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Course Description: This course guides the student to develop and finalize a selected research problem
and to construct a proposal that effectively establishes the basis for either writing a thesis or launching
an experiential capstone project. The course provides an overview of strategies for an effective problem
investigation and solution proposal. Research methodology is studied and applied as part of suggesting a
solution to a problem. Writing and formatting techniques are also explored and applied as a
communication tool for cataloging the investigation and recommending the solution.

GRAD Course Prerequisites: Students enrolled in this course should be seeking their Master of Science in
Project Management and have completed at least 18 graduate semester hours.


The primary objective of this course is to prepare Master of Science in Project Management students for
the Experiential Capstone (MS Thesis or Applied Project). This course guides students to (1) research
problems in the Project Management field, (2) select one problem of personal and professional interest
to the student, and (3) develop and submit a brief proposal detailing (a) the problem and (b) the
selection of the study methodology to be followed in the final Capstone Course (GRAD 699 – Thesis
Option, or PMGT 699 – Applied Project - Project Management Plan option) and (c) plan to get there.

Once approved, the student will be led to construct a complete proposal that effectively establishes the
basis for either writing a thesis or launching an experiential Project Management Plan capstone project.
The course provides an overview of strategies for effective problem investigation and solution proposal
writing. Research methodology is studied and applied as part of suggesting a solution to a problem.
Writing and formatting techniques are also explored and applied as a communication tool for cataloging
the investigation and recommending the solution.
After taking this course, you should be able to:
 Describe the general strategies for problem investigation and develop a solution approach
 List and describe the general research methodology and associated tools
 Use academic writing techniques as an essential tool for communication
 Develop a solid proposal and work plan for completing a potentially publishable research thesis
or applied project
 Make use of scholarly and/or discipline-appropriate resources and supporting software for

Project Management Institute, Project Management Body of Knowledge Book, 6th Edition, 2017.
Persaud, N., Devonish, D., & Persaud, I. (2019). Nuts & Bolts of Research Methodology: From
Conceptualization to Write-Up. Ian Randle Publishers. – (Recommended reference)


Course Grading

Submittal % of Total Grade

Forums 10%
Assignments 10%
Midterm Draft & Final Draft 10%
Midterm Final 15%
Final Submission 25%
Presentation 10%
Attendance 20%
Executive Sessions (15%) and Online (5%) OR Online
only (20%)

Grading Policies and Range of Grades

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F 69 or lower

Review the designated Grading Criteria before beginning work on a graded item so that you
start on the right track. Additionally, review the Grading Criteria before submitting a graded
item to make sure you have fulfilled the expectations. Finally, review the Grading Criteria
when you receive the scores to see in what areas you did well and in what areas you need
to improve. Your work will be evaluated according to the following general PMGT
Above Average: Good effort. The individual was often prepared to discuss, present, and
provide feedback. Work reflects consistent participation and engagement in a manner that
reflects an advanced interest in and understanding of the course content. The majority of
contributions are consistently thoughtful, constructive, and beneficial to all involved in the
course. Assignments and projects are thoroughly and thoughtfully completed, often
showing some additional work, insight, or integration of ideas.

Assignments and projects are completed on time, according to requirements, and with an
understanding of how individual pieces of the course build upon each other, and integrate.
(Range of grade A: 90 to 100)
Average: Basic Effort. The individual was sometimes prepared to discuss, present, and
provide feedback. Work reflects consistent participation and engagement in a manner that
reflects some interest in and understanding of the course content. Some contributions are
thoughtful, constructive, and beneficial to all involved in the course. Assignments and
projects are completed, occasionally showing some additional work, insight, or integration
of ideas. Assignments and projects are completed on time, according to requirements, and
with a basic understanding of how individual pieces of the course build upon and integrate
with each other. (Range of grade B: 80 to 89)
Below Average: Lack of Effort. The individual was rarely prepared to discuss, present, and
provide feedback. Work reflects some participation and engagement, but in a manner that
reflects little interest in and understanding of the course content. A few contributions are
thoughtful, constructive, and beneficial to all involved in the course. Assignments and
projects are completed but do not show additional work, insight, or integration of ideas.
Assignments and projects are completed on time but lack requirements and indicate little
understanding of how individual pieces of the course build upon and integrate with each
other. (Range of grade C: 70 to 79)
Unacceptable: No Effort. The individual was never prepared to discuss, present, and provide
feedback. Work reflects no participation and engagement, and there is no interest in and
understanding of the course content. Contributions are nonexistent or contain no
thoughtful or constructive elements. Assignments and projects are not completed on time.
(Range of grade F: 69 or lower)


Below is a list of assignments and readings. A separate schedule is posted for assignments
and due dates:

Se Topics
1 GRAD 695 course overview
What is Academic Writing?
Research – A way of thinking
Week 1 Discussion: Selected Topic Discussion

2 Week 2 Discussion: The research Process

Demonstration Scholarly Research and refinement of Topic
Review/Discuss Grad 695 – Grad 699: How the courses work together
Defining a Research Problem
Assignment 2A: Research and Refine Research Topic
Assignment 2.2: Topic Approval Form

3 Week 3 Discussion: Problem Statements

Review/Discuss Types of Literature Reviews
Review/Discuss Components of a Literature Review
Review Process for writing a Literature Review
Week 3 Assignment: Annotated Bibliography & Problem Statement

4 Week 4 Discussion: Literature Review Video

Review/Discuss Research Problem
Introduce Academic Writing Characteristics and Purdue OWL Guidance for
Review/Discuss Plagiarism Guidance and Research
Assignment 4: Literature Reviews

5 Week 5 Discussion: Capstone Choice

Review/Discuss Research Variables
Review the relationship of 695 to PMGT699 and GRAD699
Review and discuss requirements of Capstone Courses
Assignment 5.1: Synthesizing Research
Assignment 5.2: Mandatory Submission of Capstone Selection Approval

6 Review/Discuss Writing a Research Paper

Review/Discuss Developing a Hypothesis
Provide detailed guidance/discuss Mid-term Template sections
Review/Discuss academic writing guidance
Assignment 6: DRAFT Research Project Mid-Term Paper

7 Review/Discuss Research & Study Design

Review/Discuss Areas for Improvement (Mid-term Draft) and Assignment
Review/Discuss Writing Guidance
No Assignment, Students are given 2 weeks for submission of Midterm

8 Review/Discuss Selecting a Study Design

Review/Discuss GRAD695 Template and Guidance Articles
Review Sample Work
Assignment 7: Final Mid-Term Submission

9 Review/Discuss Data Collect Methods

Review/Discuss Student Midterm Work and Performance

10 Writing A Research Proposal

Review/Discuss Sections required for Final Submission
Assignment 8: DRAFT Research Project Final Paper

11 Review/Discuss Study Validity

Weekly Review based on draft submission
12 Review/Discuss Selecting a Sample
GRAD695 Research Paper Guidance based on Final Submission DRAFT
Review/Discuss Characteristics of Powerful Presentations
Assignment 9: Final PPT Presentation

13 Review/Discuss Writing a Research Proposal

Student Presentation Review
Assignment 10: Final Research Paper Submission
14 Guidance Review for Final Submission
Summarize Course GRAD and PMGT699/GRAD699 and next steps
Student Presentation Review

Attendance at the Executive Sessions and Weekly Class Sessions is particularly important at
Harrisburg University. It affects your learning, and it affects the credit you receive for your
courses, for which Harrisburg University is accountable. The total loss of points due to lack
of attendance can be a 20% deduction from your final course grade. There are no “extra
points” because you attended, you can only lose points if you do not attend. Calculation is
as follows (percentages refer to your total course grade):

Not attending an executive session: Minus 5% per session. Executive sessions cannot be made
up. Attendance points will be deducted if you arrive late or leave early.

Missed Online Class Policy: Students are expected to attend the weekly sessions and if
absent to watch the live recording within 7 days of the missed session. An email must be
sent to the professor notifying them of the missed class session. A summary of the session
must be posted in the designated area on the Canvas course page within 7 days to receive
full credit for attending the session. It should include the following:

Title and date of missed class in topic line

A 250-word summary of the session
Up to 4 key learning points noted while watching the session
At least 1 “take away” or “lessons learned” that you can apply to your professional or personal

Excused Absences. F-1 visa Federal Regulations indicate that for an absence to be excused,
a student must provide a note from a US Licensed Medical Doctor stating that you are
unable to attend class or travel for the specific date(s) of absence due to illness. Do not list
specific information regarding the illness. Do not other medical documents such as patient
bills, diagnoses, or after-care. All other absences will be marked as unexcused. Academic
consequences for an absence from an executive weekend class are decided by each
individual professor per Harrisburg University policy and usually involve significant point
loss. Visa/F-1 Student Status will not be impacted by absence from one unexcused absence
of an executive format class but more than one per semester would need to be reported to
a DSO and puts both academic and visa status at risk. If you are experiencing prolonged
illness or other extraordinary circumstances that are preventing you from being successful
within your coursework, reach out to the Office of Student Services,, for support.

Student Engagement. Students are expected to spend a minimum of 126 hours of student
engagement (for a three-credit course) led by a faculty member. These hours are delivered
through a variety of instructor-led activities, and may include: Adobe Connect sessions, audio
and/or video lecture with Q & A, online discussion boards, one-on-one dialogue, problem-
solving scenarios, projects, research papers, and so on to ensure all course outcomes are met.
For a graduate-level course, this averages 9 hours of individual work per each 3-credit class.
Class Participation. Students must have a working laptop for all meetings along with a
working microphone to participate in group discussions. Cell phones and other electronic
devices must be turned off or silenced during all course meetings. Students unable to fully
participate in class may be considered absent at the professor’s discretion.


Academic Code of Conduct: All students are required to abide by the Code of Conduct and
Academic Code of Conduct as described in the Student Handbook, which includes academic
integrity and expectations of originality. Students are responsible for understanding the
requirements for each course, for complying with the rules, and for reading, understanding,
and complying with the Code of Conduct and Academic Code of Conduct. The Student
Handbook is located on MyHU under the home tab.
APA Format. All students are required to quote or paraphrase borrowed material correctly
and to cite the source of such borrowed material completely following current American
Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for style, format, and content, or another style of
citation approved by the course instructor. Students may seek writing and citation
assistance from Student Services: or Smarthinking®
on Canvas, the University Librarian, or online resources such as
the Purdue OWL:

As a student, you should always ask for any help that you need to be successful! HU offers many
support services for our students. Additional information can be found on the student services
SharePoint site, which can be accessed through your learning management software.
Academic Support:
Help with study skills, time management - email
Research, resources, and library questions - email
Reading & writing assistance - email
Tutoring - email or
Access online tutoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through BRAINFUSE Online Tutoring® (via
link on Canvas)
General questions not related to visa
Academic Calendar-located on the “Quick Links” on MyHU-this includes important dates such as
holidays, withdrawal deadlines, tuition refund schedule, etc.
Registering for courses, request a transcript or enrollment verification-email
Writing Resources
Submit your writing for feedback on BRAINFUSE® (online tutoring service) - Access via link on
Writing Lab, Towson University,htm
English Writing, Really Learn English
Guide to Grammar and Writing, Capital Community College Foundation
Purdue Online Writing Lab
APA Style, Purdue Online Writing Lab
HU Library APA Guide:
IT Support. For help with computer, software, or printer problems, visit ADA Accommodations. For documented disability
accommodations at HU,
International Student Services. For questions regarding the CPT requirements or anything
about your Visa, submit an inquiry via the Student Support Network: https://harrisburgu-


Students must have a laptop. Students at Harrisburg University must have a working
wireless network connection and the ability to print documents. It is the responsibility of
every student to have a working computer and printer access. Information about minimum
requirements for your computer and connecting to the HU wireless network can be found

Students enrolled in Harrisburg University of Science and Technology’s degree program are
required to have a laptop computer to complete specific course requirements.
Students are required to have a working external microphone to use in online sessions.
Students should use the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to ensure compatibility
of their files with university and instructors’ computers. Open Office files (or other programs)
are acceptable only if files submitted are compatible with and can be opened by university
software. Students are eligible for Office 365 ProPlus; instructions for downloading and
using Office 365 ProPlus are available at

If an assignment allows for electronic submission of a file, an unreadable file will be deemed
“unsubmitted,” ungraded, and the assignment will be penalized as a late assignment when
it is submitted.

It is the policy of Harrisburg University that university business be conducted using a or email account. Emails to staff or faculty should be
written clearly, respectfully, and concisely. It is a requirement that each student check their email account regularly.

Students and faculty are required to use Canvas (the course management system for HU)
located at This may be required both during and outside of
class. Instructors regularly post information such as assignments, due dates, readings, and
outlines on Canvas. Students are responsible for reading any course announcements that
are posted on Canvas. In addition, students may have to complete assignments or upload
documents to Canvas.

Students must be familiar with basic file management, word processing, the internet,
browsers, uploading files, and opening attachments sent in emails. Students are
encouraged to back up all files to a flash drive and/or to Microsoft OneDrive.

Access to your courses will open prior to the first day of the semester and you are expected
to log onto your courses when the semester starts even if this is prior to your executive
weekends on the actual campus.
Responsibility for resolving any computer/software problems is the responsibility of the
individual student. Students should visit the OIS support page at This page allows you to search a knowledge base for
answers to your technology-related questions at Harrisburg University. If you are unable to
find a solution by searching the knowledge base, you can submit a ticket to get assistance
from one of our support staff. You can also call 717.901.5177 with questions.
Critical Thinking Critical thinkers will demonstrate the competency
The use of deliberative thought, to: Work with context, evidence, opinions, and
characterized by the error Analyze connections and draw conclusions
comprehensive exploration of Problem Solving
topics, ideas, artifacts, or events Quantitative literacy: Interpretation
before accepting or formulating Quantitative literacy: Representation
an opinion or conclusion. Quantitative literacy: Calculation
Quantitative literacy: Assumptions Quantitative
literacy: Communication
Communication Those demonstrating communication skills will
The development and expression exhibit the competency to:
of ideas in involving a variety of Write within context and for purpose Develop
styles, genres, and technologies Content
through repeated written and Adhere to genre and disciplinary conventions Use
oral communication experiences. sources and evidence
Control use of grammar and mechanics Organize and
deliver Presentations Select appropriate language
Provide supporting material
Convey a central message
Teamwork and Collaboration Those showing effective collaboration skills will
The ability to work effectively demonstrate the competency to:
with others in a concerted effort Recognize how to maximize group efficiency
toward a common goal. Contribute to group tasks as an individual Facilitate
the contributions of team members Contribute to
team function
Be a valued contributing member
Entrepreneurship The successful entrepreneur will demonstrate the
The process of organizing competency to:
tangible and intangible Understand relationships between costs and
resources to pursue benefits Evaluate stakeholders, needs, and
opportunities that generate markets
value, meet an identified need, Practice innovative thinking
or satisfy an organizational or Understand leadership and organization roles
societal market.
Information Literacy An information literate person will demonstrate
The knowledge and familiarity the competency to:
with different media types, Determine the extent of information needed
efficient data storage, retrieval Collect and retrieve the needed information
methods, and research Evaluate information and its sources
techniques. Use information sources to accomplish a specific
purpose Use communication and information
Access the use of information ethically and legally
Ethical Decision Making An ethical citizen will demonstrate the
The realization and inclusion of competency to:
the moral dimension for personal Recognize ethical issues and consequences
decision-making. Understand ethical philosophies
Exhibit ethical self-awareness
Process and apply ethical considerations
Global Awareness A globally aware citizen will show an understanding
The knowledge of the world of:
citizenry’s interests, appreciation Global context
and respect, and the interaction Action in global context Global solutions Worldview
and impacts of individuals, global frameworks
systems, and cultures. Global interactions
Civic Engagement An engaged citizen will demonstrate the
Working to make a difference competency to:
through the participation in Connect knowledge to civic engagements Express
personal and public activities that civic identity and commitment Adapt civic
are life-enriching and socially communication strategies Initiate civic action and
beneficial. collaboration

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