Final Revision On Mechanics For Final Exam 2017 21-05-43

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Final Revision On Mechanics

Grade 10
Semester 2

Prepared by :
Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim
Projectile Motion
Types of projectile Motion

1 . Oblique projectile motion :

If a body is projected at from the horizontal at v0 m/s

then :
v0y v0
We always resolve v0 to two components v0x and v0y .

** Vx in this type of projection is constant where :

𝜽 v0x
v0x = Vx = v0 cos =

Such that :

v0x : is the component of the initial velocity in the direction of x- axis .

Vx : is the velocity of the body at any time t .

x : is the horizontal range .

t : is the time of flight .

vy = 0 v0y = 0
** Vy in this type of projection is not constant where : 0
v0y = v0 sin
vy = v0y + g t g = 9.8 m/s2
g = - 9.8 m/s2
vy2 = v0y2 + 2g sy

sy = v0y t + g t2

v0y = v0 sin 𝜽

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Where :

v0y : is the component of the initial velocity in the direction of y - axis .

v0y = v0 sin ( upwards )

v0y = 0 ( downwards )

Vy : is the velocity in y-direction of the body at any time t .

Sy : is the displacement in y-direction .

g : is the gravity . ( = 9.8 m/s2 )

Notes :
1 . At maximum height vy = 0

2 . The time of flight = 2 x the time to reach to the maximum height .

3 . For maximum horizontal range = 45

4 . The velocity of the body at any time t = v = vx2 + vy2

2 . Horizontal projectile motion

** Vx in this type of projection is constant where :

v0x = Vx = v0 =

Such that :

v0x : is the component of the initial velocity in the direction of x- axis .

V0y = 0 in this type of projection

t : is the time of flight .

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** Vy in this type of projection is not constant where :

v0y = 0
vy = v0y + g t
vy2 = v0y2 + 2g sy

sy = v0y t + g t2

Where :

Vy : is the velocity in y-direction of the body at any time t .

Sy : is the displacement in y-direction .

g : is the gravity . ( = 9.8 m/s2 )

t : is the time of flight .

Note :

The velocity of the body at any time t = v = vx2 + vy2

3 . Projectile motion in an inclined plane

If a body is projected by an initial velocity v0 at

an angle α in an inclined plane of an angle

** Vx in this type of projection is not constant

where :

v0x = v0 cos α
vx = v0x + gx t

vx2 = v0x2 + 2gx sx , sx = v0x t + gx t2

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Where :

v0x : is the component of the initial velocity in the direction of x- axis .

Vx : is the velocity of the body at any time t .

gx : is the component of the gravity in the direction of x – axis .

gx = - g sin

sx : is the displacement in x – direction at any time t .

t : is the time of flight .

** Vy in this type of projection is not constant where : vy = 0 v0y = 0

vy = v0y + gy t
vy2 = v0y2 + 2gy sy gy = = - g cos 𝛉 gy = = g cos 𝛉
m/s2 m/s2
sy = v0y t + gy t2

Where : v0y = v0 sin α

v0y : is the component of the initial velocity in the direction of y - axis .
v0y = v0 sin α ( upwards )

v0y = 0 ( downwards )

Vy : is the velocity in y-direction of the body at any time t . ( Vy = 0 at the maximum height )

Sy : is the displacement in y-direction .

gy : is the component of the gravity of the direction of y – axis .

gy = = - g cos ( upwards ) , gy = = g cos ( downwards )

t : is the time of flight .

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Notes :

1 . The time of flight = 2 x the time to reach to the maximum height .

2 . For maximum horizontal range α = 45 -

3 . The velocity of the body at any time t = v = vx2 + vy2

General notes on projectile motion :

1 . If the trajectory of a projectile is presented by : y = a x + b x2 then :

a = tan


Where :

: is the angle of projection .

g : is the gravity .

: is the initial velocity .

Resultant of two forces meeting at a point :

If F1 , F2 are two forces meeting at a point and their resultant is R then :

R = F 1 + F2
R2 = F12 + F22 + 2 F1 F2 cos

tan =
𝜶 𝜽
Where : A B
: is the angle between the two forces .

: is the angle between the resultant of the two forces and F1 .

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Special cases :

1 . If the two forces are perpendicular : ( = 90 )

R2 = F12 + F22 and tan =

2 . If the two forces are equal in magnitude : (F1 = F2 = F )

R = 2F cos

and R bisects the angle between the two forces .

3 . The maximum value of the resultant of the two forces = F1 + F2

when cos =1 ( =0) [ The maximum value of cos ]

4 . The minimum value of the resultant of the two forces = F1 - F2

when cos =-1 ( = 180 ) [ The minimum value of cos ]
Forces resolution into two components :
F1 = and F1 = 𝜽𝟏
The resultant of coplanar forces meeting at a point :

If 1 , 2 and 3 are the polar angles of the forces F1 , F2 and F3

F2 F1


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The algebraic sum of the components in the positive direction of x – axis :

x = F1 cos 1 + F2 cos 2 + F3 cos 3

The algebraic sum of the components in the positive direction of y – axis :

y = F1 sin 1 + F2 sin 2 + F3 sin 3

180 - 𝜽 𝜽

tan =
180 + 𝜽 360 - 𝜽
R=(R, )

Equilibrium of a rigid body under the effect of two forces / three forces meeting at a point :

Equilibrium of a rigid body under the effect of two forces

The conditions :
1 . The two forces are equal in magnitude .

2 . The two forces are opposite in direction .

3 . The lines of action are on the same straight line .

Notes :

1 . If a string passes over a smooth pulley and two bodies

A and B are suspended from its two terminals such that T T

the string is tensioned , then the two tensions in the two

terminals of the string are equal in magnitude . A

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2 . If a string passes through a smooth ring to be suspended freely

in it , then the tensions in the two branches of the string AB , AC are equal in magnitude

Equilibrium of a rigid body under the effect of three forces acting at a point :

Rule (1) :

If three forces acting at a point and can be represented by the sides of a triangle taken in the
same cyclic order , then the forces are in equilibrium .

Rule (2) : “The triangle of forces rule “

If a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces acting at a point and a
triangle is drawn whose sides are parallel to the lines of action of the forces and taken in the
same cyclic order , then the lengths of the sides of the triangle are proportional to the
magnitudes of the corresponding forces .

= =
F1 A

𝜽2 𝜽3
F2 B

Rule (3) “ Lami’s rule “

If the three coplanar forces meeting at a point and acting up on a particle are in equilibrium ,
then the magnitude of each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the two
other forces .

= =

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Equilibrium of a body placed on a smooth inclined plane
If a body of weight W is placed on a smooth inclined plane

which inclines by an angle of measure with the horizontal 𝜽

, then the body will be under the action of two forces :
1 . The weight force W acting vertically downwards .

2 . The reaction force r of the inclined plane and it acts in the direction perpendicular to the
plane .

These two forces can not be in equilibrium , because they have two different lines of action
Therefore , in order to be in equilibrium , a third force must act on the body . It may be one
of the following forms :

1 . The force in the direction of the line of the greatest slope upwards .



2 . The force acts horizontally


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3 . The force inclines by with the plane upwards :



Rule (4) :

If a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of three coplanar non parallel forces , then
the lines of action of these forces meet at a point .

Newton first law :

An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted by an
external force .

Notes :

1 . The uniform motion = motion with uniform velocity ( a = 0 ) .

2 . An object will not change its state , this means that the resultant of forces affecting the
object = 0 , which means that the forces affecting the object in opposite directions are equal
3 . The object moves with maximum velocity ( or constant velocity ) = object moves with
uniform velocity .

4 . Always the resistance direction is opposite to the direction of the object motion .

5 . If the object moves under the action of resistances (R) proportional with its velocity (v)
then : =

6 . If the object moves under the action of resistances (R) proportional with square its
velocity (v) then : =

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7 . We make all the acting forces on the object in two perpendicular directions :

A . parallel to the plane direction .

B . perpendicular to the plane direction .

And this is by resolution of the inclined forces .

8 . different cases to apply newton's first law : T

A . Body at rest ( or moving vertically with uniform velocity )

B . Body at rest ( or moving horizontally with uniform velocity ) under
the action of horizontal force .


C . Moving body horizontally with uniform velocity under the action of inclined force .

F sin 𝜽
R F cos 𝜽

N + F sin =W

R = F cos

D . Body moving with uniform velocity on an inclined plane F

under action of a force parallel to the highest slope line of
the plane to up .
W sin 𝜽 𝜽
N = W cos

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F – R – W sin = 0 OR F = R + W sin

E . Body moving with uniform velocity on an inclined plane

under action of a force parallel to the highest slope line of N
the plane to down .
N = W cos W sin 𝜽 𝜽
F + W sin – R = 0 OR F + W sin =R
F . Body moving with uniform velocity on an inclined plane

under action of a force inclined to the plane by an angle to up .

N + F sin = W cos
F cos 𝜶
F cos - R - W sin =0 N
F sin 𝜶
W sin 𝜽 𝜽
F cos = R + W sin 𝜽
9 . When a balloon or a helicopter ascends or descends vertically , W
The direction of force of the engine F always up while the resistance change its direction to
be opposite to the motion direction .




10 . Total resistance = resistance for each ton x number of tons .

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Newton second law :

The rate of change of the body momentum ( m v ) with respect to time is proportional to
force causing it and in its direction .

F = m a ( in the case that mass is constant )

Where F is the resultant of the forces which affect the body in the direction of motion .

Important notes :


Where : W is the weight of the body .

m : is the mass .

g = 9.8 m/s2

2 . Newton = kg . m/s2 , Dyne = , Newton = 105 Dyne

3 . The perpendicular forces on the motion direction don't affect the motion and its
resultant = 0

4 . If the force stopped put F = 0

If you use brakes put F = 0

If the body moves on a smooth plane put R = 0

If you neglect the resistance put R = 0

Circular motion :
To create circular motion in a body it must be given some initial
velocity and a force must then act on the body which is always directed
at right angles to instantaneous velocity.

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(1) Displacement and distance : When particle moves in a circular path
describing an angle during time t (as shown in the figure) from the
position A to the position B, we see that the magnitude of the
position vector r (that is equal to the radius of the circle) remains
constant. and the direction of the position vector changes from time
to time.

(i) Displacement : The change of position vector or the displacement r

of the particle from position A to the position B is given by referring

the figure. [ = 2 r sin ]

(ii) Distance : The distanced covered by the particle during the time t is given as
d = length of the arc AB = r

2 . Change in velocity : We want to know the magnitude

and direction of the change in velocity of the particle
which is performing uniform circular motion as it moves
from A to B during time t as shown in figure.
The change in velocity vector is given as

= 2 v sin

The direction of is shown in figure that can be given as

3 . Time period (T) : In circular motion, the time period is defined as the time taken by the
object to complete one revolution on its circular path. [ v = ]

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where v is called the linear or tangential speed because at any given time, the velocity is
tangent to the circle . Although the velocity is constant in magnitude (speed), it is always
changing direction.

4 . Frequency (n) : In circular motion, the frequency is defined as the number of revolutions
completed by the object on its circular path in a unit time and its unit is s-1 or Hertz . [ T = ]

5 . Centripetal Acceleration :
(1) Acceleration acting on the object undergoing uniform circular motion is called centripetal
acceleration .
(2) It always acts on the object along the radius towards the centre of the
circular path.

(3) Magnitude of centripetal acceleration

6 . Centripetal Force
centripetal force is that force which is required to move a body in a
circular path with uniform speed. The force acts on the body along the
radius and towards centre.

Formulae for centripetal force F =

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Q.1 Me 1.05
The trajectory of a projectile is represented by y = √ x – g x2/ 2 . The angle of projection is
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) None of these
Q.2 Me 1.05
The path followed by a body projected along y-axis is given as by √ x – x2/ 2 , if g = 10 m/s2
, then the initial velocity of projectile will be – (x and y are in m)
(a) 3√ m/s (b) 2√ m/s (c) 10√ m/s (d) 10√ m/s
Q.3 Me 1.05

The equation of projectile is y = 16 x - The horizontal range is ……………….

(a) 16 m (b) 8 m (c) 3.2 m (d) 12.8 m
Q.4 Me 1.05
A body of mass 2 kg has an initial velocity of 3 m/s along OE and it
is subjected to a force of 4 Newton’s in OF direction perpendicular
to OE . The distance of the body from O after 4 seconds will be
(a) 12 m (b) 28 m (c) 20 m (d) 48 m

Q.5 Me 1.05
A body starts from the origin with an acceleration of 6 m/s2 along the x-axis and 8 m/s2
along the y-axis . Its distance from the origin after 4 seconds will be ….
(a) 56 m (b) 64 m (c) 80 m (d) 128 m
Q.6 Me 1.05
In a projectile motion, velocity at maximum height is ………….

(a) (b) u cos (c) (d) None of these

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Q.7 Me 1.05
A body is thrown at angle 30o to the horizontal with the velocity of 30 m/s . After 1 sec , its
velocity will be ……………(in m/s) (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 10 √ (b) 700 √ (c) 100 √ (d) √
Q.8 Me 1.05
A projectile is fired at 30o to the horizontal . The vertical component of its velocity is 80
ms–1. Its time of flight is T . What will be the velocity of the projectile at t = T/2
(a) 80 ms–1 (b) 80 √ ms–1 (c) (80/ 3 ) ms–1 (d) 40 ms–1
Q.9 Me 1.05
A particle is projected from point O with velocity u in
a direction making an angle α with the horizontal . At any
instant its position is at point P at right angles to the initial
direction of projection. Its velocity at point P is ……………….

(a) u tan α (b) u cot α (c) u cosec α (d) u sec α

Q . 10 Me 1.05
A particle P is projected with velocity u1 at an angle
of 30o with the horizontal . Another particle Q is
thrown vertically upwards with velocity u2 from a
point vertically below the highest point of path of P.
The necessary condition for the two particles to
collide at the highest point is …………………….
(a) u1 = u2 (b) u1 = 2 u2 (c) u1 = 0.5 u2 (d) u1 = 4 u2

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Q . 11 Me 1.05
11 . Two seconds after projection a projectile is travelling in a direction inclined at 30o to the
horizontal after one more sec , it is travelling horizontally , the magnitude and direction of
its velocity are ………………..
(a) 2 √ m/s , 60 (b) 20 √ m/s , 60
(c) 6 √ m/s , 30 (d) 40 √ m/s , 30
Q . 12 Me 1.05
A body is projected up a smooth inclined plane
( length = 20 √ m ) with velocity u from the point M as
shown in the figure. The angle of inclination is 45o and
the top is connected to a well of diameter 40 m . If the
body just manages to cross the well, what is the value of
(a) 40 m/s (b) 40 √ m/s (c) 20 m/s (d) 20 √ m/s
Q . 13 Me 1.05
A projectile is fired with velocity u making angle with the horizontal . What is the change
in velocity when it is at the highest point ?
(a) u cos (b) u (c) u sin (d) (u cos – u)
Q . 14 Me 1.05
A body of mass 0.5 kg is projected under gravity with a speed of 98 m/s at an angle of 30o
with the horizontal . The change in momentum (in magnitude) of the body is ……………
(a) 24.5 N–s (b) 49 N–s (c) 98 N–s (d) 50 N–s

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Q . 15 Me 1.05
A particle of mass 100 g is fired with a velocity 20 m sec–1 making an angle of 30o with the
horizontal . When it rises to the highest point of its path then the change in its momentum is
(a) √ kgm/s (b) 0.5 kg m/s (c) √ kgm/s (d) kgm/s
Q . 16 Me 1.05
Two equal masses (m) are projected at the same angle ( ) from two points separated by
their range with equal velocities (v). The momentum at the point of their collision is ……….
(a) Zero (b) 2 mv cos (c) – 2 mv cos (d) None of these
Q . 17 Me 1.05
For a given velocity , a projectile has the same range R for two angles of projection if t1 and
t2 are the times of flight in the two cases then ………..

(a) t1 t2 α R2 (b) t1 t2 α R (c) t1 t2 α (d) t1 t2 α

Q . 18 Me 1.05
A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 m/s making an angle of 30o with the horizontal. It will
hit the ground after a time ……………..
(a) 1.5 s (b) 1 s (c) 3 s (d) 2 s
Q . 19 Me 1.05
Two particles are separated at a horizontal distance x as
shown in figure. They are projected at the same
time as shown in figure with different initial speed . The
time after which the horizontal distance between
the particles become zero is ……………….
(a) u /2x (b) x/u (c) 2u/x (d) u/x

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Q . 20 Me 1.05
A particle is projected from a point O with a velocity u in a direction making an angleα
upward with the horizontal. After some time at point P it is moving at right angle with its
initial direction of projection. The time of flight from O to P is …………….

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 21 Me 1.05
A ball is projected upwards from the top of tower with a velocity 50 ms–1 making angle 30o
with the horizontal . The height of the tower is 70 m. After how many seconds from the
instant of throwing will the ball reach the ground ?
(a) 2.33 sec (b) 5.33 sec (c) 6.33 sec (d) 9.33 sec
Q . 22 Me 1.05
If for a given angle of projection, the horizontal range is doubled , the time of flight becomes
(a) 4 times (b) 2 times (c) √ times (d) 1 / √ times
Q . 23 Me 1.05

A particle is thrown with velocity u at an angle from the horizontal. Another particle is

thrown with the same velocity at an angle from the vertical. The ratio of times of flight of
two particles will be ……………..

(a) tan 2 :1 (b) cot 2 :1 (c) tan :1 (d) cot :1

Q . 24 Me 1.05
A boy playing on the roof of a 10m high building throws a ball with a speed of 10 m/s at an
angle of 30o with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the
height of 10 m from the ground (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 8.66 m (b) 5.20 m (c) 4.33 m (d) 2.60 m

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Q . 25 Me 1.05
Which of the following sets of factors will affect the horizontal distance covered by an
athlete in a long–jump event ?
(a) Speed before he jumps and his weight
(b) The direction in which he leaps and the initial speed
(c) The force with which he pushes the ground and his speed
(d) The direction in which he leaps and the weight
Q . 26 Me 1.05
For a projectile, the ratio of maximum height reached to the square of flight time is ………….
( g = 10 ms–2 )
(a) 5 : 4 (b) 5 : 2 (c) 5 : 1 (d) 10 : 1
Q . 27 Me 1.05
A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. The speed with
which he throws the ball is ………….. (to the nearest integer)
(a) 30 ms–1 (b) 42 ms–1 (c) 32 ms–1 (d) 35 ms–1
Q . 28 Me 1.05
If two bodies are projected at 30o and 60o respectively, with the same velocity, then …..
(a) Their ranges are same (b) Their heights are same
(c) Their times of flight are same (d) All of these

Q . 29 Me 1.05
Figure shows four paths for a kicked football. Ignoring the
effects of air on the flight, rank the paths according to
initial horizontal velocity component, highest first …………

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1 (c) 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1

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Q . 30 Me 1.05
Four bodies P, Q , R and S are projected with equal velocities having angles of projection 15o,
30o, 45o and 60o with the horizontal respectively. The body having shortest range is ….
(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S

Q . 31 Me 1.05
A particle covers 50 m distance when projected with an initial speed. On the same surface it
will cover a distance, when projected with double the initial speed ………
(a) 100 m (b) 150 m (c) 200 m (d) 250 m

Q . 32 Me 1.05
A bullet is fired from a canon with velocity 500 m/s. If the angle of projection is 15o and g =
10 m/s2. Then the range is ………
(a) 25 × 103 m (b) 12.5 × 103 m (c) 50 × 102 m (d) 25 × 102 m

Q . 33 Me 1.05
A projectile thrown with a speed v at an angle has a range R on the surface of earth. For
same v and , its range on the surface of moon will be ……………
(a) R/6 (b) 6 R (c) R/36 (d) 36 R

Q . 34 Me 1.05
A projectile is thrown into space so as to have maximum horizontal range R . Taking the
point of projection as origin , the co-ordinates of the point where the speed of the particle is
minimum are ………………

(a) ( R , R ) (b) ( R , ) (c) ( ) (d) ( R , )

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Q . 35 Me 1.05

The speed of a projectile at the highest point becomes times its initial speed . The

horizontal range of the projectile will be …………..
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 36 Me 1.05
A large number of bullets are fired in all directions with same speed u. What is the
maximum area on the ground on which these bullets will spread ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 37 Me 1.05
A projectile is projected with initial velocity ( 6 i + 8 j ) m / sec. If g = 10 ms–2, then horizontal
range is ………………
(a) 4.8 metre (b) 9.6 metre (c) 19.2 metre (d) 14.0 metre
Q . 38 Me 1.05
A projectile thrown with an initial speed u and angle of projection 15o to the horizontal has a
rang ……………

(a) 12 R (b) 3 R (c) 8 R (d) 4 R

Q . 39 Me 1.05
The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity of projection u
. Its range on the horizontal plane is ………

(a) √ (b) (c) (d)

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Q . 40 Me 1.05
A projectile is thrown from a point in a horizontal place such that its horizontal and vertical
velocity component are 9.8 m/s and 19.6 m/s respectively. Its horizontal range is …………
(a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m (c) 19.6 m (d) 39.2 m

Q . 41 Me 1.05
A particle is projected with a velocity v such that its range on the horizontal plane is twice
the greatest height attained by it. The range of the projectile is …………..
(where g is acceleration due to gravity)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 42 Me 1.05
1 . The range R of projectile is same when its maximum heights are h1 and h2. What is the
relation between R and h1 and h2 ?

(a) R = √ (b) R = √ (c) R =2 √ (d) R = 4 √

Q . 43 Me 1.05
A grasshopper can jump maximum distance 1.6 m. It spends negligible time on the ground.
How far can it go in 10 seconds ?
(a) 5 √ m (b) 10 √ m (c) 20 √ m (d) 40 √ m
Q . 44 Me 1.05
A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of v = a i + b j , if the range of projectile is
double the maximum height reached by it then ……

(a) a = 2 b (b) b = a (c) b = 2 a (d) b = 4 a

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Q . 45 Me 1.05
A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. With the same
effort, he throws the ball vertically upwards. The maximum height attained by the ball is
(a) 100 m (b) 80 m (c) 60 m (d) 50 m
Q . 46 Me 1.05
A ball thrown by one player reaches the other in 2 sec. the maximum height attained by the
ball above the point of projection will be about ………………
(a) 10 m (b) 7.5 m (c) 5 m (d) 2.5 m
Q . 47 Me 1.05
Two stones are projected with the same magnitude of velocity, but making different angles
with horizontal. The angle of projection of one is /3 and its maximum height is Y, the
maximum height attained by the other stone with as /6 angle of projection is ………………
(a) Y (b) 2 Y (c) 3 Y (d)

Q . 48 Me 1.05

If the initial velocity of a projectile be doubled. Keeping the angle of projection same, the
maximum height reached by it will …………………
(a) Remain the same (b) Be doubled (c) Be quadrupled (d) Be halved
Q . 49 Me 1.05
Pankaj and Sudhir are playing with two different balls of masses m and 2m respectively. If
Pankaj throws his ball vertically up and Sudhir at an angle , both of them stay in our view
for the same period. The height attained by the two balls are in the ratio …………………
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : cos (d) 1 : sec

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Q . 50 Me 1.05
A boy aims a gun at a bird from a point, at a horizontal distance of 100 m. If the gun can
impart a velocity of 500 ms–1 to the bullet . At what height above the bird must he aim his
gun in order to hit it (take g = 10 ms–2)
(a) 20 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 50 cm (d) 100 cm

Q . 51 Me 1.05
The maximum horizontal range of a projectile is 400 m. The maximum height attained by it
will be ……………
(a) 100 m (b) 200 m (c) 400 m (d) 800 m

Q . 52 Me 1.05
Two bodies are projected with the same velocity. If one is projected at an angle of 30o and
the other at an angle of 60o to the horizontal, the ratio of the maximum heights reached is
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1

Q . 53 Me 1.05
If time of flight of a projectile is 10 seconds. Range is 500 m. The maximum height attained
by it will be …………….
(a) 125 m (b) 50 m (c) 100 m (d) 150 m

Q . 54 Me 1.05
A man can throw a stone 80 m. The maximum height to which he can raise the stone is ……..
(a) 10 m (b) 15 m (c) 30 m (d) 40 m

Q . 55 Me 1.05
A ball is thrown at different angles with the same speed u and from the same points and it
has same range in both the cases. If y1 and y2 be the heights attained in the two cases, then

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 27

y1 + y2 = ….

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 56 Me 1.05
An aeroplane is flying at a constant horizontal velocity of 600 km/hr at an elevation of 6 km
towards a point directly above the target on the earth’s surface. At an appropriate time, the
pilot releases a ball so that it strikes the target at the earth. The ball will appear to be falling
(a) On a parabolic path as seen by pilot in the plane .
(b) Vertically along a straight path as seen by an observer on the ground near the target .
(c) On a parabolic path as seen by an observer on the ground near the target .
(d) On a zig-zag path as seen by pilot in the plane .
Q . 57 Me 1.05
The barrel of a gun and the target are at the same height. As soon as the gun is fired, the
target is also released. In which of the following cases, the bullet will not strike the target
(a) Range of projectile is less than the initial distance between the gun and the target .
(b) Range of projectile is more than the initial distance between the gun and the target .
(c) Range of projectile is equal to the initial distance between the gun and target .
(d) Bullet will always strike the target .
Q . 58 Me 1.05
A ball rolls off top of a staircase with a horizontal velocity u m/s. If the steps are h metre
high and b mere wide, the ball will just hit the edge of nth step if n equals to ………………..

(a) (b) (c) (d)

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Q . 59 Me 1.05
A body is projected horizontally from the top of a tower with initial velocity 18 ms–1. It hits
the ground at angle 45o. What is the vertical component of velocity when it strikes the
ground …….
(a) 9 m/s (b) 9 √ m/s (c) 18 m/s (d) 18 √ m/s
Q . 60 Me 1.05
A man standing on the roof of a house of height h throws one particle vertically downwards
and another particle horizontally with the same velocity u. The ratio of their velocities when
they reach the earth’s surface will be ………

(a) √ :u (b) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 1 (d) √ √

Q . 61 Me 1.05
A staircase contains three steps each 10 cm high and 20 cm wide. What should be the
minimum horizontal velocity of a ball rolling off the uppermost plane so as to hit directly the
lowest plane ?
(a) 0.5 m/s (b) 1 m/s (c) 2 m/s (d) 4 m/s
Q . 62 Me 1.05
Two bullets are fired simultaneously, horizontally and with different speeds from the same
place. Which bullet will hit the ground first ?
(a) The faster one . (b) Depends on their mass .
(c) The slower one . (d) Both will reach simultaneously .
Q . 63 Me 1.05
An aeroplane is flying at a height of 1960 m in horizontal direction with a velocity of 360
km/hr. When it is vertically above the point. A on the ground, it drops a bomb. The bomb
strikes a point B on the ground, then the time taken by the bomb to reach the ground is …..
(a) 20 √ sec (b) 20 sec (c) 10 √ sec (d) 10 sec

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Q . 64 Me 1.05
A bomb is dropped on an enemy post by an aeroplane flying with a horizontal velocity of 60
km/hr and at a height of 490 m. How far the aeroplane must be from the enemy post at
time of dropping the bomb, so that it may directly hit the target. (g = 9.8 m/s2)

(a) m (b) m (c) m (d) m

Q . 65 Me 1.05
A body is thrown horizontally with velocity √ from the top of a tower of height h . It
strikes the level ground through the foot of tower at a distance x from the tower. The value
of x is ………

(a) h (b) (c) 2 h (d)

Q . 66 Me 1.05
An aeroplane moving horizontally with a speed of 720 km/h drops a food packet, while
flying at a height of 396.9 m. The time taken by a food packet to reach the ground and its
horizontal range is (Take g = 9.8 m/sec2)
(a) 3 sec and 2000 m (b) 5 sec and 500 m (c) 8 sec and 1500 m
(d) 9 sec and 1800 m
Q . 67 Me 1.05
For a given velocity of projection from a point on the inclined plane, the maximum range
down the plane is three times the maximum range up the incline. Then , the angle of
inclination of the inclined plane is ……………
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
Q . 68 Me 1.05
A shell is fired from a gun from the bottom of a hill along its slope. The slope of the hill is α =
30o, and the angle of the barrel to the horizontal β = 60o. The initial velocity v of the shell is

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 30

21 m/sec. Then distance of point from the gun at which shell will fall …………..
(a) 10 m (b) 20 m (c) 30 m (d) 40 m
Q . 69 Me 1.05
The maximum range of rifle bullet on the horizontal ground is 6 km its maximum range on
an inclined of 30o will be …………….
(a) 1 km (b) 2 km (c) 4 km (d) 6 km
Q . 70 Me 1.05

Kicked or thrown balls, jumping animals, object thrown from a window, a missile shot from
a gun, a bomb released from a bomber plane, etc are all example of?
(a) Machine
(b) Projectiles
(c) Mechanical energy
(d) Velocity

Q . 71 Me 1.05

Small angle produces?

(a) straight trajectory (b) flat trajectory

(c) steep trajectory (d) high trajectory

Q . 72 Me 1.05

3. The horizontal distance from the origin (x=O, y=O) to the point where the projectile
returns (x = R , y=O) is called?

(a) Vertical component of the projectile

(b) Trajectory of the projectile

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(c) Range of the projectile
(d) maximum height of the projectile

Q . 73 Me 1.05

The motion of a projectile follows a ?

(a) spinning path. (b) curved path.
(c) straight path. (d) vertical path.

Q . 74 Me 1.05

If we drop a ball in horizontal direction than its motion will no longer be straight downward
but will be at some?

(a) height to the vertical. (b) distance to the vertical.

(c) steps to the vertical. (d) angle to the vertical.

Q . 75 Me 1.05

The projectile motion and circular motion are good example of ?

(a) One dimension motion. (b) Three dimension motion.

(c) Two dimension motion. (d) None of these

Q . 76 Me 1.05

The path followed by a projectile is called its ………….?

(a) Territory (b) Tractor (c) Trajectory (d) Treasury

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Q . 77 Me 1.05

If a projectile is launched at 450 with velocity l00 m/s , it hit the target . It will have double
the range if its velocity is :

(a) 400 m/s (b) 173.2 m/s (c) 141.4 m/s (d) 200 m/s

Q . 78 Me 1.05

The motion on a curved path, when one component of velocity is constant and the other is
variable is called?

(a) circular motion (b) vibratory motion (c) Projectile motion (d) spin motion

Q . 79 Me 1.05

In projectile motion , Large angle produces?

(a) straight trajectory (b) curve trajectory
(c) high trajectory (d) flat trajectory

Q . 80 Me 1.05

A player making a long jump is an example of?

(a) Spinning motion. (b) Projectile motion. (c) Rotatory motion.

(d) Horizontal motion.

Q . 81 Me 1.05

To attain maximum range, the projectile must be launched at an angle of ……………… ?

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(a) 90° (b) 0° (c) 45° (d) 60°

Q . 82 Me 1.05

In the analysis of projectile motion, it is assumed that effect of air resistance is?

(a) important (b) negligible (c) considerable (d) None of these

Q . 83 Me 1.05

Any object that is given any initial velocity and which follows a path due to gravitational

force acting on it and by the frictional resistance of the atmosphere is called?

(a) Positive current (b) Projector (c) Promotion (d) Projectile

Q . 84 Me 1.05

In projectile motion , the total flight requires a time that is?

(a) four times the time necessary to reach the maximum height.
(b) thrice the time necessary to reach the maximum height
(c) twice the time necessary to reach the maximum height
(d) equal to the time necessary to reach the maximum height.

Q . 85 Me 1.05

The range of the projectile depends on the square of the initial velocity and …………?

(a) cot of twice the projection angle θ .

(b) sine of twice the projection angle θ .

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(c) sine of thrice the projection angle θ .
(d) cosine of twice the project angle θ .

Q . 86 Me 1.05

A stone is projected making acute angle with the horizontal, path of the stone is ………….

(a) straight line . (b) circular . (c) elliptical . (d) parabolic .

Q . 87 Me 1.05

A stone is released from the window of a moving train. The path of the particle as observed
by a person on the ground is ………………
(a) Straight line (b) Circular (c) Elliptical (d) Parabolic

Q . 88 Me 1.05

A stone is thrown with velocity u making an angle with the horizontal. The horizontal
distance covered by its fall to the ground is maximum when angle is equal to …………..
(a) 30 (b) 45 (C) 90 (d) 0

Q . 89 Me 1.05

An aeroplane is moving horizontally with a velocity u. It drops a packet when it is at height h

. The time taken by the packet in reaching the ground will be …………………

(a) √ (b) √ (c) √ (d) √

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Q . 90 Me 1.05

The horizontal range covered by a projectile is proportional to ………….

(a) its velocity (b) square of its velocity

(c) sine of angle of projection (d) square of the sine of angle of projection.

Q . 91 Me 1.05

The maximum height achieved by a projectile is given by ( u = velocity of projection , =

angle of projection)

(a) u2/g (b) u2sin2 / g (c) u2sin2 / g (d) u2sin2 / 2 g

Q . 92 Me 1.05

At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the direction of its velocity and acceleration are

(a) parallel to each other (b) perpendicular to each other

(c) inclined to each other at angle of 45 (d) inclined to each other at angle of 60

Q . 93 Me 1.05

A ball is thrown with initial velocity u at an angle with the vertical. The velocity of the ball
at the highest point will be …………………

(a) u (b) Zero (c) u cos (d) u sin

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Q . 94 Me 1.05

A point mass is projected making an acute angle with the horizontal. If angle between
velocity v and acceleration a of its path is , then …………

(a) = 90 (b) =0 (c) 0 < < 90 (d) 0 < < 180

Q . 95 Me 1.05

For hitting a target , one must aim the target …………..

(a) Directly at the target

(b) Higher than target

(c) lower than target

(d) Higher or lower than target depending on velocity of projection.

Q . 96 Me 1.05

Four balls A, B, C and D are projected with the same speed making angles 15 , 30 , 45 and
60 with the horizontal. Which ball will strike the ground at the farthest point?

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

Q . 97 Me 1.05

In the previous question , which balls will strike the ground at the same point?
(a) A and C (b) B and D

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(c) No two balls will strike at the same point of ground
(d) All the balls strike at the same point of the ground.

Q . 98 Me 1.05

A bullet is fired with velocity 100 m/s at an angle 30 with the horizontal. The bullet will
return to ground after a time interval (g= 10 m/s2)

(a) 50 s (b) 100 s (c) 200 s (d) 10 s

Q . 99 Me 1.05

In the previous question , the horizontal range of bullet is …………….

(a) 50 km (b) 100 km (c) 50 / √ km (d) 50 / √ km

Q . 100 Me 1.05

A body is projected with some initial velocity u at angle with the horizontal. At what
another angle should the body be thrown so that the horizontal range in both cases is the
same .

(a) /2 (b) 5 / 14 (c) 4 /7 (d) 6 /7

Q . 101 Me 1.05

A player kicks a ball at an angle with horizontal . The maximum horizontal range
corresponds to an angle of ………………..

(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 75

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Q . 102 Me 1.05

A cricket player hits a pitched ball at some height from ground. The angle of projection for
maximum horizontal range must be ……….

(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) Slightly less than 45

(d) slightly more than 45

Q . 103 Me 1.05

Two balls are projected respectively from the same point in the directions inclined at 30 and
60 to the horizontal . If they attain the same height, the ratio of their velocities of
projections is ……………………

(a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : √

Q . 104 Me 1.05

Which of the following does not change when a projectile is fired at an angle with the
horizontal ?

(a)Momentum (b)Kinetic energy

(c)Vertical component of velocity (d)Horizontal component of velocity

Q . 105 Me 1.05

Two bodies are thrown with the same initial velocity at angles and with the

horizontal , then the maximum height will be in the ratio ……………….

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(a) 1 : 1 (b) sin 2 : cos 2

(c) sin 2 : cos 2 (d) sin 2 : cos 2

Q . 106 Me 1.05

In the previous question , the horizontal ranges will be in the ratio ……………..

(a) 1 : 1 (b) sin 2 : cos 2

(c) sin 2 : cos 2 (d) sin 2 : cos 2

Q . 107 Me 1.05

The range of a particle when projected at an angle 15 with the horizontal is 1.5 km. What
will be its range when it is projected at an angle 45 to the horizontal?

(a) 1.5 km (b) 3 km (c) 4.5 km (d) 6 km

Q . 108 Me 1.05

A particle is projected with velocity 20 m/s at an angle 30 with the horizontal. After how
much time the angle between velocity v and acceleration a of the projectile will be be
…………..(g = 10 m/s2)

(a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec (c) 1.5 sec (d) Never

Q . 109 Me 1.05

A projectile of mass m is thrown with a velocity v making an angle 60 with the horizontal.

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Neglecting air resistance, the change in momentum from the departure
at A to its arrival at B, along vertical direction is projectile

(a) 2 mv (b) √ mv

(c) mv (d) mv / √

Q . 110 Me 1.05

A cannon on the level plane is aimed at an angle above the horizontal and a shell is fired
with a muzzle velocity v0 towards the vertical cliff at a distance R away. The height from the
bottom at which the shell strikes the side walls of the cliff is ………..

(a) R tan - (b) R tan -

(c) R sin - (d) R tan -

Q . 111 Me 1.05

A projectile A is thrown at an angle 60 to the horizontal from point P

with velocity v1 . At the same time another projectile B is thrown
with velocity v2 from the point Q vertically below the highest point A

would reach . For B to collide with A, the ratio should be

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) (d) 3

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Q . 112 Me 1.05

The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity of projection
u. Its range on horizontal plane is ………..

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 113 Me 1.05

A stone is projected in air. Its time of flight is 3 seconds and the range is 150 m. The

horizontal component of velocity of projection of stone is …………..

(a) 22.5 m/s2 (b) 15 m/s2 (c) 30 m/s2 (d) 50 m/s2

Q . 114 Me 1.05

A stone is projected air. Its time of flight is 3 second and the range is 150 m. Maximum
height reached by the stone is

(a) 11.25 m (b) 37.5 m (c) 37.5 m (d) 90 m

Q . 115 Me 1.05

The greatest height to which a man can throw is h. The greatest distance to which he can
throw will be ……………..

(a) h/2 (b) h (c) 2h (d) 4h

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Q . 116 Me 1.05

A man can throw a stone 80 m away. The maximum height to which he can throw the stone
is ………………
(a) 10 m (b) 20 m (c) 40 m (d) 80 m

Q . 117 Me 1.05

A projectile is thrown with initial velocity. a i + b j . Its range of projection is twice the

maximum height reached by it . Then ……………..

(a) b = (b) b= a (c) b= 2a (d) b= 4a

Q . 118 Me 1.05

A car is moving horizontally with velocity v. A shell is fired upward with velocity u from the
car. The horizontal range of the shell relative to ground is …………………

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 119 Me 1.05

A car is moving horizontally with velocity v. A shell is fired upward with velocity u inclined at
angle with the horizontal. The horizontal range of the shell related to ground is …………..

(a) (b) (c)


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Q . 120 Me 1.05

A bullet is fired from gun when the angle of elevation of the gun is 30 and then another
bullet when the angle of elevation is 60 It is then concluded that ……………

(a) Horizontal range and maximum height attained by them in both cases will be the same

(b) Horizontal range in both cases will be same but maximum height attained in second case
is thrice than in first case

(c) Horizontal range in both cases will be the same but maximum height attained in second
case is thrice than in first case

(d) Maximum height in both cases in the same, but horizontal range in different

Q . 121 Me 1.05

A projectile of mass 100 g is fired with a velocity 20 m/s making an angle 30 with the
horizontal. As it rises to the highest point, the momentum changes by …………..

(a) 0.5 kg m/s (b) 1 kg m/s (c) 2 kg m/s (d) Zero

Q . 122 Me 1.05

A base is thrown with an initial velocity of 100 m/s at an angle 30 above the horizontal.
How far from the throwing point will it attain its original level?

(a) 250 m (b) 500 m (c) 1000 m (d) 866 m

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Q . 123 Me 1.05

A projectile is projected at angle 22.5 to the horizontal with a speed u. If another projectile
of double the mass is projected with the same speed, at what angle with the horizontal

must it be projected to have the same range ……………………

(a) 45 (b) 11.25 (c) 67.5 (d) Unpredictable

Q . 124 Me 1.05

The height y and the distance x along the horizontal plane of a projectile projected at a
planet (with no atmosphere) are given by x = 8 t , y = 6 t – 10 t2where x and y are in metre
and t is seconds. The angle of projection with horizontal at which projectile is projected is

(a) tan-1 (b) tan-1 (c) sin-1 (d) cos-1

Q . 125 Me 1.05

In the previous question , the acceleration due to gravity at the planet is ……………

(a) 5 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 20 m/s (d) 40 m/s

Q . 126 Me 1.05

In Q.125 , the velocity with which the projectile is projected is ………….

(a) 6 m/s (b) 8 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) Unpredictable

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Q . 127 Me 1.05

A body is projected horizontally from the top of a tower with a speed of 20 m/s. After 2 sec,
its speed will be …………………

(a) 20 m/s (b) 40 m/s (c) m/s (d) m/s

√ √

Q . 128 Me 1.05

In Q. 127 , the displacement of a body after two sec will be ………………….

(a) 60 m/s (b) m/s (c) m/s (d) m/s

√ √ √

Q . 129 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Force that always opposes motion between two surfaces in contact is termed as ……………

(a) Weight (b) Friction (c) Resistance (d) Tension

Q . 130 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If an apple is hanging on a tree, downward force would be weight and upward force would
be ………………

(a) Friction (b) Weight (c) Tension (d) Resistance

Q . 131 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If no force is applied to a moving object, it will stop due to ……………

(a) gravity (b) backward force (c)Magnetic force (d) Friction

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Q . 132 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If an object of mass 20 kg accelerates at rate of 2 ms-2. force applied on object would be

(a) 18 N (b) 22 N (c) 10 N (d) 20 N

Q . 133 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If two forces of 4 N and 7 N towards right are acting on an object in a same direction and
two forces of 3 N and 2 N towards left are opposing them . resultant force is …………..

(a) 5 N to left (b) 6 N to right (c) 11 N to right (d) no resultant force

Q . 134 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If an object of mass 20 kg accelerates at rate of 2 ms-2. force applied on object would be ……

(a) 18 N (b) 22 N (c) 10 N (d) 20 N

Q . 135 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If acceleration or deceleration is zero, force acting on it are ………………………..

(a) balanced or add up to zero (b) unbalanced

(c) balanced but would not add up to zero

(d) unbalanced and add up to zero

Q . 136 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces of magnitude 5 N and 10 N act on a wooden block of mass 2 kg. If 5 N force acts
towards right and 10 N force acts towards left , which one of following statements is

(a) Resultant force is 15 N towards left .

(b) Resultant force is 15 N towards right .

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(c) Resultant force is 5 N towards right .

(d) Resultant force is 5N towards left .

Q . 137 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A truck pulls a car with a force of 50 N with acceleration of 5 ms-2. mass of car would be …….

(a) 45 kg (b) 10 kg (c) 250 kg (d) 55 kg

Q . 138 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A boy of mass 50 kg runs with a force of 100 N , his acceleration would be ………………..

(a) 5000 ms-2 (b) 50 ms-2 (c) 150 ms-2 (d) 2 ms-2

Q . 139 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Adding of two vectors to get a single vector is termed as ……………..

(a) Final vector (b) Resultant vector (c) Dominant vector (d) Recessive vector

Q . 140 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Combined effect of several forces is known as …………………

(a) net force (b) resultant force (c) normal force (d) weight

Q . 141 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Object is in equilibrium if resultant force acting on it is …………………

(a) increasing (b) decreasing (c) zero (d) becomes constant

Q . 142 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Number of forces a falling tennis ball experiences is …………………

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4

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Q . 143 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If weight of a falling tennis ball is 1 N and drag force acting on it is 0.2 N then resultant force
is ………………..

(a) 0.8 N (b) 0.5 N (c) 1 N (d) 2 N

Q . 144 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Resultant of forces 10 N along x-axis, 6 N along y-axis and 4 N along negative x-axis is ………..

(a) 8.5 N making angle 45° with x-axis (b) 8.5 N making angle 90° with x-axis

(c) 8.3 N making angle 30° with x-axis (d) 8 N making angle 45° with x-axis

Q . 145 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

What is the angle made by force A with X and Y ?

(where X and Y are components of force A)

(a) 75.52o (b) 60.65o

(c) 14.03o (d) 14.47o

Q . 146 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Forces passing through a common point are known as ……………….

(a) collinear forces (b) co-planer forces

(c) concurrent forces (d) none of the above

Q . 147 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Which of the following conditions do not change the effect of couple?

a. Shifting of couple to a new position in its plane .

b. Shifting of couple to a parallel plane .

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c. Rotation of couple in its plane .
d. All of the above .

Q . 148 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

What are the X and Y components of point P for the force
system shown below?

(a) X = 186.00 N , Y = 464 N

(b) X = 464.23 N , Y = 185 N
(c) X = 466.12 N , Y = -180 N
(d) None of the above .

Q . 149 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If two concurrent forces A and B acting on a point are 200 N and 300 N . What is the
magnitude of resultant force , if it makes an angle of 50o with each force?

(a) 471.08 N (b) 455.12 N (c) 400.56 N (d) Insufficient data

Q . 150 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The maximum and minimum magnitude of resultant forces is 1000 N and 500 N at point.
What are the values of two forces acting on it?

(a) 500 N , 500 N (b) 450 N , 550 N (c) 300 N , 700 N (d) 250 N , 750 N

Q . 151 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The method of splitting a single force into two perpendicular components along x-axis and
y-axis is called as …………………..
(a) orthogonal resolution (b) perpendicular resolution
(c) both a. and b. (d) none of the above

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Q . 152 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Which of the following statements is false about forces/couple?

(a) Moment of couple is free vector .

(b) Resultant and equilibrant are equal in magnitude and direction .
(c) Resultant of a couple is always zero .
(d) Parallelogram law is to be proved experimentally .

Q . 153 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If a bus starts suddenly , the passengers in the bus will tend to fall ………………

(a) In the direction opposite to the direction of motion of bus.

(b) In the same direction as the direction of motion of bus.

(c) Sideways. (d) None of the above.

Q . 154 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

An athlete runs some distance before taking a long jump because ………………..

(a) He gains energy to take him through long distance.

(b) It helps him to apply large force.

(c) By running action and reaction forces increase.

(d) By running the athlete gives himself larger inertia of motion.

Q . 155 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A rider on a horseback falls back when horse starts running all of a sudden because …………..

(a) Rider is taken back. (b) Rider is suddenly afraid of falling.

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(c) Inertia of rest keeps the upper part of body at rest whereas the lower part of the body

moves forward with the horse.

(d) None of the above.

Q . 156 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

SI unit of force (The International System of Units ) is …………….

(a) kg m/s. (b) Newton. (c) Dyne. (d) None of these .

Q . 157 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A driver accelerates his car first at the rate of 1.8 m/s2 and then at the rate of 1.2 m/s2. The
ratio of the two forces exerted by the engine in the two cases will be ………………

(a) 1: 2 (b) 2: 1 (c) 2: 3 (d) 3: 2

Q . 158 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Newton’s law of motion gives the measure of ………………
(a) Force (b) Acceleration (c) Momentum (d) Impulse.

Q . 159 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

An object will continue to accelerate until …………………..

(a) The resultant force begins to decrease. (b) The resultant force on it is zero.

(c) The velocity changes direction.

(d) The resultant force on it is increased continuously.

Q . 160 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A canon after firing recoils due to …………………..

(a) Conservation of energy. (b) Backward thrust of gases.

(c) Newton’s third law of motion. (d) Newton’s first law of motion.

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Q . 161 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A rocket or jet engine works on the principle of ………………….

(a) Conservation of energy . (b) Conservation of momentum .

(c) Conservation of mass . (d) Newton’s second law of motion.

Q . 162 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

kg.m/s2 is the unit of ……………….

(a) Momentum . (b) Speed . (c) Acceleration . (d) Force .

Q . 163 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Rate of change of momentum is equal to ………………..

(a) Acceleration . (b) Work done . (c) Force . (d) Impulse .

Q . 164 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

When an object undergoes acceleration ……………….

(a) Its speed always increases . (b) Its velocity always increases .

(c) It always falls towards the earth . (d) A force always acts on it .

Q . 165 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

When a net force acts on an object, the object will be accelerated in the direction of the
force with acceleration proportional to …………………..

(a) The force on the object . (b) The velocity of the object .

(c) The mass of the object . (d) The inertia of the object .

Q . 166 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The action and reaction forces referred to in the third law …………………..

(a) Must act on the same object . (b) May act on different objects .

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(c) Must act on different objects .

(d) Need not be equal in magnitude but must have the same direction .

Q . 167 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Number of perpendicular components of force are ………………..

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4

Q . 168 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

When two forces acting at a point are such that , it the direction of one is reversed ,
direction of the resultant is turned through a right angle , the forces should be?

(a) Inclined at 45 . (b) Equal in magnitude .

(c) Inclined of 180 . (d) None of these .

Q . 169 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle is equal to …………….


(b) √

(c) √
(d) None of these .

Q . 170 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If resultant of two concurrent forces of magnitudes Q is Q then angle between two forces
will be …………………

(a) 120 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) None of these .

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Q . 171 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
If magnitude of resultant of two forces of magnitudes Q and √ Q is Q , the angle between
two forces will be …………………

(a) 90 (b) 45 (c) 135 (d) None of these .

Q . 172 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Find the magnitudes of forces P and Q if they act at 90 degree their resultant is √ N but if
they act at 60 their resultant is 7 N .

(a) 5 N and 4 N (b) 5 N and 3 N (c) 3 N and 4 N (d) None of these .

Q . 173 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If two equal forces of magnitude P act at an angle , then their resultant will be ……….

(a) 2 P sin (b) P cos (c) 2 P cos (d) None of these .

Q . 174 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces act an angle of 120 . If the greater forces is 100 N and their resultant is 90
degree to the smaller force , the smaller force is …………….

(a) 25 N (b) 20 N (c) 50 N (d) None of these .

Q . 175 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces equal to 2P and P respectively act at a point .If the first force be doubled and
second be increased by 12N , the resultant is unchanged in direction, the value of P will be …

(a) 15 N (b) 12 N (c) 10 N (d) None of these .

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Q . 176 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
The components of a force of 25N are 50N each. The angle made by 25N forces with each
component will be …………..

(a) 60. 52 (b) 85.52 (c) 75.52 (d) None of these .

Q . 177 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The resultant of two perpendicular forces of magnitude p each will be ……………

(a) √ p (b) √ (c) 2 √ (d) None of these .

Q . 178 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces of equal magnitude P gives resultant of P/2 the angle between two forces is ……..

(a) cos-1 ( ) (b) cos-1 ( ) (c) cos-1 ( ) (d) None of these .

Q . 179 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The resultant of two forces with magnitude ratio 3:5 acting at 60 with each other is 35 N.
The magnitude of forces are which of the given options?

(a) 20 N and 15 N (b) 35 N and 24 N (c) 25 N and 15 N (d) None of these .

Q . 180 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The minimum magnitude of resultant of two forces of magnitudes 100N and 150N is …………

(a) 0 N (b) 150 N (c) 50 N (d) None of these .

Q . 181 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces acting on a particle in opposite have a resultant of 5N. If they act at right angles,
their resultant has magnitude of 25N. The two forces are ………………..
(a) 15 N and 20 N (b) 20 N and 30 N (c) 5 N and 10 N (d) None of these .

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Q . 182 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Three forces P = 50 N (East) , Q=100 N (North) and S =75 N South are acting on a particle.
Their resultant is …………..

(a) 70.9 N (b) 66.9 N (c) 55.9 N (d) None of these .

Q . 183 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If forces of 10 N , 20 N , 30N , 40 N , 50 N and 60 N act in order along six sides of a regular
hexagon , the resultant of system is …………….

(a) 20 N (b) 60 N (c) 0 N (d) None of these .

Q . 184 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Forces of magnitudes 1 N , 2 N , 3 N and 4 N are acting along sides AB , BC , CD and DA of
a rectangle respectively . The magnitude of resultant is …………..

(a) √ N (b) √ (c) √ N (d) None of these .

Q . 185 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Three forces 5 N , 10 N and 15 N act along three sides of an equilateral triangle AB , BC , and
CA . Side AB being horizontal. The resultant of system is …………….

(a) 8.66 N (b) 10 N (c) 14.22 N (d) None of these .

Q . 186 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

For a given co-planer force system Fy = 30 N and the angle made by resultant with X-axis is
60 The magnitude of R is ……………..

(a) 25 N (b) 20.64 N (c) 34.64 N (d) None of these .

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Q . 187 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A number of forces acting simultaneously on a particle of a body …………….

(a) May be replaced by a couples . (b) May be replaced by single force

(c) May not be replaced by a single force . (d) None of these .

Q . 188 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

When two forces are on a body, they are essentially which of the following options?

(a) Concurrent . (b) Parallel . (c) Coplanar . (d) None of these .

Q . 189 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The angles between two forces to make their resultant a minimum and a maximum
respective is ……………….

(a) 0 and 90 (b) 180 and 90 (c) 180 and 0 (d) None of these

Q . 190 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The resultant of two forces acting at an angle of 150 is 10 N and is perpendicular to one of
the forces . The other force is ………………….

(a) N (b) N (c) 20 N (d) None of these

√ √

Q . 191 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The sum of magnitude of two forces acting at a point is 16 and magnitude of their resultant

is 8 √ If the resultant is at 90 with the force of smaller magnitude , then two forces are …..

(a) 3.13 (b) 2.41 (c) 5.11 (d) None of these

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Q . 192 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two forces each of magnitude A are inclined to each other such that their resultant is equal

to √ A. Then resultant of A and - A is ………………

(a) 2 A (b) √ A (c) A (d) None of these

Q . 193 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces, each equal to P/2 , act at right angles . Their effect may be neutralized by a third
force acting along their bisector in the opposite direction with a magnitude of ……………..

(a) P (b) (c) (d) None of these

Q . 194 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A force is inclined at 60 to the horizontal . If its rectangular component in the horizontal
direction is 50 N , then magnitude of the force in the vertical direction is …………..

(a) 25 N (b) 75 N (c) 87 N (d) None of these .

Q . 195 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

There are two forces each of magnitude 10 units . One inclined at an angle of 30 and the
other at an angle of 135 to the positive direction of x-axis . The x and y components of the
resultant are respectively …………………

(a) 1.59 i and 12.07 j (b) 10 i and 10 j

(c) 1.59 i and 10 j (d) None of these .

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Q . 196 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A square ABCD of side 1m with side AB is horizontal at bottom and CD at top with points A ,
B , C and D taken in anticlockwise order is subjected to forces of 40 N at A , 30N at B , 20N at
C and , 10 N at D . then the resultant is …………….

(a) 10 N (b) 20 √ N (c) 25 N (d) None of these .

Q . 197 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If two forces of magnitude P each act an angle Then resultant will be …………….

(a) 2P cos (b) P cos (c) P cos 2 (d) None of these .

Q . 198 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

ABC is right angle triangle having AB horizontal base of 5 m length. AC is vertical 12 m in
length . Forces 50 N , 130 N and 120 N act along AB , BC and CA respectively . Then the
magnitude of resultant is ………………

(a) 50 N (b) 0 N (c) 130 N (d) None of these .

Q . 199 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

ABC is right angle triangle base AB = 5m base of 5 m horizontal and height AC = 9 m vertical
.Three forces 100 N , PN and 125 N are acting along AB , BC and CA respectively . Then P =
………. if resultant of three forces is to be vertical .

(a) 206 N (b) 106 N (c) 120 N (d) None of these .

Q . 200 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

For the question above what is value of P if resultant is to be horizontal?

(a) 160 N (b) 0 N (c) 143 N (d) None of these .

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Q . 201 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
The resultant of two forces each of magnitude P acting at 60 is ………………

(a) 2 P (b) 3 P (c) 0.5 P (d) None of these .

Q . 202 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Four concurrent forces 10 N , 20 N , 30N and 40N acting at an angle of 20 , 63 , 95 , 150
from positive x-axis. The resultant is ……………

(a) 80.75 N (b) 29.75 N (c) 73.57 N (d) None of these .

Q . 203 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The forces acting at a joint are 100N along positive x direction acting away from origin , Q(N)
along positive y direction acting away from origin , P(N) making 45 with x-axis acting away
from origin in fourth quadrant and force F(N) making 45 with x-axis acting away from origin
in third quadrant . Select the correct equation of equilibrium of forces in y direction .

(a) 100 - P cos45 + F cos45 = 0 (b) 100 + P cos45 - F cos45 = 0

(c) Q - P sin 45 - F sin 45 = 0 (d) None of these .

Q . 204 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two force 3 N and 7 N are acting at a point . If square of resultant is equal to three times the
product of two forces . Then the angle between two forces ………………..

(a) 22.22 (b) 46.13 (c) 83.16 (d) None of these .

Q . 205 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The angle between two equal forces if resultant R= √ P is ………………

(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) None of these .

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Q . 206 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A force of magnitude 20 N makes an angle of 220 with positive X-axis .Its Y Component will
be ………………….
(a) 15.32 N (b) – 12.86 N (c) 12.86 N (d) None of these .

Q . 207 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

According to Lami's theorem , a body is in equilibrium condition if each force among three
………………….. are proportional to sine angle between other two .

(a) coplanar, collinear forces (b) collinear, non-concurrent forces

(c) coplanar, non-concurrent forces (d) coplanar, concurrent forces
Q . 208 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Which of the following conditions should be satisfied for co-planer concurrent forces to be
in equilibrium?

(a) Σ Fx = Σ Fy = 0 (b) Σ M = 0 (c) Both a. and b. (d) None of these

Q . 209 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

When a bus suddenly takes a turn, the passengers are thrown outwards because of ………….
(a) Inertia of motion (b) Acceleration of motion
(c) Speed of motion (d) Both (b) and (c)
Q . 210 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A person sitting in an open car moving at constant velocity throws a ball vertically up into
air. The ball fall ……………
(a) Outside the car (b) In the car ahead of the person
(c) In the car to the side of the person (d) Exactly in the hand which threw it up

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Q . 211 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A train is moving with velocity 20 m/sec. on this, dust is falling at the rate of 50 kg/min. The
extra force required to move this train with constant velocity will be …………
(a) 16.66 N (b) 1000 N (c) 166.6 N (d) 1200 N
Q . 212 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A force of 10 Newton acts on a body of mass 20 kg for 10 seconds. Change in its momentum
is ……………..

(a) 5 kg m/s (b) 100 kg m/s (c) 200 kg m/s (d) 1000 kg m/s

Q . 213 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Three forces starts acting simultaneously on a particle
moving with velocity v. These forces are represented in
magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle ABC
(as shown). The particle will now move with velocity
(a) v remaining unchanged.
(b) Less than v.
(c) Greater than v.
(d) v in the direction of the largest force BC.

Q . 214 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two forces are such that the sum of their magnitudes
is 18 N and their resultant is perpendicular to the
smaller force and magnitude of resultant is 12. Then
the magnitudes of the forces are …………..

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 63

(a) 12 N , 6 N (b) 13 N , 5N (c) 10 N , 8 N
(d) 16 N , 2 N

Q . 215 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The resultant of two forces , one double the other in magnitude, is perpendicular to the
smaller of the two forces. The angle between the two forces is …………
(a) 60 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 90

Q . 216 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A weightless ladder, 20 ft long rests against a frictionless
wall at an angle of 60o with the horizontal. A 150 pound
man is 4 ft from the top of the ladder. A horizontal force
is needed to prevent it from slipping .Choose the correct
magnitude from the following .
(a) 175 lb (b) 100 lb (c) 70 lb (d) 150 lb

Q . 217 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A mass M is suspended by a rope from a rigid support at P as
shown in the figure. Another rope is tied at the end Q, and it
is pulled horizontally with a force F. If the rope PQ makes
angle with the vertical then the tension in the string PQ is
(a) Fsin (b) F / sin
(c) Fcos (d) F / cos
Q . 218 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A spring balance A shows a reading of 2 kg , when an aluminum block is suspended from it.
Another balance B shows a reading of 5 kg , when a beaker full of liquid is placed in its pan.

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The two balances are arranged such that the Al – block is completely immersed inside the
liquid as shown in the figure . Then ……………
(a) The reading of the balance A will be more than 2 kg .
(b) The reading of the balance B will be less than 5 kg .
(c) The reading of the balance A will be less than 2 kg. and that of
B will be more than 5 kg .
(d) The reading of balance A will be 2 kg. and that of B will be 5 kg

Q . 219 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the following diagram, pulley 1 P is movable and pulley
2 P is fixed . The value of angle will be ……………….
(a) 60o
(b) 30o
(c) 45o
(d) 15o

Q . 220 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the following figure, the pulley is massless and
frictionless. The relation between T1 , T2 and T3 will be
(a) T1 = T2 ≠ T3
(b) T1 ≠ T2 = T3
(c) T1 ≠ T2 ≠ T3
(d) T1 = T2 = T3

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Q . 221 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
In the above problem , the relation between W1 and W2 will be ………….

(a) W2 = (b) W2 = 2 W1 cos (c) W2 = W1 (d) W2 =

Q . 222 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the following figure the masses of the blocks A
and B are same and each equal to m. The
tensions in the strings OA and AB are T1 and T2
respectively . The system is in equilibrium with a
constant horizontal force mg on B. The T1 is ………
(a) mg (b) √ mg

(c) √ mg (d) √ mg

Q . 223 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , the angle is ………………

(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) tan-1

Q . 224 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem the tension T2 will be ………..

(a) mg (b) √ mg (c) √ mg (d) √ mg

Q . 225 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem the angle 2will be ……………

(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) tan-1

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Q . 226 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A man of mass m stands on a crate of mass M. He pulls on a light rope
passing over a smooth light pulley. The other end of the rope is attached to
the crate. For the system to be in equilibrium, the force exerted by the men
on the rope will be …………..

(a) (M + m)g (b) (M+ m) g (c) Mg

(d) mg
Q . 227 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two forces, with equal magnitude F, act on a body and the magnitude of the resultant force

is . The angle between the two forces is …………..

-1 -1 -1 -1
(a) cos ( (b) cos ( (c) cos ( (d) cos (
Q . 228 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A cricket ball of mass 150 gm is moving with a velocity of 12 m/s and is hit by a bat so that
the ball is turned back with a velocity of 20 m/s. The force of blow acts for 0.01s on the ball.
The average force exerted by the bat on the ball is ……………..
(a) 480 N (b) 600 N (c) 500 N (d) 400 N
Q . 229 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A man weighs 80 kg. He stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving upwards with a
uniform acceleration of 5 m/s2 . What would be the reading on the scale. (g = 10 m/s2 )
(a) 400 N (b) 800 N (c) 1200 N (d) Zero
Q . 230 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A body of mass 2 kg is hung on a spring balance mounted vertically in a lift. If the lift
descends with an acceleration equal to the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’, the reading on
the spring balance will be ………….

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 67

(a) 2 kg (b) (4 g) kg (c) (2 g) kg (d) Zero

Q . 231 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , if the lift moves up with a constant velocity of 2 m/sec, the reading
on the balance will be ………….
(a) 2 kg (b) 4 kg (c) Zero (d) 1 kg
Q . 232 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
If the lift in the above problem , moves up with an acceleration equal to the acceleration
due to gravity , the reading on the spring balance will be …………….

(a) 2 kg (b) (4 g) kg (c) (2 g) kg (d) 4 kg

Q . 233 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A man is standing on a weighing machine placed in a lift , when stationary, his weight is
recorded as 40 kg. If the lift is accelerated upwards with an acceleration of 2m /s2 , then the
weight recorded in the machine will be ………………. ( g = 10 m/s2 )
(a) 32 kg (b) 40 kg (c) 42 kg (d) 48 kg

Q . 234 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

An elevator weighing 6000 kg is pulled upward by a cable with an acceleration of 5 m/s2 .
Taking g to be 10 m/s2, then the tension in the cable is ……………..
(a) 6000 N (b) 9000 N (c) 60000 N (d) 90000 N

Q . 235 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The ratio of the weight of a man in a stationary lift and when it is moving downward with
uniform acceleration ‘a’ is 3 : 2. The value of ‘a’ is (g- Acceleration due to gravity on the

(a) (b) (c) (d) g

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Q . 236 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A 60 kg man stands on a spring scale in the lift. At some instant he finds, scale reading has
changed from 60 kg to 50 kg for a while and then comes back to the original mark. What
should we conclude ………………
(a) The lift was in constant motion upwards.
(b) The lift was in constant motion downwards.
(c) The lift while in constant motion upwards, is stopped suddenly.
(d) The lift while in constant motion downwards, is suddenly stopped.

Q . 237 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A bird is sitting in a large closed cage which is placed on a spring balance. It records a weight
placed on a spring balance. It records a weight of 25 N. The bird (mass = 0.5kg) flies upward
in the cage with an acceleration of 2 m / s2 . The spring balance will now record a weight of
(a) 24 N (b) 25 N (c) 26 N (d) 27 N

Q . 238 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A bird is sitting in a wire cage hanging from the spring balance. Let the reading of the spring
balance be W1 . If the bird flies about inside the cage, the reading of the spring balance is W2
. Which of the following is true ?
(a) W1 = W2 (b) W1 > W2 (c) W1 < W2 (d) Nothing definite can be predicted
Q . 239 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two blocks of mass 4 kg and 6 kg are placed in contact
with each other on a frictionless horizontal surface. If
we apply a push of 5 N on the heavier mass, the force
on the lighter mass will be ……………
(a) 5 N (b) 4 N (c) 2 N (d) None of these

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Q . 240 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
In the above problem, if a push of 5 N is applied on the lighter mass , the force exerted by
the lighter mass on the heavier mass will be …………….
(a) 5 N (b) 4 N (c) 2 N (d) None of these

Q . 241 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, the acceleration of the lighter mass will be …………

(a) 0.5 m/s2 (b) m/s2 (c) m/s2 (d) None of these

Q . 242 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless
table one has a mass m and the other 2 m as
shown in figure. Force F is applied on mass
2m then system moves towards right. Now
the same force F is applied on m. The ratio of force of contact between the two blocks will
be in the two cases respectively.
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 1 : 4
Q . 243 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A monkey of mass 20 kg is holding a vertical rope. The rope will not break when a mass of 25
kg is suspended from it but will break if the mass exceeds 25 kg. What is the maximum
acceleration with which the monkey can climb up along the rope ( g = 10 m/s2 )
(a) 10 m/s2 (b) 25 m/s2 (c) 2.5 m/s2 (d) 5 m/s2

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Q . 244 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Three blocks of masses 2 kg , 3 kg and 5 kg are
connected to each other with light string and
are then placed on a frictionless surface as
shown in the figure. The system is pulled by a
force F = 10 N, then tension T1 = ………….
(a) 1 N (b) 5 N (c) 8 N (d) 10 N
Q . 245 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two blocks are connected by a string as shown in the diagram. The upper
block is hung by another string . A force F applied on the upper string
produces an acceleration of 2 m/s2 in the upward direction in both the blocks.
If T and T΄ be the tensions in the two parts of the string , then ………….
(a) T = 70.8 N and T΄ = 47.2 N
(b) T = 58.8 N and T΄ = 47.2 N
(c) T = 70.8 N and T΄ = 58.8 N
(d) T = 70.8 N and T΄ = 0

Q . 246 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Three masses of 15 kg. 10 kg and 5 kg are suspended vertically as shown
in the fig. If the string attached to the support breaks and the system
falls freely , what will be the tension in the string between 10 kg and 5 kg
masses. Take g = 10 m/s2 . It is assumed that the string remains tight
during the motion .
(a) 300 N (b) 250 N (c) 50 N (d) Zero

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Q . 247 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A sphere is accelerated upwards with the help of a cord whose breaking strength is five
times its weight. The maximum acceleration with which the sphere can move up without
cord breaking is …………….
(a) 4 g (b) 3 g (c) 2 g (d) g

Q . 248 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A light string passing over a smooth light pulley connects two blocks of masses 1 m and 2 m
(vertically). If the acceleration of the system is g/8 then the ratio of the masses is ………
(a) 8 : 1 (b) 9 : 7 (c) 4 : 3 (d) 5 : 3

Q . 249 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A block A of mass 7 kg is placed on a frictionless table. A
thread tied to it passes over a frictionless pulley and
carries a body B of mass 3 kg at the other end. The
acceleration of the system is (given g = 10 m/s2 )
(a) 100 m/s2 (b) 3 m/s2
(c) 10 m/s2 (d) 30 m/s2
Q . 250 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two masses m1 and m2 are attached to a string which
passes over a frictionless smooth pulley . When m1 = 10
kg , m1 = 6 kg the acceleration of masses is …………..

a) 20 m/s2 (b) 5 m/s2

(c) 2.5 m/s2 (d) 10 m/s2

Q . 310 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 72

Q . 251 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
Two weights W1 and W1 are suspended from the ends of a light string passing over a smooth
fixed pulley. If the pulley is pulled up with an acceleration g , the tension in the string will be

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q . 252 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two masses M1 and M2 are attached to the ends of a string which passes over a pulley
attached to the top of an inclined plane. The angle of inclination of the plane in .
Take g = 10 ms–2. If M1 = 10 kg , M2 = 5 kg , = 30o, what is
the acceleration of mass M2 ?
(a) 10 m/s2 (b) 5 m/s2

(c) m/s2 (d) zero

Q . 253 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , what is the tension in the string ………………….
(a) 100 N (b) 50 N (c) 25 N (d) Zero

Q . 254 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, given that M2 = 2M1 and M2 moves vertically downwards with
acceleration a . If the position of the masses are reversed the acceleration of M2 down the
inclined plane will be ……………….
(a) 2 a (b) a (c) a/2 (d) None of the above

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Q . 255 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
In the above problem, given that M2 = 2M1 and the tension in the string is T. If the positions
of the masses are reversed , the tension in the string will be ………….
(a) 4 T (b) 1 T (c) T (d) T/2

Q . 256 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, given that M1 = M2 and = 30 . What will be the acceleration of the
system ?

(a) 10 m/s2 (b) 5 m/s2 (c) 2.5 m/s2 (d) zero

Q . 257 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
In the above problem, given that M1 = M2 = 5 kg and = 30 , What is tension in the string
(a) 37.5 N (b) 25 N (c) 12.5 N (d) Zero

Q . 258 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two blocks are attached to the two ends of a string
passing over a smooth pulley as shown in the figure.
The acceleration of the block will be (in m/s2)
(sin 37o = 0.60, sin 53o = 0.80)
(a) 0.33 (b) 0.133
(c) 1 (d) 0.066
Q . 259 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
The two pulley arrangements shown in the figure are
identical. The mass of the rope is negligible. In (a) the mass
m is lifted up by attaching a mass 2m to the other end of
the rope. In (b). m is lifted up by pulling the other end of

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 74

the rope with a constant downward force of 2mg. The ratio of accelerations in two cases will
be ……………..
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 1 : 4
Q . 260 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
In the adjoining figure m1 = 4m2 . The pulleys are smooth and light . At
time t = 0, the system is at rest. If the system is released and if the
acceleration of mass m1 is a , then the acceleration of m2 will be
(a) g (b) a

(c) (d) 2 a

Q . 261 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , the value of a will be ……………

(a) g (b) (c) (d)

Q . 262 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , the tension T in the string will be ……………..

(a) m2 g (b) (c) (c)

Q . 263 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, the time taken by m1 in coming to rest position will be ………..
(a) 0.2 s (b) 0.4 s (c) 0.6 s (d) 0.8 s

Q . 264 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, the distance covered by m2 in 0.4 s will be …………….

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 75

(a) 40 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 80 cm

Q . 265 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem , the velocity acquired by m2 in 0.4 second will be ………………
(a) 100 cm/s (b) 200 cm/s (c) 300 cm/s (d) 400 cm/s

Q . 266 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

In the above problem, the additional distance traversed by m2 in coming to rest position will
be ……………..
(a) 20 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm

Q . 267 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The acceleration of block B in the figure will be …………..





Q . 268 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

If a ladder weighing 250 N is placed against a smooth vertical wall having coefficient of
friction between it and floor is 0.3 , then what is the maximum force of friction available at
the point of contact between the ladder and the floor ?
(a) 75 N (b) 50 N (c) 35 N (d) 25 N

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 76

Q . 269 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
On the horizontal surface of a truck ( = 0.6), a block of mass 1 kg is placed. If the truck is
accelerating at the rate of 5m/sec2 then frictional force on the block will be …………………….
(a) 5 N (b) 6 N (c) 5.88 N (d) 8 N
Q . 270 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A block of mass 2 kg is kept on the floor. The coefficient of
static friction is 0.4 . If a force F of 2.5 N is applied on the
block as shown in the figure, the frictional force between
the block and the floor will be ……………..
(a) 2.5 N (b) 5 N (c) 7.84 N (d) 10 N

Q . 271 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A block A with mass 100 kg is resting on another block B of mass 200 kg. As shown in figure a
horizontal rope tied to a wall holds it. The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.2
while coefficient of friction between B and the ground is
0.3. The minimum required force F
to start moving B will be …………….
(a) 900 N (b) 100 N
(c) 1100 N (d) 1200 N

Q . 272 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A 20 kg block is initially at rest on a rough horizontal surface. A horizontal force of 75 N is
required to set the block in motion. After it is in motion, a horizontal force of 60 N is
required to keep the block moving with constant speed. The coefficient of static friction is
(a) 0.38 (b) 0.44 (c) 0.52 (d) 0.60

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 77

Q . 273 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A block of mass M is placed on a rough floor of a lift . The coefficient of friction between the
block and the floor is . When the lift falls freely, the block is pulled horizontally on the
floor. What will be the force of friction ?
(a) Mg (b) Mg/2 (c) 2 Mg (d) None of these

Q . 274 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A body of 5 kg weight kept on a rough inclined plane of angle 30o starts sliding with a
constant velocity. Then the coefficient of friction is …………… (assume g = 10 m/s2)

(a) (b) (c) √ (d) √

√ √

Q . 275 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The upper half of an inclined plane of inclination is perfectly smooth while the lower half
is rough . A body starting from the rest at top comes back to rest at the bottom if the
coefficient of friction for the lower half is given ………….
(a) = sin (b) = cot (c) = 2 cos (d) = 2 tan

Q . 276 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

What is the maximum value of the force F such that the
block shown in the arrangement, does not move ?

( )

(a) 20 N (b) 10 N
(c) 12 N (d) 15 N

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 78

Q . 277 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A block of mass m rests on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the figure. Coefficient of
friction between the block and the surface is the
vertical side of the block pulls it. In which of the following cases the block can be pulled
along the surface ?
(a) tan ≥ (b) cot ≥ (c) tan /2≥ (d) cot /2≥
Q . 278 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
A body of mass 10 kg is lying on a rough plane inclined at an angle of 30o to the horizontal
and the coefficient of friction is 0.5 . The minimum force required to pull the body up the
plane is ………………
(a) 914 N (b) 91.4 N (c) 9.14 N (d) 0.914 N

Q . 279 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A block of mass 10 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction
= 0.5 . If a horizontal force of 100 N is acting on it , then acceleration of the block will be …..
(a) 0.5 m/s2 (b) 5 m/s2 (c) 10 m/s2 (d) 15 m/s2

Q . 280 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

A body of weight 64 N is pushed with just enough force to start it moving across a horizontal
floor and the same force continues to act afterwards. If the coefficients of static and
dynamic friction are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively, the acceleration of the body will be
(Acceleration due to gravity = g)

(a) (b) 0.64 g (c) (d) 0.2 g

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Q . 281 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08
If a block moving up at = 30 with a velocity 5 m/s , stops after 0.5 sec , then what is ?

(a) 0.5 (b) 1.25 (c) 0.6 (d) None of these

Q . 282 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

Two blocks of mass M1 and M2 are connected with a
string passing over a pulley as shown in the figure. The
block M1 lies on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of
friction between the block M1 and horizontal surface
is . The system accelerates . What additional mass m
should be placed on the block M1 so that the system
does not accelerate ?

(a) (b) – M1 (c) M2 - (d) ( M2 – M1 )

Q . 283 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.03 in the
diagram where mass m2 = 20 kg and m1 = 4 kg . The
acceleration of the block shall be ……………………..
( g = 10 m/s2 )
(a) 1.8 m/s2 (b) 0.8 m/s2
(c) 1.4 m/s2 (d) 0.4 m/s2

Q . 284 Me 1.06 , 1.07 , 1.08

The system shown in the figure is in equilibrium. The maximum value of W , so that the
maximum value of static frictional force on 100 kg . body is 450 N , will be …………………

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 80

(a) 100 N (b) 250 N
(c) 450 N (d) 1000 N

Q . 285 Me 1.09
A car moves around a circular path of a constant radius at a constant speed. Which of the
following statements is true?

(a) The car’s velocity is constant.

(b) The car’s acceleration is constant.

(c) The car’s acceleration is zero.

(d) The car’s velocity is directed toward the center.

(e) The car’s acceleration is directed toward the center.

Q . 286 Me 1.09
A car moves around a circular path of a constant radius at a constant speed. When the car is
at the top of the circular path, what is the direction of the velocity?

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 81

Q . 287 Me 1.09

A car moves around a circular path of a constant radius at a constant

speed. When the car is at the top of the circular path, what is the
direction of the acceleration ?

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Q . 288 Me 1.09
An object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. Which of the following is true?

(a) The car’s acceleration is zero because it has a constant speed

(b) The car’s acceleration is not zero and causes the car to slow down

(c) The car’s acceleration is not zero and causes the car to speed up

(d) The car’s acceleration is not zero and causes the change in the direction of the car’s

(e) None from the above

Q . 289 Me 1.09
A small sphere is swung in a vertical circle. Which of the following combinations represents
the direction of the velocity and acceleration at the bottom of the circle? (b)

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 82


(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Q . 290 Me 1.09
A small sphere is swung in a vertical circle. Which of the
following combinations represents the direction of the velocity
and acceleration at the right-most point of the circle?

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Q . 291 Me 1.09
An object experiences a uniform circular motion in a horizontal
plane, as illustrated to the right. The direction of the net force is:

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 83

Q . 292 Me 1.09
A small ball attached to the end of a string experiences a
uniform circular motion on a horizontal frictionless table. In
order to keep the ball moving in a circle the string must apply
force on the ball toward the center of the circle. Which of the
following refers to a reaction force?

(a) The force of gravity pulling down.

(b) The normal force pushing up.

(c) The force applied by the ball on the table.

(d) The force applied by the ball on the string.

(e) The force applied by the table on the ball.

Q . 293 Me 1.09
A boy stands at the edge of a rotating table. Which of the
following forces prevents him from sliding off the table?

(a) The force of gravity. (b) The normal force.

(c) The static friction. (d) The kinetic friction.

(e) None from the above .

Q . 294 Me 1.09
A boy stands at the edge of a rotating table. In order to keep
him moving in a circular path the table applies a certain force on
the boy. Which of the following is the reaction force to this

(a) The normal force on the boy.

(b) The force of gravity exerted on the boy by Earth.

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 84

(c) The force of gravity exerted on Earth by the boy.

(d) The force exerted on the table by the boy that is directed straight down.

(e) The static friction force exerted by the boy on the table.

Q . 295 Me 1.09
An object travels in a circular path of radius r at a constant speed v. What happens to the
object’s acceleration if the radius of the circle is doubled and the speed stays unchanged?

(a) It doubles. (b) It quadruples. (c) It is cut to a half.

(d) It is cut to a quarter. (e) Stays unchanged.

Q . 296 Me 1.09
An object travels in a circular path of radius r at a constant speed v. What happens to the
object’s acceleration if the speed is doubled and the radius stays unchanged?

(a) It doubles (b) It quadruples (c) It is cut to a half

(d) It is cut to a quarter (e) Stays unchanged

Q . 297 Me 1.09
An object travels in a circular path of radius r at a constant speed v. What happens to the
object’s acceleration if the radius of the circle is quadrupled and the speed is doubled?

(a) It doubles (b) It quadruples (c) It is cut to a half

(d) It is cut to a quarter (e) Stays unchanged

Q . 298 Me 1.09
An object moves at a constant acceleration a in a circular path of radius r. Which of the
following is the object’s velocity?

(a) a x r (b) (c) (d) √ (e) √

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 85

Q . 299 Me 1.09
An object moves around a circular path at a constant speed and makes five complete
revolutions in 20 seconds. What is the period of rotation?

(a) 5 s (b) 10 s (c) 4 s (d) 20 s (e) 15 s

Q . 300 Me 1.09
An object moves around a circular path at a constant speed and makes ten complete
revolutions in 5 seconds. What is the frequency of rotation?

(a) 2 Hz (b) 4 Hz (c) 6 Hz (d) 10 Hz (e) 20 Hz

Q . 301 Me 1.09
An object rotates with a period of 10 s. How many revolutions will it make in 25 s?

(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 5 (d) 2.5 (e) 2

Q . 302 Me 1.09
An object rotates with a frequency of 300Hz. How many revolutions will it make in 15 s?

(a) 1000 (b) 1500 (c) 2000 (d) 3500 (e) 4500

Q . 303 Me 1.09
An object rotates with a period of 0.5 s. What is the frequency of rotations?

(a) 1.0 Hz (b) 1.5 Hz (c) 2.0 Hz (d) 2.5 Hz (e) 3.0 Hz

Q . 304 Me 1.09
An object rotates with a frequency of 50 Hz. What is the period of rotations?

(a) 0.02 s (b) 0.15 s (c) 0.25 s (d) 0.05 s (e) 0.03 s

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 86

Q . 305 Me 1.09
A ball of mass m moves at a constant speed v in circular path with a radius R. Which of the
following represents the net force applied on the ball?

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Q . 306 Me 1.09
An object of mass m moves at a constant speed v around a circular path of radius r. The net
force applied to the object is F. What happens to the net force if the speed is doubled and
the radius remains the same?

(a) It doubles (b) It quadruples (c) Stays the same

(d) Is cut to one-half (e) Is cut to one-quarter

Q . 307 Me 1.09
An object of mass m moves at a constant speed v around a circular path of radius r. The net
force applied on the object is F. What happens to the net force if speed is doubled and
radius is quadrupled?

(a) It doubles (b) It quadruples

(c) Stays the same (d) It is cut to one-half

(e) It is cut to one-quarter

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 87

Q . 308 Me 1.09
A ball of mass m attached to a light string moves at a constant speed v in a vertical circle
with a radius R. Which of the following is true about the magnitude of the net force at point
A compared to that at point B?

(a) The net force at point A is greater than at point B

(b) The net force at point A is less than at point B

(c) The net force is zero at all points around the circle

(d) The net force at point A is equal to the net force at point B

Q . 309 Me 1.09
A roller coaster car moves on a track with one section that is a vertical circular loop of radius
R. When the car is at the top of the loop it just
maintains contact with the track. What is the car’s
acceleration at this point?

(a) g upward (b) 0.5 g upward

(c) Zero (d) 0.5 g downward (e) g downward

Q . 310 Me 1.09
A roller coaster car moves on a track with one
section that is a vertical circular loop of radius
R. When the car is at the top of the loop it just
maintains contact with the track. What is the
car’s velocity at this point?

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 88


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) √

Q . 311 Me 1.09
A pilot performs a vertical maneuver around a circle with a radius R.
Which of the following is true about the pilot’s apparent weight?

(a) It increases when he moves from the lowest to the highest point of
the circle .

(b) It decreases when he moves from the lowest to the highest point of the circle

(c) It decreases when he moves from the highest to the lowest point of the circle

(d) Remains constant at all points

(e) More information is required

Q . 312 Me 1.09
A pilot performs a vertical maneuver around a circle with a radius R.
When the airplane is at the lowest point of the circle the pilot’s
apparent weight is 6 mg. What is the acceleration of the plane at the
lowest point?

(a) g (b) 2 g (c) 3 g (d) 4 g (e) 5 g

Q . 313 Me 1.09
A pilot performs a vertical maneuver around a circle with a radius R.
When the airplane is at the lowest point of the circle pilot’s weight is 4
mg. What is the velocity at the lowest point?

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 89

(a) √ (b) √ (c) √ (d) √ (e) √

Q . 314 Me 1.09
A coin lies on the top of a turntable at a distance R from the center. The table rotates at a
constant speed v. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction that can prevent the
coin from sliding of the table?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) √

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 90


Q. number Answer Q. number Answer Q. number Answer
1 c 2 B 3 d
4 c 5 C 6 b
7 a 8 B 9 b
10 b 11 B 12 d
13 c 14 B 15 d
16 a 17 B 18 b
19 b 20 B 21 c
22 c 23 C 24 a
25 b 26 A 27 c
28 a 29 D 30 a
31 c 32 B 33 b
34 c 35 A 36 b
37 b 38 c 39 a
40 d 41 a 42 d
43 c 44 C 45 d
46 c 47 D 48 c
49 b 50 a 51 a
52 b 53 a 54 d
55 c 56 C 57 a
58 c 59 c 60 c
61 c 62 d 63 b

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 91

Q. number Answer Q. number Answer Q. number Answer
64 b 65 c 66 d
67 a 68 c 69 c
70 b 71 b 72 c
73 b 74 d 75 c
76 c 77 c 78 c
79 C 80 b 81 c
82 B 83 D 84 c
85 B 86 D 87 d
88 B 89 A 90 b
91 d 92 b 93 d
94 d 95 b 96 c
97 b 98 b 99 d
100 b 101 b 102 c
103 a 104 d 105 c
106 a 107 b 108 a
109 b 110 a 111 c
112 d 113 d 114 a
115 c 116 c 117 C
118 d 119 d 120 c
121 b 122 d 123 c
124 a 125 c 126 c
127 c 128 c 129 b
130 c 131 d 132 d

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 92

Q. number Answer Q. number Answer Q. number Answer
133 b 134 d 135 a
136 d 137 b 138 c
139 b 140 b 141 c
142 c 143 a 144 a
145 a 146 c 147 d
148 b 149 b 150 d
151 c 152 b 153 a
154 d 155 c 156 b
157 d 158 a 159 b
160 c 161 b 162 d
163 c 164 d 165 a
166 c 167 a 168 b
169 c 170 a 171 d
172 b 173 c 174 c
175 b 176 d 177 a
178 b 179 c 180 c
181 a 182 c 183 b
184 a 185 a 186 c
187 b 188 c 189 d
190 c 191 b 192 c
193 c 194 c 195 a
196 b 197 d 198 b
199 a 200 c 201 c

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 93

Q. number Answer Q. number Answer Q. number Answer
202 c 203 c 204 c
205 b 206 b 207 d
208 a 209 a 210 d
211 a 212 b 213 a
214 b 215 b 216 c
217 b 218 c 219 b
220 d 221 a 222 b
223 b 224 d 225 d
226 b 227 a 228 a
229 c 230 d 231 a
232 d 233 d 234 d
235 c 236 c 237 b
238 b 239 c 240 d
241 a 242 b 243 c
244 c 245 a 246 d
247 a 248 b 249 b
250 c 251 a 252 d
253 b 254 d 255 c
256 c 257 a 258 b
259 c 260 d 261 c
262 d 263 b 264 a
265 b 266 a 267 a
268 a 269 a 270 a

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 94

Q. number Answer Q. number Answer Q. number Answer
271 c 272 a 273 d
274 a 275 d 276 a
277 d 278 b 279 b
280 d 281 c 282 b
283 c 284 c 285 e
286 c 287 b 288 d
289 b 290 d 291 c
292 d 293 c 294 e
295 c 296 b 297 e
298 d 299 c 300 a
301 d 302 e 303 c
304 a 305 c 306 b
307 c 308 d 309 e
310 e 311 b 312 e
313 c 314 d

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 95


With my best wishes

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim

Assiut STEM School

Mr / David Tallat Ibrahim Page 96

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