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Khanna's Objective Type Questions & Answers in Chemical Engineering [for all types of competitions conducted by GATE, HT’s for admission to M.Tech., Public Undertakingsand other organisations] Om Prakash Gupta B.Tech. (Chemical Engg.) Ex DGM, HRD Bokaro Steel Plant Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) KHANNA BOOK PUBLISHING CO. (P) LTD. Gras oe ele or 40/4844, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-10002 Phone: 011-23244447-48 Mobile: +91-99109 09320 E-mail: Website: www eRe K Objective Type Questions & Answers in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Om Prakash Gupta Copyright © Khanna Book Publising Co. (P) Ltd. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser and without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above mentioned publisher of this book. ISBN: 978-93-82609-77-3 Edition: 2016 Published by: KHANNA BOOK PUBLISHING CO. (P) LTD. 4C/4344, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002 Phone: 011-23244447-48 Mobile: +91-9910909320 E-mail: Printed in india by: India Book Printers & Binders, Delhi Foreword Although this book by Sh. Om Prakash Gupta is orientd primarily for the students and young Chemical Engineers, it can be of great values to any one engaged in Chemical Engineering Profession. Inspite of Several traditional books being available, the need of a ready means of knoweldge has been long felt. Mr. Gupta has taken the trouble of filling this gap. The book's coverage is broad, the contents are well compiled, with good questions and arranged systematically. am sure, this book will be of great use. Dr. S.C. Naik Preface This book is meant for diploma students of chemical engineering and also petroleum engineering both for their academic programmes as well as for competitive examinations. This book contains 18 chapters covering the entire syllabus of diploma course in chemical engineering and petrochemical engineering. This book in its present form has been designed to serve as an encyclopedia of chemical engineering so as to be a ready reckoner apart from being useful for all types of written tests and interviews faced by chemical engineering and petrochemical engineering diploma students of the country. Since branch related subjects of petrochemical engineering are same as that of chemical engineering diploma students, so this book will be equally useful for diploma in petrochemical engineering students. All the constructive and useful suggestions for the further improvement of the book will be gladly accepted and incorporated in the future editions/reprints. — Om Prakash Gupta Contents pen ane wn 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. v7. 18. Fluid Mechanics. Stoichiometry ... Mechanical Operations.. Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) Petroleum Refinery Engineeriny Fertiliser Technology... Heat Transfer. .101 — 130 Mass Transfer.. .131 — 165 Process Control and Instrumentation... 166 — 191 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. -192 — 219 Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design... .220 — 241 Fuels and Combustion .242 — 265 Materials of Construction ..rssmnsnnennennanennennnieneen ; e266 — 285 Process Equipment Design.. .286 — 308 Chemical Engineering Economics 309 — 315 Environmental Engineering. .316 — 336 Polymer Technology. .337 — 348 Miscellaneous Questions. soe 349 — 371 Fium MECHANICS 1. A fluid is the one, which (a) cannot remain at rest under the action of shear force. continuously expands till it fills any con- tainer. is incompressible permanently resists distortion. @) © @ In an incompressible fluid, the density is (a) greatly affected by moderate changes in pressure. greatly affected only by moderate changes in temperature, not affected with moderate change in tem- perature & pressure. sensible to changes in both temperature & pressure. Potential flow is characterized by the (a) irrotational and frictionless flow. (®) irrotational and frictional flow. (©) one in which dissipation of mechanical en- ergy into heat occurs (@) formation of eddies within the stream. Newton's law of viscosity relates the (a) shear stress and velocity. (b) velocity gradient and pressure intensity. (c) shear stress and rate of angular deforma- tion in a fluid. (d) pressure gradient and rate of angular de- formation, @) © @ 8. 1. 12. With increase in the temperature, viscosity of a liquid (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (a) may increase or decrease; depends on the liquid For water, when the pressure increases, the viscosity (a) also increases (b) decreases ()_ remains constant (d) first decreases, and then increases ). For a fluid rotating at constant angular veloc- ity about vertical axis as a rigid body, the pres- sure intensity varies as the (a) square of the radial distance. (b) radial distance linearly. (c) inverse of the radial distance. (d) elevation along vertical direction. ‘The centre of pressur (a) always below the centroid of the area. (b) always above the centroid of the area. (©) a point on the line of action of the resul- tant force, at the centroid of the submerged area. @ A stream tube is that, which has. tion entirely bounded by stream lines (@) acircular (6) any convenient 5. Dimension of absolute viscosity is (c) asmall (d@) a large @ MLT* (®) MLT* velocity is independent of temperature @ MIT @ MLT ie reso en 6. Poise is converted into stoke by (a) unsteady through unchanged cro: ction, (a) multiplying with density (gm/c.c.). (b) steady through changing unchanged cross- (b) dividing by density (gm/e.c.). section. (c) Multiplying with specific gravity. (c) steady and the cross-section is changed. (d) dividing by specific gravity. 14. In turbulent flow, the 7. Dimension of kinematic viscosity. (a) fluid particles move in an orderly manner. (a) MLT™ (b) L2.T* (b) momentum transfer is on molecular seale only, () Lav @ 12.7? (c) shear stress is caused more effectively by cohesion than momentum transfer. ANSWERS 1. (@) 2 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. a) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. () 9 @ 10. (a) ll. @) 12. (b) 13. (@) 14. (d) 2 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering (d) shear stresses are generally larger than in a similar laminar flow. 15. Turbulent flow generally occurs for cases in- volving. (a) highly viscous fluid (6) very narrow passages (©) very slow motion (@) none of these 16. An ideal fluid is (a) frictionless & incompressible. () one, which obeys Newton's law of viscosity. (©) highly viscous. (d) none of these. 17. Steady flow occurs, when the (a) conditions change steadily with time. () conditions are the same at the adjacent points at any instant. conditions do not change with time at any point. (d) rate of the velocity change is constant. 18. Which of the following must be followed by the flow of a fluid (real or ideal) ? (@_ Newton's law of viscosity. (ii) Newton's second law of motion, (iii) the continuity equation. (iv) Velocity of boundary layer must be zero relative to boundary. (v) Fluid cannot penetrate a boundary. (@ 1,1, 01 (o) 11,11, V © LILV @ 1, 19. The unit of velocity head is (a) m-Kg/Sec (&) m-Kg/m? (©) mKgs/Kg @ m-Kgs/Sec 20. Bernoulli's equation describes the (a) mechanical energy balance in potential flow. () kinetic energy balance in laminar flow. (©) mechanical energy balance in turbulent flow. (d) mechanical energy balance in boundary layer. 21. The kinetic energy correction factor for veloc- ity distribution of laminar flow is () (@) 05 () 1.66 ©. @2 22. In frictional fluid flow, the quantity, P P (@) constant along a streamline. () Not constant along a streamline. 25. 26. 27. 30. a1. (©) Increased in the direction of flow. (d) None of these. . The momentum correction factor for the veloc- ity distribution of laminar flow is (a) 13 (b) 1.66 (co) 25 (d) none of these . The head loss due to sudden expansion is py ae wo Gott ge 2g. Ge () (@ 28. Be The head loss due to sudden contraction is proportional to (a) velocity (b) velocity head (©) turbulence (@)_ none of these ‘The value of critical Reynolds number for pipe flow is (a) 1300 (®) 10,000 (©) 100,000 (d)_ none of these. Reynolds number for flow of water at room temperature through 2 em dia pipe at an aver- age velocity of 5 cm/sec is around (a) 2000 () 10 (©) 100 (@) 1000 . Shear stress in a fluid flowing in a round pipe @ Oo} © varies parabolically across the cross-section. remains constant over the cross-section. is zero at the centre and varies linearly with the radius. is zero at the wall and increases linearly to the centre @ Discharge in laminar flow through a pipe varies (@) as the square of the radius. (®) inversely as the pressure drop. (©) inversely as the viscosity. (@) as the square of the diameter. Boundary layer separation is caused by the re- duction of pressure below vapour pressure. (@) reduction of pressure below vapour pressure. (b) reduction of pressure gradient to zero. (©) adverse pressure gradient. (@) reduction of boundary layer thickness to zero. ‘The friction factor for turbulent flow in a hy- draulically smooth pipe (@) depends only on Reynolds number. ANSWERS 15.(d) 16 (@) 17. (c) 18 (b) 19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (6) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. d) 28. (e) 29. (a) 380. (@)— 381. (a) Flitid Mechanics (6) does not depend on Reynolds number. (©) depends on the roughness. (@) none of these 82. For a given Reynolds number, in a hydrauli- cally smooth pipe, further smoothening.....the friction factor. (a) brings about no further reduction of (®) increases (©) decreases (d) none of these 83. Hydraulic radius is the ratio of (a) wetted perimeter to flow area. (b) flow area to wetted perimeter. (©) flow area to square of wetted perimeter. (@) square root of flow area to wetted perimeter. 84, Reynolds number is the ratio of (a) viscous forces to gravity forces. (b) inertial forces to viscous forces. (©) viscous forces to inertial forces. (d) inertial forces to gravity forces 35. Mach number is the ratio of the speed of the (a) fluid to that of the light. (6) light to that of the fluid. (©) fluid to that of the sound. (d) sound to that of the fluid. 36. Power loss in an orificemeter is venturimeter. (a) less than (©) same as (©) more than (d) data insufficient, cannot be predicted 87. The velocity profile for turbulent flow through a closed conduit is (a) logarithmic (®) parabolic (©) hyperbolic @ linear 88. For laminar flow through a closed conduit, @ V,..=2V,, @® Vi=V, © Vi. =18V,, @ V2 05v,, = 16/NRe, is valid for (a) turbulent flow (®) laminar flow through an open channel (0) steady flow (d) none of these 40. Consider two pipes of same length and diame- that in a @ fl=p @) A

f (d) data not sufficient to relate fl & 2 41, Bernoulli's equation for steady, frictionless, continuous flow states that the all sec- tions is same. (q) total pressure (®) total energy (©) velocity head (@)_ none of these 42. Drag is defined as the force exerted by the (a) fluid on the solid in a direction opposite to flow. (b) fluid on the solid in the direction of flow. (c) solid on the fluid. (@) none of these. 48, Drag co-efficient for flow past immersed body is the ratio Of oon. .to the product of velocity head and density. (a) shear stress (®) shear force (©) average drag per unit projected area (@) none of these 44, Stoke’s law is valid, when the particle Reyn- olds number is @a () >1 © <6 (d) none of these 45. Drag co-officient CD, in Stoke's law range is given by 4 a) Cy C= @ Co“ 0.079 © @ RS R= 46. At low Reyn0olds number (a) viscous forces are unimportant. (b) viscous forces control. (©) viscous forces control and inertial forces are unimportant. (@) gravity forces control. 47. At high Reynolds number (a) inertial forces control and viscous forces are unimportant. (b) viscous forces predominate. (c) imertial forces are unimportant and vis- cous forces control. ter through which water is passed at the same | _ (d) none of these. velocity. The friction factor for rough pipe is /1 | 48, Pressure drop in a packed bed for laminar flow and that for smooth pipe is 2. Pick out the cor- is piven by the ‘equation rect statement. (a) Kozney-Karman ANSWERS 32.(a) 33. (&) 34. (6) 35. @) ~—- 3B (@)-—37. (@) ~—8B. (a)_—39. (B) 40. (c) 416) 42.) 43.) «44. @) 45.) 48.) AT) 48. (a) 4 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering () Blake-Plummer (©) Leva’s (@) Hagen-Poiseulle’s 49. Pressure drop in packed bed for turbulent flow is given by the. ‘equation. (a) Kozney-Karman (6) Blake-Plummer (©) Leve’s (@) Hagen-Poiseulle’s 50. Forces acting on a particle settling in fluid AF nnn nnnne AOFERS. (a) gravitational & buoyant. (®) centrifugal & drag. (©) gravitational or centrifugal buoyant (d) external, drag & viscous, 51, Terminal velocity is (a) aconstant velocity with no acceleration. (6) a fluctuating velocity. (©) attained after moving one-half of total dis- tance, (d) none of these. 52. Dragco-efficientin hindered settlingis... that in free settling. (a) less than (6) equal to (c) not necessarily greater than (@) always greater than 53. For the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid, the slope of, CD —log NRe, plot is @ 1 ) A © 05 @ ~05 54, In continuous fluidisation (a) solids are completely entrained. (®) the pressure drop is less than that for batch fiuidisation. (©) there is no entrainment of solids. (d) velocity of the fluid is very small. 55. Pressure drop in a fluidised bed reactor is.......thatin a similar packed bed reactor. (@) less than () more than (©) same as (@) none of these 56. Ina fluidised bed reactor (a) temperature gradients are very high. (0) temperature is more or less uniform. (©) hot spots are formed. (@) segregation of the solids occurs, 57. Lower BWG means.......of the tube. (a) lower thickness (6) lower cross-section (©) outer diameter (d) inner diameter 58. Cavitation occurs in a centrifugal pump when the suction pressure is (a) less than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature. (b) greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature. (c) equal to the vapour pressure. (d) equal to the developed head. 59. Cavitation can be prevented by (a) suitably designing the pump. () maintaining the suction head sufficiently greater than the vapour pressure. (c) maintaining suction head = developed head. (@) maintaining suction head lower than the vapour pressure, 60. Priming is needed in a. pump. (a) reciprocating (b) gear (©) centrifugal @ diaphragm 61. The general relationship between speed N, head H, power P and discharge Q for a cen- trifugal pump is (@) Q* N:H®N*:P Ne (o) Q* Ne:HEN': PON () Q* N:H®N:P “Ne @ Q*N:H*EN PEN 62, ‘The maximum depth from which a centrifugal pump can draw water is (a) dependent on the speed of the pump. (b) dependent on the power of the pump. (c) 34 feet. (a) 150 feet. 68. Boilerfeed waterpumpisusually a pump. (@) reciprocating (©) multistage centrifugal 64, Plunger pumps are used for (a) Higher pressure (b) (®) gear (@) diaphragm (©) viscous mass (d)_ none of these 65. Molten soap mass is transported by a pump. (@) diaphragm (b) reciprocating (© gear @ centrifugal 66. To handle smaller quantity of fluid at higher discharge pressure, USe @ .......0PUMD. (a) reciprocating (®) centrifugal (©) volute (d) rotary vacuum 67. The actual velocity at vena-contracta for flow through an orifice from a reservoir is given by ANSWERS 49. (b) 59. (6) 50. (c) 60. (0) 51. (@) 52d) 53. (b) BA. 61. (a) 62.(c) 63. (c) 64, (@) 55. (b) (a) 65. (@) 56. () 66. (a) 57.) 58. (a) 67. (a) Flitid Mechanics 5 (@) Cv.2gh @ Cd.\2ght 68, The fluid jet discharging from a 2” diameter orifice has a diameter of 1.75” at its vena con- tracta. The co-efficient of contraction is @) Ce.f2git @) Cvla @ 13 (®) 0.766 (© 0.87 (@)_ none of these 69. The discharge through a V-notch weir varies as @ He @) He © He @ 70. The discharge through a rectangular weir var- ies as @ He @) He © He @ He 71. Baffles in mixing tanks are provided to (a) reduce swirling and vortex formation. () increase the structural strength of tank. (©) aid in rotational flow. (@) none of these 72, Froude number is the ratio of (a) shear stress to gravitational stress. (b) drag stress to shear stress. (©) inertial stress to shear stress. (@) inertial stress to gravitational stress 78. Most commonly use joint in the underground pipe lines is the (a) sleeve joint (®) coupling (©) flange (@) expansion joint, 74, The valve used for very remote and accurate control of fltid i$ @....0.n0nevalve, (a) needle (®) globe (© gate @ butterfly 75. Check valves are used (@) at high pressure. (o) in bends. (©) for controlling water flow. (@) for unidirectional flow. 76. Which of the following facilitates close control of flow of fluids? (@) Gate valve (®) Globe valve (©) Butterfly valve (@) Check valve 77. The valve commonly used in pipes larger than 2? dia isa (a) globe valve (®) plug-cock (©) gate valve (@ check valve 78. A.2” gate valve fitted in a pipe is replaced by a similar globe valve. Pressure drop in gate valve was Ap. For the same discharge, the pressure drop across globe valve is (@) op ()

Ap (@) ope 79. Function of air vessel provided in a reciprocat- ing pump is to (a) reduce discharge fluctuation. (b) reduce the danger of cavitation. (c) avoid the necessity of priming. (d) increase the pump efficiency. 80. Head developed by a centrifugal pump de- pends on its (a) speed (®) impeller diameter (©) both (a) and (6) (d) neither (a) nor (6) 81. The head loss in turbulent flow in a pipe varies (a) as velocity (b) as (velocity)® (c) inversely as the square of diameter (d) inversely as the velocity 82. One dimensional flow implies (a) flow in a straight line. (b) steady uniform flow. () unsteady uniform flow. (d) a flow which does not account for changes in transverse direction. 83. In case of centrifugal fan or blower, the gas ca- pacity varies as (a) speed (©) (speed? 84, The continuity equation (a) relates mass flow rate along a stream tube. (b) relates work and energy. (c)_ stipulates that Newton’s second law of motion must be satisfied at every point in the fluid (a) none of these. 85. Foot valves are provided in the suction line of a centrifugal pump to (a) avoid priming every time we start the pump. (b) remove the contaminant present in liquid, (c) minimise the fluctuation in discharge (a) control the liquid discharge. 86. Differential manometer measures the (a) atmospheric pressure. (b) sub-atmospheric pressure. (c) pressure difference between two points. (a) none of these. 87. Velocity distribution for flow between two fixed parallel plates (®) (speed)? (d) (speed)® ANSWERS 68.(b) 69. (c) 70. (d) Tila) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (@)— 76, (B) TT. (ec) 78.(c) 79. (a) 80. (c) 81.(6) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (a)_—-86. (c)_ 87. (a)

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