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A. Name of the Enterprise


B. Types of Business Ownership


C. Business Location

38 Concepcion Governor Pascual Ave., Malabon City

D. Project Objectives


The ATEAPICAL firm vision is to be a prominent tea

business around the whole wide nation where excellence and

prime is procured. In which the universal objective is to be

preeminent of its food, beverages and services and to be

pertained as a part of the fast changing world.


The ATEAPICAL firm has specific objectives to retain long-

term high standards of food, beverages and services where

the enterprise apposition is acquired. In which the specific

purpose is to practice satisfactory towards the inclusive

business as being a part of a fast changing world.

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E. Feasibility Criteria

1. The business enterprise has a unique strategy that will

give beneficiaries a competitive advantage.

2. It provides a sufficient demand to support industry.

3. Physical Facility will be designed and a good location has

been found

4. The business hiring strategy has been formulated and

qualified workers are available.

5. Realistic Capital Budget estimates will be developed to

cover all startup cost.

6. Detailed Marketing plan will attract customers to meet

revenues projections

7. Having adequate financial resources to cover all the cost

of this venture.


1. Brief History of the Project

ATEAPICAL is tea business that is inspired by the

various tea businesses in the community. It is consolidated

by several aspiring entrepreneurs that have common

objectives. The business’s name ATEAPICAL is came up from

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the word “atypical” which means not typical, not common and

not usual because the enterprise offers a unique, distinctive

and different manner of serving food, beverages and services.

It will build to have a diverse experience while drinking tea.

2. Project Timetable



Presentation of

the feasibility

study to the


Discussion of

the capital


License to

operate and

permits from

SEC, locality

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and BIR.

with the offices

for the possible


with the owner

of the office

Posting of job

Acquisition of




Furniture and

Presentation of

the project to

the target

Start of


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3. Nature of the Business

ATEAPICAL is a tea shop business which can be used

as a manufacturer and a distributer.

This ATEAPICAL shop is a place where is offer in all

individuals like professionals, students and or maybe

anyone else.

ATEAPICAL produces unique and different taste and

flavor of a tea that can be used as the stress reliever of an

individual especially for those students which are near in

this shop. This shop targets the customer who have the

potential especially for those who are addicted in tea and

looking for place that helps them to retain a peace of mind

that can avail and afford the tea that was been served.

4. Mode of Financing

The business enterprise is needed to look at startup costs

for the ATEAPICAL. This can cost between PhP500, 000

and P1, 000, 000.

Budgeted for startup is as follows:

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 Build out space = PhP120,000

 Required Starting Cash Balance= PhP300,000

 Initial Inventory= PhP200,000

 Equipment= PhP80, 000

 Furniture= PhP45, 000

This is a low end estimated at PhP745, 000.

1. Total Investment Cost

The business has to enter where they intend to get

P745, 000 in funding. They split up between a P200,

000 bank loans and a P55, 000 owner investment with

a total investment cost of P1, 000,000



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Nowadays, people requisite significant in which they

can do a lot. It’s a form of demand that encourage them to

practice multi activities. It is such an atypical environment that

allows them to work on flexibly.

The proprietor’s proficiencies are allowed by the

enterprise to see things differently. It empowers their

leadership that can be applied into managerial purposes.

However, persons who are granted on an ownership can also

generate a skillful, creative, appropriate and relevant way of

accreting a successful business firm and progressed business

competency. Consequently, the business itself will provide an

enhancement for the founder’s conceiting long-term objectives.

Business employees, personnel, staffs and other

human resources are also altered by the business through a

persistent effective working. It will enhance the employee’s

linkage skills through serving and interacting with customers

and other employees as well. The business will help its labor to

embrace new working techniques that will enable them to

execute higher extent of working and performance. Moreover,

its people are assured that the business would always give them

a fair right that their distinction of work is demonstrable to their

skills and recognition that is given and not earned.

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Entire community and state which is the business’s

opportunities are also one of the enterprise beneficiaries. The

business will pledge the community in having a productive way

of serving people and a gradual growth contribution. The

business firm believes that it can dispense betterment towards

the community as specified as causal of diminishing

unemployed, generate a competitive community, and a

community that can also dispense to its people’s necessities.

The business is significant to our government in which

the business adheres to the state’s imposition. The tax that is

imposed would be collected and used by the government to raise

projects that helps the community entirely. Business is accorded

too into taxation’s principle and defray proportionate and not

exempted. The business is cleaved that the standard taxations

would effectively use in all taxation’s purposes.

For the customers, they will be satisfied to the food

and beverages that the business will offer. The enterprise will

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pledge them in having a good quality of service and food. It will

also assure a fair and equal treatment in terms of acknowledging

customer’s rights. Furthermore, the customers are secured by the

business that they will receive a better taste, health, safety,

security and protection.

As proponents to this, it will allow us to have an in-

depth knowledge about business, learn how to be familiarized

to the different things it may offers and be freed from any

uncertainties about business. It will also elevate our mental

abilities by letting us to be engaged in this kind of imperative

work. We believe that this work will supports an aid for us to see

things in future in light but not easy.


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In our company employees shall be on working for a

period of six (6) months starting on their first day of work with

the firm. During their probationary employment, they will be

working with us on a trial basis to determine their fitness for

regularization. Their conversion to permanent status shall be

primarily conditioned and dependent upon their satisfactory

service and performance of the work assigned to them and it is

within the exclusive discretion of the business to determine

whether or not such service is satisfactorily performed and on

your having successfully passed / complied with our established

standards for regularization. Dependability, trustworthiness,

efficiency, initiative, attitude towards work/ the public/ business,

its officers and co-employees, cooperation, client response,

judgment, punctuality, quality/ quantity of work, educability,

articulateness and professionalism this are the standards that

you need meet for you to be a regular employee. The business

has the rights to terminate their probationary employment, even

prior to the expiration of your probationary period, for any of the

just and authorized causes provided by existing law or for your

having failed to satisfactorily meet and comply with the above-

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mentioned standards, conditions and requirements. You are

required to comply with the all existing rules, regulations and

policies of the Company as well as those which may hereafter be

issued, including but not limited to those governing order and

discipline, honesty, safety and security, work assignments and

standard operating procedures, use of business properties and

access to matters of confidentiality, and such other rules deemed

necessary in the conduct of our business.


The benefits that each employee equally receives are

based on the performance during their work if it is satisfactorily

acquired by the customers and by the business. One benefit they

can receive from employer is the plan supplemental workers

compensation where the employee earns recognition, bonuses

and other additional employee’s advantages. They can also

benefited by time off, medical, leave vacation, parenting leave

work, free snacks, program job training professional and days

paid. It is only obtain by the employees if these benefits will not

affect the entire operation of the business


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The salaries and wages of the employees of the

enterprise will be collected on every half and end of the month.

The amount of their salary is dependent on the number of days

they’ve worked. Salaries are possible to be deducted by the

enterprise if the employees are committed for any minor

penalties, utility’s damages and other penalties. The business

assures its employees that the amount of pay to be collected are

based on time and days of working and can be extend if another

time of work is consumed. The firm has established wages that

the labor can earn at least minimum wage of PhP. 512.00.

Furthermore, other expenses would be recorded for further

reliable financial statuses.


ATEAPICAL firm is a form of business corporation,

that owns by a shareholders. A corporation can have an

unlimited amount of shareholders, also the varying degree of

interest in the decisions of the business; some shareholders play

a more active role in overseeing who is elected to manage the

business. A shareholder doesn’t run the business or manage it in

any way. Shareholders elect who will run the business and vote

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on major business issues and the one who elect is called board

of directors, directors that carry out the vision of the Corporation

by electing the Corporate Officers, setting operation policies,

expanding the business and authorizing financial decisions. The

Board of Directors doesn’t have a minimum or maximum size;

this will depend on the size of your business. But a corporation

of our business didn’t function without the help of the selected

managers and officers of a company. And obviously ateapical

shop didn’t work without the help and strength of every staffs or

workers in the business. The main target investors of our firm is

the bank loans because as a starting business in the business

industry , we as a new entrepreneurs we much prefer to have an

investment with the help of bank loans as our source of capital in

making a successful tea shop corporation.


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An Ateapical employee must be:

1.) Honest because Ateapical wants accurate information about

their business.

2.) Flexible who can react quickly to the changing business


3.) Good communicators that can communicate clearly and

effectively in many mediums: by email, verbally, phone

messages, and with body language.

4.) Eager and willing to add to their knowledge base and skills so

that as business change, they can easily adapt because they are

interested in finding new information, and explore new ways of

doing things.

5.) Employee who can be on time, do what he were hired to do,

meet target and deadlines, and work to their best ability.

6.) Loyal employee that can represent the business the company

in public with good words.

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Owner - The one who handle and owns the business, he/

she is the one to rule the staffs and the founder of the business

that will make.

Assistant Manager - The function of the assistant

manager is to support the manager or owner in the daily

operations of the business. The one that supervise employees;

work with customers and help carry out the directives of the


Kitchen Lead/ Manager - is responsible for the overall

operations for the back of house and kitchen area of a tea

shop. Kitchen managers hire staff, purchase food and stock, and

make sure everyone is trained on proper food preparation

and kitchen safety techniques.

Market Lead - are responsible for developing,

implementing and executing strategic marketing plans for an

entire organization (or lines of business and brands within an

organization) in order to attract potential customers and retain

existing ones.

Café Lead - are responsible for recruiting and training

employees, assigning tasks, enforcing cleaning and safety

standards, conducting meetings, maintaining inventory, and

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ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

Kitchen Staff - performs lots of different functions in the

kitchen area. They ensure that dishes are clean by cleaning

cookware and other utensils used by their consumers and make

sure that the supply of cookware for food preparation is

adequate and functional.

Market Staff - is responsible for promoting and

driving the sales of a company's goods or services.

Café Staff - is primarily responsible for preparing food

items to be used in all menu items. They also responsible for

receiving inventory and verifying the orders. Assumes

responsibility for quality of products prepared and served.

Hiring Procedures

First, there will be an official application for employees.

Every applicant must pass the assessments.

After the application, there will be a screening. If their

experience and skills match our requirements. The applicants,

who will be selected, will receive a message.

Then, persons who will receive the message he will be

scheduled for training and orientation.

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Lastly, after satisfactory record checks, the person will get

the position.


The employees will only work for Ateapical during its

business operating hours only. Any time added to that, will be

considered as an over time. However, there will be a time that

their working hours during special days, and Christmas season

will be longer than the normal days but they will paid



All of the employees of Ateapical will get their salaries

every half, and end of the month. They will all get their salaries

on time, and accordingly to the hours they worked for.


GANTT chart is important because it clearly shows which

tasks are already finished. Gantt chart gives a possibility to

understand a track project progress and forecast project results

and also they help to realize problematic points and minimize

them. That’s why GANTT chart is important may a lots they can

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do. Gantt charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects.

They help you assess how long a project should take, determine

the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll

complete tasks. They're also helpful for managing the

dependencies between tasks. . GANTT chant is how you easy to

make plan and scheduling a project. GANTT chart are also a

common use to make a project management and useful ways of

showing activities.


1.) Ethics address issues such as honesty, fairness, integrity,

and respect. Everyone in the business must not say things that

are not true, and can mislead things. Also, every employee must

treat each other the way they wanted to be treated to be able to

have a good working environment for everyone.

2.) Human Resources address issues such as hiring, termination,

benefits, promotions, salary increase, and discipline. The

management must be aware of the performance of their

employees so that they can give the proper incentives to the

right persons.

3.) Customer service address issues such as employee attitude

toward customers. The management believes that all employee

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will deal with our customers. Regardless of their position

because every employee impact customer in some way.

Employees are reminded to promote the business just as they

would represent their families.

4.) Accounting deals with how the money is handled in the

company. The person who is tasked in the accounting area must

record every transaction.

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S.W.O.T. Analysis


 Quality and taste

 Youth oriented brand

 Reduction and Cost (Own Production)


 Weak brand image and lacks of strength to maintain brand


 Poor ambience and decor

 Advertising and promotion


 Fastest growing industries in Asia

 Preferred for informal meetings.

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 Opening tea bars


 Competition with established and international other coffee cafes

like Infinitea, Tea pop and other existing tea shop.

 Government policies and restrictions •Highly dependent on

external suppliers


Factors affecting the market of tea shop are when you

can't successfully operate a for-profit company without attracting

targeted customers. Knowing your ideal customer types and

developing and presenting effective marketing campaigns are

integral to building a customer base and generating revenue

streams. Your workers produce, sell or service the goods and

service that drive your business. The availability of qualified,

motivated employees for your business type is vital to economic

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success. However, other variables that really affect the market

are constant changing business conditions, variant tea types,

purchases and ingredient processing.


Our marketing strategy in our business is by making

info graphics, fliers, online account and advertisement. It is kind

of traditional and contemporary promotion which effectively

proven before. It ensures efficient way of delivering information,

facilitate retention, and helps both customers and business to

approach each other easily. This marketing technique also

empowers by the new media and information.

Starting a new business or launching a new product or

service requires detailed thought and planning. Pricing strategy

of the enterprise is depended the quality manufactured in a

certain product. Prices are attainable, reasonable, achievable

and relevant to standards given. The business pricing

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techniques still consider that its building prices will contribute to

its overall income.


 Products are sent to the C&F agents of the company from its

manufacturer unit.

 Later it flows from the manufacturing unit to distributor and

super stockiest.

 The distributor is responsible to manage the availability of

products in his area.

 Super stockiest supplies the goods to the re-distributor who is in

charge of managing the availability outside the region of


 The distributor and re-distributor, then supplies the products to

wholesaler and retail in their respective region or area.

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The diagram shows the market segmentation of the

business and its specified target consumer.


The pie graph shows the percent of the beginning

inventory of the supplies provided by the business. The required

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amount of inventories of the firm will attain after the budget

startup cost. Supply analysis is dependent on total allocated

valuation for inventory of the firm which is distributed on supply

to use and sales to be sold. Demand analysis adapts the target

customers which market segmentation discusses. In addition,

supply and demand analysis will be helpful for studying business


Beginning Inventory

TEA 35%


The edge of the business will remain ahead of the

rest because of its customer relationship management,

knowledge management and business intelligence systems; it

empowers business’s strength analysis that allows it to be more

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productive and effective. Customer relationship management is

an edge for the business so the linkage between employee and

customer is build. This advantage establishes loyal and potential

customers which are pledge by the business. This advantage

also requires high communicating skills of the employees and

good service satisfactory as well. Knowledge management and

intelligence system refers to the ability of the business to

execute plan toward internal and external conflict, it allows the

business to be more competitive when it comes to its cognitive

objectives thus the business can transcend over changing

conditions in light.




“Ateapical: Experience Transcending Mete of Tea”

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 3/4 cup water

 2 teaspoons tea leaves or tea powder

 1 1-inch (2.5cm) piece of fresh ginger, crushed

 4 green cardamoms, whole

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 Crystallized sugar

 1/4 cup warm low-fat milk


1. Set a metallic saucepan on the stove top or hob. Pour three

quarters of a cup of water into it. Allow the water to boil for a

few minutes on a low flame. Then add two teaspoons of tea

leaves or powder, continuing to boil on the same flame.

2. Add the piece of freshly crushed ginger and four green

cardamoms. Crystallized sugar can also be added, according to

your taste. Simmer

3. Add quarter cup of warmed low fat milk.

4. Pour the solution from the saucepan to the teacup with the

help of a tea strainer. Stir it.

5. Serve the Indian tea hot. Always add a natural tea leaf on the

tea before serving. (Do not add more than one, as tea leaves will

become intense in taste, which makes the tea taste bitter).


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Green teabag tea:

 Green tea bags, leaves or pearls (about one tsp. per cup of


 Hot water

 basil leaves ( 4-5 leaves)

 Honey

Lemon juice


1. Determine how many cups of green tea you would want to

make. The general guideline is one teaspoon (5 g) of green tea

leaves (or pearls) per one cup of water. This will yield one cup of

brewed tea.

2. Measure out the desired amount of green tea leaves (or

pearls) and place them in your tea strainer or sieve.

3. Fill a non-reactive pot or pan (glass or stainless steel) with

water and heat it to about 180 °F (80 °C). You can use a candy

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thermometer to watch the temperature, but if you don't have

one, then keep an eye on the water so that it doesn't boil.

4. Place the filled tea strainer or sieve into an empty mug or cup.

5. Pour the heated water into the mug, over the tea leaves.

6. Steep the tea leaves for 2 - 3 minutes but not any longer, or

else your tea will become slightly bitter.

7. Remove the tea strainer from the mug.

8. Let your tea cool down for a few moments and enjoy your

perfect cup of green tea.


 2 PG tips green tea bags

 2 liters boiling water

 2 handfuls frozen raspberries

 thinly sliced limes

 1 handful fresh basil leaves

 ice (is useful if you have it)


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1 .Steep the PG tips green tea bags in the boiling water for a

minute or two.

2 Remove the tea bags and leave the tea to cool completely

(chill until needed).

3. Serve in jugs with lime slices, basil leaves and generous

handfuls of raspberries.

Cold Brew Tea-Time Ice Cream Float

3 1/2 cups cool water

3 Lipton® Cold Brew Family Size Tea Bags

1 1/2 Tbsp. firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 the Fat Vanilla Bean Light Ice Cream


In 2-quart pitcher, pour water over tea

bags; brew 5 minutes, dunking tea bags occasionally. Remove

tea bags. Stir in brown sugar until blended. Pour tea into four

glasses and top with vanilla ice cream. Garnish, if desired, with

whipped cream and serve immediately.



 6 bags green tea

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 1 ½ c water

 2 c heavy cream

 4 egg yolks

 ¾ c granulated sugar

 ¼ t pure vanilla extract

 zest of 1 lemon

 cookies whole and crumbled


1. Have the egg and sugar mixture.

2. Steeping the tea.

3. Have the hot tea-cream mixture, ready to start tempering

the egg yolks.

4. Just starting to heat the custard, it is not yet coating the

spoon at all.

5. Now, after it’s been heated, the custard has thickened some

and is now coating the spoon.

6. Used a mixer to stir it well.

7. To break up the cookies, I just put them in a sandwich bag

and used the ice cream scoop to crush them.

8. After few minutes of arranging, you can now serve it.

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* In every serving of tea it has a free kind of cupcake.


Coffee decanters -a

vessel used to decant  or to

receive decanted  liquids; especially: an

ornamental glass bottle used for serving



Coffee machine -The boiling water flows

up into the drip area, where it is spread

out in order to drip evenly

on coffee grounds. Hot water flows

through the grounds, creating the

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wonderful coffee we all know and love,

and then finishes its journey in

the coffee pot.

P12, 900.00

Blender-a person or thing that mixes things together, in

particular an electric mixing machine used in

food preparation for liquefying, chopping, or



Electric double-headed shaking machine milk tea

shop with swing business Shaker stainless steel

wine shaker


Page | 35
Electric Semi-Automatic Tea Cup Sealer Sealing Machine Coffee Bubble

Tea Cup Sealing Sealer Machine



1. Apron - a protective or decorative garment worn over

the front of one's clothes and tied at the back.

2. Waitress Apron - a garment usually of cloth, plastic, or

leather usually tied around the waist and used to protect clothing

or adorn a costume.

3. Neck Tie - a band of decorative fabric worn around the neck,

under the collar, and tied in front to hang down the front of a

shirt or to form a small bow.

4. Vest - a sleeveless, close-fitting waist-length garment worn

over a shirt, typically having no collar and buttoning down the


5. Hair net - A hairnet, or sometimes simply a net or caul, is a

small, often elasticized, fine network over long hair to hold it in

place. It is worn to keep hair contained.

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6. Shoe (men & women) - a covering for the foot, typically

made of leather, with a sturdy sole and not reaching above the


7. Suspender - one of two supporting bands worn across

the shoulders to support trousers, skirt, or belt.

8. T- shirt - a short-sleeved casual top, generally made of

cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat.

9. Men's Roll Sleeve - Men fold their shirt sleeves to

indicate a relaxed mood, for freedom of movement or simply to

bare their arms.

10. Short Sleeve Shirt - a sleeve extending from the

shoulder to the elbow.

11. Long Sleeve - a sleeve extending from shoulder to


12. Dress Uniform - a uniform for formal wear.

13. Men and Women's Pants - is an underpants, especially

for women and children; panties.

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14. Shirt Sleeve - The state of wearing no coat, jacket, or

other outer garment over one's shirt: dined in shirtsleeves;

balmy weather that had them down to their shirtsleeves.

15. Men and Women's Casual Button down Shirt - is

having buttons fastened to the fabric on the collar of a shirt or

being conservative or traditional.

16. Woman's Skirt - a woman's outer garment fastened

around the waist and hanging down around the legs.



To become a registered local business in the

community, the enterprise must obtain the following

requirement and registration papers.

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1. Barangay Clearance – The barangay clearance is a certificate

that your business complies with the requirements of the

barangay where your business is located. To get a barangay

clearance, you may visit the barangay office where your

business is located.

2. DTI Business Name (BN) Registration Certificate – This is the

certificate of registration of your business trade name. It gives

you the power to use your registered business trade name for

business operation. It also protects your business name against

being used and registered by other business establishments.

However, take note that DTI registration only gives you the

authority to use your business trade name, but it doesn’t give

you the license to start operating your business without getting

the required licenses from other government offices, such as BIR

and Local Government Office (Mayor’s Office).

3. SEC Certificate of Registration – Corporations (stock or non-

stock) and partnerships have to secure a certificate of

incorporation or certificate of partnership with the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) to be considered as legal or

juridical entities. These certificates are also used as a

requirement for registering with the BIR, Mayor’s Office, and

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other government offices. Take note that sole proprietorship

businesses are not registered with SEC, but they are registered

with the DTI. To register with SEC, you may reach the following

SEC address and contact information.

4. Mayor’s Business Permit. Businesses have to secure a Mayor’s

Business Permit or the Local Government Office where their

business are located and operated. Requirements in obtaining a

Mayor’s Business permit vary from different cities or

municipalities. This permit is also a requirement by the BIR in

issuing a BIR certificate of registration.

5. BIR Certificate of Registration. Any business must be

registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue to comply with

the Philippine tax requirements. BIR registration will assign a

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) to the company or

business owner, will give the business authority to print its

official receipts and invoices, and registered its books of

accounts. To register with the BIR, you have to go to the BIR

office which has the jurisdiction of the place where your business

is located. 

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6. SSS Employer’s Registration. Republic Act No. 8282 or

otherwise known as the Social Security Act of 1997 requires

businesses or business owners who use the services of another

person or employees in business, trade, industry, or any

undertaking to be registered with the SSS (Social Security


7. PhilHealth Employer’s Registration. All businesses and

employers are also required to register with PhilHealth to enable

them to provide social health insurance coverage to their


8. Pag-IBIG Employer’s Registration. Employers also have to

register with the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) to

secure their Pag-IBIG Employer ID Number and to provide the

required benefits to their employees, who should be Fund



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 Go to the City Hall / Municipality where the business is located –

ask to be directed to the Business Permits and Licensing Office


 Ask for the business registration form (have it completed and

notarized) and submit your completed registration with all the

requirements listed above (except for the fire and sanitation permit,

which will be done in the next steps).

 Necessary taxes, fees and charges will then be assessed and

recommended by the licensing officer.

 Submit your completed registration application form and

assessment of fees to the receiving window of the BPLO. You’ll then

be given an acknowledgment of receipt of application.

 Go to the treasury office/cashier to pay the necessary fees.

 Once paid, proceed to the fire department with your receipt for

the request and issuance of your fire permit

 Proceed also to the health department with your receipt for the

request and issuance of your health / sanitation permit

 Depending on the number of days of processing advised by the

licensing officer, once due, return to the city hall where you filed

your application for the release of your Business / Mayor’s Permit

and other required permits and/or licenses

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The expenses for utilities is also proposed by the

business budget startup cost. Low and estimated at PhP.

80,000. The submitted allocated budget for utilities and

equipment also contains equipment depreciation expense,

appreciation expense, equipment repair and maintenance.


The firm is also an eco-friendly business that practices

good moral and conduct in proper waste disposal. The business

enterprise adhere to the government policy that it should obey

criteria of cleanliness and orderliness inside the workplace, in

the premises and in the community.


(- Rice - Bread - Fish - Meat - Green Vegetable - Root Vegetable

- Fruit - Shellfish - Brown Paper Bags - Paper Tissue - Cardboard -

Food scraps _

Non – Biodegradable

Page | 43
(- Paper Coffee Cups - Plastic Bags - Styrofoam Plates -

Styrofoam Cup - Waxed paper - Drinking Glasses - Beverage

Containers - Metal - Plastic Spoon and Fork - Plastic Plates - Plastic

Bottles – Cans) )



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The business assumes to record account receivable of PhP.

30,000, accounts payables amounting PhP. 25,000, utilities expense of

PhP. 2000, rental expense of PhP. 20,000. Selling price valuation of

Php. 150,000, expense for salaries of PhP. 30,000, owner’s personal

of PhP. 10,000 and a net income amounting PhP. 98,000.


CASH P 300,000
A/R 30,000
LAND 150,000



A/P 25,000
L/P 55,000


Page | 45

SALES P 150,000


Page | 46

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