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E.D - 102
Every time I have plans that do not push through or go well, I always
try to make it work. I find ways whatever it is because I know and
believe that I can have and do it by myself but there are some
specific things that I consider not doing that will go against my
principle and beliefs such as killing, religious matters and destroying
people's reputation. If I want it to happen and I want to have it I
work hard to get it but when things go around, I will stay silent for a
very long time to think, reflect, and restart and make some changes
on my plans. The process of wanting and getting is sometimes hard
but I know to myself that at the end of the day I would be satisfied
and so happy if I got the thing that I want.
Confucianism is about working together that the self belongs to the
whole. I believe knowing others' situation and familiarizing their
culture and beliefs will make us understand ourselves better. Being
flexible, having a strong-willed self and having the power to adjust
yourself to other situations will make us understand what we really
need and want. This way we can assess ourselves better and we can
clearly choose decisions without being ignorant of other feelings and
conditions. As a student I experience a lot of group works and
activity which is not a simple thing to do but because I already know
how to manage and experience the struggles and benefits of group
task I know when to make adjustments, I know when I should
increase my patience, I am aware every time I am getting angry and
this for me makes me understand what I would want and where do I
want to stand in the group.
Involving self helps a huge realization that can help you change what you
want. Knowing helps the self to identify its identity like where it belongs,
what changes would it like, what factors that make it hold back. Beliefs and
culture make the self analyze what it chooses and what decisions it should
make. Lastly, being simply aware of the feelings, behavior, and character
the self prefers.

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