Sample Discursive Essay (MUET)

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In my opinion, respect is something that must be earned and in return will be given back to you. An
individual should not just automatically be given respect because of who they are, what they wear,
how old they are or even by their status in society. They should not expect the respect they ‘ deserve
‘ without actually portraying their true intentions or what people may call a human’s true nature.
However, sometimes respect can also be gained without any real reason or so. People naturally
respect a certain person without having any reason why. Different people’s views differs in every
prospect and this includes regarding respect as well.

We can easily gain respect by only being ourselves. The reason being is when we try too hard to be
‘someone’ we picture ourselves as, it does not go well as we think so. Somehow, it will be quite
obvious that an individual’s trying too hard to impress the people around them. This scenario may
cause the people to think that you may have tried to hard to express yourself when it isn’t even your
true colours.For example, trying too hard to communicate by making jokes to your colleagues even
when you are not comfortable about it. Therefore, it is righteous to show your own personality and
traits to the people around you. When these people surrounding you feel at ease, that is when you
should know that you have earned their respect for staying true to yourself. Its never too bad to be
unique in your own ways.

Moreover, I do partially agree a person must earn their own respect and that also includes when
thy have strong principles. If an individual lusts for respect, they tend to forget their own principles
and causes their colleagues or people around them to look down. It coud also be said that they just
lost the respect you seek. However, if you simply lay low and practice what you preach, people can
relate to you and slowly show you the respect you simply earned. The reason for this is because they
believe you have a strong determination to succeed in any tasks. Example, when you walk the talk to
complete harder assignment by yourself and turn it in just before the due date, of course it will be a
trigger to those who are given the same work as well. Best to say is never back down from your
words and remember to always walk the talk.

However, respect should be given. You must show your respect towards other before you earn
respect from other. If you did not show out of your respect, people will not have respect for you too.
As a result, people whose respect to someone with a base level of indifference will never respect
each other and neither of them will take the first move to respect when they meet each other.

In conclusion, everyone should can be given or to earn someone's respect. This can be said that you
can treat other on how you want to be treated.

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