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Del Pillar, John Carl BSA 2A August 21, 2021

Sales, Keith

Reinforcement Activity

1. Try to remember the last national holiday that we have. Why do you think that the
common perception of a holiday is “no classes” (walang pasok) to the point that it
has become its meaning? What were lost, that we have come to view national
holidays as this? Why were they lost?

- In my opinion, the thing that we lost is exactly what the essence is, or the
reason why this day has become a "holiday." Because for other Filipinos who
don't care or don't know what we celebrate that day — this day, August 21, is
just a rest day and not because of the real reason behind it, which is August
21 is the Ninoy Aquino day. I think the reason it’s gone is because some of us
are so ignorant about these things because maybe they have something else
going on with their lives and they don’t seem notice these things anymore or
they choose to ignore it.

2. In Gottschalk’s book, history as now being read, is only a very minute portion of
the totality of history for very few information of the past were observed, few were
remembered, few were recorded, few survived. How would this affect your
reading and appreciation of history today?

- Personally, we think it would be hard for us to believe the credibility of some

histories because of its lack of proofs and evidence.

3. In the same book, a monument, a relic, a document would remain simply data
and will never be historical source without human element. What does this

- We think this means that for a historical book, monument, relic, or a

document to be a historical source or historical proof, human element need to
be included to make it a history since we get to learn about its culture or we
get to know what really happened in a specific event.

4. In the historical method as discussed by Gottschalk, the third stage of the

historical method is the examination of genuineness of the source or material.
Why, do you think, the genuineness of the material should first be established
before the extraction of credible particulars would follow?

- It is because I believe that genuineness is important because it is the quality

of being true and sincere and without it this would not be true or nonsense.

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