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Strengthening implementation of legal and policy frameworks and accountability

Issues Addressed in Draft Present Status of Bangladesh National Commitment

Presented by CSW Bureau needed
a) Ratify and fully implement the 1. No visible initiative has been 1. Concrete steps to
Convention on the Elimination taken yet for withdrawal of withdraw reservation on
of all Forms of Discrimination reservation, full ratification Articles 2 and 16.1.c. and
against Women, withdraw all and implementation of Optional Protocol (Article
reservations to the CEDAW 10.1)
Convention, and ratify or 2. Government still maintains 2. Rules and regulations of
accede to its Optional reservation on Optional the Domestic Violence
Protocol; and include detailed Protocol in the pretext of (Prevention and
information on measures reducing burden of reporting
Protection) Act, 2010 need
taken to end violence against or avoiding duplication of
to be formulated
women and girls in reports to reporting.
the Committee on the 3. The government has taken immediately for ensuring
Elimination of Discrimination some initiatives including smooth implementation of
against Women so as to enactment of Domestic the law.
increase accountability (based Violence (Prevention and 3. Need concrete measures
on E/CN.6/2013/3para 59(a), Protection) Act, 2010 and to implement the High
(c) and E/CN.6/2013/4 implementing some projects Court verdicts to combat
para.89(a),(c)). to end Violence Against discriminatory practices of
Women. polygamy, dowry, sexual
4. Some notable High Court harassment, fatwa
directives since 2009 instigated violence etc.
addressed gender
discrimination, declaring
unconstitutional extra-
judicial punishments in the
name ‘fatwa’ (2010),
prohibiting forced veiling in
educational institutions and
workplaces (2010), framing
guidelines against sexual
harassment in public places

b) Adopt and accelerate the 1. Eight One-Stop Crisis 1. Immediately finalize

effective implementation of Centers (OCC) are National Action Plan to
comprehensive legal functioning in seven combat VAW in
frameworks that criminalize divisions and one district,
consultation with civil
violence against women and three Victim Support
society and women’s rights
girls; mandate protection and Centres and a National
support services and Helpline Centre have

prevention measures; and been established groups.
cover the prosecution and 2. Establish counselling
punishment of perpetrators to 2. The Government carried services and sufficient
end impunity (E/CN.6/2013/4 out a national survey on
number of temporary
para.59 (g)). VAW 2011 although the
shelters for victims of
results are not yet out.
violence in all parts of the
3. Emergency call number of country.
police has been 3. There should be more
introduced to protect campaign and awareness
victims of VAW. raising program for more
usage of Government
resources regarding
prevention and protection
of victims of VAW

c) Implement multi-sectoral 1. MOWCA’s Multi-Sectoral 1. Need to ensure OCC

national action plans and Program on Violence Against activities expanded at all
policies which include Women includes One-stop district level with easy
measures for prevention, Crisis Centres (OCCs) in process to avail the
services and responses, data government hospitals. In the services.
collection, research, third phase (2012-2016) the 2. Establish a Government
monitoring and evaluation; the OCCs will be set up in 20 mechanism for
establishment of coordination upazilas in 40 districts. developing a
mechanisms; the allocation of 2. There is lack of a comprehensive and
resources; and clear timelines comprehensive official data uniform database on
and benchmarks for results to base on VAW VAW from district level to
be achieved (E/CN.6/2013/3 national level.
para.59 (f) and E/CN.6/2013/4
para.89 (j)).

d) Strengthen bilateral, sub- 1. Human Trafficking Prevention 1. Implementing and law

regional, regional and and Control Act, 2012 enforcing agencies &
international cooperation adopted by Parliament to public prosecutors should
mechanisms and initiatives, be made aware and
address all forms of
including information knowledgeable about the
trafficking (sexual
exchanges on best practices, of new law.
governments and exploitation, child labor, 2. Rules of Human Trafficking
intergovernmental and non- bonded labor, organ trade, Deterrence & Suppression
governmental organizations, etc). Act 2012 are not finalized.
to address the transnational 2. A new National Plan of Action 3. Initiatives should be taken
organised crime problem of 2012-14 on combating to finalize agreement with
trafficking in persons, all the destination

especially women and children Human Trafficking adopted. countries of RRRI
(based on A/RES/67/145, 3. Ministry of Home Affairs has Taskforce, ensure mutual
Trafficking in women and set up a separate website for legal assistance treaties
girls,PP26.) between country of origin
information on trafficking.
& country of destination,
ensue well-equipped
staff/labor attachés in the
destination countries,
increase number of safe
homes for the victims etc.
e) Strengthen governance and 1. National Women's 1. A National Action Plan on
coordination and oversight Advancement Policy (NWAP) NWAP is yet to be
mechanisms to ensure 2011 has been introduced finalized.
implementation, monitoring 2. The Sixth Five Year Plan 2. National Budgets should
and evaluation of laws, (SFYP)2011-15 has been be formulated and
national action plans and introduced in 2011, which implemented keeping the
policies (based incorporates specific gender SFYP targets and goals.
onE/CN.6/2013/3 para.59 (i) goals and targets under
and E/CN.6/2013/4 para.89 different sectors.

f) Allocate dedicated and 1. Up to FY2012-13, 25 1. Implementation process of

sufficient resources for the full ministries have published gender budgeting should
implementation of laws, gender budgeting reports be monitored properly
national action plans and
policies to address violence 2. All ministries have been 2. All ministries should
against women and girls brought under the medium publish gender budget
including through the term budget framework reports.
expanded use of gender- process.
responsive budgeting (based 3. Impact analysis and
onE/CN.6/2013/3 para.59 monitoring of GRB should
(g)and E/CN.6/2013/4 para.89 be made regular including
(k)). sharing with civil society
and media.

g) Ensure that efforts to end Various GO-NGO projects are Need to monitor effective
violence against women and underway with support from implementation of the
girls are a priority area in aid different aid agencies and projects including ensuring of
allocation and development development partners to redress transparency and
cooperation. VAW accountability of fund

h) Encourage private sector Government has introduced 1. Need to hit the concept of

investment in programmes Public Private Partnership (PPP) Corporate Social
and strategies to prevent and to encourage more private Responsibility (CSR) to
respond to violence against investment for social change attract more investment.
women and girls.
2. PPP should not just be
seen in terms of
development, but it should
be considered as a vehicle
to positive social
i) Institutionalize mandatory and There are some trainings or 1. Gender awareness and
ongoing capacity building for capacity building programs for sensitization training
public officials working in the police, health workers, teachers required for judiciary,
areas of education, health, etc. senior govt. officials,
social welfare, justice and military etc.
immigration, as well as the 2. Need to ensure a
judiciary, police and military, comprehensive strategy to
to adequately address violence address violence against
against women and girls in a women and girls and put in
gender-sensitive manner; and place accountability
put in place accountability mechanisms to ensure
mechanisms to ensure compliance of public
compliance of public officials officials with laws and
with laws and regulations regulations
(based onE/CN.6/2013/4
para.89 (p)).
j) Enhance consultation and Government occasionally invites Need to ensure regular and
participation among all consultation with regard to effective participation and
stakeholders in all efforts to formulating or amendment of consultation of all
address violence against laws and policies. stakeholders including
women and girls, especially activists, researchers,
with survivors of violence and academicians, survivors,
their organizations, so that lawyers etc.
their knowledge and
experience can fully inform
policies and programs (based
onE/CN.6/2013/3 para.52).

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