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Independent University, Bangladesh 

Semester:Summer 2021
Name: Abir Hasan Apurbo 
ID: 1820493
Walton Group’s Accounting Information System
Course Title: Accounting Information System 
Course ID: ACN441 
Date of Submission: August 21’2021 
Submitted to: Mr. Mohammed Naveed Adnan Siddiquee

I have done this task with much exertion. Nonetheless, it would not have been conceivable
without the caring help a lot of numerous people. I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all
of them.

I'm incredibly appreciative to my regarded Faculty, Mr. Naveed Adnan sir, for his phenomenal
direction and steady oversight, just as for giving essential task and undertaking data and
furthermore for his ceaseless assistance in finishing the assignment.

I additionally communicated my earnest gratitude to my folks and different individuals from my

family, who have consistently been ethically and monetarily strong of me.

To wrap things up, I need to communicate my sincere appreciation to Almighty Allah for giving
me the certainty and ability to complete this work.

Abir Hasan Apurbo 


Executive Summary

This report was given to analyze and evaluate the high grounds with respect to the help of the
accounting information structure in the association. likewise, future prospects of Walton in a
creating local electronic market. The assessment reveals that in a reliably creating business area,
Walton has become a strong name for customers. Countrywide association, propensity towards
quality and gave gathering of agents are the basic driver of its success. Despite the way that it
had started business with home contraptions, yet it has reliably been centered around satisfying
customer interest by introducing new things.

Late creation and selling of cruiser and environment control framework avows that situation of
Walton. Walton has a target to twofold all around piece of the general business in the
accompanying 5 years. It has adequately arranged itself as a customer very much arranged and
eco-obliging association. It's after bargains organization has contributed monstrously in building
this image to clients.

Since its target market is focus pay people, the expense of their things is somewhat lower than
those of competitors'. This approach helps the association uncommonly in a worth sensitive
customers' market. Actually Walton has extended restricted time practices through figuring
everything out various public games. Further assessments have uncovered that to achieve the
work of market pioneer, it will go up against challenge from new brands. Additionally, rapidly
creating interest from customers for electronic things might crush Walton. It has gotten market
invasion, thing improvement and market progression approach for future turn of events.

The report has found the potential outcomes of Walton promising in its current position. Ideal
government system will help it with expanding local and worldwide business areas later on.

Table of contents:
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................3
Table of contents.......................................................................................................................................4

Expenditure Cycle:....................................................................................................................................9
Goals of the Expenditure Cycle:...............................................................................................................10
Importance of Expenditure Cycle: ...........................................................................................................11

Revenue cycle:...........................................................................................................................................5
Process of Revenue Cycle: .........................................................................................................................6
Importance of Revenue cycle ....................................................................................................................7
Pros and Cons: ...........................................................................................................................................8
Expenditure Cycle:
This focuses on the acquisition of raw materials, finished goods, supplies and
services.Expenditure Cycle is one type of process that helps to define what occurs from the point
that a  business or when customer decides that the purchase of a given good or service is
necessary to  the point that the purchase is paid for in full. Walton has 4,500 types of items and
for making  these Walton needs a huge number of raw materials these activities also include
items that needs  to be purchased, the receipts of goods and payments to suppliers. Expenditure
cycle is correlated  to revenue cycle because purchasing requirements are driven by the volume
and type of customer  orders.
In the expenditure cycle, the primary external exchange of information is with suppliers
(vendors). Expense data also flow from the expenditure cycle to the general ledger and reporting
function for inclusion in financial statements and various management reports. The primary
objective in the expenditure cycle is to minimize the total cost of acquiring and maintaining
inventories, supplies, and the various services the organization needs to function.
The four basic expenditure cycle activities
1. Ordering materials, supplies, and services
2. Receiving materials, supplies, and services
3. Approving supplier invoices
4. Cash disbursements

Revenue cycle:
Revenue cycle is a method used for maintaining the process used for the completion of an
accounting process for recording of revenue generated from services or products provided by the
company which includes the accounting process of tracking and recording transaction from the
beginning. Walton is one of the colossal industries of Bangladesh it manufactures and distributes
4,500 types of electric, automotive and different types of good. Accounting information system,
it plays a huge role in this process which normally starts receiving pre orders of latest mobiles
and other products from customer or entering in agreement with customer then concerned
department the order. The company keeps goods ready to dispatch.
Process of Revenue Cycle:
Receive order from a customer:
Walton has new mobiles, motorbikes and other products coming consistently within a short span
of time most of the products are open for pre ordering months before the release date it all beings
when a customer places an order then the concerned department for example the sales
department takes notes of the essential details and process the date into the databases.

The important details of customers and other transaction are stored here. Master files stored the
customer address and other details such as account receivables. Transaction flies stored all the
sales order transaction, sales invoices and cash receipts and other files stored data such as
shipping, credit references, sales person, accounts receivable reports.

Process the order making goods ready for delivery:

The company then prepares the goods according to their dates and pass it to the logistics
Billing and preparing invoices:
The sales department then starts billing and invoices before dispatching the products

• Delivery of goods:
The logistics department then arranges transport and ship goods. Walton has showroom all over
Bangladesh and also abroad, the preorders and other products shipment are done according to the
dates so that customer can have their product on time

• Account receivable:
After getting the payment from the customer the company makes the journal entry
Account Receivable Dr
Sales Cr
Importance of Revenue cycle:
The revenue cycle helps to keep a check on the cash flow of the company by making assessment
of their profit-making activities. It helps Walton to take decision of how to make improvements
possible by comparing the cycle with any cycle available of their competitors. It helps in the
process of reducing errors by applying a check and by automating the repetitive process. It
greatly helps the company to provide timely and effective services to the customers. It also
lowers the probability of Bad debts. It plays a vital role in the proper billing and receipts.

Pros and Cons:

The biggest advantage that an organization gain from a revenue cycle is the reduction in the time
of receipt of the product of the organization to the interested customers and also in the reduction
in time of payment received from the customers. Adaption of Revenue cycle reduces the time
and cost of the management by automating the repeated process. It provides overall better
accuracy in the billing of the product as well as better accounting of the transaction.

Whereas, for the proper adaption of revenue cycle management, training for the employees is
necessary because if there is a slight mistake done by any part of the cycle, then that thing could
impact the whole cycle. Proper implementation requires expertise in accounting that will
increase the cost of the company.

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