Bill of Quantities: Item No. Description Unit

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Bill of Quantities


Item No. Description Unit

Bill No.6.1 Minor Structures
Section 600: Structures
601P1 Drains and Retaining Walls
601P1.7 Excavating irrespective of depth in
601P1.7.1 Soft material m3
601P1.7.2 Hard material (prov) m3
601P2 Backfill
601P2.1 Material obtained from the excavation m3
601P2.2 Using imported material m3
602 Concrete for Structures
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch (crossing ditches) for vehicular crossing,
geometry and application area as provided in the detail drawing or (the size No.
602P2.1 will specify later)or(1.2*0.5*0.2)
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch for pedestrian access, geometry and
application area as provided in the detail drawing(the size will specify later) No.
602P2.2 (1.2*0.5*0.1)
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch (crossing ditches) for vehicular crossing,
geometry and application area as provided in the detail drawing(the size will No.
602P2.3 specify later)(1.45*0.5*0.20)
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch for pedestrian access, geometry and
application area as provided in the detail drawing(the size will specify later) No.
602P2.4 (1.45*0.5*0.1)
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch (crossing ditches) for vehicular crossing,
geometry and application area as provided in the detail drawing(the size will No.
602P2.5 specify later)(0.9*0.5*0.20)
Precast RC Cover for U Ditch for pedestrian access, geometry and
application area as provided in the detail drawing(the size will specify later) No.
602P2.6 (0.9*0.5*0.1)
602P5 Hand laid rock Fill, using imported material (prov) m3

603 Concrete Structures

603P1 Concrete Works (including formwork and falsework)
603P1.1 C-30 Concrete m3
603P1.3 C-25 Concrete m3
603P1.4 C-20 Concrete m3
603P1.5 C-7 blinding concrete m2
606 No Fines Concrete
606P19.5 Diam. 50mm PVC Weep Hole (RW, Abut & Wing wall) Lm
610 Culverts
610P1.1 Excavation in soft and intermediate Materials irrespective of depth m3
610 P1.2 Excavation in hard Material irrespective of depth m3
610P2 Backfilling
610P2.1 Using roadway excavated material (soft and intermediate) m3
610P2.2 Using imported selected granular Material m3
610P3 Concrete Pipes
610P3.2 (a) 750mm Internal Diameter RC Strom pipe Including Class B Bedding LM
610P3.2 (b) 910mm Internal Diameter RC Strom pipe Including Class B Bedding LM
610P3.2 (c) 1060mm Internal Diameter RC Strom pipe Including Class B Bedding LM
610P3.2 (d) 1220mm Internal Diameter RC Strom pipe Including Class B Bedding LM
610P10.1 High tensile steel Kg
610P10.2 Mild steel Kg
611 Storm water and sub soil Drainage
611P6.2 Storm water Pipes
611P6.2(a) 750mm Internal Diameter Rc storm pipe including Class B Bedding LM
611P6.2(b) 910mm Internal Diameter Rc storm pipe including Class B Bedding LM
611P6.2(c) 1060mm Internal Diameter Rc storm pipe including Class B Bedding LM

611P6.2(d) 1220mm Internal Diameter Rc storm pipe including Class B Bedding and LM
other related description of works.
614P1 Concrete Manholes irrespective of depth
i. Concrete Manholes irrespective of depth No.
Gullies (Concrte) for storm drains including UPVC connection as shown in LM
ii. drawings
614P7 Metal Frames and Gratings LM
Concrete Curb using plain C-25 Concrete including the necessary false work
615P1 and form works and U2 Surface finish for curb types of
i Type "A" (450mm X 170mm) LM
ii Type "B" (200mm X 300mm) LM
iii Type "C" (As per the drawing) LM
615P14 Foot Path, drive way and general paving works
615 p14(a) 3624.00 M2

Bill No.6.2 Major structures

Section 600: Structures
601P1 Structural Excavation
601 P1.1 Structural Excavation in Common Material m3
601 P1.2) Structural Excavation in Rock Material m3

601P2 Backfill Excavation

601 P2.1 Rock Backfill (Hand laid stone) m3
601 P2.2 Granular Backfill m3

602 Concrete for Structures

602 P1 Cast in situ concrete
602 P1.1 Cast in situ concrete C-15 in blinding m3
602 P1.2 Cast in situ concrete C-30 including forwork m3

604 Reinforcement Steel for Structures

604 P1 Reinforcement steel
604 P1.5 Grade 420 steel Reinforcement for structures kg

606 No-fines Concrete, joints, bearings, bridge railing etc.

606P1 RC Crash Barrier Lm
606 P4 Elastomeric Bearings
Elastomeric Bearings – Normal hardness 53 ± 5 with shear modulus 0.93 No
606 P4.1 Mpa, all according drawing

606P19.5(a) Diam 50mm PVC Weep Hole (Abut & Wing wall) Lm
606P19.5(b) Diam 75mm PVC Deck Drain Lm

Section 700: Incidental Works

701 Stone Pitching
701P1.2 Grouted pitching m2
701P2 Stone masonry walls
Cement mortared Stone Walls (1:3 OPC cement : sand ratio) for side ditch,
701P2.2 crossing ditch and retaining structures, geometry as detailed in the drawings. m3
The cost shall also include that of the 0.1m thick lean concrete under the

707 Timber Edges, Tree Guards and Edges

707P9 Safety Bariers( steel railing and post as per the drawing) LM

708 Road Furniture ,Guide posts and Barriers

708 P3 Guide posts,Guardrails and Bollard
708 P3.1 Guardrails on Steel posts Galvanized LM
708 P3.2 Bollards (As per the drawing) No.
708 P3.3 Trash basket No.

Quantity Unit Price Total Amount


1,558.79 -
- -
- -
1,607.83 -

432.00 -

2,583,754.30 -
648,858.69 -
- ex back
53,899.71 7196000 43036
38,543.42 - 5756800 70056
- 1439200
39.00 -
212,523.68 -
102,692.70 -

2,531.00 -





24.00 -


1,816.53 -

349.92 -

84.00 -

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