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International University – Vietnam National University

School of Business Administration


Topic: Young people's perceptions of “thả thính”

Course: Business research method

Lecturer: Dr. Bui Quang Thong


Nguyễn Kim Khuyên BABAIU17163

Phạm Thị Ngọc Khuê BABAIU17075

Nguyễn Hoàng Kim Thy   BABAIU17155

Nguyễn Minh Nguyệt        BABAWE18231

Cao Vũ Thùy Giang           BABAWE16354

Tạ Đông Đông                    BABAWE17357

Nguyễn Phạm Xuân Thủy  BABAWE18292


Research question 1: How do people define “tha thinh”?

“Tha thinh” is the Vietnamese phrase which has become a hot trend in current years. In the
traditional meaning, “Thính” is a kind of familiar spice that is used to add for cooking in
Vietnam. The main ingredients for “thính” are rice, sesame or corn, fragrant, then grind to
smooth. "Thính" has a very attractive aroma, so people often use it as bait for fishing or to
beat shrimp. "tha thinh" is the act of releasing "thính" down to lure fish to come in the fishing
lakes or fishing boats, shrimp. "Thính" is different from bait, "thính" is to lure fish, "thính" is
thrown into the lake to lure fish until the bait is attached directly to the fishing rod. However,
the phrase "tha thinh" lately is not used literally, especially teenagers who have a different
meaning of that phrase. 

All participants shared one general idea that “tha thinh” is a metaphor of deliberately
attracting people or other things to you for a certain purpose. Therefore, the figurative
meaning of “tha thinh” is to deliberately attract and attract someone, make them like them,
and develop feelings. They also mentioned that they “tha thinh” because they want to express
themselves that they have the ability to attract other people and conquer the opposite sex. “tha
thinh” has different purposes which have both good and bad. Some people are serious with a
person who they “tha thinh” because they really like that person and want to have a
relationship with but there are also a lot of people who seem “tha thinh” is just a joke. The
most common ways that they usually use to “tha thinh” are sending messages to their crush
who they want to “tha thinh” with the sweet statements, reacting with the love icon on their
crush’s status which is posted on social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, talking to
their crush with the caring attitude. Interviewees discussed thinking about “tha thinh” for

“I think "tha thinh" is the way to interact with someone, flirt with them with a good
purpose in order that person would be my lover.”

“tha thinh” is doing something in order to attract someone to come in with me with
some purpose that may be good or just a joke. If I am serious with a person that I
really want to have a relationship with, I will make them notice me, like me, and
develop feelings with me. They are usually different genders that I like or I have felt
for the first time.”

“As I know, “tha thinh” is the act of posting a status that can be a photo, video, or
text on social media usual is Facebook and Instagram in order to inform friends and
acquaintances on social networks that you are in an open relationship which have no
lover or have not been bound by any person of the opposite sex.”

The related issue about “tha thinh”, some participants believed that most people who "tha
thinh" do not have real feelings for the other party. They care and show affectionate gestures
but do not consider it to be the love between men and women, they do not really love them,
but instill trust and feelings for each other that they are having feelings for them. So when the
truth is revealed, those who are "tha thinh" will feel terrible suffering and loss of faith.

Participants seemed to share a general view about the phrasal “tha thinh” and a personal
understanding of what “tha thinh” means. In brief, “tha thinh” is the common word with the
young generation on social networks in recent years and it is understood as a kind of flirt.
More means have approached young people which makes this trend spread and everyone can
create their own "tha thinh" in different ways.

Research question 2: Why do people “tha thinh”, especially the young generation?

From the participant viewpoints, "tha thinh" is somehow explained by behavioral

psychology. A majority of them agreed that "tha thinh", which is similar to flirtation, is
almost considered to be human instinct, especially among the millennials who are always
seeking for soul harmony and indulgence in life. From psychologists' perspectives, it is
compellingly reasonable based on the Maslow hierarchy of needs where physiological needs
lie in the foundation of the pyramid indicates the importance of the lower need satisfaction
before jumping into another higher level of the needs ladder. (Maslow, 1943).

Specifically, more than half of the interviewees mentioned that there is nothing wrong about
having the serious intention to make a move in a relationship with the person he or she has a
crush on. As an instinct in nature, hiding emotions is a huge challenge that no one desires to
suffer every single day, especially male participants.
"It is hard to see your crush is being "tha thinh" by other guys. That will motivate you
to take actions."

 Besides, being single for a long time makes people feel depressed, so they perform flirting to
satisfy their emotions and clear away tired and gloomy feelings. Additionally, when the
young generation gradually gains more self-motivation in seeking for their love, flirting will
become a potential tool for them to capture someone’s emotions. "tha thinh" might create a
cozy and intimate environment for "tha thinh-ers" to discover their "prey's" feelings and
attitudes before a deep talk for sincere confession or even before the significant moment of
popping the question. 

“In my point of view, love is always a hot issue for the young generation in any era
because in this period, people are enthusiastic and have strong emotions with love.
They want to find opponents to explore and penetrate their mind, and then get closer
to a sustainable relationship. Therefore, flirting is gradually becoming more
prevalent to the young generation because they are seemingly more active in seeking
love. They think that flirting will help them have love faster.”

Furthermore, there are also a number of other young people who choose to continue to "tha
thinh" their lover to warm up their feelings and attach more feelings of the relationship
instead of choosing "out-flirts" another. Some respondents showed special care for the people
that they “tha thinh”. In the relationship, “tha thinh” is like a way to burn their love hotter,
and they make the partner feel that they also can attract, seduce, and do not inferiority
complex about themselves.

On the other hand, while "tha thinh" have become a widespread trend for recent years, a
considerable number of interviewees indicated that they had caught up with it to build a
trendy and attractive personal image, especially in virtual life. Thus, they put their self-egos
and interests as the center of consideration no matter what the other party's attitudes and
behaviors. Instead of looking for serious relationships, people choose to "tha thinh for fun"
without attachment and commitment to pursue and/or enhance their confidence as charming
sexual partners. This can be easily explained by human beings who want to receive the
attention, and affection of others. With the significant explosion of the Internet in general and
social media in particular, the popular "tha thinh" actions in this group are posting trendy
quotes or lyrics of top trending songs as captions on Facebook or any social media indicate
the freedom in terms of relationship status with no specific target. Here are some examples of
“thính” millennials use in recently:

"Đang buồn, đang chán, ai tán yêu luôn",

“Nhà em có bán rượu không mà nói chuyện với em anh say quá”,


“Trời không xanh

Mây cũng không trắng

Em không say nắng

Nhưng lại say anh.”

And some “typical” posts:

Also, they can attack directly by using some different ways such as inboxing for their crush
or random people in their friend list and “tha thinh”. Loneliness and sadness after a
relationship is a notable attribution of "tha thinh for fun" among the young population.  The
mental trauma left negative consequences when someone solely wants to re-fulfill their
vulnerable mental health and recover their broken hearts with the minimum care for other
feelings and emotions. Most people who “tha thinh for fun” often do not have true feelings
for the others and intend to get into a serious relationship. An obscure situation (mối quan hệ
mập mờ in Vietnamese) pulls the two stay stationarily between the range of above friendship
but below love. People in the mentioned case have no commitment to each other so that they
can be separate no matter when. Seriously, a small fraction of interviewees indicated the fact
when someone makes full use of “tha thinh” to take advantage of others. As a result, that
causes unwilling perspectives and considerations towards "tha thinh" from the point of view
of the general society.

However, some participants confessed the honesty not wanting to be outdated but they did
not intend to play dump others to strengthen those kinds of the "fancy" virtual image. Some
"tha thinh-ed" and followed the trend because of the wants and needs of communicating with
their inner cycle. They considered "tha thinh" on social media as an effective way to enhance
intimacy with their beloved.

  “After a long day, I enjoyed sitting back and using these sentences to tease my
friends. That makes me feel entertained.”

A group of respondents stated that “tha thinh” assists tremendously in mitigating stress
because of the cheerfulness and positive surprises that accompanied them, sometimes the
rhyming and humor initiate and lighten the conversation effectively.

“I use “tha thinh” sentences to become a more interested person. I want to impress
others that I have a sense of humor and good communication. I believe that such
conversations make people more comfortable and happier”

Ref: Maslow (1943), A Theory of Motivation.

Research question 3: How is “tha thinh” manifested?

Generally, the majority of male participants shared one general idea that the girl would “turn
on the green light” when interacting if she is interested in them. Often these things show up in
the eyes and gestures. A participant shared his experience when he interacted with the girl
whom he is flirting with. If the girl likes him, she would come along and respond to the
activities he is talking about. At first it may not be familiar, the girl may be shy and may not
respond, so it needs a little patience. He himself added: 

“If after a month of his flirting, the girl does not act enthusiastically, then that person
does not feel interested in you”.

Another male participant shared the following:

“If she comes along with your stories, she is turning on her green light. She would
turn on her yellow light if she is shy and you should slow down. And if she does not
show any of her interest with you, that is her red light.”

On the other hand, the notion that "men should flirt with women" is something that will
undoubtedly lead to broad consensus among a large number of women, since most the
participants are rationalizing that "tha thinh" action is an active signal from men and that
women are a passive party. In addition, many women see flirting with a man as telling them
that their attractiveness is great. And they can choose whether to accept a flirt or not.

“I think that man should be a flirter, and that woman should be the one who wants to accept
that flirt or not”

If a woman accepts “tha thinh”, she can do something that refers to the implicit acceptance,
or "turn on the green light” in order words. A female participant shared her experience when
she received “tha thinh” actions from opposite-sex friend that she is into. On the Internet,
when she spends a lot of time talking to that guy, and even in  her me-time, that means she
has an interest in him. In addition, women will use some kind of non-verbal language   with
gestures, especially eye contact, on the first date when she feels that the guy somewhat
belongs to her ideal type, as her eyes focus on him, answers his question, wants to follow his
stories, and she may ignite a shy atmosphere as the nature of femininity. 

Additionally, nowadays, the word "tha thinh" appears popularly on mass communications in
particular and in the life of Vietnamese people in general, especially the millennials. Young
people are now frantically following a new "tha thinh" social tendency which mostly
reflected in the social media networks. They usually post “trendy” status to media networks
that young people in Vietnam could spend a whole long day on such as Facebook , Instagram,
Twitter, etc. They also upload fancy pictures or something interesting to the story feature, and
texting messages containing the "tha thinh" content directly to the person who's being
targeted. Moreover, in the age of social networking, communication became easier than ever
before.“tha thinh” also became easier through the text of messages. Tinder, Bumble, etc. are
launched to meet the needs of the young to get to make friends and find the real match in
some fortunate cases. When they use the dating app, the primary purpose is to approach some
strangers to get acquainted to expand the network. “tha thinh-er” often show cheesy care
about each other, have lots of words and gestures of love, and often send emotional words.
However, sometimes, someone utilizes dating apps to find one-night partners with no
emotional involvement for long-term relationships.

There are numerous ways to “tha thinh” effectively but “tha thinh” on social media with
memes, songs, and poems are considered quite common. Firstly, "tha thinh" with super
beautiful images on social networks are the most popular technique observed from the young
population. Pictures may vary in terms of subjects such as showing a successful life with
luxurious photos about hard working or enjoyable travelling. Often, those posts will be value-
added with moody statuses which are the perfect way to help the “tha thinh-er” hit their
targets. Currently, there are also many good sayings, poems and allusions that “tha thinh”
person can search on the Internet to catch their “fish”. For instance:

“Bầu trời xanh, làn mây trắng. Anh yêu nắng hay yêu em?” 


“ Soái ca là của ngôn tình. Còn anh thì chỉ của mình em thôi.”

In addition, “tha thinh” with the songs is a favorite method in which is widely made used
among the younger generation. In general, they tend to extract cheesy lyrics from “top
trending” songs because of their popularity so that increases the assurance of “tha thinh”
approach. Lyrics of Nơi Này Có Anh - Sơn Tùng M-TP,  Ý Em Sao - Lăng LD, Kay Trần,
Homie Boiz are usually used recently:

“Cầm tay anh, dựa vai anh

Kề bên anh nơi này có anh”

(Nơi Này Có Anh - Sơn Tùng M-TP)


“Em đó... em đó... em đó!

Sẽ làm vợ của anh trong tương lai..”

(Ý Em Sao - Lăng LD, Kay Trần, Homie Boiz)

Research question 4: How to “tha thinh” successfully?

A majority of respondents contributed to a standard "tha thinh" process consisting of three

stages: (1) identifying the target, (2) understanding the target, and (3) taking action. Instead
of "tha thinh" on a large scale with a low probability of "fish" sticking, unless the "tha thinh
person" has an attractive appearance or finds powerful financial condition, to increase the rate
of success, the first stage is to determine a specific target. It depends on personal gouts and
preferences, but most people emphasize they will initiate with the ones who have good
looking physiques, interesting personalities, or specific talents. 

"I'm into pretty girls, especially those who have white skin. also, my crush usually is
an out-going person".

 “How I choose the target: my type, not nerdy. It is necessary to have sympathy
because I do not like suffering talking with someone I don’t like”. 

Within the first stage, after targeting someone that will receive "thinh", "tha thinh-er" should
find out whether that person is in a relationship or not. If they have the one they love,
stepping backward before their lovers realize the intention of conquering. Generally, the
majority of respondents stated that they would review and reconsider their relationship status
in case someone was intentionally approaching their partners. Also, they would observe their
lovers' reactions and actions toward the newcomers, such as whether his or her partner
transparently indicates the relationship status and introduce him or her to that person. If their
partners had a clear attitude of denying the other person, they would feel reassured, the only
thing left to do was to piss off "their loving rivals" and let the world know how content and
satisfied they are with each other. The respondents mentioned that they used to use Facebook
posts as effective tools to reinforce "love territory", at least once so far. Specifically, they
would actively post photos showing the persistence of their love publicly and strengthen
online communication on social networks to suppress and warn the other person to withdraw.
If the "tha thinh" persons continued, they would seek to relate and speak directly to the
problem. On the contrary, if their partners responded and expressed interest in these
distractions, most people agreed that they would choose to facilitate honest confession.
Sometimes, in the worst scenario, they would accept to terminate the relationship to protect
their self-esteem.

“I will consider both sides, from my partner's and the newcomer's perspective, if
someone intends to flirt with her. Did the person know that she is in a relationship or
did she give him a green light for attack? I will find out the answer to these questions
before taking action. If someone does not know, I will make it known by showing off
directly on social media, mostly by photos on Facebook. In case my girlfriend
responds actively to that guy, I will be serious about the situation and ask the
reasons. And if it truly happens, then saying goodbye will lessen my pain just because
she is not mine anymore. Whatever mine is mine. If I can keep her, she still can leave
me anytime in the future with other guys.”

On the other hand, some respondents indicated that they had shown or at least witnessed
aggressive attitudes and behaviors, which usually happens in men when finding out someone
is flirting with their girlfriends. Usually, when the possessive nature of male rises, they would
turn to the other person directly, without considering the situation or the woman's reactions.

“Dare to flirt with my girlfriend? I will beat him black and blue!”

“I will be very angry. Although I have never experienced it before, I have already
certified a similar situation. My best friend's girlfriend is pretty, so a lot of male
friends "tha thinh" with her. One day, he saw a message which someone asked her to
go out for a drink, he grabbed the phone and called that guy immediately and
demanded him stop talking to his lover, if not, he would deal with that person with

After assuring the "target" is available, "tha thinh" person should engage in the second stage -
understanding the "target". Overall, most participants agreed that understanding about targets
is one of the major keys to a successful flirt. By learning about the target person, people can
increase the probability of his/her positive reaction and minimize the likelihood about
something which causes him/her to feel annoyed. Not everyone has the same sense of humor
so it is vitally important not try to be funny all the time, unless the “tha thinh-ers” really have
the talent of making the surroundings be delighted and easy to laugh. Some people are even
annoyed effortlessly because of their personality. Therefore, it is not a good idea to flirt with
sensual content when the two people have not been familiar with each other such as sexual
stuff, politics, or beliefs. It will take a few times to look for and find out the living
environment surrounding him/her, how his/her daily life is, what he/she likes, what his/her
hobbies are, etc. People can ask their friends or get to know them more through daily
conversations and social networks. The process in which figuring out what kind of person
he/she is could face many barriers and challenges if the “target” shows unwillingness or
resistance. Besides, time and context are crucial in which most of the correspondents agree
that the most suitable to flirt is that every time is the right moment when both seem to have
strong mutual physical and emotional attraction and experience the love chemistry at a
certain level. They prioritized being in a private area with the other party before flirting. 

“must consider the level of attention”

 “Every moment if you pay attention will become the right moment.” 

The majority of female survey participants are more likely to flirt with others when they have
already had sentiment and received a token of affection from their target. The second group
agreed that it is right after the opponent has just broken up with the ex-partner(s).

 “When the girl just broke up with her boyfriend, the boy listened to it by asking
questions. This is when the female's mentality is weakest to let the hearing attack.” 

“The "golden time" to approach is the time after the partner's breakup, but the
person who flirts must be careful and sympathetic because, during this time, the other
is really sensitive to everything around.” 

Thus, one participant said:

‘‘It would be a terrible and ashamed scenario if you chose a wrong time at which
your target might have a bad mood that made he or she not want to listen to such
flirts and jokes’’
Taking actions is what people should conduct after a profound investigation regarding their
target’s lifestyle and hobbies. Once identifying a clear understanding of the target audience,
this is the time to "attack" and dominate the whole stage and come out with an impressive
appearance. The first impression or every appearance in front of a crush is very important,
whether for a short time or for a long time, making a good impression in the crush’s eyes and
attaching it in their mind before leaving are always recommended. However, in preparation
for the possible bad cases, some interviewees said it is essential to have a Plan B for random
accidents that deteriorates the first image. 

“Oh my gosh, I also have to take into account cases where I am having bad luck that
causes my emotions to be bad. If at that moment, my crush appeared and saw that
emotion, there wouldn't be a good impression on me.” 

Once succeeding at this step, conversing and strengthening a relationship by “attacking” the
mutual interest and activities are the step 2. 

“If your crush likes to eat a certain food, and you are also someone who can cook,
tha thinh your crush by cooking it on any occasion, that could be an accidental
occasion - you can think of it yourself - here's how you create your own

There are also many other ways to “tha thinh” because each different object will have a
different way to approach the other person but the most common way nowadays perhaps is
through social media which facilitates awesome functionalities. Regular interaction with the
target on social media is an advantage. Sometimes there will be a need for posts with cheesy
captions straight to the audience. One thing to note is to keep texting regularly so that the
person knows for sure what that post is mentioning. Sometimes because of biological instinct,
females tend to be passive when being released but according to the experience of the
interviewees, after a period of perseverance, their subjects will be more positively active and

"When she started flirting with that female friend, she would post every picture I
liked, sometimes comment. I had to send a message regularly to talk about her
interest. The problem is our recent talk. It takes patience to be effective". 
Additionally, they also believe that flirting should come from sincerity and genuinely concern
the target person because sincerity could bring good feelings. In fact, everything must be
derived from the bottom of one’s heart so that will result in other people’s positive emotion,
respect, and trust. As one interviewee said: 

“Acting like a gentleman is very important because every girl likes a man who is
polite, respect her. For example, when you see the girl at a dance party. If they see
you dancing close by, and just talk to them without making a move, they will trust you
and accept you more, and they will think about making the first move. If you treat
them with respect, make them laugh, and above anything you are sexy, they will make
a move on you even if you're not expecting it”

 Research question 5: Pros and cons of “tha thinh”?

·   Benefit of “tha thinh” to a specific relationship

First of all, mostly all interviewees implied that it was not wrong to “tha thinh” The senders
can expect “tha thinh” to break someone's heart, bringing distress to their serene days, unless
otherwise, signal senders consider "tha thinh" in a negative sense. But flirting is pretty simple
when people have a crush on someone; “tha thinh-ers” express their feelings to him/her and
want to prevalue him/her emotional attitudes. All agreed through interviews that “tha thinh”
with one is right, with several others is precisely off-base. This kind of flirtation with one
person reveals that they foresee the potentials that the relationship will develop and people
desire to advance their standing to a higher degree. The major object of this tactic is to figure
out whether the other person has a pursuer, is running, or has a lover to escape a missed
confession. “Tha thinh” is a means of sensing the emotions of the other person. Then “tha
thinh entity” will build the relationship after a successful confession being received and
accepted by the other party.

Secondly, “tha thinh” increases the likelihood of the sender finding a relationship, but it is
only one of several attributes that contribute to getting a partner quickly, according to the
participants, and it only has a positive impact when senders “tha thinh” signals on an
individual, it is important to know when to step backward and mitigate the actions until
elimination. How could it be their honest thought, because they flirt with several others at the
same time? It is not to master a game. In a few situations, the senders try to chase after
him/her after flirting with other people for fun purposes, the “tha thinh” persons find the
exceptional one, however the signal receivers learned about how untruthful or flirting they
are, the receivers might ignore them because they think it might be a prank. An individual
with energy X will communicate with others with the same energy, people said. If people
continue “tha thinh” with many of them, they will draw others like the ones who flirt. So, not
flirting at the same time with different topics, but concentrating on flirting on one topic and
understanding how to stop at the right spot. If the person the senders have a crush on is also
important to them, as described above, flirting can help cultivate a friendship faster than
silence, and do nothing.

Finally, interviewees believe that flirting makes it more fun and tends to bring spice to life.
respondents also replicate their repetitive habits, nothing new in daily life. As a result, they
start plunging down into the depths of boredom and isolation, and they can be rescued from
frustration by “tha thinh” behaviors. “Tha thinh”, a type of flirting, is a method for
individuals in a relationship to make their relationship more interesting and exciting.
Furthermore, if individuals are hanging, recalling their partner, flirting lets them get over and
easily come to a new relationship. “Tha thinh” also increases trust, another curious thing, a
little safe flirting will make senders discover themselves happier and automatically improve
their self-esteem. People who have not spoken to and flirted with someone for a long time,
for example, may feel bad about themselves, and may feel less desirable.

·   Negative impacts of “tha thinh” in daily life: misuse and sexual harassment

Humans have a rich imagination, so just acting a little more than usual can be easily moved,
especially if sympathy is available.

Most "flirting" they often have no real feelings for the other party, or do not want to get into a
serious relationship. Even, they not only "release" one person, but also "catch fish in many
hands" at the same time. Such they often see "prey" as a backup plan or plan B when the
main relationship gets stuck, or simply solely for fun.

If people “tha thinh" secrete  dark and hide it from their partners, then that is an act of
adultery in mind. The biggest misconception is that physical contact is considered a deception
- which is completely incorrect. It could be sentiment, and it could be flirting. When they
open a door to flirting, it can give them the chance to be physically cheating. If people do not
desire them “tha thinh” with other people, thus do not conduct these behaviors with others
either. Regardless of whether it leads to physical betrayal, it is about maintaining boundaries
and respecting trustworthy relationships with the partners.

In relationships, people who experience emotional abuse may not experience physical or
sexual abuse at first. However, emotional abuse can lead to physical abuse if the relationship
goes on an unhealthy path. This seems not familiar to us but it happens out there and a lot of
people suffer from it. Some people take “thả thính” into a negative level in which “tha thinh” 
languages become unacceptable. There is about 33% of participants have already experienced
sexual harassment in flirting and 92% of them are females, the number is quite high due to
the small scale of the interviews. The example of of “thả thính” with sexual harassment
content followed:


More importantly, females are usually victim of sexual harassment and sometimes people do
not distinguish which case is hilarious and which one is serious. However, sexual harassment
is rude and need to be warned and eliminated among young peopleto avoid the pesstimistic
consequences. When the persons receive these kinds of actions and behaviors, they may
sense the offendence and distrust since they have good intentions when communicating with
others and what they do to them that go against their virtuous intention. As a participant said: 

“I was totally in shock when I got these kinds of “greeting” from a stranger. I just felt
so scared because someone out there had bad intentions with me. It even became
more disgusting when I imagine myself being taken advantage of by someone’s
thoughts. I did not know why I deserve that, I just want normal conversation like how
it goes with my friends. Since then, I hardly use Facebook or other types of social

Therefore, the misconduct of “tha thinh” will have a profound emotional impact on a person's
self-esteem and self-worth.

Research question 6: Any information about insiders of “tha thinh” ?

* People who receive “tha thinh”

Most participants agreed that it is going to be fun at first, but then the feeling of getting hurt
and sad will come over themselves when they realize they are just a joke of some people. If
the other person wants to get acquainted with it and understand, establish a long relationship
from there, that is a very positive thing. It demonstrates that people receiving “tha thinh”
have something unique or not the same as the rest to pull in someone else. Nevertheless it
does not generally have a wonderful ending. If the one who does “tha thinh” purposely just to
jab those, it will create an awful effect on them . They will be feeling detested as they are just
a game for others.

One participant shared that it is sometimes irritating and annoying in light of the fact that
their security is undermined. Since it has two unique outcomes, in the event that they do not
acknowledge the “tha thinh” expression of the others and the other individual surrenders, it
will be simple for both of the parties regardless of what the “tha thinh” is about. They will not
be worried about this any longer, nor will the other individual consider you. In the contrary
case, on the off chance that they do not accept “tha thinh” but the other individual keeps on
attempting to follow which can be called “sticking”, that is a real issue. People doing “tha
thinh” will attempt to follow them such as texting messages, phone calling, etc. Then their
private life would be affected.

Those who received “tha thinh” should pay attention to this relationship as relationships
originating after being friends tend to last longer than quickly established relationships. The
reason is that as friends, both can be themselves without the pressure of time playing stunts
with the other party. Both sides of the parties can greatly share everything they want and have
a chance to know more about the other party. In this way, sooner or later, the two will have
adequate information about the other party to see if they are matching or not. From that point,
if the two decide to go ahead, the nature of their relationship will be very high.
* People who do “tha thinh”

At the moment, most people who do “tha thinh” are men since they have a more grounded
characteristic and it is easier for them to speak up with the other party than women do. Of
course there are some cases when the ones who take the initiative role of “tha thinh” are

More than half of the respondents stated that there are two main types of men in “tha thinh”.
In the first type, these people are those who have a lot of experiences of “tha thinh”. They
have a variety of methods and rules to use when “tha thinh” is a different kind of “their prey”.
It means that they would build up many different images of themselves to show for the other
party, of course these images are not their real selves. Subsequently after a while in a
relationshipa the other party will find out that the man is not what she thought, then try to
break up and find a new one. In the second type, these ones are those who are listed as “good
boys” towards women. They do not have much experience in comparison with the first style.
What they want to do is to express themselves out. They show the other party securing and
supporting such as cherishing, caring, buying things for the person they love and doing
whatever they are enquired about. This typically leads to two results. The other party will
find the man with no confidence/opinion and dismiss him, or she will show empathy and
compassion but the “good boy” must continually twist her to fulfill her after.

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