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Okonjo Iweala, and Angelina Jolie among government entering into any arrange- Burton, Bronwyn (2014): The New York Times in a
local radio talk on 7 May.
others. It has also chosen to overlook the ment of exchanging the girls for BH Ezekwesili, Oby (2013): Vanguard, 28 August.
views of the Organisation of Islamic Co- prisoners. But how long will he hold out? Mailafia, Obadiah (2012): “Conflict and Insurgency
in Nigeria”, website:
operation which reprimanded the act of The next few days are critical for the 26 September.
kidnapping as a “gross misinterpretation very survival of Nigeria as a nation. Onuoha, F C (2010): “The Islamist Challenge:
of Islam” (Daily Trust, 9 May 2014). It is Nigeria is indeed poised “on the thin Nigeria’s Boko Haram Crisis Explained”, African
Security Review, Vol 19, No 1, p 55, This Day,
possible that offers of help to the Nigerian edge of the knife” as Wole Soyinka said 2 August 2009.
government would harden the attitude in an interview (Al Jazeera, 8 May 2014). Phan, Peter J (2012): “Boko Haram’s Evolving
Threat”, African Security Brief, No 20, April.
of the BH with attendant escalation Reuters (2012): “Factbox on Recent Boko Haram
of violence. References
Strikes on Nigerian Churches”, US edition,
17 June.
In this fluid situation, Jonathan has BBC News (2012): “Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan: Soyinka, Wole (2014): Al Jazeera Correspondent,
rightly rejected the possibility of the Officials Back Boko Haram”, 8 January. 8 May.

Undermining Panchayati Raj Yojana. There are greater incentives for

women sarpanchs or all women Samras

Institutions in Gujarat village or scheduled caste (SC) sarpanch

Samras villages. The website of the Samras
Gram Yojana at the department of pan-
chayat, rural housing and rural develop-
Atulan Guha ment of Government of Gujarat has the
following to say about the scheme:

This article argues that the ujarat has a three-tier panchayat In state elections, there are parties and sym-
panchayati raj institutions in system and does hold regular bols, but there is no symbol of any party in
panchayat elections. As a policy, gram panchayat elections. There are con-
Gujarat are being undermined by vincing reasons for this is an unique custom
in these elections, political parties are of Arya culture. Original existence of the
the state government. The failure debarred from participation. As a result, village, its originality, its events, customs etc
to evolve financial devolution the elected members of these panchayati are preserved. Various communities-castes
take part in festivals on many occasions and
to fund the PRIs is making them raj institutions (PRIs) are individually ac-
have maintained family spirit...Village peo-
countable to the villagers. This account- ple gather and decide representatives from
financially dependent on the
ability becomes non-existent if an indi- among them unanimously for the adminis-
state government. Further, the vidual member does not want to contest tration of Gram Panchayat.
Samras Gram Yojana, which further. But the likelihood of political The quote itself explains a lot about
encourages consensus candidates parties avoiding accountability is less the vision behind it. It envisions the
compared to individuals as it would be power structure in the villages to be syn-
without elections plays into
unlikely for political parties to skip elec- onymous with the brahminical social
the hands of traditional tions. Further, as political parties do not order associated with Arya culture. In
dominant castes’ power. fight panchayat elections, the function- recent history, there has been an ab-
ing of the panchayat does not figure sence of mass movements or only weak
substantially in mainstream political mobilisations on social and class issues of
discourse of the state. disadvantaged communities and classes
in Gujarat. If any mass mobilisation has
Incentive for No Election happened in the recent past it was of
But it is not only Gujarat; there are many religious majority against the minority.
other states where political parties are So, power structures have remained
not allowed to participate in panchayat unchanged, and continue to favour tra-
elections. But what makes Gujarat dif- ditionally powerful communities. In this
ferent from other states is its Samras situation a greater deepening of demo-
This article is drawn from the talk titled “State
of Fiscal Federalism in Gujarat”, delivered at Gram Yojana. Under this scheme sub- cracy at the grass-roots level through
the Global Development Network and IRMA stantial financial incentives are given to decentralisation has the potential to create
Policy Dialogue on Panchayati Raj, Political village panchayats that do not hold elec- greater space for disadvantaged commu-
Empowerment and Service Delivery in India, tions, but select consensus candidates nities. The Samras Yojana limits this
28 November 2013, New Delhi.
instead. Further, informal priority is given possibility. The expected consequence of
Atulan Guha ( is with to such panchayats in project approvals this scheme is that representatives in-
the Institute of Rural Management Anand, and implementation. These are called cluding the sarpanch have to be accept-
Samras villages under the Samras Gram able to the dominant family or group of
Economic & Political Weekly EPW MAY 31, 2014 vol xlIX no 22 21

families in the village. It is only intended 2014. It has been extended despite news- partially have been transferred to PRIs.
to make PRIs free of social and class con- paper reports suggesting the completion Education is one of the partially trans-
flict, hence perpetuating the dominance of substantial amounts of work by mid- ferred activities. The accountability of
of elites over rural society. 2013.2 In fact all the three SFCs that were the schools and teachers has not been
Within the Samras Yojana there are constituted in Gujarat suffered from a transferred to PRIs; but the salaries
provisions for reservation for women, SC few common ailments: have been.
and scheduled tribe (to fulfil the consti- (a) delay in formation of SFCs and pro- The accountability of teachers and
tutional requirement). In fact, there are viding manpower. Even if after some de- schools is with the state government,
greater monetary incentives for the pan- lay manpower was provided, it was of- only the salaries of teachers are deposit-
chayats who select a woman or a dalit ten inadequate. As a result, all the com- ed in the PRI account for dispersal. Be-
representative. Since this has to be missions submitted their reports with tween 2006-07 and 2012-13, education
through consensus, these representa- substantial delay. has constituted, on average, more than
tives who are either women or from (b) the first two SFCs show that most of 60% of the grant shown in the state budg-
backward social groups cannot raise the recommendations, especially those et. In fact, according to a senior bureaucrat
issues that are uncomfortable for the suggesting greater allocations to PRIs with the Government of Gujarat, more
dominant power groups within the vil- have not been accepted by the state gov- than 80% of the grant that has been
lages. Presently, out of 13,996 village ernment. Further, most recommenda- shown as allocated to PRIs is actually
panchayats of Gujarat, 3,915 are Samras tions that were accepted by the govern- used by various departments that oper-
villages (27.97%). ment either have not been implemented ate at the district level. These depart-
or were implemented at a snail’s pace. ments are accountable to the state gov-
No Decentralised Planning These ailments reflect the non-seri- ernment, and not to PRIs. As a result, the
In Gujarat, at the most 6.6% of the state ousness of the state government towards actual resources flowing into PRIs is sub-
plan fund is available to PRIs for planning the SFC, a constitutional body. In fact, stantially lower.
at the district panchayat level. Even with the budget of the SFC, unlike the central In a nutshell, the Gujarat model of
this minuscule fund there is no integrat- government’s practice of putting the PRIs is against the spirit of the 73rd and
ed district plan in the actual sense. In budget of Central Finance Commission 74th amendments of the Constitution.
fact, despite a resolution passed by the under the Ministry of Finance, comes This model entails institutional mecha-
state government to have a district plan- under the department of panchayat and nisms that hinder the deepening of grass-
ning committee (DPC) in each district (in rural housing. roots democracy. The PRIs are treated as
2009), on the ground there are no DPCs an extension of the state government
formed.1 Even the composition of the Arbitrary Allocations to PRIs panchayat department. It only helps the
DPC, which is part of the resolution, Despite having no devolution formula, state government implement various
shows that the state cabinet can directly the state budget documents reveal that in schemes. The decentralised planning
intervene with the functioning of the 2010-11, an impressive figure of 22.78% of process is in its nascent stages. Even the
DPC as the minister-in-charge and co- total revenue receipts of the state gov- funds transferred to PRIs are low and
in-charge minister of the district are ernment was passed on to PRIs as grants arbitrary with no devolution formula
chairman and co-chairman of the DPC, and loans. This has gradually increased in existence.
respectively. District panchayat presi- from a low 9.78% in 2006-07. But a closer
dent and collector are vice-chairman look at these figures raises questions. Notes
and co-vice-chairman respectively. And First, the state budget does not show 1 The Times of India, Surat (26 July 2013), http://
district planning officer is the member- how much of grants and loans are on-no-sight-of-district-planning-committees-
secretary. Even on paper, there is no pro- sourced from the state and how much of in-Gujarat/articleshow/21351212.cms
vision of planning at the village level. it is from the centre. According to the re- 2 Also mentioned in the letter written by
H S Shylendra, published in EPW, Volume 49,
Further, fiscal federalism within Gu- ports of the Thirteenth Finance Com- Issue 17, 26 April 2014.
jarat is non-existent. There is no formula mission, Gujarat has scored “0” in the
for the devolution of funds from the index of devolution. For 2005-06, 2006- EPW on Scopus Database
state government to the PRIs. The first 07 and 2007-08, the non-plan revenue
EPW is now indexed on Scopus.
State Finance Commission (SFC) had not grant given by the Central Finance Com-
Scopus, published by Elsevier, is the world’s
suggested a devolution formula. The mission has been passed on partially to largest abstract and citation database of
second SFC did suggest a devolution for- PRIs; the state government on its own peer-reviewed literature with tools that track,
mula that was rejected by the state gov- has passed on nothing to the PRIs. analyse and visualise research.
ernment. Though the third SFC was sup- Second, it does not show how much of Scopus has begun indexing EPW articles
posed to make recommendations for the the allocated amount has been spent by and soon all articles from 2007 onwards will
period 2011-12 to 2015-16, it has not sub- the departments whose administrative be indexed.
mitted its report yet. In fact, it got an ex- and monitoring authorities are not PRIs. Please visit via your
institutional subscription to that database.
tension for the third time till December Only 11 activities fully and 14 activities
22 MAY 31, 2014 vol xlIX no 22 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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