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Programming I
Compiled by:

Mary Ann B. Taduyo

Learning Outcome
 Define the basic flowcharting techniques and
use them in the development of program
 Construct flowcharts to express algorithm
 Describe and understand the flowchart
Program Design Tools:
 Flowchart is a diagram which visually
presents the flow of data through processing

 Algorithms are nothing but sequence of steps

for solving problems..
Program Design Tools:
 A flowchart, will describe the operations (and
in what sequence) are required to solve a
given problem.
Flowchart Symbols
 Terminal,
 Process,
 Input/Output,
 Decision,
 Connector and
 Predefined Process.
Flowchart Symbols
Flowcharting Symbols
Input/Output Parallelogram

• It represents an instruction to an input or an output


Process Rectangle

• This symbol is used to represent a group of

program instructions that perform a processing
function of the program
Flowcharting Symbols

Decision Diamond

• It denotes a point in the program where more

than one path can be taken.
Flowcharting Symbols

• This symbols used to represent an

instruction or group in instructions that will
alter, or modify a program’s course of
Flowcharting Symbols
Start/Stop Oval

• It is used to designated the beginning and the

end of a program, or a point of interruptions.


• This is a nonprocessing symbols which is used to

connect one part of a flowchart to another without
drawing flow lines
Flowcharting Symbols


• Used to show the direction of processing or

data flow.
Flowcharting Symbols

Vertical Lines

• It is used to show reading order or sequence

in which flowchart symbols are to be read.
Flowchart Symbols
Input/Output Start/Stop

Flow Lines

Flow Direction
Preparation Indicators
General Rules for flowcharting
1. All boxes of the flowchart are connected with
2. Flowchart symbols have an entry point on the
top of the symbol with no other entry points. The
exit point for all flowchart symbols is on the
bottom except for the Decision symbol.
General Rules for flowcharting
3. The Decision symbol has two exit points
4. Generally, a flowchart will flow from top to bottom.
However, an upward flow can be shown as long as
it does not exceed 3 symbols.
General Rules for flowcharting
5. Connectors are used to connect breaks in the
Examples are:
• From one page to another page.
• From the bottom of the page to the top of
the same page.
• An upward flow of more than 3 symbols
General Rules for flowcharting
6. Subroutines and Interrupt programs have their
own and independent flowcharts.
7. All flow charts start with a Terminal or Predefined
8. All flowcharts end with a terminal or a contentious
Examples of
Flowchart – sequential type

Problem 1:
Find the area of circle of
radius (r).
Flowchart – sequential type
Problem 1: Find the area of circle of radius (r).

Read r

Area = Pi * R * R

Print Area

Flowchart – sequential type

Problem 2:
Convert temperature
Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C)
Flowchart – sequential type
Problem 2: Convert temperature Fahrenheit (F) to
Celsius (c).
Flowchart – sequential type

Problem 3:
Flowchart for an
algorithm which gets two
numbers and prints sum of
their value
Flowchart – sequential type
Problem 3: Flowchart for an algorithm which gets two numbers and

prints sum of their value. Start

Read A, B

SUM = A + B

Print SUM

Be Ready for Guided
Exercises in Flowcharting
Guided Exercises 3

1. Given the three numbers A, B, C. Draw a

flowchart to compute and print out the sum, the
average, and the product of these values.

2. Write an algorithm that will input the value of

money in Peso denomination and output its
equivalent in Dollars.
Conversion factor: 1 dollar = 49.59 peso.
Thank you and Happy
Day Everyone

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