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Engineering Properties

of IN-100 ALLOY


COMPOSITION .................................................................................. 1

SPECIFICATION ................................................................................ 1
STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES ............................................ 1
TENSILE PROPERTIES ........................................................... 1
HARDNESS ............................................................................. 1

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ................................................................... 2

DENSITY ................................................................................ 2
MELTING RANGE .................................................................... 2
STABILITY .............................................................................. 2
THERMAL EXPANSION ............................................................ 2
ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY ...................................................... 2

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES .................................................................. 2

OXIDATION RESISTANCE ....................................................... 2
Cyclic Test .................................................................... 2
Static Test .................................................................... 2
Dynamic Test ................................................................ 2
SULFIDATION RESISTANCE .................................................... 5
Crucible Test ................................................................ 5
Rig Test ........................................................................ 5

HEAT TREATMENT ........................................................................... 5

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES .............................................................. 5

TENSILE PROPERTIES ........................................................... 5
STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES ............................................ 5
STRESS-RUPTURE PARAMETER ............................................ 8
CREEP RATE .......................................................................... 8
MINIMUM CREEP RATE ........................................................... 8
DYNAMIC MODULUS OF ELASTICITY ...................................... 8

IMPACT PROPERTIES ....................................................................... 11

HOT HARDNESS ............................................................................... 11

FATIGUE .......................................................................................... 11
MECHANICAL ......................................................................... 11
THERMAL ............................................................................... 14

MACHINING AND GRINDING ............................................................. 14

APPENDIX ........................................................................................ 16

REFERENCES ................................................................................... IBC

Engineering Properties of

IN-100 alloy* is a nickel-base precipitation refractory metal content make IN -100 particularly
hardenable, vacuum cast alloy possessing high attractive on a strength to density basis. The
rupture strength through 1900 ºF. The high per- alloy has been successfully cast and utilized in a
centages of aluminum and titanium and the low variety of shapes from turbine blades, vanes and
nozzles to integral wheels.


Element Nominal Range (AMS 5397)

Carbon 0.18 0.15 – 0.20
Chromium 10.00 8.00 – 11.00
Cobalt 15.00 13.00 – 17.00
Molybdenum 3.00 2.00 – 4.00
Titanium 4.70 4.50 – 5.00
Aluminum 5.50 5.00 – 6.00
Vanadium 0.90 0.70 – 1.20
Zirconium 0.06 0.03 – 0.09
Boron 0.014 0.01 – 0.02
Iron LAP** 1.00 max.
Manganese LAP 0.20 max.
Silicon LAP 0.20 max.
Sulfur LAP 0.015 max.
Nickel balance (60) balance


The AMS 5397 specification for IN-100 alloy requires the following mechanical properties in
the as-cast condition:

Stress - Rupture Properties – Minimum

Test Temp. Stress Life E long.

ºF psi Hrs. % in 4D

1800 29,000 23 4

Tensile Properties – Minimum

0.2% Yield Tensile
Test Temp. Elong.
Strength Strength
ºF % in 4D
psi psi

70 95,000 115,000 5


Rockwell C 30-44 or equivalent

There are many alternate specifications in existence and individual companies should be
contacted as to their requirements.
* U.S. Patent #3,061,426; produced under license from The International Nickel Company, Inc.
**Low as possible



0.280 lb./cu. in. (7.75 g/cu. cm)

Melting Range

2305 - 2435 ºF (1260 -1335 ºC)

While long-time elevated temperature stability can be demonstrated only by long-time exposure, a
mathematical analysis based on electron vacancy concentration (see Appendix) is useful in indicating the
susceptibility of an alloy to form sigma. The electron vacancy number, N v , of IN-100 of nominal
composition is 2.46. N v values over 2.50 generally indicate that an alloy is susceptible to sigma.

When IN-100 was originally introduced, the suggested range for titanium extended from 4.5 to a max-
imum of 5.5 per cent. Compositions toward the top side of this range did exhibit sigma formation. For
example, a 5.3 Ti alloy with an N v of 2.70 contained sigma which detracted from rupture life.

The maximum titanium level then was reduced to the current AMS specification value of 5.0 percent.
This change eliminated the deleterious effects of sigma on material properties without sacrificing any of
the material's desired properties.

Thermal Expansion (See Figure 1)

Mean Mean
Test Temp. Coefficient Test Temp. Coefficient
F per oF o
F per oF
70 - 200 7.2 x 10-6 70 – 1200 8.0 x 10-6
70 - 400 7.2 70 – 1400 8.3
70 - 600 7.3 70 – 1600 8.8
70 - 800 7.5 70 – 1800 9.3
70 - 1000 7.7 70 – 2000 10.1

Electrical Resistivity

143.0 microhm-cm at R.T.



Cyclic Test (See Figure 2)

Samp les were g iv en a cyclic ex p o su re by heatin g in air at 1900 ºF fo r 16 hours and then coolin g for
8 h o u rs.
Alloy Wt. Change, % in 208 Hrs.
IN -100 –.80
Alloy 713LC –.10

Static Test (See Figure 3)

The static oxidation tests, performed by General Electric, were conducted by placing specimens in open
zircon cup-type crucibles and oxidizing them in the static atmosphere of electric box furnaces.

Dynamic Test (See Figure 4)

The dynamic oxidation tests were performed by General Electric in a natural gas-fired flame tunnel.
Test specimens were placed in a rotating fixture positioned in the hot zone of the flame tunnel
perpendicular to the gas flow.

Figure 1. Thermal – Expansion of IN-100 Alloy.
Figure 2. Oxidation Resistance of IN-100 Alloy.
and 713C: Cyclic Test 16 Hours At 1900 ºF, Cool
In Air For 8 Hours.

Figure 3. Comparison of Oxidation Kinetics of IN-100 and Alloy 713C at 1600 and 2000 ºF. Note the
Decreasing Oxidation Rates at 2000 ºF (t>100 min.).

Figure 4(a). Weight Change During Oxidation In High Velocity
Natural Gas Combustion Products at 1600 ºF.

Figure 4(b). Weight Change During Oxidation In High Velocity

Natural Gas Combustion Products at 2000 ºF.

Figure 4(c). Sulfidation Resistance of Nickel Base Alloys In A Com-

bustion Rig Test.
Reference: Quarterly Progress Report No. 1 (July-Sept. 1966) "Study of
the Hot Corrosion of Superalloys" by Lycoming Division of AVCO
Corp. under Air Force contract AF33(615)-5212, Project No. 7381.

Crucible Test – 90% Na 2 SO 4 /10% NaCl 1700 ºF

Alloy Wt. Loss, % in 1 Hr. Wt. Loss, % in 2 Hrs.

IN-100 0 2
Alloy 713 LC 12.8 13
IN -162 0 14

Rig Test (See Figure 4(C))

Paddle specimen s with an airfo il co n figu ratio n were ro tated in an d o u t o f a fu rn ace fired with JP-4
fu el (.04 w/o S) for 120 hours on a cyclic basis. Du ring the heating cy cle, a contro lled amount of
sy n th etic seawater was sp ray ed in to th e combustion exit and mixed with the gas stream. The tempera-
ture profile on the airfoil ranged from 1600-1750 ºF with the maximum on the trailing edge.


The properties shown in this bulletin are for IN- a partial solutioning. If the coating is to be dif-
100 in the as-cast condition. In many applications, fused at 1900-1950 ºF, it is suggested that the
IN-100 components are given a protective coating material receive a preliminary high temperature
to enchance corrosion resistance. This treatment solutioning at 2100-2150 ºF. An aging treatment at
generally includes a diffusion cycle at a 1500-1600 ºF is recommended after the coating
temperature between 1800-2100 ºF for 2-8 hours. cycle. This should provide material with a
In effect, this treatment provides the material with capability of maintaining a consistently high level
of mechanical properties.


Tensile Properties (See Figure 5)

Test 0.2% Yield Tensile
Temp. Strength Strength Elong. Reduction
ºF psi psi % of Area

70 123,000 147,000 9.0 11.0

1000 128,000 158,000 9.0 11.0
1200 129,000 161,000 6.0 7.0
1350 127,000 159,000 6.5 7.2
1500 118,000 144,000 6.0 7.2
1700 73,000 107,000 6.0 7.2
1900 41,000 64,000 6.0 8.0

Creep – Rupture Properties

≥ ≤
Coarse grain ( 1/8") and fine grain ( 1/16") castings have exhibited nearly identical creep rupture
properties. These are summarized as follows:

Stress – Rupture Properties (See Figures 6 and 7 and raw data in Table I)

Test Stress, psi, for Rupture in

ºF 10 Hr. 100 Hr. 1,000 Hr.
1350 - 97,000 83,000
1500 90,000 73,000 55,000
1700 52,000 38,000 25,000
1800 38,000 25,000 15,000
1900 - 16,000 8,500

Figure 5. Typical Tensile Properties of Figure 7. Stress Rupture Data for As Cast IN-100
As Cast IN-100 Alloy Alloy.

Figure 8. Larson-Miller Stress Rupture

Parameter Curve for IN-100.

Figure 6. Typical Stress Rupture

Properties of As Cast IN-100 AIloy.



Coarse Grain ( 1/8")

Temp. Stress Life Elong. R.A.

ºF psi Hrs. % %

1900 15,000 115 9 13

12,000 278 9 17
9,000 705 11 14

1800 29,000 45 11 12
25,000 82 11 12
13,000 1779 9 15
12,000 2440 12 23

1700 50,000 15 7 7
19,000 3468 13 18

1650 30,000 1322 6 11

1500 85,000 16 6 10
75,000 82 5 6
55,000 806 9 9
40,000 4355* 6 13

1400 85,000 202 6

1350 100,000 52 2 5
90,000 355 3 6
80,000 1468 3 8

Fine Grain ( 1/16")

1800 29,000 43 14 16
18,000 526 12 19

1700 35,000 183 11 12

25,000 1013 11 16

1650 30,000 970 7 14

1500 90,000 9 7 6
60,000 771 7 10
50,000 1584 8 14

*Subsize bar machined from broken rupture bar showed the following properties:

Temp. 0.2% Yield Tensile Elong. R.A.

ºF Strength, psi Strength, psi % %
1400 109,000 136,000 3 3.5

Stress – Rupture Parameter (See Figure 8)

Creep Rate (See Figures 9 - 13 and Table 11)

Stress, psi, for Designated Creep Rate
ºF .0001%/hr. .001 %/ hr. .01%/hr.
1350 - 77,500 95,000
1500 (47,000) 55,000 70,000
1700 (12,000) 22,500 34,000
1800 ( 6,500) 14,500 22,500
1900 - 5,000 13,500
( ) Denotes extrapolated values

Minimum Creep Rate (See Figures 9 - 13 and raw data in Table II)


Coarse Grain ( 1/8")
Temp. Stress Time, Hours, for Total Creep Strain of . . . Minimum
ºF psi 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 1.0% Creep Rate %/Hr.

1350 100,000 1.0 2.0 8.0 26 .0291

90,000 5.0 l0 44 135 .0050
80,000 25 175 500 800 .0014

1500 85,000 – 0.2 1.9 5.6 .1300

75,000 2.0 2.5 7.7 28 .0185
55,000 50 170 395 560 .0010

1700 50,000 0.4 1.8 2.9 5.8 .0320

19,000 80 200 1000 1760 .0004

1800 29,000 1.5 7.0 16 25 .0310

25,000 2.5 7.0 19 35 .0350
13,000 60 175 625 1175 .0006
12;000 75 195 750 1380 .0005

1900 15,000 2.7 6.0 25 58 .0144

12,000 8.0 20 62 140 .0060
9,000 4.0 15 90 270 .0028

Fine Grain ( 1/16")
1500 90,000 0.10 0.15 0.40 1.85 .28
60,000 7.5 40.0 170 340 .0025

1650 30,000 55 190 440 570 .00091

1700 35,000 5.0 15 45 79 .001

25,000 60 120 260 480

1800 18,000 30 88 165 2850 .003

Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity (See Figure 14)

Test Dynamic Test Dynamic
Temp. Modulus Temp. Modulus
ºF psi ºF psi
70 31.2 x 106 1000 27.1
200 30.7 1200 26.0
400 29.9 1400 25.1
600 28.9 1600 23.5
800 28.1 1800 21.9

Figure 9. Creep Rupture Curves for IN-1OO Alloy at 1350 ºF

Figure 10. Creep Rupture Curves for IN-100 Alloy at 1500 ºF

Figure 11. Creep Rupture Curves for IN-100 Alloy at 1700 ºF

Figure 12. Creep Rupture Curves for IN-100 Alloy at 1800 ºF

Figure 13. Creep Rupture Curves for IN-100 Alloy at 1900 ºF

IMPACT PROPERTIES (See Figures 15 and 16)

Unnotched Charpy impact values (ft-lb) when tested at room temperature after various elevated
temperature exposures are as follows:

Holding Grain Holding Temperature

Time, Hr. Size R.T. 1200 ºF 1500 ºF 1700 ºF
0 1/16” 79, 73
1/4 45, 67

500 1/16 55, 89 45, 35 24, 25

1/4 53, 48 38, 32 23, 36

1000 1/16 69, 60 44, 19 28, 24

1/4 39, 45 39, 45 31, 24

HOT HARDNESS (See Figure 17)

Test Test
Temp. Hardness Temp. Hardness
ºF Rc ºF Rc
70 38.0 1200 35.5
600 37.5 1400 34.5
800 37.5 1600 29.0
1000 35.5 1800 16.0



Plain and notched samples were axial fatigue tested at 1112 ºF (600 ºC) in Vibrophore machines at
196 cycles per second with 0 or 33,600 psi mean load. Results are shown in Figure 18.

Figure 15. Charpy V-Notch Impact Properties of
IN-100 Alloy at Various Temperatures.

Figure 14. Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity

of IN-100 Compared to 713C and 713LC.

Figure 16. Average Impact Data of IN-100

Alloy On Unnotched Charpy Bars Tested
at R. T. After Elevated Temperature
Exposure. Figure 17. Hot Hardness of IN-100 Alloy.

Figure 18. Axial Stress Fatigue Test Results for Alloy IN-100 Stress
Form 33, 600 psi±P. Test Temperature 1112 ºF (600ºC).

Figure 19. Variation of Thermal Endurance with Temperature For
Some Cast High Temperature Alloys.

THERMAL (See Figure 19)

The thermal fatigue resistance of several nickel base alloys was determined using the fluidized bed
technique. This method involved alternate immersion of 1-5/8 in. diameter tapered disc specimens,
with 0.010 in. edge radius, in hot and cold beds.


Peak Temperature
1472 ºF 1652 ºF 1832 ºF
Alloy (800 ºC) (900 ºC) (1000ºC)

IN -100 > 1372 107 29

Alloy 713C > 1462 107 27
M22 138 50 12


Although the nickel base superalloys are relatively difficult to machine as compared to carbon and
stainless steels, proper use of speeds, feeds, tools and procedures will produce satisfactory results.
Information on machining and grinding IN-100 alloy is given in reference 3.




Depth Width Cutting Wear-

Tool Tool Tool
Operation Tool Geometry of Cut of Cut Feed Speed land Cutting Fluid
Material Used for Tests Life
inches inches ft./min. inches
BR: -5º SCEA: 15º
1/4” square .009 Highly
C-3 SR: -5º ECEA: 15º 12
Turning throwaway .075 – in. / 30 .015 Sulphurized
Carbide Relief: 5º min.
insert rev. Oil
NR: .030”

118º split point 1/4” diameter .003 Highly

M-42 .250 25
Drilling 7º clearance drill – in. / 5 .015 Chlorinated
HSS thru holes
angle 2-1/2” long rev. Oil

118º plain point 1/4” diameter .003 Highly
C-2 .250 21
Drilling 7º clearance drill _ in. / 14 .015 Chlorinated
Carbide thru holes
angle 2” long rev. Oil


Wheel Speed Table Speed Down Feed Cross Feed

Operation Wheel Grade Grinding Fluid Ft./Min. Ft./Min. In./Pass In./Pass G Ratio

Finishing 32A46J8VBE Highly Sulphurized Oil 3000-4000 60 .0005 .050 3.5

Roughing 32A46J8VBE Highly Sulphurized Oil 3000-4000 60 .001 .050 4.5



1. Convert the composition from weight per cent to atomic per cent.

2. After long time exposure in the sigma forming temperature range, the MC carbides tend to transform
to M 2 3 C 6 or M 6 C. Assume one-half of the carbon forms MC in the following preferential order TaC,
CbC, TiC.

a. Assume the remaining carbon forms M 2 3 C 6 with the M comprising 21 atoms of Cr and 2 atoms of

b. If the total weight per cent of Mo + 1/2 W exceeds 6.0%, M 6 C will form ranging in composition
from M 4 Mo 2 C to M 3 Mo 3 C where M may be iron, chromium, cobalt or combinations thereof.
3. Assume the boron is primarily tied up as M 2 M B 2 where M may be Mo, Ti or Al or combinations
thereof and M may be Cr, Fe, or Ni and combinations thereof.

4. The gamma prime is considered to be Ni 3 (Al, Ti, Ta, Cb).

5. Assume the residual matrix will consist of the atomic per cent minus those atoms tied up in the
carbide reaction, boride reaction, and the gamma prime reaction. The total of these remaining atomic
percentages gives the atomic concentration in the matrix. Conversion of this on a 100% basis gives
the atomic per cent of each element remaining in the matrix. It is this percentage that is used in order
to calculate the electron vacancy number.

6. The formula for calculation of the electron vacancy number is as follows:

N v = .66 Ni + 1.71 Co + 2.66 Fe + 4.66 (Cr + Mo + W) + 5.66 V + 6.66 Zr


1. "Nickel-Base Superalloy Oxidation", Interim Progress Report #2, Air Force

Contract No. AF33(615)-2861 for Research and Technology Division, Air Force
Systems Command USAF by MDL-FPD General Electric, Cincinnati, Ohio.

2. M. J. Fleetwood, P. J. Penrice and J. E. Whittle, "Thermal-Fatigue Resistance

of Cast Nickel-Base High-Temperature Alloys" to be published in the Foundry
Trade Journal.

3. Inco-sponsored program at Metcut Research Associates on Machinability of

Superalloys to be published.

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