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Safety Calendar

Emily Junk

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

Course Number: EAD-536

Denise Geier

August 25, 2021


Safety Calendar

August 2021:

 Friday 13th @ PLC meetings – grade levels to discuss evacuation procedures as a team,

show teachers where to take their students in case of a fire, lockdown, or campus


 Wednesday 18th @ 12:15pm: Fire Drill – afternoon kindergarten students will be on

campus, all students should be in their classrooms after coming in from lunch recess

 Thursday 19th @ 2:30: Debrief Fire Drill with all staff in the computer lab

September 2021:

 Tuesday 21st @ 10am: Fire Drill - morning kindergarten students will be on campus, third

grade students will be on the playground, when they hear the alarm they will need to

meet their teacher at their designated evacuation spot on the campus.

 Tuesday 21st @ 2:30L Debrief Fire Drill with all staff, presentation from local police

department and training on responding to school intruders.

October 2021:

 Thursday 6th @ 1:05pm: Lockdown Drill – A threat of a shooting was called in for the

campus. The first grade students will be on the playground, the duty teacher and the

librarian should get all the students into the library and locked down as quickly as

possible. All other first grade teachers should approach the playground to help evacuate

students. The remainder of the grade levels should be in their classrooms. All teachers are

to check the outside area surrounding their door for students who need a safe place to

shelter. The threat is a potentially armed person outside the school grounds near the


 Thursday 6th @ 2:30: Debrief on the Lockdown with all staff in the computer lab, first

responders will also be present.

 Tuesday 19th @ 1:45: Fire Drill – the afternoon kindergarten students will be on campus

and will need another practice evacuating their classroom. All students should be in their

classrooms and no exits will be blocked.

 Tuesday 19th after school, email from the principal for the debriefing.

November 2021:

 Thursday 4th @ 8:55am: Fire Drill – the morning kindergarten students will be on

campus. The second-grade students will be in their reading group rotations which means

they will not be with their homeroom teacher. The second-grade teachers will need

rosters of their reading group classes so they can quickly account for their students. The

rest of the students should be in their classrooms.

 Thursday 4th after school – the debriefing will be done via email.

December 2021:

 Friday 3rd @ 8:45am: Lockdown Drill – The scenario is an estranged parent has entered

the building, did not check in at the office and pushed a staff member out of the way as

they hurried down the hall. The morning kindergarten students will be on campus to

participate in the lock down drill. The second and third grade students will be doing their

morning reading blocks and will not be with their homeroom teachers, they will need

rosters of the students in their groups so they can quickly account for their students.

 Friday 3rd @ 2:30pm: Debriefing Meeting: in the computer lab to discuss the lockdown

with all staff members.


 Monday 13th @ 1:25pm: Fire Drill – the afternoon kindergarten students will be on

campus. The second-grade students will be on the playground, they will need to meet

their teacher at their evacuation area of the playground.

 Monday 13th @ 2:30pm: Debriefing Fire Drill and Training Meeting, we will go over the

fire drill, the fire captain and chief of police at the meeting to review and train staff on the

all school evacuation plans.

January 2022:

 Tuesday 11st @ 9:05 Fire Drill - morning kindergarten students will be on campus,

kindergarten grade students will be on the playground, when they hear the alarm they will

need to meet their teacher at their designated evacuation spot on the campus.

 Thursday 27th @ 12:30 All School Evacuation – all students will be in their classrooms,

there is a potential breach to a gas line, the entire school must evacuate. The students will

evacuate out the front doors, which include the main doors by the office, the side door by

the teacher work room, the old office doors and the third-grade quad area by the mini

gym. All students will cross the street with their teacher and head up the hill on 5th West,

and meet at the LDS church on the hill. This is the predetermined location that both the

fire and police department have determined as a safe off campus evacuation site. Once

the students are safely evacuated, and the campus is determined to be safe, the teachers

will lead the students back to campus.

 Thursday 27th @ 2:30pm – Debriefing meeting on all school evacuation, all staff will be

present, the fire captain and the chief of police will also be in attendance to provide

insight and training to staff, the meeting will be held in the main conference room.

February 2022:

 Tuesday 8th @ 12:40 Fire Drill – the afternoon kindergarten students will be on campus

and will need another practice evacuating their classroom. All students should be in their

classrooms and no exits will be blocked.

 Tuesday 8th after school – email to debrief the fire drill

 Thursday 24th @ 1:45pm Lockdown Drill – the scenario is an armed robbery suspect is

on the loose and in close vicinity to the school, the police have asked that the school go

into lockdown. The afternoon kindergarten students will be on campus, the third-grade

students will be using the playground for physical education and will need to be safely

evacuated to the library.

 Thursday 24th @ 2:30pm – Debriefing meeting, all staff members in the computer lab to

discuss the lockdown drill.

March 2022:

 Thursday 10th @ 8:35am: Fire Drill – the morning kindergarten students will be on

campus. The second and third students will be in their reading group rotations which

means they will not be with their homeroom teacher. The second and third teachers will

need rosters of their reading group classes so they can quickly account for their students.

The rest of the students should be in their classrooms.

 Thursday 10th after school: email debriefing from the principal discussing the fire drill.

April 2022:

 Monday 4th @ 12:55pm: Fire Drill – the afternoon kindergarten students will be on

campus. The students should all be in their classrooms.

 Monday 4th afterschool: email debriefing from the principal discussing the fire drill and

training for the upcoming final lockdown drill.


May 2022:

 Wednesday 11th @ 8:15am: Lockdown Drill – A bear has been spotted on the

playground. All students should be in their homeroom classrooms. Teachers will need to

check outside their doors before locking them, looking especially for students who arrive

late and make sure they get them to a safe place.

 Wednesday 11th @ 2:30pm: Debriefing Meeting – all staff to discuss the last lockdown of

the school year, in the computer lab.

 Monday 16th @ 9:25am: Fire Drill – The first-grade students will be out on the

playground for recess, they will need to meet their teacher at their evacuation place on the


 Monday 16th after school – email from the principal to recap the last fire drill of the

school year.

Rationale: Collaboration, Vision/Mission, Moral Legal Considerations

The calendar of fire drills, lockdown drills, the whole school evacuation and subsequent

follow up meetings were planned with the grade level leaders, and when necessary, the fire

captain and the chief of police. The grade level leaders should participate in the planning as they

will know the students’ schedules and if additional rosters will need to be printed and teachers

prepared for different circumstances. The chief of police and the fire captain can offer

suggestions and potential solutions that are specific to our campus, especially when discussing

lockdowns and all school evacuation. Our campus is different, there are multiple access points

that are not easily safeguarded, while this cannot be easily addressed with the current budget

situation, but with guidance and support from the local agencies we can work together to keep

our students safe.


Our school also has challenges in that our kindergarten students only come for half the

day, either in the morning or in the afternoon, this poses a challenge in timing the drills so that

each cohort has equal drills. Therefore it was important that the half day kindergarten students

each had equal opportunities to practice the fire drills and lockdown drills. There was also an

issue we had previously when students were on the playground and a lockdown drill was

initiated. The teachers acted quickly in this situation and got the students quickly and safely to

the library, which happened to be the closest classroom, but good questions were raised, and it is

important to now practice when students are not in the classroom, it is also important to

understand the mock threat, so that teachers can react appropriately. We discussed that if there

was an active shooter, upset parent, or other situation that would preclude the teacher from

bringing the students back into campus there should be an alternative plan for lockdown, and if

the threat was outside the school, and the students needed to be locked down in the school the

teachers and staff would need to know that information as well. Therefore, it is important that the

students started the drills in a variety of locations around the school to ensure they would be

properly prepared in case of a true emergency. The school’s mission and vision were upheld by

ensuring that all students have a safe learning environment. Moral and legal considerations were

considered, providing equal opportunities for drills, considering different viewpoints, in

consulting the chief of police and the fire captain.

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