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BerlitzeENGcLisH’ Language for life. @ Berlitz Languages, Inc. Princeton, NJ USA ‘+The alphabet | * Introducing yourself ang others +* Spelling your name * Possessive ‘s I'd like S-11 + Numbers 100+ Ordering ina restaurant + Requests with woutd fhe the steak, + Meals and + Talking about food and + Questions with What ealtimes drinks ind 0 \ im please. S atiand cht ibe + Indefinite atictes: a, an ordering + Ordering a meal + Regular plurals:-s, -es Ey What do | iztz | + sobs + Saying where youwork | * Jn, an, under, next to you do? + The office * Talking about jons. « Simple present tense * Daily work * Describing your office + always, usually, activities: + Talking about what people: sometiends, never + Numbers dio and where they work 101+4,000,000 How 18-23 «Colors + Asking about a price * Present progressive much is + Clothing + Talking about colors and tense it? aan clothes + this, that, these, those . eErces) + Asking about sizes and Which one? prices Have a 24-29 | + Travel plans + Taiking about travel plans | + Present progressive nice trip! ‘+ Calendar: days of | + Tang about the calendar, | tense (future meaning) the week, montis,| seasons, and weather + would tke, want and dates + Making travel plans + Seasons and weather 1 Review there? My 42-47 husband's name is Steve. What can 48-53 you do? Let's 54-59 meet at 6:30! What's 60-65 the matter? B Review 66-71 Homework | 72-91 Answer key | 92-90 Audio script | 99-105 + People * Family + Personal descriptions + Work skills and abilities + Job experience * Company organization * Leisure activities + The week's schedule Illness and aliments = Parts of the body Medicines and remedies * Concern and advice Verb conjugations Map of world CD-ROM instructions About Berlitz English * Giving directions + Reading a map *Taihking about your family * Describing people * Talking about yourself and olhers ‘Talking about your job + Talking about your ‘company and your work experience + Talking about skills and ast work experiences + Inviting someone out * Talking about your favorite activities + Making plans to go out + Asking about someone's health + Talking about health + Showing concern + Asking for advice 106-107 108-109 no-111 12-113, + Irregular plurals, e.. ‘men + nave * from .. to, for, until, ago + Simple past to be * Simple past regular verts, can + Past tense: irreqular verbs: + anything, something, nothing + should * Object pronouns + Past progressive tense Toshio Tanaka @ What city are you~ What country are = - Where are you from? ~ What nationality from? you from? ~ 'm from Rio de are you? = I'm from Washington. ~ I'm trom England. Janeiro. ~ I'm Japanese. El o zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten Gl Phone number and address ~ What's your first name? e@ = My first name is Liz. ory Anoete lh in ~ What's your last name? ~ My last name is Henderson, LIZ HENDERSON ~ What's your address? UNVERSAE SUDIOS OS Ao Oo ~ It's 100 Universal City Plaza, 5 unnenane aT ADA ONY : ~ What's your phone number? ema rs = It's 818-555-8550. Chapter! 1 Focusing on language Ei Subject pronouns + be oO Am | Lam, 'm Are you you are. you're Is he he is. he's Is she 5 she is. she's ee from Rome’ Yes, itis No. ite not. Are we we are we're Are you you are, you're Are they they are. they're = Are you ftom New York? = Yes, 1am, IP! = 1s Willem from Amsterdam? ~ Yes, he is. you're not = you aren't = Are you from England or Ireland? _- We're from trefand. ee ae = Are Mr, and Ms, Latour French? —-~ No, they're not. ean ita ~ What hationality are you? = Fm American. And you? we're not = we aren't they're not = they aren't G Possessives Lam. My name is .. e You are... ee Your name is This is Gina, ——— Gina's last name is Cifelli, : — Her last name is Cifelli. This is Paul, Paul's last name is Johnson, We are from Los Angeles. — You and Mark are from Boston. ~ Mary and Peter are from Boston, too. ELLE ’ His phone number is 213-554-3220. Our address is 613 Basset Drive. Your phone number is 617-228-5969. Their address is 225 Walnut Ave. - What's your name, please? — My name is... - What is Mr, Tanaka's first name? = His first name is Toshio. = What is Sonia's last name? Her last name is Campos. And what's your phone number? ~ My phone number is... 2 chapter = Hello, I'm John Roberts. - Hi! My name's Janet. - Pleased to meet you, — I'm Sonia. Nice to meet you, Mr. Roberts. My name is - Nice to meet you, too. Toshio Tanaka, TIP! - Nice to meet you, Pleased to meet you. = Nice to meet you. Mr. Tanaka. ~ Mr. Burton, this is Mr. Pierce. ~ Teresa, this is Frank ~ Pleased to meet you, Mr. Pierce = Hello, Teresa, @ ~ Pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Burton. = Hi, Frank! Nice to meet you. Greetings from all over the world shake hands bow kiss Chapter! 3 ey me Dy EXspelling your name e ALPHABET ABCDEFG LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 9 abcdef Imnopqrstuvwxyz (What's your phone number? Name Address Phone Number 100 Universal City Plaza Liz Henderson Universal City, CA 91608 _ 818-995-8550 9 ON THE PHONE Please leave a message. 1. Linda's number is 908-555-7784. TRUE FALSE 2. Mr, Tanaka's phone number is 312-555-8607. TRUE FALSE 3. Jim's message is for Mr. Tanaka. TRUE FALSE 4 Chaptert Now you can ... LY introduce yourself and others Hello. My name EF Say where you are trom Where are you from: G Spell your name and give your address and phone number z What's your name? How do you spell that? oO What's your phone number? What's your address? WeCm unr CET a eC ae at oe Waste Chapter! 5 PS ae I'd like the steak, please. e @ Numbers 11 - 100 Meals and mealtimes Menus and ordering Ordering in a restaurant Talking about food and drinks Telting time Ordering a meat : \ , r Requests with would fike Questions with What kind Indefinite articles: a, an Regular plurals: -s, -es Waiter What would you like for dinner?_—§ ~———- Mrs, Miller: I'd like the steak, please. FOLLOW-UP Waiter: And for you, sir? T (true) or F (false) Mr, Miller: 'd like the chicken with rice, 1. Mc and Mrs, Miller are at acafé. TF please. 2. Mrs. Miller would like a hamburger. TF \ Waiter: Right away, | 3, Mr Miller would like the chicken TF with rice. Talking about food and d i = What would you like? = May I take your order? = What would you like ~ I'd like toast and coffee, ~ Yes, I'd like a hamburger, for dinner? please. = I'd like chicken, please, J Numbers from 11 to 100 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 z eleven twelve thirteen fourteen — fifteen — sixteen seventeen g 19 20 21 22 30 33 40 nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty thirty-three forty Oo 50 55 60 70 80 90 99 fifty fifty-five sixty seventy eighty ninety _—_ ninety-nine e° Telling time @ It's 9:5, It's 1:25, It's £45. It’s 12 o'clock. 18 eighteen 4a forty-four 100 one hundred Chaster 2 7 Focusing on language What would you like? 1 a glass of orange juice Vd like He fish and chips. He'd like she would like glass of water. She'd like .. We two small pizzas. We'd like . They a salad, They'd like = Would you like a cup of tea? = Yes, please. ~ Would you like a piece of cake? = No, thank you. = What would you like? = We'd like some ice cream. What kind of ...? Would you like apple pie? > No, thanks. What kind of pie would you like? — > I'd like chocolate cream pie Would you like some juice? What kind of juice would you like? > Yes, please. ——— I'd like some apple juice. An apple or a banana? an apple a salad an Italian restaurant a chocolate cake? = Would you like an egg sandwich? No, thank you, I'd like a hamburger. One salad or two salads? 8 one orange ——-» two oranges one napkin > two napkins one sandwich > two sandwiches one glass > two glasses one cherry > two cherries one knife —> two knives — How many glasses of wine would you like? ~ Three, please. Chapter 2 Ordering a oO Bh We'd like... @ _wisitress: May 1 take your order? Customer: Yes. We'd like a chicken salad sandwich, a hamburger, and a turkey sandwich IP! = Waiter / Waitress: May I take your order? = What would you like? 1B (fp What would they like? A: She'd like __ orange juice. B: He'd like __ toast. — pancakes. — orange juice. @ — scrambled eggs. — milk. — toast. — scrambled eggs. coffee. — coffee, — tea. — tea. Chapter2 9 BI Are you ready to order? Bers oO LUNCH AND DINNER MOON aH YR appetizers canucereao 150 @ TOMATO SALAD 2.95 VEGETABLE SOUP. 250 salads FRESH FRUIT PLATTER 10.00 CAESAR SALAD 6.00 CAESAR SALAD WITH GHIGKEN 8.00 GARDEN SALAD 3.00 entrees ROAST CHICKEN 1.00 GRILLEO SALMON 17.00 SIRLOIN STEAK 18.00 EGGPLANT PARMIGIANA 12.00 side dishes FRENCH FRIES 2.00 e VEGETABLES 1.50 CULTURE CORNER & ‘Times for eating meals in different countries vn BS Breakfast; 7-8 am, Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Dinner: 6-7 p.m. 10 chapter 2 Chapter Check Now you can... LY Tell time What time is it? BF Talk about food and drinks BY What would you like for What would you like for lunch? What would you like for dinner? breakfast? G order a meal May | take * ; your order? Berlitzznoush co-rom Veron cu ke a ee m aoe U ei) Chapter 211 eee ee What do you do? Jobs The office Daily work activities Numbers 101 - 1,000,000 ‘Saying where you work Talking about jobs Describing your office 4 Talking about what people er do and where they work A: in, on, under, next to a ‘ @ Simple present tense always, usually, sometimes, oe never Richard: Where do you work, Ellen? Ellen: | work at Gametime Software. Richard: What do you do? - —. Ellen: I'ma programmer. FOLLOW-UP Richard: Oh, how interesting! 1. Where does Ellen work? 2. What does she do? 12 Chapter 3 - What do you do? = Where do you work? ) - I'm a reporter | work at The Daily Times. TIP! What do you do? = What's your job? Ey where is it? @ ~ Where's the ~ Where's the = Where's my - Where are the printer? newspaper? cell phone? pencils? = It's on the table. = It's under the desk. _~ It's next to the printer. - They're in the cup. Chapter 3 13 UC MUU rl CS Simple present 14 I He You She We speak Japanese. They Do you speak Japanese? = Yes, | do. / No, | don't, Do you speak French? = Yes, | do, / No, | don’t speak French. What do Carias, Richard, and Jan do? speaks German. Who speaks English? Does Cindy speak German? ~ Yes, she does, / No, she doesn't. Does Michael speak Spanish? = Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't speak Spanish. Carlos = speaks Spanish. = lives in New York. works at The Wall Street Journal. = writes newspaper articles. = uses a laptop. How often do you speak English? always 100% usually sometimes never Bo you always work at the office? “My boss sometimes writes reports, | never use my cell phone in a restaurant. Numbers 101 to 1 million 101 500 a/one hundred and one Chapter 3 ~ speak Dutch = live in Amsterdam, = work in an office building. = read The Financial Times, = use cell phones, five hundred Richard and Jan ' = speak English and Japanese. = tive in Kyoto. = work at Sony. = read Newsweek. ~ use a computer, > | always speak English at school. > (usually speak English at + | sometimes speak English at work 0% ——> I never speak English at home, 1,000 a/one thousand 10,000 ten thousand 1,000,000 one million Talking about what people do and where they work e@ El Where do they work? vim: What do you do, Monika? p Monika: I'm a marketing manager. TIP! vim: Really? Where do you work? Where do you work? —» | work at Birch Consulting. Monika: | work at Birch Consulting. Who do you work far? | work for Birch Consulting. é What company do you work for? Ji | work for Austrian Airlines. Monika: That sounds exciting! oO ED (9 what do they do? 1, Beatriz is ____._ a, a teacher b. a reporter ¢. a programmer 2. Brianis a. teacher engineer —_¢. a doctor 3, Theresa is a.abank manager —_b. a doctor c. a housewife 4, Marco is a. an engineer b. a reporter c. 8 programmer {© where do they work? Nancy N. Kuohy a rte Ciba Gioger Happ Workdwide FR Moti A & 1] What do you do? @ read e-mail write email | meet clients use a computer books reports | with Co-Workers a cell phone magazines memos my boss the internet newspapers letters @ always read I never write 1 sometimes meet J usually use e-mail. reports. with clients. ‘a computer. Chapter3. 15 © (9) ON THE PHONE Clerk: Good afternoon, Peachtree Computer Service. Can | help you? Caller: Yes. Do you sell laptops? Yes, we do. Great! What are your hours? We're open from 9 to 6. What's your address? 6210 Main Street. Thanks a lot. Bye. © Do you sell Tvs? AUDIO RMANCE We sell only top quality: © Stereos © Speakers © CD players © DVD players Open 10 to & © 7383 Madison St. # 219-921-8500 ° @ MEDIA MIX Internet sites and e-mail addresses com = commercial Oo = company (in Britain) .org = organization gov = government edu = educational institution 16 chapter 3 r Now you can TN Say where you work What company do you work for? What do you do? Where's my pen? Where are my pencils? Where's the printer? Gi Talk about what people do at work @ te 4 youseas? what do you write? Who do yoummeet? What do you vse? Berlitzmousn c UR eu Kea emu ana uC ese tie Chapter3 17, Topics Objectives i A erate + TF “If the shoe fits, wear it.” 0 @ ASKING ABOUT A PRICE Salesperson: Can | help you? Ms. Taylor: Yes, I'm looking for this suit ina size 12. Salesperson: Here you are. Ms, Taylor: How much | FOLLOW-UP Salesperson: £195.00. Ms. Taylor is at work. . She's looking for a suit in size 10, The suit is £195.00. Talking about colors and clothes eo En ha brown red orange yellow beige green blue purple white gray black Ey what are they wearing? She's wearing a red suit. He's wearing gray pants. A pair of .. shoes socks gloves shorts pants earrings V'm looking for a green sweater. He's paying for the sweater. He's giving the sweater to his wife. Chapter a 19 Focusing on language Ei Present progressive lam You are What is Mr. Monroe doing? = He's shopping. He is Is Melissa buying a shirt? = No, she isn't. She is buying 8 suit. Are you paying with a credit card? — No, I'm paying cash. e@ We are What are they wearing? = They're wearing shorts. You are They are Gi this and that this blouse ——» this one these blouses > these that blouse > that one those blouses > those This briefcase is new. These gloves are cheap, Is this briefcase old? Are those gloves red? What color is this briefcase? What kind of? That one is old Those are expensive, What kind of briefcase? _A leather one. Which briefcase? The black one. ~ What kind of briefcase would you like? — A cheap one, = Which gloves are expensive? = The beige ones. = Which shoes would you like, the black ‘ones or the brown ones? ~The black ones. 20 chapter 4 What kind of gloves? Cotton ones. @ Which gloves? The cheap ones. leather cotton wool = what size is it? ~ How much is it? = It's a (size) 6. = Twenty-five dollars. | Saying Prices 100 cents i¢) = 1 dollar ($) 100 pence (p) = 1 pound (€) e@ $5.95 = _ five ninety-five or five dollars and ninety-five cents £15.80 = fifteen eighty of fifteen pounds eighty pence 1 I'll take it. Salesperson: May | help you? 3 Customer: Yes, How much is this necklace? Salesperson: $275.00. oO Customer: How about that one? Salesperson: This one? Customer: Yes. Salesperson: Let's see ... This one is $89. Would you like to try it on? Customer: Yes, thank you. Oh, it's very nice, Vil take it! TIP! ~ = May | help you? = Can I help you? — No, thanks. Just looking! : Chapter a 21 OI Ordering over the phone oO New! Drop-needle Mock is one heartwarming holiday gift. Gove you the spony mont Joo, dang with a hearey 10.30 100% cotton knit and banded bottom that les you west ike sa reathire Perfet for wnt! It ibbed too, for or tema tata comfort and srctch, Machine wash Imported. Cal eave 1610 $2.00 PCG S20 Bomene Regular SL 7 Sorry, no “3 or more" pricing ~ Do you take credit cards? = Do you accept American Express? ~ Yes, we do. = American Express, Visa, and MasterCard. @) ON THE PHONE 1. Mrs, Almeida is calling ——. a, a sweater company b. Land's End 2. She would ike a. 2 True Red skirt b. a sweater 3. She's ordering —. a. a large size b. a small size 4, She's giving —_. a. her address »b. ner phone number 5, She's paying a. by credit card b. cash 22 chapter a Chapter Check Now you can... e LY Talk about colors and clothes What are they wearing? EI Ask about sizes and prices Can | help you? G Order over the phone May take your order? Berlitmncusi cb-RoM (®) ea UR Nm Ele ila Chapter4 23 | Chapter 5) Have a nice trip! e Calendar: days of the week, months, and dates Seasons and weather ra Travel plans @ @ Talking about travel plans Talking about the calendar, seasons, and weather Making travel plans Present progressive tense (future meaning) would like, want CT ee eX had Hi, Carla! How are you? Carla: Great! I'm going on vacation, { FOLLow-uP Peter: Where are you going? Carla: To Madrid. I'm leaving on Friday. 1. Carlais atthe office. = TF Peter: That's wonderful! Have a nice trip! 2. She's going ona TF - business trip. . She's going to Spain. . She's leaving on Friday. 24 chapter s Talking about the calendar, seasons, and weather Bi Calendar JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL ©. 345 6 123 12 1415 16 Monday January Ist] 5 6 7 11 12 19 14 sar 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 2 23 2a 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 29 24 18 19 20 21@H23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 e : ages BEEL@BS 28 MAY. JUNE JULY AUGUST ores GQaso ra 5 8 510% [Friday August 24th} 9 10 1 Cae et ees eee @ peers ns Bias SELES serresaen ronen oven beceasen 1 235456578 910 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zt 22 23 26 25 26 27 28 29 6 123 1 3 4567891 2345678 2 9121314 15 16 17910 1 12 13 14 27 19 19 20 2 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 guar BRae-= Steosto S = Sunday T M= Monday F T= Tuesday = S W= Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What day is it today? ~ Today is Monday, January Ist. Ey What's the weather like? b> [snowy | {sunny e@ ~ What's the weather like today? ~ When do you go on vacation? = It's raining = | always go in the summer. Chapters 25. CROC ects 11 Present progressive (future meaning) lam working in New York next week. O You are going to Brazil on-Monday. He is buying a new coat next month. She is selling her computer in February. We are going to the bank in the afternoon, @ They are leaving the office tomorrow at 3:00. '~ What are you doing tomorrow? = I'm going to work, e Bi would tike, want I would like some coffee. — > | want some coffee. Jerry would like to go to London. ———» Jerry wants te go to London. Gi How are you going to New York? I'm going .. by train by plane by bus 5 I'm. 5 driving watking What's the date? Ist 2nd 3rd sth with first second third fifth, eleventh oO v2th 13th 15th 20th 30th twelfth thirteenth fifteenth twentieth thirtieth ‘We are leaving on June 4th. We are coming back on June 8th. oO 26 chapter 5 Making travel plans EX (9 How about Thailand? @ Paul: Where are you going on vacation, Sumi? Sumi: Oh, | don’t know. I'd like to go to a warm country. Paul: How about Thailand? Sumi: What's the weather like in Thailand? @ Paul: In the summer, it's hot and rainy. Sumi: | like hot weather, but | don’t like rain! Paul: Well, what about Rio? Sumi; Hmm. That's not a bad idea. Mp aa vacation Chapters 27 © Travel specials Gree Ise Cralseal ; a a7 SS Where do you want to go on vacation? How would you like to travel? How much is the trip? 1 Mr. Webster's travel plans Cisunrea m Travel London - Toronto Departure - Jy 29 get BAA cars ep Leedostestvow 8352, BP Tota Peso 1209 Iinerary for Mr. Paul Webster Return - August 11 When is Mr. We Fight 56 -A Cacs tp Torato Penson 815.0 Landon Heanrow 628m Great Fares for Hong Kang & Bangkok Starting at $735! jebster leaving? What's the flight number? MEDIA MIX 28 Chapter 5 Chapter Check Now you can... 14 Talk about the calendar JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL ourwtrs surwrer)s serwtrr)rs smurwirrs Las 45 9 m2 2 12 1234567 Tego 4567891 3456789 89H IM 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 18 16 $7 10 '11:12:13 14 15 481516 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 29 24 25 20 27 28 }28 23 20 31 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 20:30 20 90 34 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST surwrrs eu rwrrs fut w res su rwt ns 12345 12 1234567 1234 67 890N2 3456789 BHMWNRIM 56 7 BoM 9 1418 10111213 14 15.16 15 16 17 18 19 233 14 15 16 When are you leaving? Ey Talk about the weather Talk about the seasons How's the weather? When sunny and hot? Where are we going next year? Berlitzmouish co-rom Re ikea) Eu ecuador) Chapters 29 ACTION MODULE 1 - ROLE CARD A A First Meeting You are In your office. Someone is here to see you. introduce yourself to him / her Use some of the folfowing tanguags Hello, My name is _ I'm from _ . Nice to meet you 1 ] Go stright aheas. Turn rlaht. Turn ett. e TIP! 2D the hotels on Center Street. AS the hotel isin Center Street. Tt T @_ BY Be Bois cc1055 fro the tain sation Ws onthe right. It's on the itt. “The bank is opposite the train station. Chapter? 37 Focusing on language Gl Imperatives Turn left! Don't turn right! Take the number 47 bus. Don't take the subway. p Park behind the bank. Don't park here! TIP! Come here, please. Please don’t come belore 7:30. 3S subway @ Wear your new suit! Don't wear that tie! AB underground / tube Ei Where’s the bookstore? e 1. Go straight ahead two blocks. ——» Go straight ahead two blocks 2. Turn left. —____- ___________» and turn left. +3, Walk three blocks. —__________» Then walk three blocks 4, Turn left. ——_____— > and turn left again. 5. Pass the post office, — » After you pass the post office, 6. It’s on your right. it’s on your right. Gi there is / there are = Is there a bank near here? = Are there any bookstores nearby? ~ Yes, there is. There’s one on Main Street. - Yes, there are, There's one on Spring Street. = No, there’s no bank in the neighborhood. —~ No, there aren't. There aren't any bookstores nearby. Is there a post office on Main Street? Z Are there any restaurants near the train station? Is there a map in the classroom? 38 chapter 7 Giving directions; reading a map | How do I get there? in Do you know where the train station Is? 2 Turn right at the third Where's City Hall? How do I get to 95 South? _— Turn sight behing — Make a left at the traffic light. the shopping center. traffic light. 3 Go one block up 10th — Turn left at the stop sign.| | ___ Go S miles north on Street. | Go down Broad Street, Route 31, 1 Go down Market Street. Make a right at the stop sign. OO OF: a oY G a ears Pd oe a 8 MSS evan at ‘wal @ ~ Excuse me. How do | get to Times Square? ~ Take the E train at 34th Street. — And where do | get off? ~ At 42nd Street. Times Square is at 42nd and Broadway. @ = Thanks a lot. = You're welcome. Chapter 7 39 ©) ON THE PHONE ~ Kerim Export-Import. — Hi, Where are you located? - We're at 12 Spring Street. = And how do | get there from Union Square? = Do you know where the bus station is? ~ Yes, I do. = We're right across the street from it. ~ Great. Thanks. TIP! Map abbreviations Ln. = lane Blvd. = boulevard Or = drive St. = street Sq. = square PL = place Rd. = road Ct. = court Av. = avenue © You are here. Oo SF Tyme se'5 2002 Be Fo =“ Charing =] Yuet | Cross 5 see KONE 8 stron 40 chapter 7 Now you can... EX Ask for directions It's across from. Di say where places are Where are you located? G Give directions How do I get to... Berlitzznousn DI Read a map wueaea pemich <”hy Posie ‘enter MOTOR GARMENT DisTRICT Ny Putte trary Where is the Port Authority Bus Terminal? Chepter 7 41 a My husband's name is Steve. e People Family Personal descriptions Talking about your family Describing people Talking about yourself and others Irregular plurals, e.g., men have Are you married? Karen: Yes, | am. My husband's name is Steve. — ( James: Do you have any children? FOLLOW-UP Karen: We have a son and a daughter. . James: What are their names? 1. Steve is Karen's husband. TF i Karen: Michael and Mary. Here’s a picture of them. | 2. Karen has two children, TF. 3. Michaelis James’ son. 1 F ff - 4 42 Copter @ read Ulm Cy BI Is she tall or short? Oo - How many men are there? _—_- Is that woman tall or short? ~ Is this man young or old? - There are ~ She's tall - He's young. Family Roles Richard and Beth are husband and wife. movne | _ Richard and Steve are father and son. me) Karen and Mary are mother and daughter. Michael and Mary are brother and sister. Beth and Michael are grandmother and grandson. Richard and Mary are grandfather and granddaughter. TIP! any mother and father = parents ano grandmother and grandfather = grandparents Oo ~ How old is your father? ~ How many people are there in your family? ~ He's seventy-five. ~ Seven. | have two brothers and two sisters. Chapters 43 Focusing on language BA Irregular Plurals singular plural man men woman women child children wite wives Bi have/nas 1 He vou She 28.2 laptop. We have a brother. They Who has my gloves? ~ Do you have a brother? = Yes, | do. / No, | don’t. The Jacksons have three children This book has twelve chapters What kind of car does your wife have? I have two sisters and one brother. Gi What do they look like? = Does Michael have a laptop? ~ Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. Sorry, | don't have time, Who has the keys to the car? Vie have friends in New York. Do you have my ticket? Mario has long, Emma has short, Nadine and Lisa have straight hair. curly hair. long, blond hair. 44 Chapter 6 BEC RCL lem ml led e (©) what does she took like? A. ~ What does your brother look like? B. — What does your boss look like? = He has blond hair and green eves. = She has gray hair and brown eyes. = Is he tall or short? = Is she tall or short? ) = He's tall. = she’s short. = And how old is he? = And how old is she? = He's young. He's 21 years old. =I think she's 55, ia A 5 D E c 6 BD Here's what | look like. am icago rep 2 nent A 5 orvard | WO Fg | Prt From: Bill Marris Dear Robert, the airport at 2:00 on Monday. I'm tall, I'm mestin | @ {have blond hair, and | wear glasses Chapter@ 45 9 ON THE PHONE 1. Mark's ____is calling. a.mother — b. grandmother 2, She would like to see her. a. children _b, grandchildren 3. She's coming with her________.__ a. husband _b. father 4, They're coming weekend. a. next b. this M CULTURE CORNER In the US, many people get married in their 20s or 30s. When do people get married in your country? B Describing a family 3 46 Chapter 8 Chapter Check Now you can... HY Talk about your family Are you married? Do you have any children? @ iow tse ey @ 9 Do you have any brothers and te sisters? EI Describe people What does. look tike? ern Uke a RMU CS Re atte chapters 47 SS What can you do? e @ Work skills and abilities Job experience Company organization Talking about your job from ... to, for, until, ago Simple past to be p Simple past regular verbs Jt can Ted: Do you still work at the help desk, Nicole? Nicole: No, I'm an assistant Web designer now. Ted: Good for you! Nicole: Thanks. | finished an art and design Course last year Then got the FOLLOW-UP new job. o That's great, Nicole! 1. Does Nicole work at the help desk? 2. What does she do? 4B Chapter 9 Talking about your company and your work experience Oo BB Organization chart Company Organization Boa ee tic) Allen Roth ene a Ta Informa Seen er Crees i Cd Ces aed ae ery Network rca hou) cere Manager Manager coer Stephen Taylor [J Taro Suzuki Ed Pearson Reed = What do you do at your company? — | work in the Accounting Department. EV what experience does Mr, Sanchez have? Eric Sanchez was a salesman Z from 1988 to 1990. Eric Sanches 5 He worked in Santa Monica 12 Lambert Drive 5 until 1990. Culver City, CA 90035 Phone: 310-836-6057 e@ He was a sales manager at email: Office Suites for five years Where did Eric work ten PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ———— years ago? 1997 - present Sales Director, Beyond Business How long did he work there? Las Angeles, CA Manage domestic sles; 2001 sales volume: $350M Where did you work ten acne ey BU eg oN £ years ago? 1991-1996 Sales Man Pasaden fanaged sales te e 1988-1990 Suan, Lave Home and Oi Sioa Mana Gx for West Coast operations Chapter9 49 Focusing on language GI Past tense of be: was/were lam Iwas you are you were Today he/sheis at school. | Yesterday he/she was at the office. we are we were they are they were ~ Was Eric at the office last week? — Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. ~ Were you in Berlin last year? ~ Yes, we were. / No, we weren’ Where were you yesterday? = 1was at home. Past tense: regular verbs Yesterday I walked to work. Last week you called your boss Two months ago he/she worked at a car factory, Last year we lived in Spain, In 1998 they opened a department store. —Who used my computer this morning? = Sandra di — Did you walk to work yesterday? — Yes, | did. / No, | didn’t, G What did you do at your first job? I worked at Sony for two years. | walked to the office every day. | worked in the Accounting Department. | worked full time. lused my laptop to write reports. | didn’t travel for my work. i What can you do? What can't you de? Alberto is a chet. - +» He can cook. I'ma teacher, —____» | can teach We are from England. » We can speak English, but we can't speak French. = Can Colleen manage the department? _—_- Yes, she can. / No, she can't. 5O chapter 9 D1 Michael has a new job. Marie: Michael, now are you? Michael: Great! | have 3 new job. I'm working at Elsup Internaticnal now. Marie: — What do you do? Michael: I'ma sales manager. Marie: Congratulations! What does your company do? Michael: We make computers. Marie: Do you travel a lot? Michael: | travel all over the world. Last week | was in Europe. 1 Interview questions - Do you have any experience? How many years’ experience do you have? Can you use Excel? When can you start? {D what experience do you have? Name Looking for a job as a.. Skills Experience Past tense of regular verbs: ~ed pronunciation i tal fed/ Eli worked in France, He studied in New York. | He visited Mexico City. talked, typed used, called wanted, needed Chapter 9 St Connie: Tost Connie: Toshi: Connie: Toshi: Connie: Tost Toshi! You weren't at the office yesterday. Where were you? | was out of town, in Philadelphia. Were you there on business? Yes, | was there with my boss, We were at Celetex, Celetex? Celetex is our new client. We were there from. ten in the morning to eight at night! That’s a long day! Yes, it sure was, And we're going back next week! (9 ON THE PHONE {B Do you have experience in management? Large International Company is. cans a tmun sshd * can speak English and Japanese + can use Microsott Office How long do they work? Median years s with current ‘employer (data for 2000) Age Years at current job + have two 10 three years’ wrk experience Number of jobs held by individuals (data for 1978-1998) Education level Total Age Age Age 18-24 25-29 30-34 16-17 18-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 6 a i 26 48 8.2 95 combined total, average 92 56 3.0 24 less than high school diploma 9.3. 52.30 24 high school grad, no college a7 52. 28 24 less than bachelor’s degree 96 58 32 25 bachelor’s degree or higher 97 Source: Bureau of Labor Statisties US Government 63 30 24 52 Chapter 9 Peay Cael tag Now you can... EX Talk about your job e i Talk about your company a Where do you work? oO G talk about skills What can you do? © BD talk about past oO work experiences Where did you } | work before? Berlitznoust co-rom Ura sie u Rel ase eure eda eu neta Chapter9 53 Ce, oe |) Let’s meet at 6:30! e Leisure activities ‘The week's schedule Inviting someone out Talking about your favorite Wy activities NX Making plans to go out Past tense: irregular verbs ~ anything, something, nothing Would you like to go to the music festival tomorrow night? | have two tickets. Cindy: Sounds great! What time? Bill It starts at 7 otock at Center FOLLOW-UP Cindy: Let's meet in front of the stadium 1. When are Cindy and Bill going at 6:30. to the music festival? OK. See you then. 2. What time does it start? 3, Where are they meeting? . What time are they meeting? 54 Chapter 10 Talking about your favorite activities Bi what do you want to do? : @ eat SF "@ as = Are you going out this weekend? ~ What do you want to do? ~ Yes, we're going to a play. ~ Let's go swimming e@ Ed What did you do last weekend? = What did you do last night? = What did you do on Sunday? ~ 1 stayed home and watched TV. = | worked in my garden. a KK OK OK Great! = How was the play? — It was gree OK OK OK Good. 8 — How's the food at King’s Steak House? * kk Ok. — OK. But the service is terrible! * Ok So-so. * Tecrible! Chapter 10 55 DUTT UC rt) B Past Tense: Irregular Verbs come came make made eat ate meet met get got see saw 90 went speak spoke @ have had take took leave left write wrote read read buy bought fly flew do did sell sold wear wore oO G Mc. Osborne's Schedule Spat dimmer Cats’ Goodman tase ge sonnanind} 8“ Theater, 245 W49re St What did Mr. Osborne do last week? 3 ~ He went to Boston on Monday. PRONUNCIATION PLUS Past Tense-Irregular Verbs Bill buys a new shirt every month. He bought new gloves this month, Oo Ms. Ward eats a sandwich for lunch every day. She ate a tuna sandwich yesterday. My boss and | always fly to Mexico in April. We flew to Canada last May. I read the paper every morning. read @ new magazine on Monday. Carla and Jerry take the subway every day. ‘They took the bus last weekend. I wear a suit to work almost every day. I wore a skirt last Friday. Oo 56 Chapter to Making plans to go out B anything, something, nothing anything = Are you doing anything Friday night? = Yes, lam. / No, I'm not doing anything. Are you busy Friday night?) oO something = Would you like to do something with me? = Yes, I would. nothing @ ~ | wanted to play tennis today, but it's raining, There's nothing to do. = Let's go to the movies. EL ( Let’s do something tonight. Alan: Let's do something tonight! How about a movie? Bess: What's playing? Alan: Let's see ... Summer Romance is at the Odeon, and Galactic Adventure is at the Rialto, Bess: Galactic Adventure sounds good. What time does it start? Alan: There are shows at seven and nine-thirty, Ss Bess: Let's go to the seven o'clock show and get something to eat after the movie. Alan: Sounds good to me, D What did you do last night? Carol: What did you and Alan do last night? Bess: We went to the movies and had dinner. Carol: Where did you eat? g Bess: We ate at La Hacienda. Carol: How was the food? é@ Bess: Fantastic! | love Mexican food Carol: And what movie did you see? Bess: We saw Galactic Adventure. It was great! Chapter 10 57

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