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ORGANIZATION: Coca Cola Company

Top management: CEO, Directors

Middle management: human resource manager

Lower management: branch managers

Non-management: truck loaders, chemical engineers, cleaners

At the top management level, stakeholders like the CEO and directors who make long term decisions
for the Company have unstructured work and responsibilities.
For example if numerous customers reported illnesses after consuming a batch of Coca Cola-
manufactured drinks, the approach to this challenge would rely entirely on wisdom and advice from
different stakeholders. There isn’t any laid out procedure or policy on how to tackle the problem. Their
work is therefore unstructured.

At the middle management, stakeholders like the human resource manager who plays a supervisory
role have semi-structured work and responsibilities. This is because while there’s use of advice,
judgment, wisdom and analysis, their decisions must be in line with the organization policy.
For example, if the team of chief chemical engineers of the company has been conducting a strike
demanding a salary increment, the human resource manager will require advice, and wisdom from
other stakeholders but the resultant approach has to be in line with the financial policy for salary

At the lower management level, we have branch managers who perform supervisory roles. Their work
and responsibilities are semi-structured because the approach in carrying out work tasks isn’t fully
procedural or even entirely laid-out in the organizational policy.
For example; if after an inspection by a government official, the government passes out a notice to close
the branch, the branch manager would seek the judgment of other stakeholders and also consult the
policies regarding closure of the branch.

Non-management level stakeholders have structured work and responsibilities since their work
approach is clearly laid out in the employee policies.
For example, the chemical engineers are clear on policies regarding teamwork, assault and conflict

Top Management
 Director

Middle Management

 Human Resource Manager

Lower Management

 Branch Manager

Non-management staff

 Technicians( plumbers, meter readers)

- The responsibilities of the Director are classified as unstructured because their decisions and
actions are based on consultations from the other stakeholders in the organization and board
members hence there is no use of a laid out policy for their work since there decisions are ever
changing with the changing demands and requirements of the organization.
For example in of National Water, in case there is need to extend supply of water to other
areas say where there isn’t any supply, the Director will have to make a decision basing on
advice from consultations with other stakeholders which could be the population of the area
in order to access the amount of water that has to be supplied. Once all necessary is gathered
then he/she can present to board members for a final approval, hence there is no plan that is
required to be set up on how the organization is to expand but rather basing on assessment
and consultations.

- The work of the Human Resource Manager is classified as semi-structured because they are able
to make decisions for the organization with approval from other stakeholders in higher levels
but are supposed to follow a laid out plan/ policy on the matter at hand.
For example in the case of national water, the human resource manager is able to hire
employees for the organization basing the requirements needed, without consulting the top
management, but as well, has to follow a laid out plan for the recruitment of employees
which could be the specific number of employees an organization is able to sustain and pay as
to the organization’s annual budget set by the top management.

- The work of the branch managers is classified as semi-structured because they operate basing
on input and consultation from other stakeholders in the top and middle management but the
actions taken must be harmonious with the company policy.
For example for the case of National Water the branch manager maybe availed a proposed
plan to expand supply of water to various areas in the region in a given time and it’s the duty
of the branch manager to implement plan by deploying the required personnel to do the
necessary work to achieve the goal.
- The work of the tellers/ technicians is classified as structured since they a follow a systematic
outline of orders on how they are required to carry out their tasks in order to successfully
achieve the set goals of the organization.
For example for the case of National Water, technicians may be deployed in a certain area in
order to take meter readings and maybe required to record the readings and bill the
customers according, the goal of the deployment maybe to find out how many people in a
certain area use water and those who have payments that past due in order to avoid losses by
the organizations.


Strategic level: restaurant owners.

Tactical level: executive chefs, financial managers.

Operational level: chefs, waitresses, cleaners, waiters.

At the strategic level, we have the restaurant owners who make long term plans and goals for the
restaurant. Their work and responsibilities are unstructured because there’s no clear policy or laid out
way of performing their job tasks or approaching certain challenges.
For example if a competitor framed the restaurant for using chemically treated food, there wouldn’t be
any company policy to refer to create a solution for that challenge. This stakeholder would solely rely on
wisdom and advice from various people. The work of the stakeholder in this level is therefore

At the tactical level, we have the executive chiefs and financial managers whose role is advisory to the
strategic level and supervisory to the operational level stakeholders. Their work is semi-structured
because while they utilize wisdom, judgment, and experience, their decisions must be in line with the
organization policy.
For example if the restaurant owner set a goal to increase the number of customers within the next five
years, the executive chefs could suggest to introduce new recipes and meals onto the menu. This
decision would be dependent on the experience of the chef to actually incorporate these new recipes
but also dependent on the financial policy (not to implement outside the restaurant budget).

At the operational level, we have the waitresses, cleaners, receptionists and waiters whose role is to
carry out business operations. Their work is structured because all their responsibilities are all in line
with the organizational policy and have a laid-out response to challenges.
For example if while on duty, a waitress loses a loved one there’s a policy for employee compensation
and leave.
GROUPWORK (group 8)

Organization: SALON

Strategic level: SALON OWNERS

Tactical level: MANAGERS, human resource officers


o At the strategic level, we have the owners of the salon who make the long term plans for the
organization. Their responsibilities are unstructured because their challenges don’t have a
particular layout or policy on how to solve them.
For example; if masked robbers stole equipment, money from the registers and assaulted the
customers, how would the salon owner create a solution that recovers their property and
retains the customers? Here, the salon owner will use majorly wisdom, judgment and
experience to obtain a solution. Such a problem doesn’t have a procedure or pre-laid out
solution. Therefore, the responsibilities of stakeholders at this level are unstructured.

o At the tactical level of the salon, we have managers in charge of hiring human resource,
supervising workers, finances and accountability. Their responsibilities are semi-structured
because there’s use of both organization policies and criteria alongside use of wisdom and
For example; in regards to hiring workers, there are particular criteria and qualifications
required of applicants according to the organization policy. However, even though an applicant
has all required documents, the managers use wisdom to rate the person’s work ethic and
associability with other workers through their self-presentation at interviews. There work is
therefore semi-structured.

o At the operational level of the salon, we have hairdressers, receptionists and cleaners. These
don’t perform any supervisory role and their work has a laid out way of approaching it.
For example; if a customer’s drink spills onto the floor, it is already laid out that the cleaner is to
clean it up. Since there isn’t need for consultations, wisdom or out of policy knowledge to
perform the tasks, the work of the stakeholders at the operational level is structured.

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