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BSED E.D - 102
In the era we leave now which is also known as the 21st century or the millennial era internet
and social media impact our lives drastically and wholly. Social media gives a new set of
standards, stereotypes and trends and it certainly affects our lifestyle, fashion, beliefs,
knowledge and most especially our mental health.
As a part of the millennial era, I choose to use social media to show the good side of my life, I
post what people want to see, I prefer posting appealing achievements and photos that I
have, and I believe social media makes it easier to manipulate one's life. A world with
different cultures and beliefs are being compiled and connected to social media which creates
specific trends that our naked eyes want to see which we do. Social media can make us
anyone we want using our manipulative skills and knowledge that changes our true identities,
our true character, our true beauty that we may be hiding because of our desire to be likeable
and appealing.
In your own observation these days, do
you think credit card is a nedd or want?
Discuss your answer.
Personally, I consider credit cards as a need. Credit card contains money which
can be an option that can buy our necessities to live so I would count it as a
need. On the other hand, a credit card in these times would be a want
especially for most of the millennial who do are into online shopping any other
material things that can be a distraction in this time of uncertainty. At the end I
would consider it as a need depending on how a person uses it in a wise and
proper way and not waste it in buying material things.
Summarize the lesson on how you
understand sexual selves develop
through an interactionist perspective.
Sexual self is understanding, identification and exposing our idintenties in terms of
our sexual feelings and action. The process of identifying our sexual self develops in
our actions on how we interact with others such as how we handle and interpret the
world's beliefs and standards. I believe sexual self development depends on the
group of people we grew up with. Just like in a household where male are dominant
this factor can affect our sexual self also oh we we communicate with others this
which affects our emotions that can be a way to develop our sexual way. In
conclusion, sexual self development depends on how we see, talk, interperpret and
appreciate the new set of standards that people create.

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