Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

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Osadchiy M. V.
Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic

Key words: the internet, website, information, online shopping, online

communicating, scammer, web-business.
Introduction. Nobody doubts that the creation of the Web in the 20th century
was one of the biggest breakthroughs. However, not many people know how many
new things it has brought into everyday life.
Objectives. The main task is to show how the internet changed our everyday
life during the XXI century. There is the categorized list of things that the Web has
brought to us.
1. Finding information
The creation of many big websites like Wikipedia, Google, and Yahoo have
played a huge role in how we are researching the information nowadays. There are no
visible negative sides of such search. You can both use the newly created methods of
search, or you can just go online and find the books, which you need for your
research (Karen Weider, 2016).
2. Communication with people
If you are living for more than 20 years, you cannot miss the fact that the way
people communicate has changed drastically. Humans do not prefer the live
communication over the other ways of talking. The social media has brought the ease
that we needed so much in the communicating. Now you can text your friends using
just your phone, and stay up to date with all their news. All of this thanks to Tim
Berners-Lee’s creation.
3. Shopping
The way people shop nowadays might seem the same as the one that we could
see several decades ago. However, that is only visible when we go to the ‘offline’
shopping malls, while online we can see the rise of Internet shopping. Such sites as
the Aliexpress and Amazon have changed the way we look at purchases over the
Web. No more worries about the scammers, you get a warranty, which consists of
millions of purchases every day. In addition, if you do not know whether to buy a
good or not, you can always find the needed review on it online.
4. Studying
Nowadays the internet is very useful in education. Not only can students
cooperate with foreign ones, they also can share ideas and learn about the diverse
cultures out there. Parents can also become actively involved in their kids' education
by linking their children's school with libraries, homes, and more. Millions of schools
around the world are already using this technology to enhance learning (Echo Brown,
5. Learning foreign languages
If you once learned a foreign language, you would know that the best way to
study English (for example) is to speak English. With the help of the internet, you can
easily find a foreigner to talk to and to practice your skills. Moreover, you can even
try to search for a native speaker that would be much better teacher, than the common
one. Today, it is very important to understand foreign colleagues or business partners
and that is the best way to practice.
6. To do business
No news that people are using the Internet to make money. Some people go
into the new field of freelance to earn some money with the skills they have without
going to the office to work. However, some go even further. They create their
business online-based. Such companies are making some good money nowadays, so
we can say that creating a web-business is a huge thing that was created only thanks
to the creation of the Internet. Internet communication brings teams together across
the globe. That is why it is much easier to work effective, because there is no need to
be in the same office with the whole team.
Results. Nowadays, the internet has an influence in every branch of our life:
communicating, studying, shopping, working, entertaining ourselves, searching for
the information etc. This technology made our life much easier. Moreover, the
internet can improve it even more drastically in the future. Nobody doubts, that it
won’t take a lot of time.
Conclusion. In the end, it is important to say that without the Internet our
everyday life would have been different. People have become linked to the Web, as
to a thing that has always been here for us. Sure, nobody knows how much bad
influence it has brought into our lives. Although, we have to thank the creators of this
great invention for making our lives easier and more interesting.
1. Karen Weider. (2016, March 26). 15 reasons why people use the
internet. Retrieved from
2. Echo Brown. (2017, September 30). 6 Benefits of Internet
Communication. Retrieved from

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