Psychology Major (BA) : Program Planning Worksheet

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This worksheet is for PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY and does not replace your CAPP report once you have declared your
program. In the event of any discrepancy, your CAPP report and the academic calendar will be considered the authority.

Faculty of Social Sciences

Psychology Major (BA) Department of Psychology

Year 1 Years 3 & 4

Requirement Units Taken Requirement Units Taken
PSYC 100A 1.5 PSYC 300A 1.5
PSYC 100B 1.5 PSYC 300B 1.5
BIOL courses (any level) 3.0 BIOL 150A PSYC content stream courses 7.5
(300/400-level) *
CSC course (any level) 1.5 CSC105(W)
ATWP 135 (or ENGL 135) * 1.5
PHIL course (any level) * 1.5 PHIL 245
PHIL 201, 203, 370, MATH 102, 100, 109 or 151 1.5 MATH 106 PSYC courses (300/400-level) 3.0

Electives (any level) 3.0

PSYC course (400-level, check exclusions) * 1.5

Year 2 Electives (300/400-level) 6.0

PSYC 201 1.5 psyc201

PSYC 205 or 210 1.5 COM220
PSYC 231 1.5
PSYC 243 1.5 psyc243 Electives (any level) 9.0 psyc210
PSYC 251 1.5
PSYC 260 1.5
Courses from ANTH, ECON, ES, GEOG, POLI or 3.0 soci100A
SOCI (any level)
Electives (any level) 3.0
Total units 60.0


Course requirements with an In addition to the listed courses, If you have not already satisfied
asterisk (*) have associated details you must satisfy all requirements UVic’s Academic Writing Students are normally
listed in the Academic Calendar; for the Faculty of Social Sciences, Requirement (AWR), you will need expected to declare their
consult the program entry for as well as complete at least 30 of to complete one of ATWP 135, academic program at the
details. It is your responsibility to their minimum 60 required units at ENGL 135, 146, 147, or another end of first year. Visit
ensure you are informed about all UVic. Within these 60 units, 21units approved course. If you have for
supplemental information related must be upper-level (300/400- already satisfied the AWR on more information.
to courses, as they apply to your level) courses, and 18 of those 21 admission, you can instead select
program, including prerequisites. units must be taken at UVic. 1.5 units of electives.

EFF E C TI VE S EP T E M B ER 20 2 0
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