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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту

Національний технічний університет України

“Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського”

Факультет _________________
Кафедра ____________________


з дисципліни “Англійська мова професійного спрямування”

на тему: “the Internet”

Волощук С.С.
студент групи ІТ-84

Сергеєва О. О.

Київ 2020
Introduction…………………………………………………………….. 3
Origin And Development........................................……………………. 4
Internet of things………………………………………………...…….... 5
Summary……………………………………………………………...… 7
Summary translation……………………………………………………. 8
References……………… ……………………………………………. 9
Glossary…………………………………………………………………. 9

Internet is a network system that made revolution in communications and

trading sphere by allowing different computers through all over the world to have a
connection to each other. Sometimes referred as a “network of networks” the Internet
appeared in USA in the 1970’s but didn’t make it to the general public until the
beginning of 1990’s. In 2020, almost 4.5 billion people – more than half of the
world's population, has access to the Internet.
Today we think little about where to find the answer to this or that question.
When you have the Internet at hand, it all comes down to typing the necessary search
query in Google. The Internet is one of the most powerful sources of information,
data, and allows you to stay connected.
The ability to communicate without borders is one of the greatest gifts to
humanity from the World Wide Web. Of course, no capital letters or images
transmitted by a webcam can replace a real live person, but we must admit that the
latter is not always and can be done while using the Internet, social networks, such as
a site or Facebook , numerous Internet pagers and e-mails allow you to establish
contact with a person wherever he is.
At one time, Mark Zuckerberg found the right "button" among human needs -
the need to be in touch with other people, communicate, find new acquaintances or
restore old contacts. It is for this reason that his Facebook project gained worldwide
popularity in the shortest possible time, and Mark Zuckerberg himself gained not
only fame, but also a good income.
The Internet is an opportunity to develop your own business, regardless of
borders. It is unlikely that anyone will deny that online business opens up many
opportunities, even for those companies that operate offline. The World Wide Web is
not only a source of information, but also a source of opportunity to disseminate this
information indefinitely.
Given the constant lack of time, many are gradually getting used to the fact that
a large number of actions can be performed without leaving the monitor: go to the
store, "visit" a press conference, make a phone call, read newspapers and more. etc.
Of course, skeptics immediately rush to condemn this way of organizing life:
they say that soon people will stop leaving the house at all. However, there is no
denying the fact that the opportunity to save your own time in this way allows you to
allocate it for something more important: communication with family, going to the
park, relaxing with friends.
Origin And Development

In 1957, in connection with the launch of the first satellite by the Soviet Union,
US President Eisenhower issued a decree establishing the Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA), which brought together the brightest US scientists. It was
this agency that, a few years later, focused its activities on the use of computers for
communications for military purposes.
It is believed that this research began with Dr. Lickleader, who was appointed
in 1962 to head the project on the use of computer technology for military purposes.
He attracted private non-military firms and universities to research, initiating the
October 22 is considered the birthday of the Internet connection. After all, it
was on this day in 1969 that a connection and data transfer was established between
the University of California, where the project was led by Charlie Kline, and
Stanford, led by Bill Dawall. During the first attempt, it was possible to transmit only
the first three characters - "LOG", after which the network failed. However, when
APRANET returned to operational status a few hours later, another attempt was
Every year ARPAnet grew and developed and from a military and classified
network became more and more accessible to various organizations.
In 1973, the network went international.
In 1983, a new ARPAnet access mechanism called "TCP / IP" was introduced.
This protocol made it easy to connect to the Internet using a telephone line.
In the late 1980s, the patience of the military came to an end, as the network
went from secret to public. Therefore, they separated from the network a part for their
needs, called MILNet.
In the late 90s, it became possible to transmit over the network not only text,
but also graphic information and multimedia.
The history of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet begins on December 19,
1990, when Yuriy Yankovskiy from the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center for
Programming Technologies "Technosoft" (Kiev) under "united to the Internet. Ten
years later, in November 2000. the Internet Association of Ukraine (InAU) was
created, of which UCloud is a valid member today.
The history of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet begins on December 19,
1990, when a Ukrainian Yuriy Yankovsky from the Interdisciplinary Scientific
Center for Programming Technology Technosoft (Kiev) connected to the Internet.
In the spring of 1991, Technosoft, founded by Yankovsky and colleagues,
officially received the status of an Internet Service Provider (ISP). After Kiev,
Kharkiv was connected to the Internet, and by the end of 1991, the node
served users not only in the capital, but also in many other cities of Ukraine.
As of November 2019, 4.1 billion people are connected to the Internet
worldwide. The highest connectivity is in Europe (82.5%) and the lowest in Africa
By mid-2012, Ukraine is among the top ten European countries in terms of the
number of Internet users - up to 15 million Ukrainians (33% of residents) have access
to the World Wide Web.
According to Gemius, as of June 2019, this figure has increased significantly,
as there are 24.8 Internet users in Ukraine. According to the annual survey of Kantar
Ukraine in 2019, 74% of the Ukrainian population uses the Internet, 85% of them -
every day.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of things that are connected to the
Internet. These things include IoT devices and physical objects equipped with IoT.
The term encompasses a wide range of applications, from consumer devices such as
smart home solutions or pet trackers, sensors for livestock or farmland, to industrial
assets such as machines, robots, oil and gas complexes or even workers.
A key event in the development of the Internet of Things happened not so long
ago, in 2008-2009. It was then that the official transition from the Internet of people
to the Internet of Things took place. How was this determined? It's very simple: in
2008-2009, there were more objects on the Internet than people.
And then the number of devices connected to the Internet only grew. And at a
crazy pace. Already today, 20 billion devices of a wide variety are connected to the
Internet, from industrial machines to smartphones.
To implement a smart system, you need equipment that first recognizes each
other. Then he will be able to receive the necessary information and will be in touch
with the computer, which will process all the data. The Internet of Things can
connect and exchange data in different ways (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or even LTE). The
system is united by software, which was created specifically for collecting,
processing and managing data.
In 1990, John Romkey, one of the creators of the TCP / IP protocol, connected
his toaster to the Internet and made it turn on and off remotely. This device became
the world's first "Internet thing".
There is no precise box or list of devices where the IoT system can be applied.
In practice, IoT can be implemented even in a private house, since almost any
physical object can be turned into “smart”.
Some interesting examples of Internet of Things in our world:
 Radio tags on the body of animals
 A bowl for dogs with a wi-fi module, which gives the dog tasks and rewards
food for correct answers
 A solar-powered trash can that compacts the trash itself and signals the
windshield wipers when it is full
 Automatic systems for collecting fines and alerts about accidents and traffic
Today, the Internet take a huge part of our life. It allows us to communicate
with people at a distance, show photos and videos to people living on another
continent, find any information in seconds, no matter where the user is.
The history of internet begins with the creation of the first experimental
computer network called ARPANET, which main purpose was to switch the
packages of the AARP of the USDD. With the first computer network, the flowering
of human civilization began.
People have the opportunity to exchange information at high speed, the
delivery of which without the Internet took many times longer.
Of course, we should not forget about the huge amount of information
resources that the Internet provides us. Now, to find the necessary information, you
only need to tap the LCD screen a few times, whether it's the information you need
for studying, working or just some songs to set the mood on the party.
Another unsurpassed feature that the Internet gives us is access to the field of
In our century, it is difficult to imagine how people entertained themselves
without gadgets. Access to the Internet helps a lot of people to spent their time. Many
online web-sites offer their services to people so that they can relax for an hour or
YouTube with its endless stock of video will be able to satisfy the need for
entertainment for many people.
Social platforms like Instagram will satisfy a person's need for communication
or even social relationship.
Amazon and other shopping services can replace a proper visit to the mall.
And platforms that sell video games, such as Steam - have already affected
millions of lives, who now happily spend their free time in video games, or even
made games their hobby.
However, one should not forget that all the best should be in moderation.
With the advantages of the Internet came its disadvantages:
- Poor health effects, especially on the back and eyes.
- Potential theft of your personal data.
- Uncensored data can get into the eyes of a child or an untrained viewer.

Summary translation
Сьогодні Інтернет займає величезну частину нашого життя. Він дозволяє
нам спілкуватися з людьми на відстані, показувати фотографії та відео людям,
які живуть на іншому континенті, знаходити будь-яку інформацію за лічені
секунди, незалежно від того, де знаходиться користувач.
Історія Інтернету починається зі створення першої експериментальної
комп'ютерної мережі ARPANET, основною метою якої було переключення
пакетів AARP USDD. З першою комп’ютерною мережею розпочався розквіт
людської цивілізації.
Люди мають можливість обмінюватися інформацією на високій
швидкості, доставка якої без Інтернету зайняла в рази більше часу.
Звичайно, не слід забувати про величезну кількість інформаційних
ресурсів, які нам надає Інтернет. Тепер, щоб знайти необхідну інформацію, вам
потрібно лише кілька разів торкнутися LCD-екрану, будь то інформація,
необхідна для навчання, роботи чи просто вам потрібно декілька пісень, щоб
задати настрій на вечірці.
Ще однією неперевершеною функцією, яку дає нам Інтернет, є доступ до
сфери розваг.
У наше століття важко уявити, як люди розважалися без гаджетів. Доступ
до Інтернету допомагає багатьом людям проводити свій час. Багато веб-сайтів
пропонують свої послуги людям, щоб вони могли відпочити годину або дві.
YouTube з його нескінченним запасом відео зможе задовольнити потребу
в розвагах для багатьох людей.
Соціальні платформи, такі як Instagram, задовольнять потребу людини у
спілкуванні чи навіть соціальних стосунках.
Amazon та інші торгові послуги можуть замінити повноцінне
відвідування торгового центру.
А платформи, що продають відеоігри, такі як Steam - вже вплинули на
мільйони життів, які зараз із задоволенням проводять свій вільний час у
відеоіграх або навіть роблять ігри своїм хобі.
Однак не слід забувати, що все найкраще має бути в міру
З перевагами Інтернету виникли і його недоліки:
- Поганий вплив на здоров’я, особливо на спину та очі.
- Нецензуровані дані можуть потрапити на очі дитини або
непідготованого глядача.

1. Christensson, P. (2021). TechTerms. Retrieved from
2. Glendinning, E. H., & McEwan, J. (2008). Oxford English for Information
Technology (2nd ed.). NY: Oxford.
3. Gromov, G. (2012). Roads and Crossroads of the Internet History. (Original
work published 2005). Retrieved from

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