Module 2 Life Style and Food Related Diseases

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Open course-2017

FT5D03 Food and health

Module 3

Life style and food related diseases

1) Obesity 2) Diabetics 3)Cardio vascular Disease 4) Constipation
5) Intolerance-Lactose 6) Gluten 7) Chinese Syndrome

a) Obesity
- It is a medical condition in which excessive body fat has accumulated to the extent
that it may have a negative effect on health.
- People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a
measurement obtained by dividing a person’s weight by the square of the person’s
height, is over 30kg/m² defined as overweight.
- Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly
cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep, certain type of cancer
and depression.
- Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack
of physical activity and genetic susceptibility.
- Obesity is mostly preventable through a combination of social changes and personal
choices. Changes to diet and exercising are the main treatments.
- Diet quality can be improved by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods,
such a s those high in fat and sugar and by increasing the intake of dietary fibre.
- If diet, exercise and medication are not effective, a gastric balloon or surgery may
be performed to reduce stomach volume or bowel length.

b) Diabetics
Diabetes mellitus it is one of the long term condition. It is nothing but a condition in
which the persons has high blood sugar or glucose in the blood, either because of insulin
production is inadequate or because the body cell do not respond to insulin properly.
Patients with high blood sugar experience frequent urination (polyuria), increase thirst
(Polydipsia) and increase hunger (Polyphagia).

Types of Diabetes
1) Diabetes 1- In this type of diabetes body does not produce insulin. Around 10%
of the whole population is affected with this type of diabetes. It is also called
insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes, often seen in adulthood or teenage
years. These persons have to take the insulin injection throughout their lifetime.
2) Diabetes 2- In this type of diabetes body does not produce enough insulin for
proper function. Around 90% of the whole population is affected with this type of
diabetes. It is progressive diseases gradually get worse due to lack of enough insulin.
This can be avoided or controlled by losing weight, plenty of exercise. Here the
patients have to take the insulin tablets. Many complications is associated with
Diabetes 2 is eye complication, foot complication, skin problems, Hearing loss,
Gum disease, stroke etc.
3) Gestational Diabetes
This type of diabetes greatly affects females during the time of pregnancy.
Some terms related with diabetes:-
Hypoglycaemia- Low blood glucose
Hyperglycaemia-High blood glucose

c) Cardio vascular diseases(CVD)

- CVD is closely related with heart and blood vessels.
- CVD includes CAD (Coronary artery diseases) such as heart failure (myocardial
- Other CVD include stroke, heart failure, Rheumatic fever (develops after the
throat pain leads finally to heart valve damage), Vascular heart diseases (Involves
one or more of the four valves of the heart, occur largely as a consequence of
- Atherosclerosis (CVD) a coronary heart disease due to accumulation of white blood
cells in the valve of heart leading to thickening of the heart wall. Mainly caused by
increase in blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood
cholesterol, alcohol consumption.

d) Constipation
- A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated
with hardened faeces.
- Two types of constipation is acute (recent onset) and chronic (long duration)
- Constipation can be caused greatly by the slow passage of digesting food through
any part of the digestive system.
- And other causes of constipation includes medications, poor bowel habits,
hormonal disorders etc
- Some of the symptoms include lower abdominal discomfort, a sense of complete
evacuation, straining to have a bowel movement, hard or small tools, rectal
bleeding caused by hard stools.
- The constipation can be greatly reduced by including more fibre rich foods in the

e) Lactose intolerance
- It is also called milk intolerance.
- It means the body cannot digest lactose, at type of natural sugar found in milk and
dairy products.
- The people suffering from lactose intolerance cannot digest any milk products.
- When lactose moves through the large intestine without being properly digested, it can
cause uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, belly pain and bloating.
- It is very common in adults.
- Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine does not make enough of an
enzyme called lactase. This lactase helps in digestion or breakdown of lactose
- Symptoms of lactose intolerance includes bloating, pain, gurgling sounds in your
belly, gas problems, loose stools etc
- There is no cure for lactose intolerance. But you can treat your symptoms by
limiting or avoiding milk products.

f) Gluten
- A mixture of two proteins i.e. Glutenin and gliadin present in cereal grains,
especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. It helps in
rising and keeping its shape and often gives a final product a chewy texture.
- Gluten related disorders include celiac disease (CD), non-celiac gluten sensitivity
(NCGS), and wheat allergy.
- Celiac disease (CD) is a long term autoimmune disorder primarily affecting the
small intestine. CD classic symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as
diarrhoea, malabsorption, loss of appetite and impaired growth.
- Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is described as a condition of multiple
symptoms that improves when switching to a gluten free diet. NCGS is the most
common syndrome of gluten. Symptoms include headache, chronic fatigue,
allergies, and neurological diseases.

g) Chinese syndrome

- It refers to a group of symptoms that some people experience after eating food from
a Chinese restaurant.
- These symptoms often include a headache, skin flushing, and sweating.
- A food additive called MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) is often blamed for the
symptoms some people experience after eating Chinese food.

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