Self-Learning Module in Tle-He Wellness Massage GRADE 7/8 Week 2 Maintain Tools and Equipment

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Module 2

Maintain Tools and Equipment

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Juan G. Macaraeg National High School

Welcome to the world of Wellness Massage!

This module covers 1 lesson that a Grade 7 / Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
student like you ought to understand.
As shown below, the Lesson is directed to the attainment of one learning outcome:
Lesson 1 –Tools and Equipment
LO2. Maintain Tools and Equipment
Your success in this exploratory course on Wellness Massage is shown in your ability to
perform the performance standards found in learning outcome.

It is important to assemble, sanitize and sterilize all the necessary items before starting any
massage service.

What is meant by Sterilization? What is Sanitization? 

Sterilization is the process of destroying all living micro-organisms. Sanitization is the process
of destroying some, but not all micro-organisms.

What is the difference between disinfectant and antiseptic? 

A disinfectant is a substance used to control micro-organisms on non-living surfaces such as tools,
equipment, and furniture/ fixtures. An antiseptic is an agent that prevents the multiplication of micro-

Spas and salons utilize many different tools on a regular basis, and the type of sanitation treatment
depends on the type of tool used and its materials. For example, there are single-use tools, which are
usually made from porous materials like foam, paper, and wood, so they cannot be properly cleaned and
disinfected. On the other hand, multi-use tools are made from non-porous materials like glass, stainless
steel, and hard plastic, which allow them to be cleaned frequently and disinfected in between uses.

Preparation of Equipment to be Sanitized

a. Read directions on disinfectant. 
b. Measure and mix disinfectant as directed. 
c. Saturate a cleaning cloth with disinfectant solution and wipe entire surface area of

d. Wipe the surface with paper towel to dry it. 
e. Dispose of sanitizing solution and used towels.

Preparation of Metals Implements for Sterilization 

a. Soak the tools/ implements in hot, soapy water solution to remove any debris and oil
residue. Rinse them thoroughly.
b. Place the tools/implements in a 70% to 90% alcohol solution for 20 minutes.
c. Remove the tools/implements from solution, wipe them dry, and place them into
a dry sterilizer. 

Sanitizing Bath Towels

a. Sort Your Towels by Fabric and Color

Place cotton and linen bath towels into separate piles. Further separate those piles into whites,
darks (such as dark red, dark blue, and purple), and lights (like pink, yellow, and light blue). For
multicolored towels, separate according to the predominant color. Wash each pile separately to
prevent dark colors from bleeding onto light towels.

b. Clean with Detergent

Add 1/4 cup of laundry detergent or, if your bath linens are especially dirty, 1/2 cup of
detergent to the washing machine. If your washing machine doesn’t have a detergent dispenser, pour
the detergent into the barrel. Along with the detergent, add one 1/2 cup of borax. Borax boosts the
detergent’s cleaning power and reduces odors.

c. Brighten with Bleach

Add bleach to brighten and sanitize bath towels. Use 3/4 cup regular bleach for your white and
bleachable towels. Use 3/4 cup color-safe bleach for colored towels. If your washing machine
doesn’t have a bleach dispenser, mix the bleach in 1 quart of water. Add this mixture five minutes
into your washing cycle. If you use too much bleach, you can damage your towels, leaving them
yellow and brittle. If you know you have hard water, use oxygen bleach instead of chlorine bleach to
prevent staining.

d. Substitute Vinegar to Deodorize and Freshen

If your towels seem less absorbent than they used to be or have stubborn odors, skip the bleach
and use vinegar instead. Use 1/2 cup of 5 percent white vinegar during your  wash cycle. Vinegar
helps remove odors and strips away detergent buildup to make your towels as fluffy and fresh as the
day you bought them. For a top-loading machine, simply raise the lid and pour in the vinegar. For a
front-loading machine, wait until water from the previous cycle has drained completely. Open the
door and pour the vinegar over the towels. It’s important that you never combine vinegar and bleach.
Only use one per wash cycle for an effective and safe result.

e. Choose the Washing Machine Settings

A temperature of at least 155 degrees Fahrenheit kills most common germs. This is acceptable
for cotton towels but too hot for linen towels. Choose the hot temperature setting for cotton towels
and the warm setting (less than 140 degrees F) for linen towels. If your machine lets you set the
cycle length, choose a minimum of 90 minutes.

f. Remove Towels Promptly

Remove the towels from the washing machine immediately after the spin cycle; letting them sit
in the washer while they are damp may undo the cleaning you’ve just done. Place them in the dryer,
and set the dryer to high heat for cotton bath towels and cool for linen towels. If you don’t have a
dryer, hang the towels on an outdoor clothesline in a breezy, sunny location. Sunlight also helps
reduce germ count.

After every working session, the following should be done:

a. Tools which are made of plastic should be kept clean and sanitized properly in
preparation for the next client.
b. Empty bottles and containers are discarded in a covered trash bin. 
c. Used supplies are stored, arranged and properly labeled in the cabinet. 
d. The hand and foot spa machines must be flushed with a solution of about 5% bleach
and circulate the liquid through the system for at least 10 minutes. 
e. Leave the solution in the hand and foot spa machines overnight or at least 5-10 hours
before draining the machines so that they are thoroughly sanitized. 
f. Table tops and door handles are wiped with disinfectant and the floor should be
mopped with disinfectant as well. 
g. Metal tools and instruments must be sterilized following proper sterilization
techniques. After the process, store in a dry cabinet until needed. 
h. Waste materials should be disposed properly in an enclosed waste bin fitted with
polythene bag. The bin should be sanitized with disinfectant regularly in a well
ventilated area. Remember to wear protective gloves while doing this. 
i. Contaminated wastes should be disposed off as recommended by local authority. 
j. Any tool or equipment in poor condition must be repaired immediately or disposed
properly so as not to pose danger to the clients as well as the therapist.

How can tools and equipment be kept safe, clean and functional?
Contaminated tools can cause bacterial and fungal infections that are unsightly, painful and
sometimes, fatal. There are several methods of cleaning and sterilization.
1. Sterilize metal implements after each use in a hospital-grade disinfectant that is bactericidal,
virucidal, and fungicidal. Immerse the tools in the disinfectant for 10 minutes.
2. Disinfect foot basins after each use with a bleach solution.  Make a 1-to-10 solution by mixing
one part bleach with 10 parts water. Using gloves, rinse the basin with the solution to disinfect.
3. Use a boiling method of sterilization once a month to disinfect all metal implements. Designate one pot
for sterilization to prevent cross-contamination with food. Submerge the tools in boiling water for 10
minutes. Drain the tools and allow them to dry.
4. Store sterilized metal implements in an airtight, zipper-sealed bag to keep them from being exposed to
dirt and bacteria. Be sure tools are completely dry before storing them.

5. Inspect tools and equipment regularly to identify defective ones for repair, replacement or

Keeping the Workplace Clean and Safe

1. All spa must be well-lighted and well-ventilated and must be in good sanitary condition.
2. The spa premises must be free from rodents, vermin, flies or other similar insects.
3. The curtains and floor coverings in the salon must be washable and kept clean. 
4. The rest rooms must be well-sanitized and be provided with individual tissue paper.
5. Each wellness massage therapist must wear a washable uniform while working on clients. 
6. Each client must be provided with a freshly laundered bath towel. 
7. All waste materials should be disposed of in an enclosed waste bin fitted with polythene bin liner,
durable enough to resist tearing.

A massage therapist must ensure that storage of nail care tools, materials and equipment within the
establishment meets the following requirements.

1. Flammable and combustible chemicals are stored away from potential sources of ignition
2. All chemicals are stored in closed bottles or containers
3. Storage units: 
    a. Cabinets, drawers, containers used for storage of implements and towels are clea
b. Clean linen is stored in an enclosed, dust-proof cabinet or container;
c. materials which have been used on a client are not placed in a container with clean implements;
4. Supplies:
         a. Unused supplies are stored in a clean, closed container or drawer; 
         b. Used/soiled disposable supplies are discarded immediately in a clean, closed waste receptacle;
5. Bath Towels
      a. Cloth towels and bed sheets are deposited in a closed receptacle after use;
      b. Used/soiled cloth towels and bed sheets will not used again until properly laundered and sanitized;
     c. Disposable towels are discarded in a covered waste receptacle immediately.

I. Directions:  Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the
correct answer.

1. ________________ and _______________ chemicals are stored away from potential sources of ignition.
2. All ______ must be well-lighted and well-ventilated and must be in good sanitary condition.
3. ________________ is the process of destroying all living __________________.
4. Contaminated ______________ should be disposed off as recommended by______________. 
5. A ________________ is a substance used to _________________ micro-organisms on
________________ surfaces such as tools, equipment, and furniture/ fixtures.
6. Each client must be provided with a freshly _____________bath towel. 
7. Place cotton and linen bath towels into ____________ piles

II. Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue. 
III. Directions: Read and answer the question below.
1. What is the importance of cleaning and sanitizing tools and equipment?

2. What will happen if tools and equipment is contaminated?

Spa- Sanitation.p

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score: ____________

Activity I. Directions: Locate the given words in the grid.

Activity II. Directions: Arrange the steps on how to sanitize bath towels. Write a for the first step, b
for the second step and so on.

______1. Sort Your Towels by Fabric and Color

______2. Brighten with Bleach

______3. Remove Towels Promptly

______4. Substitute Vinegar to Deodorize and Freshen

______5. Clean with Detergent

Activity III. Directions: Search for materials, tools, supplies and equipment that need to be sanitize,
disinfect or clean in your own home. In the first column write the name of the materials, tools,
supplies and equipment that you have found, take a photo or draw the item on the second column, on
the third column write the possible solution for the item to keep safe, clean and functional, and on the
last column write where should you store those items. Write at least 5 items and use other sheet of
paper for this activity.
Evaluation Criteria for Activity III
Materials, Tools,
Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Score
Supplies and Picture/drawing What to do? Where to store?
(5) (4) (3) (2)
The ideas are well The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are poorly
Ideas developed. somewhat developed but developed, and it lacks
developed. may lack detail in detail.
Very informative Somewhat Somewhat Not informative and
Quality of and well organize informative and informative but very poorly organized
writing organized poorly
Developed by:

Teacher I
School Review Committee:

Checked by: Validated by:


Master Teacher I HT-III, HE Dept., JGMNHS


Activity I.
Activity II.
1. A

Activity III.

Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Score

(5) (4) (3) (2)
The ideas are well The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are poorly 5
Ideas developed. somewhat developed but developed, and it lacks
developed. may lack detail in detail.
Very informative Somewhat Somewhat Not informative and 5
Quality of and well organize informative and informative but very poorly organized
writing organized poorly
Total 10

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