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Activity No.

Melting Point and Boiling Point Determination

Casiño, Jeanne Pearl C.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Ms. Nova Fe E. Anorico, RCh, MSc
March 2021

1.1 Rationale of the Experiment

The melting point of a pure substance is a characteristic property for a given substance,
this occurs when the phase of a compound began to transmute from a solid state to liquid in a
particular temperature range. While the boiling point, is wherein the temperature becomes equal
to the external pressure that is above the substance. Both of these are a physical property. The
purpose of melting and boiling points in this lab experiment is to use them to help identify
unknown substances. By taking a melting point of an unknown solid, you can compare it to a list
of potential solids and their melting points and make a match to identify the solid. Likewise, you
can take a boiling point of an unknown liquid and compare it to other boiling points to make a
match and identify the liquid. Another purpose of a melting point experiment is to use the melting
point range of a substance to help determine its general purity. The smaller the melting point
range, the purer the substance is. The larger the melting point range, the less pure the substance is.
(eNotes Editorial, 28 Sep. 2012,)

In the experiment, liquid paraffin was used in detecting the melting point and boiling
point of an organic compound rather than water. Liquid paraffin, also known as paraffinum
liquidum or Russian mineral oil, is a very highly refined mineral oil used in cosmetics and
medicine. It is most likely used in this type of experiment for it has a very high boiling point which
is needed in order to maintain high temperatures in the boiling point and in melting point apparatus
without loss of the substance.
The process for melting point and boiling point involved the Capillary method. Capillary
method, is known by a liquid’s spontaneous flow through a narrow tube or porous material. It is
where a small amount of the substance that is to be tested is placed in a sealed capillary tube, which
is banded to a thermometer and was put into heating bath. The boiling point of toluene which was
used as the sample was determined using this method, by putting the inverted capillary into the
heated liquid paraffin. As for the melting of naphthalene, the sample was put in the capillary tube
and was then heated until it reached its point.
During the experiment, we are able to learned on how to calibrate a thermometer in order
to determine, as to what temperature will the sample melt and boil. Also, enable us to calculate the
final reading of every points. Finally having a deeper understanding with regards to the
characteristic of the physical properties.

1.2 Objectives of the Experiment

The main objectives of this experiment is to determine the melting point and boiling
point of an organic compound. The experiment addressed the following:

1. To determine the melting point of the naphthalene sample

2. To determine the purity of the naphthalene sample in determining the melting point
3. To identify the boiling point of the toluene sample
4. To calculate the percent error of the melting point and boiling point of the samples

1. Experimental Set-Up
Part A. Determining the Melting Point of Naphthalene

Figure 1. Melting Point Experiment

1.1 Preparation of Materials and Chemicals

In determining the melting point of powdered naphthalene, a specific materials and
chemicals were prepared. The experiment required the following: liquid paraffin, powdered
naphthalene, capillary tube, porous plate, spatula, thermometer, thread, beaker, stirrer, iron stand
with clamp, wire gauze, tripod stand, and Bunsen burner.
1.2 Preparation of the Naphthalene Sample
The endpoint of the capillary tube was sealed through the flame of the Bunsen burner.
A small amount of powdered naphthalene was transferred into a porous plate using spatula. After
that, the naphthalene was then moved unto a capillary tube until it reached 2-3 mm.
1.3 Setting Up the Naphthalene Sample
With the use of a thread the capillary tube and thermometer were then attached to each
other. The beaker containing the liquid paraffin was placed in a wire gauze above the Bunsen
burner, and stirrer was then added unto the beaker. Next, the thermometer together with the
capillary tube were clamped and adjusted unto the beaker, making sure that the thread was outside
the liquid bath.

1.4 Melting the Naphthalene Sample

The liquid was then heated and slowly being stirred in order for the temperature to be
uniformed. As soon as the naphthalene began to melt, the temperature was recorded and then
labeled as T1. Finally, the naphthalene stopped from melting as it reached its point and the
temperature was recorded and labeled as T2.

1.5 Schematic Diagram

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram for Determining the Melting Point of Naphthalene

Preparing the Naphthalene Sample

- Seal the end of the tube through

the Bunsen burner flame
- Fill the tube with naphthalene from
the porous plate until 2-3 mm
- Attached the capillary tube to the
thermometer using a thread
Liquid Paraffin

- Put the liquid in the beaker to serve

as bath during the melting process
- Place above the Bunsen burner together
with the wire gauze
-Put a stirrer inside the beaker to make
the heat uniform.

Heating the Sample

- Put the thermometer and tube in an iron
clamp and adjust into the beaker bath.
- Start heating by the Bunsen burner

Melting Point

- Record the temperature as (T1) when the

sample begins to melt
- Record the temperature as (T2) when the
sample stops melting

End of Experiment

Part B. Determining of the Boiling Point of Toluene

Figure 3. Boiling Point Experiment

1.6 Preparation of Materials and Chemicals
In determining the boiling point of the toluene compound. The experiment required the
following chemicals and materials: liquid paraffin, toluene, small test tube, thermometer, a 5-6 cm
capillary tubes, dropper, rubber band, stirrer, iron stand, iron clamp, Bunsen burner, a 100 mL
beaker and hot plate.
1.7 Preparation of the Toluene Sample
With the used of the dropper an amount of 2/3 toluene compound was transferred to the
small test tube. The test tube and the thermometer were then fixed together with the help of a
rubber band, wherein the band was put near the mouth of the tube.
1.8 Setting Up the Toluene Sample
A 100 mL beaker with the liquid paraffin was placed unto a hot plate. Next, the test tube
and the thermometer was put in an iron clamp and was then adjusted to the beaker, until the bulb
reached the liquid. Ensuring that the rubber band was outside the liquid bath. A capillary tube was
sealed at one end through the flame of the Bunsen burner. It was then placed inside the test tube
containing the toluene compound.
1.9 Boiling the Toluene Sample
The hot plate was heated, and the bath was slowly stirred for the temperature to be in
uniformed. After some time, the liquid bubbles started to showed up. At this stage, the vapor
pressure already exceeds the atmospheric pressure. The temperature was then noted and labeled as
T1. After the bubbles stopped showing the heating was stopped, and the temperature was then
recorded and labeled as T2.

1.9 Schematic Diagram

Figure 4. Schematic Diagram for Determining the Boiling Point of Toluene

Preparation of the Toluene Sample

- Transfer 2/3 amount of toluene to

the test tube
- Fix the test tube and thermometer
together using rubber band
100 mL beaker with liquid paraffin

- Place into a hot plate

Set Up the Toluene Sample

- Clip the thermometer and test tube
through the iron clamp and adjust into
the beaker until the bulb reach the bath
- Seal the end of the capillary tube by the
Bunsen burner and put inside the test

Heating the Sample

- Record the temperature as (T1) when the

- sample begins to show bubbles
- Record the temperature as (T2) when the
- sample stops producing bubbles

End of Experiment


The following data shown in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 are obtained from the results, after
successfully conducting the experiment for determining
the melting point and boiling point of an organic compound. Each samples from melting point and
boiling point have their own standard value, along the data we will know how much percent error
there is in the experiment. So as, the purity of the naphthalene sample.
Table 1.1 Results of the Melting Point of Naphthalene Sample
Standard %
Organic Temperature Temperature Average Temperatu Error
Compound (T1) (T2) Temperature re °C

Naphthalene 78 °C 82 °C 80 °C 80.26°C 0.32%

Table 1.1 shows the results in determining the melting point of naphthalene. You will see that
the average temperature was obtained, by adding both (T1) and (T2) divided by two (2). Now, the
results that was observed upon the naphthalene starts to melt and stopped melting was actually
higher than the standard melting point. For the standard melting point range of naphthalene was
around 79°C -80°C. This could be cause by the possibility of heating the sample at a faster rate
which lead to a higher temperature than the actual one.
According to bthoole, when using a melting point range, a narrow range suggests that the
compound is relatively pure, whereas a larger range suggests a relative impurity. Impure sample
are known to have lower melting point than of the pure one. In this case, we can say that the
naphthalene compound is pure for it melt at a particular temperature and narrow melting point.

Table 1.2 Results of the Boiling Point of Toluene Sample

Standard % Error
Organic Temperature Temperature Average Temperature
Compound (T1) (T2) Temperature °C

Toluene 118 °C 104 °C 111 °C 110.6°C 0.36%

Table 1.2 shows the results in determining the boiling point of toluene. You will see that
the average temperature of the two boiling points was 111°C. As for the actual boiling temperature
of toluene it was 110.60°C. Notice, that the average temperature is higher than the actual
temperature. It is because, when the liquid boils forces are being overcome by the molecules
kinetic energy. Therefore, when the compound has a greater the intermolecular forces, the higher
the boiling point. Same it goes for the toluene compound, for it has a intermolecular force of
London Dispersion.


Sayre, B. (2012). Melting Point and Boiling Point of Organic Compound. Retrieved from

eNotes Editorial, (28 Sep. 2012). Retrieved from

Houghton Mifflin Company, (n.d.). The Determination of Melting Point. Retrieved from
bthoole, (2018). Melting Point Expirement Discussion. Retrieved from
Rao, P. & Sunkada, S. (2007). Making Sense of Boiling Points and Melting Points. Retrieved from
Equation used for Average Temperature:
Average Melting Point = T1 + T2
Average Boiling Point = T1 + T2
Calculate the Percent Error of the Experiment:
% Error = ( Accepted Value – Calculated Value ) X 100
Accepted Value

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