thermal quenching of the light yield
respect to the excitation beam. disappears. X-ray excited luminescence measure-
Excitation and emission spectra are given in Fig. ments are on the way for a precise evaluation of
3. No distinct emission spectra corresponding to low-temperature light yield improvement in doped
doping ions are present over the whole 300–2000 nm TeO2 crystals.
measured emission range. The absence of dopant-
related emission may be due to the presence of
nonradiative processes with a quenching effect upon Acknowledgements
luminescence noticed at room temperature also for
other oxide crystals. The measured spectra with Dr. Etiennette Auffray (CERN, Genève Swit-
emission peaked around 420 nm are most probably zerland) is deeply acknowledged for kindly offer-
of excitonic nature. The emission spectrum given by ing the possibility to make the photoluminescence
undoped samples is perturbed by dopant ion measurements presented in this work.
presence, the strongest effect being noticed for Mg
doped samples while Zr doped samples give
practically the same spectra as undoped ones. Low- References
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