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Inhoduckio Atoy
The tem ha btin dowied
he p1e K Wend 1togiia whith
omio Enduiny 01 e hgation

the Wghd tihosa 1 Samskrt

delini e a/Ur Ahat hawe ooAuntd
t h e purf ose htogy to Auk
P1 vth oad yAptoking hstona, s to

SesK 1uth 00dy e.a Kin histosuy

Subje et deoling withall
OApeu humam hodsd
t h e ynetk wl the t to uolve,
oWAtinhutb a kexente
he a t
ddpna histshioOm) is
Henodotu ,a mekh
h e folhn H toru
une1olly hb4 wnduuto0d a
92.0ottd pat atn thaH mo
s o ae dntkion toty Acoosnding 4titom
b t Schola Culems to GARmummbntd by t

O Horodut us (84/3 BcE) ) ST Auouatin 354430CEe)
ST Augustine wos o thots bian Sai
3 T . Augustine (35u 4 80 cE) hinf 2 w03 te
a d AAox G818 /139 3 jce Owmd o paouwnd
a thuwh tosan
9heott won
3.B u S61t37 ee) oghophew he meiwel

Amold TynbaR (1,91/45 ce)

Saisohanol ehmu CS1164 CE) Condfduned a ovR he ateobat

ALLOnding 4o Augtine b9
oho yad n sehv00uld uldim alt
he 5 Con tiny cE Ovnd Aodom
Cmd 9n he v y
le mouwlled w
b Lcce wut ia 9
v Sodtom(e).
4le CoUeektd okomoti vn o ha yek Kal Mon (1913/1 883 CE)
Stofes and wauwk misvoumy
Am enathem, thee hisboug Ponsio Sephtry Econowt, oca7agu-t
wau'deok with Wo b
Pevsi OUv% 0md Gets 30wwnalist. RwolubionosugAocoli
Accodinq 4o Kosl mon
Qo9uy e-the KAuna gle B
howty ond h owe h
En his dointtion Mony mphou
theSwgge. b Ha howu' owd
Aka howe o e e 9uth Mnd

bomole tuwo qeo weiks

DoM Coptol &Cowwvwmist mOmilethi

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