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Moon Gets Exalted in Taurus so when Moon is in Taurus means Moon is in very Happy

Mode.Moon is the fastest moving planet and being in earthy and fixed sign Taurus it
gets stability, steadiness.Moon which actually represents our mind and emotion is
giving stability and ditermination in our approach; making us emotionally strong
and loyal to relatioinship.
Because of this Earthy and Fixed sign nature,Taurian people are patient,
stubborn,comitted, reliable, introvert in nature.Which at times little frustrating
for others who actually likes someone who will be too much easy going in nature.
Unlike Aries People who only bang their head for changellenges,Taurians are good in
reaping the results.Their abondon of patience will make the most critical work
finished on time.They are irritated when they need to go through sudden changes or
day to day changes.they are good in doing routine work everyday.

They are highly focused and goal oriented calulative in nature and dont like to
take unnecessary conflict in life,thats the reason mostly Taurians do well in their
career with time.Such approach may seem boring to others.

Dont ever push moon taurus guy for anything but once they will be in something or
will give comitment for something they are persevering.

Moon denotes mind and that's the core place of imagination and being in the sign of
Venus makes a person very Artistic and Romantic. They love luxury comfort and
materialistic gratification.
Taurus is the Money making sign in Zodiac so when Moon in this sign They love to be
rich, being Billionaire and making more and more money.They are very fond of good
food, clothing, and seek for sensual pleasure.

Moon in Taurus people dont jump into relationship so easily,they will fist check
and test whether it will work or not.Women with the Moon in Taurus often attract
men of settled mind and occupation. There will often be a strong romance in their
love affairs.

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