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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту

Національний технічний університет України

“Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського”

Факультет ФІОТ
Кафедра ТК


з дисципліни “Англійська мова професійного спрямування”

на тему: “Useful applications for Linux”

Павлучинський В.М.
студент групи ІТ-84

Сергеєва О. О.

Київ 2020


Introduction……………………………………………...………….…….. 3
Text editors………………………..……………………………….……....4
Image processing tools………………………………….…………….…....4
Video editors………………………..……………………………………...5
Audio editors……………………………………………………….….…....5
Summary……………..…………………………………………………… 6
Summary translate/..……………………………………………………… 7
References……………….....……………………………………..………. 8
Glossary……………………………………………………..……………. 9


Now I want to tell you about why I chose this topic for my research paper. The
main reason is that many people use Linux at work and at home, and for this circle of
people the topic of useful applications for Linux can be quite relevant, especially for
those who have just started using this operating system. I also want to mention that in
fact, a lot of applications was already adapted for Linux. So even if the applications
presented in this abstract do not seem very convenient to you or do not fully meet your
requirements, you can check the website of the developer of the application you need
and you will most likely find a version for Linux. But I think that the applications that
will be mentioned will most likely be useful to you if you want to work with Linux.
Why does Linux have its own audience and why do I adapt applications for it?
This is because it has a number of advantages over Windows such as easy installation
of programs (via console commands), this operating system is free, security (since most
viruses are written for Windows), less demanding on computer resources. For the
reasons listed earlier, Linux is more attractive to developers than Windows.
There are a lot of different types of applications, of which I have selected those
that in my opinion cover the widest range of interests. The types that I have chosen for
this research paper include: photo editors, text editors, video editors, audio editors. This
research will show examples of useful Linux applications and their comparison with
their counterparts from other platforms.
Note that the precursor to the Vim text editor that is currently built into the Linux
operating system was Vi created back in 1987 by Tim Thompson. Later, Bram
Moolenaar, based on Vi, began work on Vim and released it in 1991. At the moment,
it is a fairly popular text editor for Linux users as it is very multifunctional and can be
used both for writing code and simply for writing text files.
I would also like to note that, first of all, Linux is an operating system for
programmers, but in this study, various code editors will not be mentioned, since most
of them can work on Linux and do not require any search for analogs. I also want to
mention that in this work there will be no talk of various apps that make other
applications that are not supported on Linux work, because this method is rather
inconvenient and may require extra computer resources to maintain such apps. So the
applications mentioned in this work are originally designed to work on Linux or are

Text editors

Text editors these days are used by everyone who deals with documents, writes
reports, or does any kind of work related to text. Accordingly, Linux users also need to
use text editors. Word is the most popular text editor but unfortunately not supported
on Linux, so further on it will be told about text editors that are supported on Linux.
So I further on shown the best variants for you if you change your OS and want
something like Microsoft Office. First of them is LibreOffice is the most popular
analogue of Microsoft Office and covers almost all of its functionality. It also supports
the expansion of functionality using plugins. and in general, it is not inferior to its
analogue from Windows in anything other than popularity. The second is Apache
OpenOffice quite similar to LibreOffice, but the frequency of updates, alas, does not
keep up. In general, the main functionality of office suites covers and enjoys good
popularity among users. So, although in terms of development and worse than the
previously mentioned LibreOffice, it is still quite usable.
Personally, I would prefer LibreOffice as it is a full replacement for Microsoft
suite and has a satisfactory update rate and is free. The indicated 2 analogs are not the
only ones, and if they are not enough, then you can find quite a lot of analogs, but these
2 are full-fledged

Image processing tools

For photo editing, the most popular is Paint and Photoshop. Many people using
Linux also need photo editors, but unfortunately the above mentioned Paint and
Photoshop are not supported on Linux. Of course exist a lot of analogues for Linux,
and one of them is the Gimp. Gimp has a toolbar in its functionality and convenience
that is not much inferior to Photoshop and, unlike Photoshop, is free, but naturally there
is also a small minus the interface convenience at a not very high level. Also for Linux
there is a very convenient Darktable created specifically for processing digital photos,
which also includes all the functionality of Photoshop. Also, this editor is included in
the official Linux installation packages. If you need a vector graphics editor, then
Inkscape as it is similar to its analogue Illustrator, but at the same time it is a free
application. Can support many different formats such as SVG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF etc.
So of the options, depending on the purpose, Inkscape and Gimp are excellent
image editors that perfectly replace their more common counterparts. of course, as in
the case of text editors, there are still many other applications for working with images,
and if the functionality of the mentioned above is not enough, you can also find other

Video editors

If we talk video editing the best choice is certainly Vegas and Adobe Premiere,
but sadly, they are only for Windows and Mac OS. Therefore, I would like to advise
some of the analogs available on Linux that I consider worthy. One of the options is
Shotcut, it is free video editor. Unlike Kdenlive, Shotcut is easy to use but couldn`t be
use for professional processing. Therefore, for a more professional video processing,
If you need some professional tool I strongly recommend Kdenlive, it is certainly
choice if you need video processor with rich functional. And this strong tool for video
editing is totally free.
Unfortunately, there are almost all professional video editing programs that are
created for Windows or Mac OS, of course Blender for example supported on Linux
but it is more likely to be used to create animations with 3 objects than for video editing.
But if this is really necessary, then Kdenlive can cover most of the functionality, but in
this case the choice is not very large, since other video editors for Linux are mainly for

Audio editors

One of the best audio editing applications is Adobe Audition, but like the rest of
the applications, Adobe is not supported on Linux and is quite expensive. Fortunately,
there are quite a few free and functional analogs such as Audacity for relatively simple
processing. This program is popular with podcasters because of its simplicity and the
ability to record up to 16 tracks simultaneously. This is convenient if there are several
speakers and everyone speaks into their own microphone. Audio output to headphones
is also available when recording. And there is also a program for more complex
processing - oceanaudio. For a full-fledged processing cycle of a podcast or turnkey
audiobook, there is not enough multitracking mode here, but it is easy to do everything
within one track that paid programs offer.
It's a pity, but I did not find a Linux application that would include the full
functionality (and full processing and processing of several tracks), but for most cases
these applications should be enough


After completing this research, I can conclude that even if applications released
for Windows are more popular, this does not mean that they do not have sufficient
analogues for Linux. Especially in recent years, many different applications have been
released and adapted. Since most people using Linux use it for work, it is obvious that
there will be applications that they can use to do their job.
I would also like to mention that naturally all the applications mentioned in this
work were chosen because of their popularity and how well they repeat the
functionality of their Windows counterparts. This does not mean at all that other
applications are bad or cannot cover the functionality for some, it would be more
reasonable to use not specified applications. But for most aims the applications
mentioned above are quite suitable, and despite my lack of personal experience in using
these applications based on the articles and opinions of the majority people about them
I can say that in use they are often no worse than applications for Windows and for
some cases even have an advantage in the speed of work and the fact that they are free.
While I was writing this research paper, I realize that if a person really needs to
switch to Linux, find the applications that he needs for this operating system is not a
serious problem at all. Because not only are most applications for Linux free, like the
operating system itself, but also unlike 10 years ago there is a fairly large selection.
Although for an ordinary person, the simple interface of Windows and its applications
is still more attractive. But since most developers use Linux, it is natural that there are
more applications for this operating system. At the moment, not so many new
applications are released exclusively for Windows.
In addition to the good part, I want to upset Linux users, despite the fact that
most Linux applications are free and have a rather wide variety, they do not always
have analogues suitable for use at a professional level. But personally, I think this is
not a very big problem, since Linux is written for developers who, mainly at a
professional level, only need code editors, most of which initially work on Linux even
better than on Windows. Based on the fact that the main users are programmers, the
rest of the application, in my opinion, does not really need functionality intended for

Summary Translate

Закінчивши це дослідження, я можу зробити висновок, що навіть якщо

додатки, випущені для Windows, є більш популярними, це не означає, що вони
не мають достатніх аналогів для Linux. Особливо за останні роки було випущено
та адаптовано багато різних додатків. Оскільки більшість людей, які
використовують Linux, використовують його для роботи, очевидно, що
існуватимуть додатки, які вони зможуть використовувати для своєї роботи.
Я також хотів би зазначити, що, природно, усі програми, згадані в цій роботі,
були обрані через їх популярність і те, наскільки якісно вони відтворюють
функціональність своїх аналогів Windows. Це зовсім не означає, що інші
програми є поганими або не можуть охоплювати функціональність для деяких,
розумніше було б використовувати невизначені програми. Але для більшості
цілей програми, згадані вище, цілком підходять, і, незважаючи на відсутність у
мене особистого досвіду використання цих програм, виходячи зі статей та думок
більшості людей про них, я можу сказати, що у використанні вони часто не гірші
за програми для Windows. а в деяких випадках є навіть перевага в швидкості
роботи та в тому, що вони безкоштовні.
Під час написання цієї дослідницької роботи я зрозумів, що якщо людині дійсно
потрібно перейти на Linux, пошук програм, необхідних їй для цієї операційної
системи, зовсім не є основною проблемою. Оскільки не тільки більшість програм
для Linux, як і сама операційна система, безкоштовні, але, на відміну від 10 років
тому, їх вибір досить великий. Хоча для пересічної людини простий інтерфейс
Windows та її додатків все ж є більш привабливим. Але оскільки більшість
розробників використовують Linux, цілком природно, що додатків для цієї
операційної системи більше. В даний час існує не так багато нових додатків, що
випускаються виключно для Windows.
На додаток до хорошої частини, я хочу засмутити користувачів Linux,
незважаючи на те, що більшість програм Linux є безкоштовними і мають досить
широке різноманіття, вони не завжди мають аналоги, придатні для використання
на професійному рівні. Але особисто я вважаю, що це не дуже велика проблема,
оскільки Linux створений для розробників, які, переважно на професійному
рівні, потребують лише редакторів коду, більшість з яких спочатку працюють на
Linux навіть краще, ніж на Windows. Виходячи з того, що основними
користувачами є програмісти, решта додатків, на мій погляд, насправді не
потребує функціоналу, призначеного для професіоналів.


1. Айше Джемилева (2020 December 9). Лучшие альтернативы Photoshop для

Linux. Retrieved April 23 2021, from
2. Егор Мирошениченко (2020 December 20). 16 популярных альтернатив
Microsoft Office для Linux. Retrieved April 23 2021, from
3. Паша Прокофьев (2019 October 15 ). 8 лучших аудиоредакторов для
музыки и голосовых дорожек. Retrieved April 23 2021, from
4. Ahsan, Z. (n.d.). The 10 Best Video Editors for Linux. Retrieved April 23 2021,
5. losst. (2016 August 6). ЛУЧШИЕ ВИДЕОРЕДАКТОРЫ ДЛЯ
LINUX. Retrieved April 23 2021, from
6. Kernighan, B. W. (2019). UNIX: A History and a Memoir Paperback. Toronto,
Canada: Independently published.
7. Free Analogs. (2020). Редакторы векторной графики. Retrieved April 23
2021, from


№ English Ukrainian

1. to cover покривати

2. to track відслідковувати

3. most likely з великою ймовірністю

4. A counterpart аналог

5. accordingly відповідно

6. further on далі

7. an office suite офісні пакет

8. comparison порівняння

9. inferior гірший

10. alas нажаль

11. frequency частота

12. full-fledged повноцінний

13. convenience зручність

14. lack недостатність

15. sufficient компетентний

16. fairly достатньо


17. various різноманітний

18. rather вірніше

19. maintain утримувати

20. among серед

21. satisfactory задовільний

22. above вище

23. purpose мета

24. certainly звичайно

25. apart на віддалі

26. turnkey повністю готовий

27. A camcorder відеокамера

28. to utilize використовувати

29. multitrack багато доріжка

30. external додатковий

31. novice новачок

32. realm of область

33. beyond поза

34. comprehensive все сторонній


35. former минулий

36. demands вимоги

37. an issue питання

38. concurrently одночасно

39. moreover до того ж

40. motion рух

41. a playhead повзунок

42. up-rezzing піднімати вгору

43. captioning субтитри

44. an adjustment коригування

45. a layer шар

46. curve крива

47. unarguably беззаперечно

48. to merge зливатися

49. smooth гладка

50. within в межах

51. to trim обрізати

52. to snap клацати


53. In a nutshell коротко

54. a struggle боротьба

55. a sampler зразок

56. a rack штатив

57. an amplifier підсилювач

58. a notation позначення

59. approach підхід

60. affordable доступні

61. capability здатність

62. manually вручну

63. precursor попередник

64. utility корисність

65. broad широкий

66. sufficient достатньо

67. retouch ретуш

68. enhance посилити

69. lighttable світлостійкий

70. workflow робочий процес


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