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A project proposal made by:

Bianca Romelle Stephanie S.
BSN 2 - B

Submitted to:
Mr. Guillermo Sodomia
Mrs. Pamila C. Pilapil
D.I.Y Facemasks for the Youths
a project proposal by: Bianca Romelle Stephanie S. from BSN 2 - B

I. Introduction
It has almost been a year since the pandemic started, we all have been affected
by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Above all this, COVID-19 is killing
people on a large scale. Philippines has now a total of 504,000 total cases and
9,997 deaths recorded. (source: JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data) This pandemic
really made a huge impact throughout our whole country. As we all go along
our daily lives living with the pandemic, there are also ways that we discovered
to prevent or to spread the virus from infecting other people. Wearing
facemasks and face shields are one of the most important tools that we need to
use during this pandemic. Some people nowadays still question why facemasks
are needed for those who do not have the virus, but it is important since many
people have asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections, if we are all wearing
face masks, it can help prevent droplets that could carry the virus from
escaping and infecting others.

Although we all know that wearing facemasks is the number one essential thing
to have, there are still citizens who don’t have the resources to have their own
since the prices have been booming due to the overwhelming amount of people
buying bulks of facemasks. Children are still seeing playing on the streets
without wearing facemasks which makes them more vulnerable to acquire the
virus. For a fact, we should understand the importance of giving enough face
masks to the citizens across our country especially the most vulnerable ones
which are the youths.

In my proposal, I would like to introduce a way for the youths in our

community to obtain and also share this to their own family and friends, that it
is not a requirement to buy their own facemasks at different stores. There is an
efficient and much more cheaper and safer way to acquire their own by making
D.I.Y facemasks at home. This will teach the younger generations that they can
also create and not buy things outside of their home when they have already the
materials that can be found inside their homes. A convenient way that can help
and protect others inside the community.
II. Objectives
- To educate the youths and their family about the importance of wearing face masks
during this pandemic.
- To eradicate the stigma of not wearing facemasks in the community.
- To assist the youths in making their own affordable face masks.

III. Rationale/Importance of the Project

The reason why I chose this project for our community is that there are still
issues around here that numerous youths/younger generations tend to not
follow the rules and say that “If I am not personally at high risk for COVID-19,
why should I wear a mask?” that sentiment is common around our community,
so I created this project to hopefully break the stigma.

But as I’ve observed, some people do want to obtain their own face masks but
just can’t due to the decline of stocks or not enough resources to have one.
There are several studies saying that having D.I.Y facemask or the cloth masks
coverings are much more recommended due to their low cost and ready
availability. I want to share this to the youths in order for them to understand
that it is okay to not rely on buying surgical masks or N-95 masks at stores
since there is a way for them to make their own at home.

I hope to shed light to the youths and also to their families how important it is
to wear face masks these days because of the pandemic. If all of us are wearing
facemasks even if we don’t feel any of the symptoms of the virus, we can
already help in decreasing the risk of transmission by wearing facemasks.
This project will organize awareness with the community on the importance of
wearing facemasks while teaching the youths in making their own to save time
and also money. Special emphasis will be made on eradicating the stigma of
not wearing facemasks. Participation will be the key.

The subjects or participants for this project are the youths between 10 - teenage
years inside our barangay. The total number of participants will be 120.

For this project, resources mainly required would be:
1. Visual aids (for the information about COVID-19 and the important of
wearing facemasks)
2. Time, energy, transportation to do the task.
3. The materials to be needed and shown to the participants for the D.I.Y
- used fabric/clothing
- elastic bands, rubber bands , hair ties or string
- needle and thread or bobby pin
- scissors


- used fabric/clothing - N/A (since the participants have each
of their own used fabric/clothing)
- elastic bands, rubber bands, hair ties - 200PHP for 10 boxes of elastic
or string bands
- needle and thread or bobby pin - 300PHP for 10 boxes of bobby pins
- scissors - 450 PHP for 15 scissors

For the used fabric/clothing, the participants can have the material from their
own home, also the needle and thread can be theirs as well and the 15 scissors
will be provided if there isn’t enough scissors for the participants (since they
will be grouped into 10 with 15 youths per group with social distancing on the
community gym area)

The budget estimated for this project would be:

- 950 PHP (since this is supposed to be a budget friendly D.I.Y for the
facemasks, I research about the prices of the materials for convenience)

Activity Target date Resources Anticipated Progress
Required Product or Result Notes

Attend first day 01/22/21 Visual Aid, The youths will

of the opening Time, show an
program of Transportation understanding and
COVID 19 and are now aware of
wearing of the importance of
facemasks wearing face
awareness with masks.
the youths in the
Present the D.I.Y 01/23/21 Time, Tools, The youths will
facemask project Transportation, now know how to
and instructions Participation of make their own
in how to make the participants facemasks at home
their own and show
facemasks at willingness to also
home. Assisting share it to others.
them in making
their facemasks
on the program
setting as well.

Follow up 01/25/21 Time, The youths will tell

checking and Transportation, their
conducting post- Participation of reactions/thoughts
assessment with the participants /experiences
the youths of the in making their
community own facemasks
and sharing them
with their family.

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