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Wednesday Page 89: A Visit to Seri Perdana 18th August 2021

Please refer to page 89. Do this in your ESSAY book.

Dear Susi,

I am gl___(开心) that you enjo___(享受) your vis__(参观)

to the Parlia____ Hou__(国会大厦). I wa__ t__ te__

y__(想要告诉你) about my vis__(参观) to Seri Perdana with my

par___(父母). It is the offic___ ho___(官邸) of the Pri____


We reac___( 到 达 ) there in the afte___( 下 午 ). The

entr___(入门) was ama___(很棒). We were amazed by the

Wednesday Page 89: A Visit to Seri Perdana 18th August 2021
beaut____ gar____(美丽的花园) with a big fount___(喷水池).

I sto___(站) i__ fro___ o__(前面) the fou___(喷水池) and

as___( 要 求 ) m___ f___( 我 的 爸 爸 ) to ta___ so___

phot____(拍一些照片) of me.

Af___ th___( 之 后 ), we we___ t__( 去 ) a lar___

ro___(大房间) where the Pri___ Mini___(首相) mee__(见) his

gue___( 客 人 ). Then, w__ we___ t__( 我 们 去 ) anot___

ro___( 另 一 个 房 间 ) where all the Pri___ Mini___( 首 相 )’s

souve___(纪念品) and gif___(礼物) were on disp___(展览). I

was impre___( 惊 艳 ) that M_____( 墨 西 哥 ) has ma__

fri____(好多朋友) from all ov__ th_ wor___(世界各地). I

fe__(感到) so pro___(骄傲) to be a M_____(墨西哥人)!

Please re___(回复) soon. I am wai___(等着) to hear from you.


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