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Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management

Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Prior to commencing the assessments your assessor will explain each task and the terms and submission of your task.
Please consult your assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand adhere to the terms
and conditions and address each task. The assessor will support you throughout this process.
Written work
The assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of this unit of
competency. When answering please ensure you address each criteria and sub point, demonstrate your research of each
of the questions and cover the topic in a logical and structured manner.
Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all tasks on
time. If you do not participate you will be required to report to Student Services Coordinator.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own.
Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about
including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines
some of the activities for which a student can be accused of plagiarism:
 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally
or in part from the Internet
If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment task, then we will organise a meeting to discuss this
with you.
You must be careful when copying the work of others. The owner of the material may take legal action against you if the
owner's copyright has been infringed. You are allowed to do a certain amount of copying for research or study purposes.
Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is acceptable, where the participant is studying with, or employed by, an
educational institution.
Competency Outcomes
Each activity in this assessment tasks will be marked as either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
If your work is marked as Not Satisfactory you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and then given time to
complete the task. Your assessor will provide you with a timeline in which you will be required to submit your task.
Resubmission timeline will be determined by the assessor and based on the extent of the re-submission.
When you have completed all tasks in this document you will be granted an overall competency outcome, which will be
either Competent or Not Yet Competent.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 1 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

If your work is marked as Not Yet Competent you will be asked to resubmit the assessment tasks as indicated by your
assessor. You will not be able to gain competency if any of your tasks are not fully completed.
Assessment Appeals Process
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of one of the assessment tasks or the final outcome of the assessment task
because you feel that the result is unfair or incorrect, you may request to have the task/s or overall assessment task
reviewed. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you may lodge a formal assessment appeal. Refer to SBTA’s
Complaints/Appeals Policy and Procedure.
Student Declaration
I declare that:
 I am submitting work in this assignment that is my own, except where acknowledgement/s of sources are made.
 I have not copied in part, or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of others.
 I declare that the material does not infringe the intellectual property/copyright of a third party and I understand that
the evidence
may undergo electronic detection and used to make comparisons with other evidence submitted by current or previous
 The Units of Competence, Elements and Performance Criteria which I studied during the course were explained and
I was provided with adequate resources which enable me to complete this assessment.
 The assessment tasks, assessment criteria and assessment due date(s) for this course were explained.
 I was advised and I am aware of The Academy’s Policies including the Assessment Policy and the Assessment
Appeals Process.
 I was given assistance from the trainer and/or other Academy staff during the study of this course when it was
 I understand that my feedback will be used for reporting purposes and continuous improvement.
 I acknowledge that my personal and outcomes details shall remain confidential and will only be used for official
reporting purposes.
 I understand that by uploading my completed assessment tasks I acknowledge that I agree with all above points.
Application of the Unit
BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy
This unit covers the cycle of policy development with a specific focus on diversity and its importance to organisational
activity. The policy takes a whole of organisation approach and sees diversity as an asset to the organisation.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 2 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted


Assessment type
Knowledge assessment
Assessment task description
 This is the first assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of
 You must respond to all questions and activities independently and submit it to your Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in
this task.
 You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor when results are
 Where your answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a resubmission attempt will be allowed for
this task.
Applicable conditions:   
 This task is untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
 Student must read and respond to all questions.
 Student must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not
 Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she complete this assessment task.
 The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own
 Level 2, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Purpose of assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess that the student hold required knowledge of the following points from
this unit of competency.
Assessment conditions, resources and equipment
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where evidence gathered will demonstrate consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the industry capability. Students will have access to the following:
 Computer, Internet, MS Word
 Student Portal and Acccess to you’re assessor via student portal
 Learner Guide, PowerPoint

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 3 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

 Policies and procedures

 Simulated scenarios
 Excursions(as organised by trainer and assessor if suitable)
Benchmark for Assessment
 You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question and case study. In some cases, direction is provided on
the expected length of your response. These assessments will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
 The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.

Short 50+ words

Medium 150+ words

Long 300+ words

Instructions to students
This task will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge in understanding the importance of diversity in your workplace.
You can research your answers using your learner or browsing the Internet but your answers must be in your own words.
1.1. Read the following questions and answer.
a. Provide five (5) examples of diversity in your workplace or a workplace you understand well. (SHORT)

Cultural diversity
 This type of diversity is related to each person’s ethnicity and it’s usually the set of norms we get from
the society we were raised in or our family’s values. Having different cultures in the workplace is more
common in multinational companies.
Race diversity
 Race has to do with a person’s grouping based on physical traits (despite the dominant scientific view
that race is a social construct and not biologically defined). Examples of races are Caucasian, African,
Latino and Asian.
Religious diversity
 This type of diversity refers to the presence of multiple religions and spiritual beliefs (including lack
thereof) in the workplace.
Age diversity

 Age diversity means working with people of different ages and, most importantly, generations. For
example, millennials, GenZers and GenXers can coexist in the same workplace.

Sex / Gender / Sexual orientation

 Sex and gender can be used in the traditional sense of male and female employees. For example,
you may sometimes hear the term “gender balance” used by companies trying to achieve a 50-50
balance between employees who identify as male and employees who identify as female. But, as

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 4 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

gender is increasingly redefined, the term “gender diversity” may be more appropriate, since there are
multiple variations in gender and sexual orientation.

b. The Sydney Business and Travel Academy (SBTA) provides education to international students. Review
the Academy’s practices or information they have in relation to diversity. (MEDIUM)

The Academy have been leading the way in vocational education and training, welcoming thousands of
students to study with The Academy each year. Located in the beautiful city of Sydney, The Academy are
recognised as one of Sydney’s largest and most successful training providers, committed to the highest
standards of quality and excellence.
 There Values
 Quality teaching in fun environment
 Diversity ,equity and social justice
 Support personal growth
 Foster life-long learning
 Respect and empathy to each other

1.2. Explain why organisations should research their existing diversity practices and other relevant information about
diversity before they develop their own policies? (SHORT to MEDIUM)

Because you need to review all documentation and to be upto date,Diversity policies should be reviewed with every new
hire, and when updates to policies are made, they should be shared with current employees as well. Organizations that
embrace diversity also need to ensure that there are policies and practices in place to protect employees’ rights and stay
compliant with government regulations.

1.3. Outline one potential benefit of diversity and explain how it could align with the organisation’s business
objectives? (SHORT to MEDIUM)

Increased Productivity
We know – we’re piling on the jargon, but it’s true: workplace diversity not only breeds creativity, but also productivity.
And that’s because creativity actually leads to productivity: the more diverse your workforce, the more diverse your
brainstorming, the more diverse your solutions, the more diversely productive your team.This benifits all employees to
show there talent and ability to help the workplace,brainstorming and getting feedback to each one can lead to
productivity and lead to increase the customer.Communicating and help each other to get the target market.

1.4. Identify the reasons for consulting with key stakeholders about the diversity policy. (SHORT to MEDIUM)

Stakeholder opinions and insights are incredibly valuable in the early stages of the planning and development
processes . Robust consultation adds insight into the operating environment, the marketplace, trends, user / customer
need, and growth opportunities, as well as to a vision of the organisation’s future.
Effective engagement helps translate stakeholder needs into organisational goals and creates the basis of effective
strategy development. Discovering the point of consensus or shared motivation helps a group of stakeholders to arrive at

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 5 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

a decision and ensures an investment in a meaningful outcome. Indeed, without internal alignment you cannot build an
effective strategy or implement change.

1.5. 1.5 Explain what is meant by productive diversity. (SHORT)

Diversity in the workplace is also closely tied with discrimination. Bias and discriminatory employment practices
exclude people who have specific characteristics, making it difficult for organizations to achieve and maintain diversity.
That’s why many companies take action; here are some more examples of diversity in the workplace along with ways to
tackle discrimination.

1.6. Explain business operations that can be linked to diversity and how businesses can adapt their procedures in
relations to the needs of diverse groups. You may provide examples based on a workplace that you understand
well. (MEDIUM)

Traits such as race, gender, age, and religion are protected by federal legislation against various forms of
discrimination (covered later in this chapter). Organizations that have policies and procedures in place that encourage
tolerance for a work climate of diversity and protect female and minority employees and applicants from discrimination
may reduce their likelihood of being sued due to workplace discrimination. When employees are placed in a culturally
diverse work environment, they learn to interact effectively with individuals who possess different attitudes, values, and

1.7. Read the following statement, discuss this statement and explain why you may agree or disagree with the
statement. (SHORT to MEDIUM)
“Diversity policies from similar organisations should be almost identical to the diversity
policy for your organisation.”

Yes,Iam agree

Because in In a global marketplace, organizations must be careful to adhere to all diversity-related laws and
regulations. They must also be wary of mismanaging localization, ensuring that they maintain an ethical and culturally-
sensitive integration with new regions.In a global marketplace, organizations must be careful to adhere to all diversity-
related laws and regulations. They must also be wary of mismanaging localization, ensuring that they maintain an
ethical and culturally-sensitive integration with new regions.In a global marketplace, organizations must be careful to
adhere to all diversity-related laws and regulations. They must also be wary of mismanaging localization, ensuring that
they maintain an ethical and culturally-sensitive integration with new regions.There are many arguments for diversity in
business, including the availability of talent, the enhancing of interpersonal innovation, risk avoidance, and appealing to
a global customer base. The business case for diversity is driven by the view that diversity brings substantial potential
benefits, such as better decision making, improved problem solving, and greater creativity and innovation, which lead to
enhanced product development and more successful marketing to different types of customers.

1.8. Complete the following table and select which points are true and which are false?

True or False Quiz (Guide - tick [] the relevant box) True False

Diverse workplace means having different racial groups working there 

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 6 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Diversity can improve morale 

Diversity is always a hindrance 

Staff are the only stakeholders to consider during the development of diversity policy 

Physical differences are not examples of diversity 

1.9. Case Studies

Read the two (2) case studies below and use the information to answer the questions. (SHORT for each
answer below)

Case Study 1
Five female workers of Lebanese origin work at a chicken meat processing plant of the outskirts of Newcastle.
The plant employs about 200 workers; the majority of them are women from non-English speaking background
and most of them are married with small children. The five women workers find the posters and calendars that are
displayed in the workplace sexually explicit and offensive but they are too embarrassed to complain about them
Case Study 2
Chris and Fiona work in an open plan office and regularly talk about episodes of “Sex and the City”. Stephanie
sits near them and usually gets up and leaves her desk when they have these conversations. She mentions to
another colleague that she wishes they wouldn’t talk about such explicit material. Stephanie’s request turns into an
office joke and several staff members start to invent explicit stories to recount when Stephanie is around.

a) Identify five (5) issues in each of the case studies and the different types of diversity both.

non english background 5 of them is women sexually explicit language religion

sexual poster and language, diverse workplace, employees can better understand each other's differences. This will
often help to reduce conflicts between even the most different team members; and will often unite people with a
common purpose rather than divide them. You can complain to the manager or supervisor about the conflict and we
all know that we have different background and race but we have policies and procedure to do so and maintain in

b) Choose two (2) types of diversity from those you identified in a) and explain what special needs these different
types might have.

non English background

in this case from a range of cultures and backgrounds has fantastic benefits for businesses; but can occasionally
result in communication or language barriers within a team.
 Sexual explicit
there may be some generational differences or generation gaps. Conflicts can arise in the workplace due to
differences in religious, political or cultural beliefs, and unfortunately discrimination and prejudice still
occurs in some corporate environments.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 7 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

c) What type of impact this type of behaviours has on these workplaces?

Cultural differences
Cultural differences can bring a wealth of learning opportunities as well as some complicated challenges and barriers
among employees who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with one another’s unique cultures. For example, cheek
kisses are fairly common in French culture, and if you have a colleague or candidate who practices such behavior,
they may view a cheek kiss as a friendly hello, whereas you may find that quite inappropriate at work.
Above everything, it's important to educate your team about different cultures and celebrate the differences.
Additionally, creating a culture that encourages open communication will help employees explore each other's
cultural differences without creating a hostile work environment.

d) Who has responsibility in these circumstances?

Companies/manager and supervisor because they should have meeting before start the work and they should ask
them about the background and some word are offensive so they should be careful and mind other worker. They can
assign team leader in each work so they can organize and easy understand each other.

e) Explain what different processes / platforms should be provided to employees so they are able to express their
different needs. How can these situations be resolved?

To manage a diverse workplace, organizations need to ensure that they effectively communicate with employees.
Policies, procedures, safety rules and other important information should be designed to overcome language and
cultural barriers by translating materials and using pictures and symbols whenever applicable.
Avoid making assumptions about employees from different backgrounds. Instead, look at each employee as an
individual and judge successes and failures on the individual’s merit rather than attributing actions to their background.
Diverse work teams let employees get to know and value one another on an individual basis and can help break down
preconceived notions and cultural misunderstandings.

f) Explain why it is necessary to establish how the diversity policy links with other policies the organisation has
already in place.

Management/HR because they should explain the duty and responsibilities of the employees
and their differences and ask them if its ok to work in this kind of job because of the diversity at environment.

g) Identify why the diversity policy should be first produced in draft form and discuss two key reasons to revise the
diversity policy.

Managing diversity in the workplace presents a set of unique challenges for HR These challenges can be mitigated if an
organization makes a concerted effort to encourage a more heterogeneous environment through promoting a culture of

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 8 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

tolerance, open communication and creating conflict management strategies to address issues that may arise.
For leadership to effectively manage diversity in the workplace, they need to understand their backgrounds and how
their behavior and beliefs can affect their decision-making within a diverse environment.
 Organizations need to ensure that they effectively communicate with employees. Policies, procedures, safety
rules and other important information should be designed to overcome language and cultural barriers by
translating materials and using pictures and symbols whenever applicable.
 Avoid making assumptions about employees from different backgrounds. Instead, look at each employee as an
individual and judge successes and failures on the individual’s merit rather than attributing actions to their
 Set one standard of rules for all groups of employees regardless of background. Ensure that all employment
actions, including discipline, follow this standardized criteria to make sure each employee is treated the same.

h) Research the principles behind the “Equal Opportunity theory” (contemporary diversity theory) and the main
principles of Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986, and provide an overview how
these contribute to business advantage

It’s important because diversity policies in Organizations that embrace diversity also need to ensure that there are
policies and practices in place to protect employees’ rights and stay compliant with government regulations. It is
essential for an organization to think about the impact that company policies and practices have on a diverse group of
employees. Companies should create a way for employees to give feedback with surveys and suggestion boxes to gain a
better understanding of how employees feel about diversity policies. Any feedback received, both positive and negative,
is valuable. Companies need to be ready to adapt and change policies that may be interpreted as obstructions or not
helpful for employees.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 9 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted


Assessment type
Research and practical activities
Assessment task description
 This is the 2nd assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
 You must respond to all questions and activities independently and submit it to your Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in
this task.
 You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor when results are
 Where your answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a resubmission attempt will be allowed for
this task.
Applicable conditions:   
 This task is untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
 Student must read and respond to all questions.
 Student must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not
 Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she complete this assessment task.
 The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own
 Level 2, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Purpose of assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess that the student hold required knowledge of the following points from
this unit of competency.
Assessment conditions, resources and equipment
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where evidence gathered will demonstrate consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the industry capability. Students will have access to the following:
 Computer, Internet, MS Word
 Student Portal and Acccess to you’re assessor via student portal
 Learner Guide, PowerPoint
 Policies and procedures

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 10 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

 Simulated scenarios
 Excursions(as organised by trainer and assessor if suitable)
Benchmark for Assessment
 You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question and case study. In some cases, direction is provided on
the expected length of your response. These assessments will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
 The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.

Short 50+ words

Medium 150+ words

Long 300+ words

Instructions to students
Read the scenario and address each of the points below.

You are working for Bounce Fitness which is a private business in the CBD situated close to Chinatown. Clients who
attend the Fitness Centre include people from offices who work close by. Clients are various ages and from all walks
of life, including office managers and CEOs, international students, young office employees. Clients come to the
Fitness Centre in the morning before 8am, then lunch time and again after 4:30pm. The Fitness Centre is open from
4:30am to 12am 7 days a week.
You work for an international school and your manager wants to review the Fitness Centre’s practices and develop a
partnership with the Fitness Centre and organise cheaper alternatives fo the student cohort. As your student cohort is
international students it is important to review the Centre’s policies related to diversity.
You have planned a meeting with the Centre’s manager and staff to discuss the Centre’s diversity practices. Your
meeting is planned and you are meeting with them this week. At the end of the meeting you are going to send meeting
minutes to your manager and explain to your manager if the Centre’s diversity process and practices would be suitable
for our student cohort.
Prior to your meeting the manager of the FITNESS CENTRE emailed you their Draft Copy of the Diversity practices
and are happy to implement changes to suit the international student cohort.


The FITNESS CENTER has a commitment to create a workplace that is fair and inclusive, which reflects the diversity
of our customers and staff members.
The FITNESS CENTRE recognises that it is important retain people with diverse skills, experience and background to
deliver high quality customer and fitness training services.
The FITNESS CENTRE respects people as individuals and values their differences. It is committed to creating a
working and training environment that is fair and flexible, promotes personal and professional growth, and benefits
from the capabilities of its diverse workforce.
FITNESS CENTRE is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 11 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

The FITNESS CENTRE promotes diversity as a source of strength and it is about the strategic advantage that comes
from incorporating diversity into the workplace.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 12 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

2.1. Meeting:
You are to meet with the BOUNCE FITNESS manager and other stakeholders and consult with them about the
requirements for diversity policy that will suit the FITNESS CENTRE. It is important that this partnership works
out. The school is planning to implement healthy living for their students and the school management thinks that it
will put the school in better position from other international schools in the area.
The aim of this meeting is to discuss, research and review diversity with stakeholders which will enhance the
FITNESS CENTRE’S diversity practices to meet the needs of your school’s international student cohort and staff
who will be visiting the FITNESS CENTRE regularly.
At the end of this meeting you must complete the meeting minutes. Pleasuse the template below. You must be well
prepared for the meeting.
Your assessor will assign group to you so that you are able to hold the meeting.
a) You print and prepare documents which will assist you with working with the stakeholders during the meeting.
So that you are well prepared ensure that you have conducted the following:

Research similar  Has the research of similar Yes, a similar organization named Fitness One has
organizations that may have organizational profiles an inclusion policy that states to eliminate
the same diversity needs and assisted you and the discrimination and offers equal opportunities,
print or save some of the stakeholders with participation and inclusion for everyone.
information which you can developing points for the
show to others during the diversity policy
 What importance do you The Bounce Fitness organization organizes
and the BOUNCE FITNESS training for diversity. In this training culturally
Prior to your meeting show staff place on the appropriate communication skills are thought to
the information you located assessment of existing both the new members and the old members. The
to your assessor. company culture within an new members are inducted into the program while
organization? the old members act as the reminder to them. The
programs in the training include assisting in
education, flexible work arrangements, open
communication skills and frequent diversity
Bounce Fitness develop a culture that enables and
values involvement of all, embedding and
promoting the principles of equality and fairness
through delivery of inclusive sport and leisure

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 13 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

 How is BOUNCE FITNESS Both organizations have successfully implemented

different or similar to the programs and policies that foster diversity and
organizations you have inclusiveness in the workplace. To achieve success
researched in regards to and maintain a competitive advantage, Bounce
diverse workforce? Fitness and Fitness One must be able to draw on
the most important resource – the skills of the
workforce. They need to expand their outlook and
use creative strategies to be successful. Employees
can provide this resource.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting name: Date:

Discussing points and ideas for development of

Chair: Student name Attendees: Students ID numbers and names who

role-plays stakeholders

Discussion points during the meeting Comments and ideas discussed as part of the researching
diversity for the Centre

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 14 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

What is the organisation’s mission and vision?  Bounce Fitness will serve the community with
quality, comprehensive, unique, and distinctive
What are the existing human resource policies
health programs and services. The employee team
and procedures; e.g. recruitment and selection,
will expand upon the preventive services while
performance management programs of this
improving the quality of life among participants
through health and fitness services utilizing state of
How important is it to understand the strategic the art equipment and practices. These programs
directions to ensure the fitness Centre will reflect members’ needs and be financially viable
for all stakeholders.
Equality in the workplace is about treating
everyone according to their needs. VISSION
 Bounce Fitness is committed to an expanding role
as a premiere provider of wellness integrated
services. Through the evolvement of an empowered
employee culture and the creative acquisition and
use of resources, we will develop and implement
comprehensive programs and services appealing to

 Human resource policies are the formal rules and

guidelines that businesses put in place to hire, train,
assess, and reward the members of their workforce.
These policies, when organized and disseminated in
an easily used form, can serve to preempt many
misunderstandings between employees and
employers about their rights and obligations in the
business place. It is tempting, as a new small
business owner, to focus on the concerns of the
business at hand, and put off the task of writing up a
human resource policy
 strategic planning is to set your overall goals for your
business and to develop a plan to achieve them. It
involves stepping back from your day-to-day
operations and asking where your business is
headed and what its priorities should be. Equality is
fair treatment for people in every facet of life
regardless of gender, race, disability, religion,
nationality, sexual orientation, or age. But here’s the
catch. Equality doesn’t necessarily translate to equal
treatment for all. It is promoting an individual’s right
to be different. You can do it by making adjustments
in the system to meet the needs of other people.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 15 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Why the FITNESS The diversity promotes inclusion and provides equality and equal opportunity to all members
CENTRE NEEDS and guest and treating equally according to their needs, religious requirements, and disability.

Review of current Bounce fitness, with their current policy, is implying the importance to their company
diversity practices surrounding the recruitment of diversity as they are a large multinational organization. They
express their vision of what they are working towards and understand the importance diversity
can bring to their organization. They see the value having a diverse workforce. Bounce fitness
wants to ensure that all employees are treated equally. They are seeking to create a workforce
in which all staff are supported and encouraged to work at the height of their potential.
Bounce fitness believe that opportunities should be open to all and is committed to providing
services which embrace Inclusivity, diversity and promote equality of opportunity. Their goal is
to ensure that these commitments reinforced by their values are embedded into their day to day
working practices with all their customers, colleagues and partners.

How would the Key stakeholders including members of the club would be given a diversity statement outlining
diversity policy to all key areas of application within the Fitness Center. Employees would be given training and a
be explained to all manual to familiarize themselves with correct behavior and inclusion.
key stakeholders

different official approval from  Standard policies and procedures manual

communication management for any  Training for staff
channels to changes  Intranet for employee and member access
promote the  Posters and newsletters to student members yet
diversity policy to apply to all members

policies to be 1. Code of Conduct

analyze prior to 2. Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment Policies
developing the 3. Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy
policy 4. The Prevention of Racism Policy
5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employability Policy
6. The Recruitment and Selection Policy
7. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
8. Professional Practice Policy
9. Professional Development Policy
10. Employee Retention and Strategies Policy

potential impacts What indicators could be  Discussion and feedback from members.
when a diversity used to measure the impact  Create a diversity committee to address any
policy is of the diversity policy issues within the Fitness Center and the whole
implemented. implementation company
 Acceptance and agreement procedures

Points you can use 1. Agreement on inclusions such as Harassment issues

for an action plan to 2. Link policies that support Diversity such as code of conduct
implementing the 3. Consult key stakeholder

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 16 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted


Plans to link the  Equal employment opportunity procedures

diversity policy to  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands inclusion
recruitment  Sexual Harassment
 Identifies Discrimination
 Code of Conduct

Other comments as The Bounce Fitness has procedures to ensure that everyone is treated equally even if they have
relevant different beliefs to others. The management of the company recognizes that for every diverse
opinion and culture leads to the benefit of the organization. The success of the business is
grounded on the operation of the people. If people are treated with dignity and respect despite
their diversity, they are likely to perform. Therefore, treating people with dignity is the priority
of Bounce Fitness Center.

Your assessor will use the checklist at the end of the assessment tasks. Students MUST ensure that the checklist is
completed and uploaded to ensure that this assessment pack and all tasks are marked.

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 17 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted


Assessment type
Project and practical activities
Assessment task description
 This is the third assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of
 You must respond to all questions and activities independently and submit it to your Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in
this task.
 You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor when results are
 Where your answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a resubmission attempt will be allowed for
this task.
Applicable conditions:   
 This task is untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
 Student must read and respond to all questions.
 Student must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not
 Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she complete this assessment task.
 The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own
 Level 2, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Purpose of assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess that the student hold required knowledge of the following points from
this unit of competency.
Assessment conditions, resources and equipment
Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment where evidence gathered will demonstrate consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the industry capability. Students will have access to the following:
 Computer, Internet, MS Word
 Student Portal and Acccess to you’re assessor via student portal
 Learner Guide, PowerPoint

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 18 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

 Policies and procedures

 Simulated scenarios
 Excursions(as organised by trainer and assessor if suitable)
Benchmark for Assessment
 You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question and case study. In some cases, direction is provided on
the expected length of your response. These assessments will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
 The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.

Short 50+ words

Medium 150+ words

Long 300+ words

Instructions to the students

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 19 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

In this activity you will be required to develop and review a Diversity Policy for the Bounce Fitness Centre. This activity
will provide you with the practical application of developing the Diversity Policy.
To successfully complete this project, you are to Identify documentation and the organisation’s vision, mission industry,
staff educational levels and services provided.
Important: Your assessor will organise access to the Bounce Fitness documentation which he/she will upload onto your
student portals or provide you with access to the virtual company “Bounce Fitness” where you can view policies and
procedures and other company information.
Note: If you wish to use your own current workplace please speak to your assessor and check if your chosen organisation
is suitable.
If you choose to use your own workplace you MUST collect information and documents from your workplace and attach
them to this task. And also there MUST be no doubt that you are the original author of the Diversity Policy and that you
have NOT not used an existing Divercity Policy from your workplace. You will be required to show your assessor all
drafts and policy development progress to demonstrate how you developed the policy for your workplace.
To complete this task you must compete:
 Review any policies available and strategic direction of the organisation
 Conduct meetings, hold discussions and collect feedback from stakeholders
 Review, prepare statistical reports and present all outcomes to the organisation staff and managers to discuss
 Investigate other policies that are relevant to diversity in the workplace
 Develop an action plan, benchmarks, indicators and procedure to implement the Diversity Policy
 Develop a draft Diversity Policy and seek feedback from stakeholders
 Finalise and review the Diversity Policy and procedure
As directed by your assessor, investigate an organisation and analyse the organisation, the industry sector and services
the organisation provides to its clients.
Your assessor will guide you through this process. You will be able to conduct your research and develop and produce
the Diversity Policy individually using the notes provided in assessment task 2.
Your assessor will complete observation checklist and give you feedback throughout the project so that you can complete
each step of the project successfully.
3.1. Based on the meeting you held with Bounce Fitness stakeholders, list the analysed organisation’s existing strategic
direction, current practices in relation to the diversity and complete the following table as part of your analysis:
(Guide: list points as discussed with your group) (MEDIUM to LONG)

Organisation’s Diversity Analysis

List the strengths of this organisation in regards to List the opportunities and potential benefits that
diversity this organisation has to improve and implement
successful diversity processes and policy

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 20 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

List weaknesses in diversity practices (within the List any threats that may exist or arrive if the
organisation and the industry) you have identified relevant organisation does not adapt appropriate diversity
to this organisation and the industry processes and policy

3.2. List four (4) types of policies and procedures that this organisation should have in place that would link directly to
the Diversity Policy and list them below

Policy Name How will this policy links to the Diversity Policy?

3.3. Review the information about other providers you discussed during the meeting and provide a brief explanation of
the similarities and whether this would assist you with developing and drafting a Diversity Policy for the
Review the similarities and points others have made during your meeting and explain whether these points would
assist you with developing and drafting a Diversity Policy for your chosen organisation.

3.4. Role-play and a Meeting

In this activity you will be required to organise and conduct (role-play) a meeting with your “colleagues”
(stakeholders) and the draft of your policy. (Guide: Hold one short meeting and collect feedback from
During this meeting you will be required to:
a. Develop and provide an agenda to the work colleagues so they understand what will be discussed at the
b. Present your analysis and the review from your last meeting.
c. Explain why a new Diversity Policy needs to be implemented for the organisation during the meeting as at
present the organisation only has a statement for diversity.
d. Explain to the stakeholders that you will be developing a presentation to the management about the need to
implement a Diversity Policy for Bounce Fitness and;
e. You will be collecting their feedback and extra ideas to assist you with the presentation.
f. Complete meeting minutes and collect feedback from all stakeholders, which you can implement into your
presentation to the manager. (Note: use the Meeting minutes the template below to collect feedback from
your stakeholders)

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 21 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Template 1 – Agenda (this must be typed up)

Meeting Agenda

Name of the Meeting

Date of the meeting Time:

Meeting location

Contact person

Stakeholders invited

Topics to be discussed By whom

Template 2 – Meeting Minutes (this must be typed up)

Meeting Minutes

Name of the Meeting

Date of the meeting Time:

Meeting location


Stakeholders invited

Note taker/secretary

Topics covered Feedback received and comments discussed and collected Responsibility

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 22 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

3.5. Develop a presentation and deliver the presentation to your Manager and his team. (LONG)
To successful complete this task you are to:
a. Develop PowerPoint about the need to develop and implement a new Diversity Policy for Bounce Fitness.
The presentation and the report should include statistical information you collected from all meetings and
must include:
 Introduction
 What research has been conducted
 Why the organisation needs the new Diversity Policy
 Plans for implementation
 What will happen if the organisation does not adapt a new Diversity Policy
 Obtain feedback from your supervisor and colleagues (relevant stakeholders)
You can use the variate of tools that can be used to present including PowerPoint presentation, tables,
spreadsheets or other.
b. Deliver the presentation to you Manager and his team / stakeholders based on your report and the statistical
information you collected. During this presentation you will be required to:
 Present the points you raised in your report
 Use visual aids (e.g. electronic presentation or handouts) during the presentation
 Discuss points raised and collect feedback from the audience
Note: In this activity you may wish to meet either with your assessor who can act as your manager or your
assessor will organise an individual to role-play the role of your manager. Your assessor will complete a
checklist and provide you with feedback on your communication process and ability to provide statistical
information to your manager.
The assessor will instruct the rest of the observers to ask questions and provide advice and ideas for you to
Use the space below to note any comments received from the manager and the stakeholders. These notes can
be handwritten or typed but must be submitted with this task for marking
3.6. You will be required to develop your own Action Plan to implement the diversity policy and procedure. You may
choose a table format or bullet point.
The Action Plan must be easy to read and follow to implement the Diversity policy and procedures on how the
policy will be implemented and communicated to all staff.
Your Action Plan must include the following information.
 Name of the Action Plan
 Purpose of the Action Plan
 Action Plan goals including timelines

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 23 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

 Who is responsible for overseeing the Action Plan implementation process and sign offs for each stage
of the implementation
 Communication processes during the implementation stages (with managers and other stakeholders and
 Staff involved for different stages
 Any training required to assist with the Diversity Policy implementation and writing of the procedures
 How each stage or the Action Plan will be checked and reviewed
 Review of implementation process
3.7. Develop a draft copy of the Diversity Policy and Procedures and present this to the Manager for final feedback and
review. You may choose to use the template provided below or research other templates available to you.
Template 3 – Diversity Policy Template (must be typed up)
Diversity Policy and Procedures Template (Name of organisation)


Aims of this Policy

Scope of the policy

Legislations and Acts and


This policy links to (list other

related policies and documents)

Responsibilities and
Consequences of breaches of the

Equality and diversity in practice

(communication, working with
partners, monitoring the policy)

Procedure of the policy and

reporting systems

Review Process

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 24 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Version control

3.8. As part of the implementation process it is important to have your draft policy reviewed.
a) Use the SBTA email and circulate the Policy and the Procedures with the stakeholders and the manager. Ask
them to review the draft and use the table below to write comments any proposed changes. Use the space
below to show the content of your email to the stakeholder.

Students will be pasting the email into this space

b) The comments from the team’s and your manger’s review can be emailed to you. (Please use the space
below to insert the manager’s feedback and comments).

Students will be pasting the email with feedback into this space

c) Once you have received all feedback, you will be required to produce a final copy of the Diversity Policy
and Procedures.
Your final copy of the Diversity Policy must have the following information:
 Company logo
 Person who authorised the Policy and Procedure
 Policy and Procedure content
 Review dates
 Version control details
Appendix one provides an example of a Diversity Policy (student can use this policy as an example to complete
their own)
You MUST supply both the draft and final version of your Policy and Procedure and either print these 2
documents and attach them to this assessment task or email them to your trainer and assessor as directed
by the assessor.

Student will be pasting both drat of the policy and final policy in this space.

Your assessor will be completing the following checklist and provide you with feedback on your activities you have
completed. Students must organise to have this form completed and uploaded to ensure that the assessor is able to
finalise all marking.

Assessors Checklist Satisfactory

Was the student able to do the following:

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 25 of 26
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and management
Cluster number and name:
LMAD 3.2 Diversity policy
Units of competency: BSBDIV601 Develop and implement a diversity policy

Student’s ID: Advise all students to insert their ID when submitting for marking
Assessor’s name: Ensure your name or assessor name is inserted all pages submitted

Engaged and participated in group discussions when discussing Diversity in the workplace,  Yes  No
asking for contributions, participated in role-plays.

Demonstrated oral and written communication skills and was able to interact with others in  Yes  No
the group such as active listening skills, using questioning techniques such as: asking open
and closed questions to gain ideas in discussions, giving and receiving feedback.

Demonstrated reading, writing and literacy skills to read scenarios, questions and provided  Yes  No
appropriate answers as instruction by each question or a discussion point.

Demonstrated problem-solving skills to address each question in the activity and discussions.  Yes  No

Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and understanding of diversity within the  Yes  No
community and business environment.

Demonstrated understanding of diversity in the workplace.  Yes  No

Demonstrated research and analytical skills to review business structures, policies and issues  Yes  No
linked to diversity.

Used technology skills to conduct research activities about diversity  Yes  No

Was able to identify and analyse complex information when reviewing organisation’s policies,  Yes  No
business documents and vision and mission statements.

Demonstrated writing skills when developing policy and procedures.  Yes  No

Demonstrated presentation skills when presenting to colleagues, stakeholders and managers.  Yes  No

Navigating to demonstrate the world of work skills.  Yes  No

Demonstrated that the student was able to complete the full process of developing a diversity  Yes  No

Researched and identified other policies, legislations and regulations relevant to diversity in  Yes  No
the Workplace.

Assessor’s Feedback:

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have assessed this student in this task and have provided appropriate
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/___

LAMD_3.2_BSBDIV601 Assessment Tasks Version 2 2 August 2019

Page 26 of 26

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