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Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law

Monistic Theory Dualistic Theory

1. Proponent- Kelson, Wright, 1. Proponents- Starke, Triepel and
Westlake etc. Anzilloti.
2. IL and ML are part of the same 2. IL and ML are two separate
universal Legal system. and self contained legal
3. All laws are made for men and systems.
men only. Both systems 3. The subjects of ML are
regulate the conduct of individuals where as in IL they
individuals, while municipal are states, Organizations and
law does so immediately, IL as individuals.
a matter of technique, does so 4. Origin is different. ML- will of
mediately (through States). the state, IL- Common will of
4. The substance of law is same in the states.
both systems i.e. command. 5. The substance is also different.
5. Both systems have common ML- Command of the
origin through grund norm. sovereign; IL- in the nature of
6. In reality, states do not follow promises.
this principle.

Other Theories
• Specific Adoption theory/ Transformation Theory- According to this
theory, IL does not automatically become part of the ML. It is only when
the state legislatures specifically adopts it into the domestic legislation, it
becomes applicable.
Criticism- it ignored those IL which do not require specific adoption. Eg-
Customary rules.
• Delegation theory- Monists contend that each state has been given
certain constitutional rules of International law which permit each state to
determine as to how international treaties will become applicable.
Criticism- It is not clear what is Constitutional rule of International Law,
who gave that rule, every state is sovereign, so how can they follow the
orders of other sovereign.
Primacy of ML or IL?
• Harmonization Theory
- Neither ML nor IL has supremacy over each other.
- Both have been made for the human beings, so if there arises a
contradiction, it should be harmonized.
- Two ways to harmonize- firstly, the judges should apply judicial mind
and eliminate the contradiction. Secondly, the Ml should not be
framed in such a manner so as to have any contradiction with IL.

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